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Return to Oz - The Wheelers, Tic-Toc, and Mombi

poolcleaner says...

>> ^budzos:
This is a ballsy movie. Love the costumes, makeup and animatronics. The location shooting always bothered me though, even as a 10 year old. Oz movies should be made on elaborate sets in a studio with controlled lighting.

I think less controlled light adds to the somber tone that the Director and DP look to have been aiming for. Things are no longer beautiful, just as the Emerald City no longer shimmers in green. Note especially the end of the film during the party scene, similar to Star Wars, Tic-Toc is polished, everyone is shimmering; more luminescent colors.

Can Anyone Really Get Into Heaven?

nibiyabi says...

>> ^Mi1ler:
OK, simple counter arguement to the entire video.
how do you win at tic tac toe?
make a line of 3 diagonally
make a line of 3 horizontally
make a line of 3 vertically
make a triangle with 3 Xs or Os
given at any one time all of those answers are valid in their own way now if i take the jump the video does now to win at tic tac toe i need to make a line that is somehow vertical horizontal and diagonal as well as being a triangle
well now tic tac toe seems to be an absurd game that can never be won no matter the circumstance.

Is this a serious example? Your victory conditions have ORs in between them as opposed to the ANDs represented in this video. Sure, some of the things in here are taken out of context, but let's just focus on two of them, hm?

1. Love everyone.
2. Hate everyone.

Those seem rather clear -- any takers?

Can Anyone Really Get Into Heaven?

Mi1ler says...

OK, simple counter arguement to the entire video.
how do you win at tic tac toe?
make a line of 3 diagonally
make a line of 3 horizontally
make a line of 3 vertically
make a triangle with 3 Xs or Os

given at any one time all of those answers are valid in their own way now if i take the jump the video does now to win at tic tac toe i need to make a line that is somehow vertical horizontal and diagonal as well as being a triangle
well now tic tac toe seems to be an absurd game that can never be won no matter the circumstance.

I offered you a chance to be a cop, AND YOU BLEW IT!

doogle says...

I haven't seen the movie, I think the clip is lacking significant context. It just doesn't draw me to see more.

I upvoted your beard tic-tac-toe video. It is very fitting as being obscure.

Anyone Up for Some Sudoku? (Blog Entry by lucky760)

lucky760 says...

That looks interesting.

GoMoku, like sudoku, is a Japanese game. The full name is gomoku narabe which means "5 stones in a row" and at first is usually simply thought of as a 5-in-a-row version of tic-tac-toe, but once you play a bit, you realize it's much more like chess and requires deep concentration and serious strategy. The "real" version is a wood board with white and black stones placed on gridlines, but when you play on paper it's usually X's and O's within the grid.

I'll post my version of gomoku soon, but in the mean time you can read about it at wikipedia. Also here's a link to a Java version on Sourceforge that I just tried momentarily, and seems to have pretty decent AI.

Forget that java version. Here's an extremely simple and apparently very intelligent JavaScript version for your browser.

The Tick's High Tech Crime Fighting Vehicle

Jonathan Richman & Modern Lovers - Egyptian Reggae

Stephen Fry & Hugh Laurie: The Subject of Language

World's cheapest PDA

"I've got a shotgun. Do you want me to stop 'em?"

9349 says...

Did you ken Johnny Peel? We need to kill. Hush now, Blood engenders blood. The thrill of the kill. There's no addendum, no chosen ones, no repenting. No more tic or toc. WE NEED TO KILL.

Is New Nicole Kidman Movie Promoting Atheism to Kids?

qruel says...

–noun (used with a singular verb)

1. Linguistics. a. the study of meaning.
b. the study of linguistic development by classifying and examining changes in meaning and form.

2. Also called significs. the branch of semiotics dealing with the relations between signs and what they denote.

3. the meaning, or an interpretation of the meaning, of a word, sign, sentence, etc.: Let's not argue about semantics.

Birth control for middle school girls? (Sexuality Talk Post)

bamdrew says...

So, is there a middle school OBGYN that is involved in the initial prescription of birth control here? That would be my only concern... I can't imagine they're handing it out like tic-tacs, though.

"I just think parents should be afforded the chance to discuss these things with their kids."

... I'm sure the other commenters here think parents should play a role in helping a daughter decide whether or not and when to start take birth control. However, wimpy parent's avoiding addressing and rationally dealing with a sexually active daughter for too long is a well documented problem with a very high price for the family and for society in the long run. If anyone's a douchebag here its wimp parents who don't recognize and address the times we're living in...

Re-reading your post, it actually looks more like you're angry with kids having sex early, and want that to stop (presumably by parental involvement?). We live in a fairly sexualized society, add to that teenage rebelliousness and abstinence-only education... so, good luck with that.

Magician astounds Stephen Fry, causes him to say bad word

Kids With Tourettes

jonny says...

I don't believe so, MINK, but it's been a long time since I've studied this stuff. It's odd - many psychological disorders are commonly associated with high intelligence, like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. But the fact is, most diseases of the brain can affect anyone anytime. I think it's mostly the case that (as I suspect it was for this documentary) the subjects are chosen as "representatives" of whatever disease because of their otherwise high functioning.

An interesting article at APA debunks some of the professional myths about the syndrome.

And there's several other good articles at for more info.

Surprisingly, even a standard google search on tourette yields lots of good info. I expected a lot of tripe and misinformation. Go google.

And, of course, one of the best sources of information is the Tourette's Syndrome Association.

Cool little song that lasts exactly one minute (in French)

calvados says...

Carla Bruni "La dernière minute"

Quand j'aurai tout compris, tout vécu d'ici-bas,
Quand je serai si vieille, que je ne voudrai plus de moi,
Quand la peau de ma vie sera creusée de routes,
Et de traces et de peines, et de rires et de doutes,
Alors je demanderai juste encore une minute...

Quand il n'y aura plus rien qui chavire et qui blesse,
Et quand même les chagrins auront l'air d'une caresse,
Quand je verrai ma mort juste au pied de mon lit,
Que je la verrai sourire de ma si petite vie,
Je lui dirai "écoute ! Laisse-moi juste une minute..."

Juste encore minute, juste encore minute,
Pour me faire une beauté ou pour une cigarette,
Juste encore minute, juste encore minute,
Pour un dernier frisson, ou pour un dernier geste,
Juste encore minute, juste encore minute,
Pour ranger les souvenirs avant le grand hiver,
Juste encore une minute... sans motif et sans but.

Puisque ma vie n'est rien, alors je la veux toute.
Tout entière, tout à fait et dans toutes ses déroutes,
Puisque ma vie n'est rien, alors j'en redemande,
Je veux qu'on m'en rajoute,
Soixante petites secondes pour ma dernière minute.

Tic tac tic tac tic tac

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