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"Feigning Interest" - Funny Josh Hopkins music video

videosiftisclownshoes says...

I used to be greenmenace, before you trigger-happy folks kicked me off without even allowing me a chance to respond to the threat of it.

I didn't get that reaction, James. I won't deny knowing metroville, since he used my computer 3 days ago (I was deliberately vague with LadyBug only because her initial comment made it clear that she was trying to get you guys to look into the matter and I was not inclined to help her expedite the process). I checked the terms of service (as metroville had failed to)--there's no rule against posting friend's videos.

Metroville didn't follow the rules his time around, and--as silly as the cabal on this site might have acted about it in the comments--there was fair reason to take the action against him that you did. But booting me based on a blind assumption? That's just childish.

Trigger Happy TV

Cake - The Distance (music video by Mark Kohr)

JFK Killer Revealed!!

therealblankman says...

bnsa- it's not snuff if it's joke footage with a digitally inserted arm and gun. Also, there has been plenty of debate about historic merit and simple posterity of many videow that show death occuring. Don't get me wrong, note that I downvoted this one too, but you're a little trigger happy there. Gonna trump your star-discard with a *blog.

Funny moments in media (NSFW)

Trigger Happy TV

Downvote Philosophy (Sift Talk Post)

bnsa says...

I've noticed one user who just got their bronze star and are trigger happy to vote down almost everything one member puts up... almost like the person has it out for you. Doesn't matter if your videos are good or bad, they will just vote down because they can or don't want your video to rise.

Now, if the video IS a dupe or a very obvious piece of crap then yes, it should be voted down. If it's new and you don't necessarily agree with it, SKIP IT and wait a couple of days.

I found several videos I didn't like but didn't vote down because I noticed majority of people liked the videos. I respect the group decision because that is what will or won't make the video to the front. There should be a limit to how many negative votes you can give to one person within a given time to prevent personal attacks should someone retaliate against you for voting down their video.

It is unfortunate that much of this is petty and immature but some people never do grow up. It's these few that ruin the experience for others and perhaps some controls should be put in. Perhaps the 100+ rating folks should be able to see the negative voters and those who are less can't see them to prevent in fighting?

I don't know. I have submitted funny videos and some that I thought the group would like but was wrong. That's ok because we all learn from each other. Videosift is a wonderful place to surf and be entertained and I believe by communicating we can iron out potential problems. Just my two cents (plus tax where applicable) :-)

Downvote Philosophy (Sift Talk Post)

Krupo says...

I think eliminating it isn't completely necessary - it does do good sometime; last night a couple of bronze stars eliminated a dupe vid with down votes before gold stars had time to wander over to hit the big "D".

There are issues, though, (I agree with daphne's points) but I think they can be fixed.

One potential easy & simple solution, which mlx's comment inspired, is to set-up an up/down ratio.

It's the VS community's way of saying, "okay, you may find 1 video very very bad (the intent of downvotes), but you should find X good ones too."

This way you prevent trigger-happiness.

And this way we don't completely abandon what can be a useful tool in some cases, but declare as a community that we want people to pass (ignore, no vote) more often than reject (downvote).

A 10:1 (10 upvotes allow 1 down) ratio, to pick an arbitrary but potential figure, could accomplish this; the figure could be tweaked as thought appropriate, of course.

Anonymity is one potential answer, but I think part of the fun of the VS system is the "accountability" you have for your votes, which may make you think "do I want to be associated with a vid like this"?

What do you think of the ratio idea?

Downvote Philosophy (Sift Talk Post)

dotdude says...

Perhaps the voting should all be anonymous, both up and down. Since this has become a volatile issue, it would be a shame to have matters turn into petty vengeances. That could easily happen. There are a lot of members we really don't know yet.

I do think we need a down vote, but I'm concerned about those that have become trigger-happy. Some videos could be discarded very quickly without giving most folks a chance to weigh in. I want to suggest a longer time limit on the “-2” for this reason – 24 hours, maybe?

As for issues of taste . . . well . . . I believe this was set up as a democratic site except for certain videos that are forbidden. The group will have to flesh out the definition of “is ” for the borderline cases. I remember from civics class that certain things are left up to local community standards. That will be something that will evolve here.

If it is any consolation, issues of taste plague the art education community when it comes to evaluating art. There was an article on the topic in a national art education journal. That is whole other can of worms

English Lesson From Dancing Japanese People - hahaah

English Lesson From Dancing Japanese People - hahaah

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