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Oppressed Majority

dannym3141 says...

I think we have to give them artistic license to show as many examples as possible of the worst it can be, but at the same time it paints a pretty bleak picture where every single "man" acts compulsively and exaggeratedly sexist whenever they're within earshot of a "woman".

I don't like the more subtle aspects either - "men" peeing in alleyways? I've seen women peeing in alleyways and i consider it equally disgusting as men peeing in alleyways. Whoever does it is gross or utterly desperate, and by dint of easier access men are probably more inclined to take the risk of it. This embellishes the misogyny.

The clothing comparisons made is another example - they compare loose fitting shirt and shorts with (for example) skin tight, see through, almost naked stuff. Her dialogue at the end makes me think the author was being quite a bit tongue-in-cheek about that and therefore other bits. Topless jogging? How many would want to do that? Doesn't make good mechanical sense to me and i think you'd find a topless woman walking around my neighbourhood would be shopped in by the women who saw her, not the men.

I think if they're going to try to make a point with the rape scene then they needed to be less tongue-in-cheek with the goofy stuff that i think is added for a level of humour.

bluecliff said:

ofcs the cowards who put this up on youtube disabled comments and up/downvoting
this video is disgusting, filled with cliches, and portrays men like they're animals

so f*ck you, you can try to guilt-trip someone else

Real Actors Read Christian Forums : Monkey People

enoch says...

"i know you are but what am i i"?

that had me cackling like a loon.bravo my friend.

please understand guys my comment is in reference to this particular thread,not any previous private or otherwise.

my commentary was also tongue-n-cheek and not to be taken too seriously.
i was poking the hornets a boss..who also happens to be a dick.

please forgive.

as for conflicting private to public messages.
well..that would infuriate me as well wont get an argument from me on that point.
that speaks to a persons character and integrity and explains a ton in regards to your attitude towards @chingalera.

our integrity is all we have.
when you take away everything,the only thing left we have to trade is our word.
our honor.
our respect for another human being.
when we lose that trust....we lose everything.

i do not know the particulars on how you all conversed in private.its none of my business and not my place to judge.

but if what you are saying is true newt (and i have no reason to believe it isnt.there is a past precedent in that regard) then i have to ask @chingalera why?

why say one thing in private and then another in public?
that is so disengenuious and un-necessary my man.
you make good solid points..often,and often i agree with them.
so why would invalidate them by interacting with such duplicity?

you cant call out newt for disregarding or dismissing your points because it was YOU who invalidated those points by your interactions with him.

and you know this.
dont act like you dont because i know your smarter than the average dont insult my intelligence by feigning innocence.

you owe newt an apology.period.

and dont prove @VoodooV right.we both were there when you flamed out and it was ugly.
and you made it ugly by taking it personal.
i never judged you for that..still dont.
but that does not mean i condoned how you played that closing scene out.
real people had real feelings hurt...including you.

now i realize this thread is destroyed and i dont even know who i need to apologize to.
to the original poster:i am truly sorry for this tragic hi-jacking of your thread.

but it appears necessary.

@chingalera i realize that much of what you do is to shock people out of complacency.
to get them to perceive a situation with different goggles.
many times the weapons you use are confrontational language and a persistence that rivals the most glorious case of OCD.

those intentions are noble.
i agree and am of a similar mindset.this is probably why i can read choggie-speak with little trouble.

i understand what you are trying to do.

but how can you expect someone like @newtboy to listen to anything you have to say when you cant keep even basic correspondence open and honest?
it invalidates everything you attempt from then on out.
your words have to have the weight of your integrity behind them for them to have ANY impact.
you lose that and your words become dust.

sounds like you will have to work to gain the respect from @newtboy.i wish you well in that endeavour.

please understand i consider you a friend @chingalera and hearing this has upset me a great deal.

and @VoodooV,
you may be right brother.i do not know what the future brings.hopefully ching will prove you wrong.i know he could if he wanted.

but i disagree with keeping the riff raff out.
i dont mind confrontation or fact i LOVE them and @chingalera has a talent for poking the hornets nest and shattering the monotone-vanilla-circle-jerk-clones into a frenzy.

and that my a good thing.

@chingalera keeps the locals buzzing,constantly challenging pre-concieved notions and ideologies and i love that fucker for that.he keeps this site interesting.his antics bring lurkers to actually comment/post and others who usually side-line to jump in.

all good things.

i cannot abide the darker side.
the hurtful side.
maybe i am being naive'....i always see redemption for those who the entrenched masses see as unredeemable.i always feel i can save those who are truly lost.

i always see the human first and the actions last.

so you may be right.i just hope you are wrong.
maybe this thread will impact my friend and remind him we are all humans.

i dont know.........
i hope though...
i hope.

@ChaosEngine again,as i told newtboy,no argument here.
hopefully this derailed thread has cleared some air and brought the things to the table that needed to be discussed.

which from my viewpoint is about integrity.
you cant admonish people for being egocentric and then turn around and be egocentric yourself.
it weakens the very position you were trying to make in the first place.(ching,not you CE).
it is hypocritical.

i am a dissident.
a radical.
a subversive.
even to the church i am an apostate.
so i understand @chingalera on a certain level.he has never treated me other than a friend and it pains me to see how he deals with those he disagrees with,and just how far he will take a story to a painful conclusion.
this does not give be joy or pleasure.

he is a righteous dude.passionate,sensitive and creative and has soooo much to offer.
im sorry ya'all didnt get to see that side of him.
but maybe thats on him,because you all should.

there is a reason he has been invited back multiple times and its not because he whined about it but rather he truly is an exceptional human being.

maybe he should show that side more.
takes honesty and courage,but that boy has a huge capacity for that.

balls in your court brother.
what ya gonna do?

*note* for all those who read to this point.
cookies and milk will be served in the back storage room.
free fondlings for the ladies.
dont forget to tip your bartenders and waitresses!

The Spoils of Babylon (trailer)

brycewi19 says...

Seems like a mix of a over-pretentious college play, a melodramatic mid-day soap opera, and a Wes Anderson wannabe flick.

Yet it all seems tongue-in-cheek and self-aware.

No Woman, No Drive

spawnflagger says...

Bob Marley rolls in his grave.

(I really hope that this video is tongue-in-cheek since the author claims to be artist and activist, but Saudis might define activism differently)

Trancecoach (Member Profile)

enoch says...

well thank god i visited your page!
oooo../claps hands
what a delight to read your response!

i agree with almost everything you expressed.
oh thank you my friend!

economics has never been my strong suit.i know..shocker.
but i AM quite literate in history and government and of course politics.
while you are correct that a socialist state can become a fascist one,so too can a democracy.
it is really the forces of ideology which can push a state to either a fascist or swing despotic.
but i get your point.

i do apologize for my oftentimes rambling.maybe because i am a little out of my comfort zone when it comes to economics,so i rely on my history and governmental knowledge to fill in the gaps.
your last post really cleared so many misconceptions i was having during this conversation.

i knew we were more in agreement than disagreement.
and we are.

1.the banks need to held accountable.
2,which by inference means the governments role should be as fraud detector and protector of the consumer.
3,you didnt mention it but i hope you agree the corporate charter needs to be rewritten in a way where they are NOT a person and therefore shall be removed from the political landscape.
4.this will (or should) re-balance our political system (which is diseased at the moment).
5.which will return this country to a more level playing field and equate to=more liberty.
6.this will open innovation,progress and advancements in ALL fields AND due to competitive forces ,will lower prices.

how am i doing so far?

since we have to talk about politics when we talk about markets.
my old professor dr paul (great man,miss him very much).
he reduced politics down to one simple question:
"what should we do"?
or in terms that we have been discussing:
"what is governments role"?

thats it.
now people like to make it more complicated,especially people getting paid good money to postulate on sunday morning tv shows,but thats it.

being an anarchist is not one dimensional.
the anarchism YOU are speaking of is the extreme.
i am more the libertarian socialism flavor.( didnt convert me)
the anarchist may see a form of government that no longer works.that is weighed down by its own hubris,greed and corruption.
the anarchist finds it perfectly acceptable to tear down that government to build a new one.

and why not?
if something aint working the way it was meant to,get rid of it and try another.

now you wanted to know why i feared and unrestricted free market.
(which is how i was talking your previous post and confused me greatly).i see now i may have misinterpreted your commentary so my next point may be a moot one.
if so..i apologize.

if we put everything on the table as an unrestricted free market.we would be going back to feudalism.
the flaw in capitalism is not just the boom and bust but the exploitation of the common man,or worker if you like.

not only would the most vulnerable of us be exploited but it would make the class structure even WORSE than it is now (which by comparison is not too bad when compared to,say..somolia).

we see pockets of this happening now here in the US:

imagine having to pay for any road you drove on.ALL of them.all owned by different companies and subsidiaries.every one of them a toll road.
the market would dictate what burden could be held sufficiently in order to turn a profit.
what percentage would be prevented from driving those roads due to lack of funds?

see what im saying?

lets take this template and put it with firefighters.
would having a firehouse every couple of miles be profitable?
i mean,how many fires are there actually occurring on any given day?
so the firehouse would have 2 choices that i see.
shut down the more rural and spread the firehouses more thinly OR charge a monthly fee.
since a nominal fee would be the most likely avenue,what about those people who cant afford that fee?
does the firehouse BILL them?
"sorry for the loss of your house us".

and what about police?
they already have become revenue generators and protectors of the privileged.
what happens to poor folks in an unrestricted market?
police wont have a station in any inner city profit there.
no no no..wait a minute!
there would be HUUUGE profit there!
/smacks head
what was i thinking!
of course!
just like our prison system the police would be paid by the state PER arrest.
to be reimbursed on a quarterly basis!
then poor people could be commodities!

nope nope nope.not gonna work.
that would mean the state would have to impose a tax or something to generate the revenue to pay for the arrested subjects.

hahaha im being an asshole now.forgive me.

ok.lets talk schooling.
lets privatize em!
free market baby!
based on the local population and average income we can fill those seats.
aaaand maybe get rid of NCLB and standardized testing,which i loving refer to as the giant ball of bullshit.
now this would be GREAT.

wait a minute.
what about the poor families that cant afford the tuition?
what do they do?

well in an unrestricted market and pesky government out of the way what do YOU think is going to happen to a system driven by self interest and profit?

welcome back child labor!!
and the 80 hour work week!
and beatings for not making quota!
and how awesome is it that that poor family of 5 gets to live with grandma,grandpa,uncle lou and aunt sara and there 3 kids all in one 3 bedroom house.
its 1913 all over again.
happy days are here again.......

ok ok.dont get mad at me.that was mostly tongue in cheek.
i realize after your post tonight that you are not suggesting an "unrestricted" free market but a free market.

and i am ok with that.
if we can limit government intrusion.
allow companies to tank when they fail.
rewrite the corporate charter (or dissolve them completely,or as i suggested previously make them accountable and put back the phrase "for the public good").
reign in bank fraud and make the rules to keep em honest.

in my opinion the only thing we really seem to disagree on is when it is in regards to labor.

i tried a few years ago to buy my friends bar/eatery with most of the employees.
did you know what i found out?
we were not allowed.
could not get the permits.
the owner even offered to finance us all..
how about them apples.illegal to have an employee owned business.

that is changing though.
employee owned businesses and co-opts are popping up like recurring herpes.

i dont know why it was illegal in this area and i dont see how employee owned companies would threaten a free market.

but as you figured out.
economics is not my strong suit.

and my man,cant tell ya how grateful i am to have had this conversation with you.i learned tons,about you and your views and even some about free markets.

thank you my friend.thank you.

Dream Job

artician says...

I'd like to know more about this.
Was that Spielberg? Or a look-a-like?
Was it cut between different sources (guy interviewing recorded interviewee in response to some DVD extra dialog from the director)?

RE: "All the people I met at Dreamworks were, and still are, AWESOME!"
-> It is rarely the people that work at a company, rather than the people who manage the company, that are absolute shitheads.

So, if the interviewee knows Spielberg and the CEO of DWS, I could see it being a case of attempted pro-nepotism, sure. That shouldn't get a ban for life, especially since the video seems to be tongue in cheek.

Even if he paid these people to say these lines without their knowledge of the use... Not really a ban for life. Maybe 20% ingenuity and 80% stupidity on the guys part.

Regardless of all of the above, it takes imagination, creativity and openly thinking outside of the usual formula to create something like this as an introductory video for application to a specific company. That kind of outside thinking and (most importantly), the ability to conceive, produce and complete such a project, is exactly the kind of people companies, any company should be looking for.

But that's all pending on the full story, and based on what I see here. If he held Spielberg in a small storage unit at gunpoint and forced him to say these lines: definitely a ban for life from the organization.

Also: the Jurassic Park theme is shit.

ghark said:

Why would he be banned, that seemed pretty awesome? Hrmm time to go check out the reddits.

edit: ok found the post on Reddit from the guy who apparently made this:

Hey there, I'm the friend in question (and the other half of Funny Shorts, for those that didn't make the connection). A couple things:
1) It wasn't DWA, it was DreamWorks Studios, on the live-action side of things.
2) I was only given a slap on the wrist over the phone. It was my college that received a phone call saying I'd never get a job there after that.
3) All the people I met at Dreamworks were, and still are, AWESOME! And I mean that sincerely. I hold no hard feelings whatsoever for the reaction to the video. It was an entirely valid response.I mean, I put their CEO AND ONE OF THE MOST RESPECTED DIRECTORS IN THE WORLD in it, without permission, as if we were BFFs. That deserves an extreme reaction, one way or the other. I was sort of hoping for the other, but still, totally valid.
4) I'm not sure that I can prove that this happened, really. Hopefully people can just enjoy the video regardless? It has the Jurrasic Park theme in it, guys. How can we listen to that and not all get along?

Unmanned Craft Flying Nightly Over Quincy Massachusetts

chingalera says...

Gee, is that the Mayor of Quincy? Look, both you tin-foil hat-slappers here, lemme break the programming down so you can understand how your brains function after a steady diet of bullshit fed you, your lives to date:

The bobblehead newscasters treat this little story like some tongue-in-cheek kicker(kickers the last news story of a newscast), complete with placating tones and smug expressions, feeding the sense of the absurd or impossible. Having been programmed to regard information according to such cues, your opinion is molded not based upon the information presented but the manner in which it's presented, in this case a formulaic and predictable response (as evidenced in the comments above) considering the implications of the event.

Sorry kids, you can't help it, it's part of the programming.

artician said:

To be fair, so did this story:

BANNED TED Talks Graham Hancock on Consciousness Emergence

BicycleRepairMan says...

I cannot figure out what you are trying to debate? That there is no science behind DMT? That there is nothing to DMT? That "spiritual" does not exist? What is your point of this continued conversation? That you are scared of psychedelics? Why do you think such an experience would have been programmed into our head, the most powerful experience a person can have?

I have trouble understanding "spiritual" to be the same as "awesome" or "awe-inspiring", but if thats what you mean by "spiritual", I suppose we agree. I understand "spiritual" to mean "that which concerns the spirits or the spiritual world", ie something supernatural.

I suppose there is little point in continuing this debate, I get a little carried away.. My point ws only that it is unscientific and nonsensical to think that stimulating your brain with chemicals can help you discover some sor of spiritworld or some nonsense like that, the reason I KNOW this, as you put it, is what I've fruitlessly to express over several long comments. Basically, to repeat myself for like the 5th time, it has to do with basic facts of the origin of our brains and so forth, it is now established, beyond any reasonable doubt, that our brains evolved. If you understand what biological evolution is and how it works, you'd know it is the mindless reshuffling of nucleotides acted upon in populations of animals over countless generations, this produces amazing survival machines, and some of them develop brains, and some of those grow big brains.

How do you think DNA evolved over so many years,
DNA probably evolved after RNA, nobody knows exactly how replicating nucleotides started to replicate, it was probably a staggeringly unlikely event, but then there was literally all the time and space in the universe for it to happen..

you ever read Francis Cricks, who helped found DNA, Well, I've read The Double Helix, and I'm currently studying biology and genetics.
what his theory for DNA was? Panspermia. Yeah.
It was speculation, probably tongue-in-cheek that he later regretted. In any case, the argument was based on the fact that the origin of DNA/RNA was an extremely unlikely event, and that if it didn't originate on earth, it could have been brought here from elsewhere. Both options are essentially saying the same thing, that abiogenesis happened and that it later evolved (either here on earth, like most scientist now think, or somewhere else.)

It doesnt really matter whether directed panspermia is true or not, DNA is still strings of molecules that abide by the laws of physics and chemistry. They are not some sort of magical quantum spirit crystals mind-controlled by aliens.
The Universe is a lot trickier than just our basic Science.
Whatever you say boss.

Awesome Gunfight/Showdown on Justified

Bill Maher Ridicules Donald Trump

Jinx says...

I thought the lawyers letter was quite tongue in cheek myself. Then again, you can hardly sue somebody tongue in cheek, and if they did then they ought to be fined for frivolous litigation.

Red Letter Media reviews Movie 43

Deano says...

They'll often start off tongue-in-cheek and then play it straight. I think this film is so bad they just had to maintain the sarcasm.

00Scud00 said:

I've never really watched these guys review before so I have no idea if they're being serious or not. I'm leery about this film if only because the whole "Oh my god! Look at how outrageous we're being!" thing gets old pretty fast for me.

Football (soccer) in a nutshell

thumpa28 says...

LOL easy, tiger. You've obviously missed the tongue in cheek reference and are way more emotional about this than I care to be.

I really have no interest in trying to convert the unintiated into the delights of football, ignorance is always a bad starting point, and lets be honest its about as likely as me coming to appreciate american football. I make no claims about that sport other than it is as rife with the diseases that plague high value professional sports as any other.The point is this video is not representative - you could find a hundred more videos where legs are broken by tackles. Doesnt mean thats part of the game or a reflection of anything more than a natural statistical by-product from the sheer quantity of games played all over the world.

take this video for instance - the guy is obviously playing on the fact that a deliberate hand to head (usually a punch) is an immediate red card offence, which puts the opposing team down to ten men and in all kinds of trouble. Its kind of akin to putting a cash bounty on tackling concussion prone players - within the game, but barely. Not very sportsmanlike.

As to the provenance of 'american football', it would make more sense to call it rugby, that being the original inspiration. But again, it obviously means more to you than it does to me so i'll pass on that debate.

dirkdeagler7 said:

How is changing teams for defense (which has as much to do with specialized players as it does resting) or the breaks in play which are procedural rules in football compare to the use and acceptance of "flopping" to elicit an unjustified benefit in what is supposed to be a fair and competitive sport?

American Football players are under fire for lying about their health to keep playing and to maintain respect which sets a certain expectation for fans and basketball players are heavily criticized for flopping as well so it's not just hating on soccer....its just more accepted in soccer it appears to the uninitiated.

Also google why it's called football so you sound less ignorant. It makes complete sense why American Football is called football just like it makes sense for Rugby Rules, Australian Rules, and Association Rules (Soccer) to be called "football".

Football (soccer) in a nutshell

thumpa28 says...

Well as the guy says, each to his own. You could say the same about american football, the constant breaks, the changing teams, the fact its called football when they mostly use hands and dont use a ball... I have no doubt gaelic football would cause the same apathy in some individuals. However to say this video is representative of the game is just, well, daft. Firmly tongue in cheek.

bmacs27 said:

I don't like soccer because it's boring. The diving just makes it pitiful too. Sprinkle in a dash of settling games with penalty shootouts to really bring out that cheesy flavor.

Cringeworthy Survivor Application Video

Last Resort Active Shooter Survival Measures by Alon Stivi

CaptainObvious says...

I'm confused about what you are asking. Are you asking how crazed people usually act during one of these terrible things? Or was this just a tongue in cheek kind of comment?

cosmovitelli said:

How would you enter a room with daddy's rifle because the world is shit and nobody respects you?

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