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Spike Lee on accusations of Elitism towards President Obama

MaxWilder says...

I wish I could upvote more than once. It's not about race, it's about sticking with the rules you agreed to! Ug, those Hilary supporters that didn't get behind Obama just make me sick. And of course the Republicans accusing a Democrat of elitism... ha! Politics is such a joke, I just wish it were funny.

Amy Winehouse younger, purer, healthier: Stronger than Me

David hasselhoff - Our First Night Together (Knight Rider)

Bill Maher's Interview with a Low IQ Senator - Religulous

CaptainPlanet says...

ug! i was so loling about this, but if u scrutinize the last few seconds, it is faked.
"believe in a talking snake" then it cuts, the senators comment is not related to bill's snake comment. if u listen to the senators uneasy laugh again, u can tell its dubbed. to bad, toooo bad.

listen to :42 and on a couple times, u'll see what i meen

Rage Trailer - E3 2008

Superstring theory explained (really!): Brian Greene on TED

Awesome Drummers

Even Bill Gates thinks Vista sucks !

blankfist (Member Profile)

qruel says...

ug. sometimes this shit can get so depressing. like when thinking you're supporting a candidate that will really make a difference (like RP or kucinich) and then seeing them uterrly detroyed by the MSM.

you started editing yet ?

any problems with AVID ?

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
This further confirms what we've already known. And, I fear that candidates like Kucinich and Paul won't get a fair shake at presidency because the election will be fraudulent. Here's a great book I read back in 2003/2004 called Buying the President 2004, which had a very informative section in the front about how the Bush/Gore election was or could have been rigged. It's a great book, because it shows all politicians for what they really are, but the indepth look at Florida's ties to the Bushies was staggering. Worth a retrospective read from me.

ART OF SEDUCTION: Not Pretty, Really

smibbo says...

maybe i'm nuts, or maybe i don't have the right to say this but the POINT is not that those pretty don't have a "right" to the claim "being pretty ain't all its cracked up to be" but that the main negative - falsity and objectivication are negatives that EVERYONE experiences. Believe it or not beautiful people we uglies have to deal with that too!! ZOMG!! However, we DON'T get to have all the little perks that being beautiful gives you.

So let's summarize:
being beautiful - can include being objectified and having false friends
being ugly - can include being objectified and having false friends
Being beautiful - can include getting free stuff, getting picked first for opportunities, being first in line for social events
being ugly - none of the above

being beautiful - maybe the downsides and definitly some perks
being ugly - same downsides, noneof the perks

now WHAT are we feeling sorry for?

ART OF SEDUCTION: Not Pretty, Really

Sherri Shepherd: Jesus predates everything

Oliver North Questioned - Rex 84 Exposed During Iran Contra

This Film Is Not Yet Rated (Full Movie)

Skydivers Collide Midair

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