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Primitive Technology: Natural Draft Furnace

Why California's Musical Road Sounds Terrible

ChaosEngine says...

I would have said this is why we build things off diagrams (plans, schematics, etc) rather than words.

I'm in the process of designing/building* a house and I very nearly made pretty much the exact same mistake (essentially assuming a 0 thickness of the walls).

* well, I am paying for other people to build it, but I am sending my very bad drawings to an architect who helpfully points out things like "the house will collapse if you remove that wall".

MilkmanDan said:

This is why engineers need to interface with somebody that straddles both worlds instead of talking directly to builders, customers, etc. Gotta have somebody that can properly translate nerd-speak into blue-collar / civilian.

Hiker Followed By Bears

Sagemind says...

I had a mother and two cubs move into our back yard for a week.
We had apple trees and they refused to leave until they had stripped all the trees.
The mother always kept the cubs at a distance, but the mother would come right up and stare into our dining room through the glass doors - of course this freaked the dog out.

One option was call wildlife services, and they treat bears like this in one way. Bears that move into housed areas are not afraid of people so they are put down. I decided to wait them out and not call.

In the end we managed to get them to leave by shooting at them with a pellet gun. Of course their hide is too thick for it to harm them. The mother did nothing when we shot at her, but when we decided to shoot at the cubs, (threatening them) the mother screamed at them and then bolted with them, and they didn't come back

Damage done?
No apples, not a real problem.
A scared dog who never wanted to sleep outside again.
Bear Feces - lots of it, cleaned up with shovels, lol.

Air Canada plane’s near-disaster at SFO

Fantomas says...

They were, for the runway on their right, which is not Runway 28R (the thicker red line).
Edit: The thick line below that is 28L, I'm not sure what the visibility was like, but to confuse a taxiway for a runway is pretty incompetent.

That's a drastic error on the part of the pilots (although I can see how it could cause confusion).

Fairbs said:

it did sound like they were seeking clarification about the runway being on the right

eric3579 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

He used an excavator and a bulldozer. Real men use their broken backs and a pick axe. ;-)
30 mil isn't 30 millimeters...his liner isn't over an inch thick...he wishes. I think mine is 45 mil. It's thick rubber.
Cool stuff. He has a different idea of what a pond is and what it's for than I do, but to each his own. He made a great place for the family...but they better learn pond could lose the whole family in that deep end and never see them.

eric3579 said:

Check out the pond this dude built

Every Popular Guitar Technique in One Solo

MilkmanDan says...

Awesome! Sounds quite Satrian-ish.

Pinch harmonics didn't jump out at me like they usually do in songs that feature them. Dunno if that is because my ear for identifying them isn't great, or if most songs that use them tend to lay them on pretty thick. Probably both.

Angry pedestrian gets instant karma

harlequinn says...

Thanks Captain Obvious I know how humour works.

You're making an assumption that I'm bent about her opinion. I'm not. I think she's 1. not funny (requirements for being funny = being funny), and 2. not a deep thinker.

Yes, I've seen some terrible things (more than just seen, I've been right in the thick of it), but I was never bothered by those situation - they were the "fun" jobs. Most paramedics are like that.

eric3579 said:

With comedy It can be very funny just like most things in life. Maybe you are unaware that Payback is ALWAYS poking fun.

I have a hard time finding suicide funny. A joke about suicide has to be pretty spectacular for me to not feel uncomfortable. We all have OUR things based on OUR experiences. If you want to get bent about someone joking about 'road safety', that's on you. I do however understand why you would feel this way based on your job as a paramedic, and what that has comes with.

Bonus hilarious joke about suicide

How To Cook A Cheap Steak Vs. An Expensive Steak

RFlagg says...

I really dislike marinades. I want the steak. Pure. Simple.

I like Ribeye, but there ends up being so much thick fat cut to the side, that I feel I got ripped off, and my 12 oz steak is basically an 8 oz worth of edible meat, while the New York Strip gives more meat for the buck, and if done properly is normally good enough.

How To Cook A Cheap Steak Vs. An Expensive Steak

Mordhaus says...

Another thing you can do to cheap steak is to use coarse sea/kosher salt and coat it really well, then let it sit an hour per inch of thickness. After that, rinse it off and pat it dry. You can also use kiwi, pineapple, or papaya to tenderize it instead, it is quicker but some people don't want the flavor marinading the steak.

Why Isn't Communism as Hated as Nazism?

notarobot says...

Can't tell if that's sarcasm.

This video's bias is so thick, we could slice it into bricks to build houses for the homelss---except that would be (gasp!) communism! Which is pure EVIL.

The guy in the video is so far to the right, I could imagine he curses his non-right leg just for being there.

Right-wing propaganda.

NaMeCaF said:

I thought it was very rational, with fact-based evidence and was in no way "drivel". If you honestly cant see past your own prejudices, then that's on you mate.

radx (Member Profile)

enoch says...

this could not have come at a more perfect time.this week i have been accused of being a:racist,misogynist pig,cis gendered white privileged meat sack,republican tool,trump supporter(seriously?),christian nutter...the list has been long.

all because i had the audacity to point out that:obama is not a progressive,trump has actually attempted to some decent things,the ANTIFA movement is an ill-thought and hypocritical movement,the DNC is a corrupt and failing institution,the left is dead politically in america,the democratic party is one election away from being left in obscurity and that both trump and obama should be tried for war crimes.

i was seriously struggling why people refused to examine or scrutinize their own beloved political figure,but had no issue ridiculing the most inane activities of the person they hate.

i had sincerely asked how a morally justified movement could even fathom that fighting oppression and fascism,with oppression and fascism could ever be considered a solid and positive tactic.

i had people i admired and respected perform mental gymnastics so impressive that they were truly convinced that obama not indicting a single wall street CEO,was not obama bowing to the financial industry,but rather supporting his constituency.

and the presumption of some of these people,basing their opinions on so little,was staggering.even when i attempted to clarify that their assumptions were wrong,and that i was simply asking for the reasons why someone would ignore the mountain of damning evidence.they held on to their assumptions like a small child with a candy bar...

i am pretty thick skinned,and do not take much personally,but many of these people are people i like,admire and respect.that is a bitter pill that is far harder to swallow.

so thanks for that mate,it really put things in perspective for me.time for me to just go do my thing and not get hung up on other peoples biases and prejudices.they can think what they want,i will not let their narrow mindedness dictate how i feel.

that is their deal.

Bill Maher - Elizabeth Warren Interview

MilkmanDan says...

Trump has sunk political discourse to new lows, I agree. But I think she'd suffer worse slings and arrows than "Pocahontas" no matter who her opponent is. That's the game and it always has been. She's got to "man up" and anticipate a certain amount of mud being slung her way. Hillary Clinton, for all her faults, would never be caught unaware by a provoking one-liner like that.

Or as another example, think about Bernie Sanders, in the Democratic primary. From his own party; not yet from archfiend Trump. Sanders' own party called him a kook, didn't take him seriously, and harped on the "socialist" charge that they presumed would be a rallying standard against him for Republicans, etc. But I don't remember him showing any discomfort with that or letting on that it was getting to him.

I really do like Warren, but it is of paramount importance for any Presidential candidate to develop a thick enough skin to weather the smear campaign that is guaranteed to be headed their way. And this small throwaway interview isn't a sign that she can't get there, but it is a sign that she's still got plenty of work to do if she has those aspirations. Based on that, at this point I'd feel better if Sanders was the heir apparent (although that seems very unlikely given the current heads-up-asses state of the DNC). But Warren definitely has plenty of time to get to where she needs to be.

ChaosEngine said:

The thing is it clearly DID bother her and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Rather than saying that was "was softball compared to what she'd face if she runs in 2020", we should expect a higher level of political discourse.

Trump can't be allowed to become the norm, and sinking to his level (even if only to mock him) just further entrenches that behaviour.

Otherwise, we really WILL end up with idiocracy.

How a Storm Triggered a City-Wide Asthma Attack

newtboy says...

I think this is a normal occurrence in Texas in the early summer when grass and tree pollen (especially mesquite, it puts out visible clouds of pollen) are thick and thunderstorms happen almost daily. I had a horrible time with allergies growing up in Houston.

Because the window will stop him...

Mookal says...

Most vehicle side windows are made of tempered glass, compared to the laminated glass of the windscreen. The windshield is designed to "hold" its pieces upon severe impact due to the lamination process (a layer of plastic material sandwiched between two layers of glass) whereas the tempered side windows will shatter into small relatively harmless globules. Tempered glass is used due to it being roughly 4x the strength of non tempered glass, and cheaper to produce than laminated.

Most automotive side glass is typically between 3-6mm thick, depending on the region of origin, eg Europe, Japan, USA etc. That said, calculating the compression, tensile and sheer strength a particular window can sustain is not exactly simple. However as a simple baseline, a 2ftx2ftx5mm sheet of tempered glass, with supports 2ft apart can support roughly 160lbs of sustained weight. In the case of automotive design, window frame support, distance of supports, curvature etc will change the properties and strength of the glass.

Long story short, with the vehicles window fully rolled into the frame, that lion would need hundreds of pounds of force directed at a single point to reach the shatter point. Granted, I've never arm wrestled a lion, so maybe those folks were just a can of Vienna Sausage ready to open anyway. Best not to mess with the king.

sanderbos said:

So now I am curious about this, based on the title.

So they have these safari parks right, where you drive your own car between the animals. So based on that I would imagine the car would be safe from lions.

But when I just think about it, and about how much stronger such animals are than humans, I would expect the window to break if a lion pounces at it. It would shatter of course, so it would immediately confuse a big predator, but if it is dedicated enough to get really angry at the driver (maybe if the car stereo would be blaring Britney Spears or something like that, really pissing of the lion), that car window would only be a very minor stoppage for the lion's attack?

Epic Anti-texting rant

Mordhaus says...

I've driven my wife to work and watched a lady next to me do her makeup (with the visor down and mirror open) while doing the phone pin thing. The same lady was weaving through thick traffic trying to somehow save 10 seconds or so on her trip to wherever she was headed.

It is kind of like that other video about the lady cutting in line,, some people just think their time is more important than yours or the lives of the people in your car.

littledragon_79 said:

Does the same apply to someone with their phone pinned to their ear with their shoulder while they flip through pages of a memo/brief? - true story

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