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Darth Lord pancake art

Eklek says...


Darth Lord pancake art

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Official Trailer 2

ChaosEngine says...

Oh jesus. Why does doomsday look like a fucking ninja turtle? And not even the good ones.. .the shit ones!

Well at least they fairly clearly put paid to the daft "Ben Affleck = Deathstroke" theory straight away.

I cannot for the life of me see how this will be good.

Diver and Turtle

Turtle And The Diver

Turtle And The Diver

Turtle And The Diver

Turtle And The Diver

Rat Crawls On Sleeping Man In New York Subway

Teenager wins $400,000 for video explaining Relativity

newtboy (Member Profile)

"Glowing" Sea Turtle Discovered

newtboy says...

Hey clearly said BIO-FLOURESCENT, not not fake. Biofluorescence is a relatively unstudied feature of some sea life where their coloring fluoresces under certain wavelengths. It's being found all over the animal kingdom, but apparently this is the first reptile found to show it.
Yes, they are shining some light (likely black light) to cause the fluorescence.
It's unknown how this feature might help marine animals. In land plants, it's often used to attract certain insects with colors/patterns they recognize....perhaps the markings on turtles allow other turtles to recognize differing sub species for 'racial purity'?

lucky760 said:

Are they shining a black light on those things to make them glow?


Creatures That Glow

Emma: Master Shredder

New York Has Pizza Rat Fever

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