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50,000 volts can change an attitude pretty quick.

drattus says...

The average normal person probably can take it with little risk. You've no idea what condition the person you're dealing with is in or what drugs or medications they might be on, they may not be average. It's not that it shouldn't be used at all but that it shouldn't be used lightly or to send messages. A person might be fine under one form of stress but multiples together can kill them in some cases, that rather than a taze alone I'd think, combinations of stresses, is responsible for most real cases. Some are just excuses too I'd guess.

Potentially fatal was qualified just fine. Aberdeen decided they didn't need to be zapping troops just to train them, wasn't worth the risk, but I also noted that in a later report they found it fine for use in Iraq. That fits with what I said just fine. It's not a toy, it's a tool. Use it appropriately and I'm not complaining.

If they are being taught to double zap as procedure they shouldn't be. From the video he was down with palms wide open and saying ok on the first, rolling over as ordered and with his arms just getting behind him when hit with the second one. Not resisting and a guy that size could have. A third was ordered though I didn't hear it delivered when his arms were already twisted up behind his back because he didn't straighten which he probably couldn't have done given the angles and the restrictions of someone that musclebound. The comment wasn't intended to mean that they didn't use two cuffs in the end but that he couldn't bend as well as some might there and they were getting trigger happy. Use it when needed and I've no problem with it but not out of habit, practice, or to send messages.

World Shut Your Mouth - Reality Show Mistake

Rubettes - Sugar Baby Love (tune from French AIDES PSAs)

Japanese crowd pranks

Were you checking her out?

NickyP says...

"This is what happens when formly powerful countries fall. Just like Japan... they're getting even weirder"......
nah, they just gain a sense of humour to replace the lost colonies

The guy is called Nick Frost and is in all the above films with Simon Pegg, but he is not in Trigger Happy TV.

Were you checking her out?

The Easter Bunny Hates You

Candid Camera: Red flag demonstration skit

The Self-linking Thread (Sift Talk Post)

benjee says...

It seems my comments have been mis-construed into some kind of Witch Hunt, which I never intended...And I know only too well what one is; as a relative was burnt as a witch (possibly why my mums side of the family is full of martyrs!) Plus, I've been on the receiving end of incorrect 'trigger-happy' discards myself in the past (but I certainly don't blame anyone, as the rules are vague). Anyway: I'm a person of principle - if somethings against my ethics then I'll have no conscious part of it in a very vocal way (what hasn't helped me gain friends or votes here!) This is certainly one of those occasions, so let me explain why:

A. Like I've said previously, I think the change would create a two-tiered level of users - those who've earned the right to bend the rules and the new/unappreciated users. I'd find that a little hypocritical and certainly a confusing rule - this would have put me off when joining a few months ago (and repulses me even more with my 'in' status).

B. Instead of searching the web video portals, the bit-torrent network would be more reliable source of videos to submit. Thereby adding another barrier to those who won't look into the darkside of the internet or don't know how to edit/convert video, which leads to:

C. Allowing self-links maybe seen as encouraging copyright infringement - at the moment we're finding links posted by others, if Sifters are adding content (such as the multitude of BBC/C4 docs I've sifted) it will reflect badly on the site itself. For instance, if I worked for major media looking for copyright web-videos to take down, the Sift would be my favourite site (we do all the work they don't want to!)
Example scenarios where the proposed rule change fails:
1. A corporate marketing employee/self-employed agency registers on the Sift and publishes 50 good videos/SiftTalks, easily done as a full-time job spent astro-turfing. After getting a foot in the Gold door (possibly using the same corporations sub-companies virals etc) - the marketer can get down to work.

2. I could make a video directly promoting my work or that of my employer, even submitted to my own host account and add everything except an email address. Basicly, anything I wanted to Sift-Off could be easily submitted at will and commented as such - I'd prefer it's return as a separate section with the top 3 prize of being allowed.

3. In protest of the rule change; I sell my profile to the highest bidder on e-Bay...Thereby earning a nice profit on the cost of the (then) 6 months upgrade and time spent. The buyer is then well within the rules (of the proposed and current ones) to post whatever they want, from whatever source they like.
I have no doubt the Sifters commenting here only want to share good videos with this great community. But using the same community to host or submit the video is an addition to the social bindings that I feel are the biggest attraction on the Sift. Personally, I would be disappointed to see sanctioned self-links being added to the rules for anyone of any status - I could only possibly envisage two allowances: (I've run out of listings, so I'm using smileys!)

Self-link replacements to dead Sifts could possibly be an exception, but difficult due to explanation C (dead for a reason?)

The Gold, Silver & Bronze Sift-Off winners (or more from channels?) get their video legitimately published to the Sift's front with a trophy - as the prizes for a more frequent event (weekly/fortnightly/monthly)

P.S: Sorry Ren, my comment wasn't directed at yourself (I also positively voted and commented for both, I believe) - but a good example of why something needs to change.

"Troop of One Hundred": Stranger abuse for fun and profit!

Walleyball: sometimes a stupid fence makes good neighbors

rickegee says...

Notes from the players:

"A human-rights lawyer told us we probably wouldn't get within a mile of the wall. Even if we did, she said, it would likely be double of triple-fenced with razor wire, not to mention patrolled by trigger-happy Neanderthals.

The carload full of players we'd recruited to share this historic moment got a late start and, after discussing the likelihood of being tagged in the head by a rubber bullet and/or arrested, bailed. We'd heard that sending anything across international borders without clearing customs could result in a felony charge, which meant that after three hits of the ball we'd all be subject to mandatory life imprisonment under California's three-strikes law.

At the border we held up our volleyball and called out the Tijuanans we could see through the slats in the unfinished wall: "Pelota?" Before we could remember the world for "play," a kid on the other side said, "Yeah yeah, we speak perfect English. Just serve." And so, as six half-curious members of the border patrol watched through binoculars from the hill above, we did."

Snail Stops Traffic (Trigger Happy TV)

3d paper folding music vid (pretty awesome)

Beware of aggressive pigeons

Trigger Happy TV

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