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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I don’t think you do, because you didn’t invest slowly at regular intervals over time (unless you lied), you said you invested everything in one stock….lucky for you early when it was reasonably priced ($25?), and suggested to anyone that would listen that they sell everything and go all in all at once even when Tesla was over $400 a share. That’s the exact opposite of dollar cost averaging. Derp. It’s like I know you better than you know yourself…because I paid attention and remember what you said last week/month/year.

You improvident lackwit. When will you stop making predictions? I don’t think you’ve been correct 2% of the time.

Dow’s up 869 points this month, stocks sound pretty good to me. What new bank failed? I see no new failure. I wonder if you understand why the last two failed….hint, it starts with “der” and ends with “egulation”, and was a pure Trump Republican plan passed in 2018 because they had forgotten 2008 already, or wanted to repeat it.

Too busting? Do you mean too busty? I don’t understand the attempted insult… I don’t even understand the concept of “too busty”…but you should know it’s impossible for you to successfully insult me because I would have to value your opinion first.
If I were to put on a drag show for kids, you better believe it would be snap, crackle, and popping…but it’s really not my scene. I prefer my drag queens to be English and of the Python variety, but that’s just a matter of taste.
Don’t you find it odd that drag shows are suddenly such a problem for the far right?
They’re not new.
Many MANY far right politicians that are now suddenly outraged at drag shows enjoyed going to them, organized them, or performed in them themselves at one time. The right could even support them publicly in the 70’s and 80’s. Can you explain why are you ALL suddenly such insecure snowflakes now that, like alcoholics with booze, you can’t stand to be reminded drag shows and homosexuals exist and went all in on some misguided unpopular unconstitutional temperance movement? Why it’s suddenly such an impossible-to-ignore temptation for you? Somehow Trump? Maybe it’s just that your ilk needs a target to scapegoat for your failures and they’re the latest relatively powerless target….yeah…just maybe.

bobknight33 said:

Guess yo[u] don[‘]t [kn]o[w] about dollar cost averaging.
Also guess you don[‘]t realize the economy is winding down.
Yet another bank faltering causing stocks to fall.
This biden shit show is far from over.
You must be too busting putting on drag show for kids.

Roommates Discover Disturbing Dog Ritual

The Temptations - My Girl ( 1964) rare footage video

BoneRemake (Member Profile)

Kid Gets Caught While Trying to Steal Package

cloudballoon says...

The camera isn't racist. The homeowner might be a racist (we would not know unless he/she uploads every instance of such attempts to give a cold-hard-fact account that's free of manipulation -- even though that's STILL not factoring in the socio-econo-racial problem of the neighborhood -- if you choose to see things with a racial lens). But the comment absolutely is racist.

Years ago, living in my suburb home, my bike was stolen by 2 kids (garage door was open as I was mowing the lawn, but I went inside for the loo for 2 mins), I was lucky and spotted them about 5~6 streets down (took 2 lucky correct turns). They were 2 kids about 8~10 y.o. One White one Asian. Guess which one was the older, pack leader (hold my adult-size bike) and absolutely showing no remorse after getting caught?

Regardless, the kids parents might have a hard life working on weekends at low paying jobs so couldn't spend time with these kids. Who knows? I'm not so quick to judgement without knowing the root causes.

Thing is, I blame society-at-large and not see it as a racial thing. Kids are kids, easy to succumb to such temptation without good parental/peer/mentor guidance. Especially nowadays, they see adults making a CAREER/LIVING as Porch Pirates, what examples are adults giving them to imitate? You have like 40% of the adult population celebrate con mans and elect them Senators, Governors & President!

TangledThorns said:

That camera is racist!

Lake Oroville Drought, California

luxintenebris jokingly says...

know and agree with that feeling. did a quick search and the story is remarkably similar to this article...

...and is not Oroville is also the same damn dam that had a problem w/their spillway structure collapsing recently?
[at least this link is 'human' generated]

So not a fun job, i.e. Oroville OverLord. Just think of he/she when you're getting Kind of Blue. Miles of problems for them. Whether the weather goes all rain or no rain, there's no 'So What' for them. Only hope for it to go Blue to Green so it isn't All Blues.

Upside: while it's dry the spillway is being repaired.
Downside: it may not be necessary

[...and the job could lead to empty hours of boredom, only to fall to the temptation of getting the drawing crayons out to do Flamenco Sketches; dreaming where they could be, and what they could be doing.]

rancor said:

What is with these weird generated news stories using text-to-speech? It feels icky taking them at face value. The images could be total bunk since there are no attributions or anything.

I'm not suggesting the drought is fake, I'm just saying this is one of the worst sources that can be posted.

Skilled pilot lands 757 in small Honduras airport

SFOGuy says...

Lot of reasons to hate that approach plate---unstabilized and requires a lot of pilot skill...and then, if the pilot isn't skilled, stuff goes wrong.

Hong Kong's old Kai Tak---same thing.

The temptation is always to NOT stuff it into the ground on approach which overshoots touchdown---and then you're running down off the end of the runway...egads.

Here Be Dragons: Secrets of One of the Earliest Globes

BSR says...

Interesting. I kinda want to unscrew the two halves and see what's hiding in there. But if I've learned anything from horror movies, resist the temptation comes to mind. That should be left to curious, innocent teenagaers.

Dangers of Using Electronics in Bathroom

noims says...

Can confirm. A cm or so of insulation on live and neutral pins on plugs here in Ireland (and UK) have definitely saved me and probably my toddler from shocks / death / learning experiences.

I can tell you it was a little alarming seeing how he unplugs stuff. It's hard not to give into the temptation of a few hundred volts of rigged 'I told you so', but no one wants him living like Medhi here.

"Understanding" award wining ad by Kodak Motion Picture Film

dannym3141 says...

WTF? That's the only kind of behaviour i encourage.

Why don't you go back to your boring shit and let the rest of us have a good time? I promise we'll keep the noise down whilst we're being fabulous - you won't lose any nap time, and your little snowflake sensibilities won't be damaged (unless the temptation to watch us is too ...hard... to bear).

bobknight33 said:

I'm not the one promoting deviant behavior.

George Michael - Killer / Papa Was A Rollin' Stone

George Michael - Killer / Papa Was A Rollin' Stone

Fantomas says...



After Hours: Why Sauron is Secretly the Good Guy in LOTR

MilkmanDan says...

What I get as the "point" of the One Ring is
A) backup / fallback plan in case Sauron is killed so he won't be completely destroyed (containing some of his soul / essence)
B) a trap to facilitate his control of the other races by tempting and corrupting them

And I think your take on the reason for the invisibility is correct according to the way Tolkien intended it. But it still doesn't sit real well with me. To me it feels better to imagine the whole ring story as a take on "power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely".

The other rings of power are interesting. The three for the elves are largely free of the influence of the one, because Celebrimbor was already very suspicious of Sauron / Annatar when he made them. So the elves can and do continue to use them, though warily.

The seven for dwarves aren't discussed a lot, but hinted that they help corrupt the dwarves natural appreciation for gems and gold into a darker greed for those things. That dovetails into stuff in The Hobbit pretty well. So, while they don't corrupt dwarves in the same way they do men, they DO lead to isolation and and factionalization of the dwarves, which I suppose could have been Sauron's intent.

The nine for humans seem to work quite well as judged by Sauron's intent for them.

I guess that overall, I just feel like temptation and corruption of wearers of the one ring seems like a very elegant way to achieve Sauron's goals when he made it. A ring that grants the wearer the single ability that they most desire but also will be most tempted to abuse would be very difficult for people (and elves or dwarves or whoever) to resist. Gandalf and Galadriel are directly offered the ring but refuse only because they both *know* that they would be corrupted by it. I don't see invisibility as enough of a game-changing ability for either of them to be so confident that they couldn't handle it.

Jinx said:

But the point of the One Ring wasn't to corrupt its wearer, no? I thought that was just a side-effect of it a)containing part of some evil dudes soul b) having a sort of will of its own and wanting to get back to aforementioned evil dude. Equally I thought the reason the ring makes people invisible is a byproduct of it pulling the wearer into whatever bizarro interdimension that the ring-wraiths and sauron semi-inhabit. Hence why Sauron et al can immediately see the wearer despite spending the rest of the time frantically scanning every corner of middle earth as a creepy big eye thing. I thought the idea was that the ring was only truly powerful in the hands of Sauron, given it was sort of a large part of him, and in combination with the other rings of power, the owners of which it was _meant_ to control.

No, my complaint would be that despite investing so much into it, it kinda fails. Turns out the Dwarves are basically incorruptible and the elves immediately sense they have been conned and stop using their 3. Perhaps he should have made more than 9 for the men.

Everything We Think We Know About Addiction Is Wrong

shinyblurry says...

The love of a God didn't save me from trauma, sexual and gender identity issues, clinical depression, and the ever looming bipolar disorder. Living is hard, even if it's also simultaneously fun and easy for me to succeed; because the concept of my personal identity isn't flush with the expectations that society and my family have. Being myself almost always gets me in trouble and is misunderstood with sometimes violent repercussions. This forms further cognitive dissonance which is a psychological isolation that has physical isolation as a matter of course. Depression runs in my family, despite all of their love and adoration of Jesus. Southern Baptists, bless their hearts.

I'm sorry to hear about all of that poolcleaner. I think maybe you have the idea that Christians, according to the bible, are supposed to live pain free lives. That isn't what the bible says, though. Jesus promised that Christians would suffer, not only persecutions but grievous trials, physically and spiritually. A Christian is supposed to die to himself, take up his cross, and follow Jesus.

That means a Christian can become depressed, or have gender issues, or any number of other infirmities or temptations. Christians can and do screw up all the time. People have a picture of churches filled with people who think they are perfect, but it is the opposite. Churches are usually filled with people who have screwed up everything royally, and God rebuilt their lives from the ground up. Churches are filled with people who know and proclaim that it is only by Gods grace and mercy that there is anything good happening in their lives; they are filled with broken people who are held together in the loving arms of almighty God. They fall apart sometimes and God puts them back together again.

There's almost nothing logical about anything you say. The only logic is that you make things make sense according to the Bible. If it's scientifically logical but goes against the teachings Christ or God, it's wrong. If the Bible can support the science, it's good!

The most destructive thing in a mans life is a lack of integrity. When you cheat, you aren't getting away with it because no one found out; you are going to reap a bitter harvest from the bad seed you have sown. A loss will occur, whether it is financially, or even mentally and emotionally, and it will far outweigh the temporary gains. It is the same with lying, hating, lusting, etc. Sin in our lives is destructive physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The bible describes it in exacting detail and it matches reality because the true reality of mankind, what he is really like, and why, can only be found in scripture. The bible is right about everything it says about mankind. Although the bible does match our observations of the natural world, I think it is more remarkable how it matches the reality of the inner universe.

I don't know if think you think this is science or not, as far as the video goes. As far as I can tell it is speculation based on a few studies the author researched. Has anyone tested his theory?

You, on the other hand, make every excuse to prove your stupid philosophy is true and that science is wrong for not agreeing upon the truth of your hippy God love cult. Prove me to be objectively incorrect in my perspective and I will give up on my convictions. Because what is a conviction if it's a false one based upon circular logic and feel good analogies? Oh, them feels. Them Jesus feels. Jesus hippy love.

I'm not a Christian because I thought it was a good idea, or because it made me feel good. When I gave my life to Jesus, I didn't feel any differently at all, except perhaps with a realization of some things I had to change in my life. I became a Christian because God revealed Himself to me, and He showed me Jesus is the messiah. No one ever witnessed to me or explained the gospel in my entire life; it was entirely because of personal revelation that I became a Christian.

I'm not here to prove anything; I post when I feel motivated by God, and the intent of my heart is care and concern for your souls. I started coming here when I was a new christian, and I got into arguments with people over petty issues. To me, now, the real issue is where you're spending eternity and I am praying for that. Perhaps I will never be known on this forum as anything other than an unthinking zealot, but God knows I am sincere at least about that.

Stephen Colbert on Pope Francis, faith and politics

poolcleaner says...

You think religious people don't think their moral conscience comes from personal faith? That's silly on your part, because it's practically a requirement. Why else would you have personal faith in a higher power? Moral conscience.

Please, God, calm my temper.
Please, God, free me from the pleasure of my constant masturbation.
Please, God, save me from the temptation of my neighbor's hot wife.
Please, God, make me not gay.
Please, God, don't let me date rape again.

Can't you see that the point of religion is to give or force a specific moral conscience onto humanity? That. Is. What. Religion. Is.

nanrod said:

Did Stephen just equate having a personal religious faith with having a moral conscience. I hope not. Shades of that idiot Steve Harvey and his "moral barometer".

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