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Automated Minigun Paintball Turret + Portal Voice = Win

Automated Minigun Paintball Turret + Portal Voice = Win

Payback says...

>> ^BoneRemake:
wa wa w wa wa wa wa waaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiittt a minute.
is the gun he uses just a pressurize cavity holding the pellets with a tube for them to go through ? Thats what I get the gist of ?

That's all those bb guns at the carnival midways do, to be quite honest.

Automated Minigun Paintball Turret + Portal Voice = Win

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'the sentry project, paintball, automated turret, motion tracking' to 'the sentry project, paintball, automated turret, motion tracking, i dont hate you' - edited by calvados

westy (Member Profile)

Zero Punctuation: Bioshock 2

Drax says...

I skipped buying this too. I was excited at first till I heard this is being made by a whole new development team. I guess the other guys ran off to start a new studio.

"It's like playing a sequel to Half-Life where you get to play as a gun turret." lol

Zero Punctuation: Borderlands

cybrbeast says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:
I still enjoyed ME2, I just found it rather light. I wanted ME2 to be Mass Effect Extreme, not Diet Mass Effect.
I was surprised to find out people had such problems driving the MAKO. I had a blast with that thing. I loved that you could land on any planet and drive around, I just wish more of those planets had something on them to discover. To me, they "fixed" planetary exploration completely backwards: they removed the fun part (exploring) and featured the boring part (there's nothing on any of the planets). If you didn't like the handling of the MAKO, that's a separate issue, IMO. I would have been fine with a completely new vehicle so long as the exploration was still an option.

I've heard that the MAKO was really tough to control on the consoles, where the MAKO followed the turret, while on the PC you can move the MAKO and turret independently. I do agree the MAKO was fun, though the things you encountered were a bit bland and generic. This mineral scanning thing is terrible, why not have the onboard AI EDI do in a microsecond what takes you minutes. Instead of ditching the MAKO thye should have just improved the variety of planetary exploration.
I also hate that they removed the weapon statistics and that there are only something like 20 different weapons. Also you can't customize your squad's armor anymore. I wish they wouldn't have simplified this game so much to please the console generation.
Still I'm having fun with it, but I doubt I'll buy the third one.

Last thing I really can't stand how game review sites always praise overhyped games to death. Just look at the metacritic site. A third of the ratings are a perfect 10 and another third 9+. Same thing with Dragon Age
Are there any honest review sites?

Zero Punctuation: Torchlight

paul4dirt (Member Profile)

paul4dirt (Member Profile)

A day in the life of a Portal turret

Man Believes He Has Magical Powers - Throws Tantrum

Sagemind says...

jump and scream?? The guy flips out.
Almost a cross between Turrets and an epileptic seizure.

It's hard to tell whether this is real or faked, though at first glance, it looks fake. What makes it weird, is that he peaks out so instantly and it ends so suddenly. He walks over like nothing has happened and proceeds to put his microphone back on...

Does anyone have more info on what they are saying, of what is actually happening here??

Portal: A Day in the Life of a Turret

Portal: A Day in the Life of a Turret

Portal: A Day in the Life of a Turret

Australian vs. Outback Steakhouse

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

People have to understand that American's co-opt all things culinary and turn them into their own thing. If you are in the United States...
1. Mexican restaurants do not serve 'authentic' Mexican cuisine.
2. Chinese restaurants do not serve 'authentic' Chinese cuisine.
3. Italian restaurants do not serve 'authentic' Italian cuisine.

Basically almost NO ethnic restaurants serve authentic ethnic cuisine. There are some exceptions, but they are few and far between and they are NOT (definitely) NOT a 'chain'.

So for these jerk-faces who are pretending to be funny to get all testy because Outback STEAKHOUSE (steakhouse DUH!) doesn't serve authentic cuisine from Australia's outback is beyond moronic. It isn't funny. It isn't even close to being funny. It's a pathetic attempt at humor that fails miserably on all levels.

If they'd actually tried some HUMOR instead of just being a bunch of jackholes maybe they'd have a purpose. They didn't. Humor isn't just tossing an epileptic, autistic, turret's syndrome fit in public over something pathetically mundane like the non-issue of an American restaurant (gasp!) serving American food!

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