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Lessons from 2,000+ Interviews with Broken People

My holiday lights are not as impressive

Trump's Star Witness Is A Drunk Karen

noseeem jokingly says...

all these witnesses and no video, audio - nothing to prove their allegations.

at least w/bigfoot there are fuzzy photos, plaster foot castings, or audio of something pounding on a tree.

although the MI loon fest is far creepier than dale's tale of a skunk-ape rocking his trailer.

...maybe it's the singing frog phenomena of old

"A Present From Deep Inside of You" - SOUTH PARK S3

newtboy says...

Wtf? What happened to the line.... "Mr Hankey the Christmas poo, he loves me, I love you, therefore vicariously he loves you, even if you're a Jew"?!

I still have a Mr Hankey plush I use as a Christmas tree topper.

Mobbed by Raccoons

StukaFox says...

As soon as the humans off themselves through their own stupidity, it's between my species and them for control over the globe. Sure, they have opposable thumbs, can climb trees, aren't thwarted by locks and . . . oh, shit.

BSR said:

Those Racoons are in deep shit when this guy passes away.

Bush fire goes from 1 to a 100 in a couple seconds

That is one fat bear

WE'RE ALL DOOMED - Trump vs. Biden ft. "Weird Al" Yankovic

wtfcaniuse says...

Disapointed Biden didn't counter his "forest raking" BS with the fact that it's mostly federally managed. Why didn't you have it raked after the last fires Donny? Why weren't those fallen trees cleared Donny?

greatgooglymoogly (Member Profile)

2020 Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards Finalists

Squadron of Canadair CL-415 fighting fire in high winds

newtboy jokingly says...

You know I'm always good for obscure words and things.

Now to continue the volcanology lesson, lahar .
I'll save you the trip to Google, volcanic floods usually caused by glacial melt from the heat of eruptions, which makes a super abrasive slurry flood that's essentially wet concrete made of volcanic dust, pumice, and trees...and often people.

BSR said:

Thanks newt. Just when I think I know everything, YOU send me googling.

Trump Holds Indoor Rally as Wildfires and Pandemic Rage

newtboy says...

Trump has blamed State governors for fires on federal land for 3 1/2 years+ but has done nothing to solve the problems on land he controls.

The failure has been in the making longer than that, try since the industrial revolution. I live in a rain forest starting it's third decade of drought. It's a major climate shift. The science is settled, not in question for decades.

No, he needs to listen to the professional forest managers already there instead of ignoring them because he knows more about everything than anyone. See his recent meeting with California's forest managers for examples of his stupidity, his plan is just like for Covid, do nothing, blame others, deny there's a problem, claim it will just go away, blame others again, pat himself on the back for a job perfectly done.

His idea, rake the forests, is just dumb and impossible. Only a complete moron believes you can rake up 33 million acres of mountainous forests, including removing all forest litter which is necessary habitat for many forest creatures and downed trees like redwoods that are useless as lumber. Only a stupid ignoramus believes that's a solution.

Let's say it costs about $1000 per acre, a vast underestimation, that's an extra $330 billion per year for raking California's forests alone. Is Trump offering to fund that, or is he cutting funding instead? (Hint, he cut funding)

Much of the mismanagement is from fighting fires. For decades the plan was don't let any fire burn, that's left forests with 2-5 times the fuel it would naturally have. The last decade that's been realised and when possible fires are allowed to burn. It's too little too late.

Trump's idea of draining the swamp has been plugging the outlets and pumping millions of gallons of sewage into it. That means removing career civil servants and selling positions to friends and contributors with no experience and massive conflicts of interests. Trump's is the most criminal administration ever, with more convictions than any other including Nixon. Politics are incredibly more swampy than before Trump, and the state of the union is crumbling and poised to dissolve into another civil war.


bobknight33 said:

Trump been in office 3+ years
This failure has been long in the making 30+ years.

Sound like he need to fire land management team and put in place some people who know what to do. More swamp draining?

Smoke From Forest Fire in Oregon Reduces Visibility

newtboy says...

No, Bob. The "antifa is setting wildfires" claim is pure bullshit with zero evidence. I bet Trump is repeating it. The fires in Oregon were started by lightning. Edit: and downed power lines, and dragging trailer chains, ....

The cop who posted that bullshit lie with no evidence whatsoever has been suspended for spreading lies designed to instigate violence.

The fires are started by lightning mostly.

The wildfires are not caused by antifa or spontaneously exploding trees. They are caused by excessive dryness and decades of drought caused by anthropogenic climate change and dry summer thunderstorms that are increasing in number as our climate changes.

One was started by morons doing an explosive baby reveal.....yes, another one.

They are made worse by the criminal mismanagement of federal forest lands, which make up about 57% of the state's forests. Trump likes to blame California government for mismanagement of the forest, but is too ignorant to grasp that California only owns 3% of it's forests, and they're managed far better than the federal lands.

If you watched anything that wasn't pure propaganda, you would know this. Only right wing bat shit crazy propaganda hides those facts and pretends the fires are from liberals....Only fools believe the same people who've lied to them constantly for years.

bobknight33 said:

Are there many fires from arsonist , like Oregon State?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

Current San Francisco sky with Bladerunner BG music

newtboy says...

It's even more off putting when the skyscrapers are trees (redwoods). Yesterday was like living inside a pumpkin.

This business is going to get out of control, and we'll be lucky to live through it.

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Beggar's Canyon