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This Opera Singer Scares Me

This Opera Singer Scares Me

chingalera says...

>> ^Januari:

Ok... she is pretty amazing... but what an absurd song... You can pretty much tell that some composer decided... "'I'm going to write this to sound ridiculous hard to sing... as well as pretty much just sounding ridiculous...".
I don't know... maybe someone with an ear for opera can tell me i'm crazy but find listening to that painful.

The composer wrote this quite probably for a talented interpreter of the period who was actually able to pull this off and make it sound whack!....Real easy to compose pieces impossible for the human voice to replicate, it's that fine-line between impossible and well-executed by very few that makes this piece an etude in extremes.

This Opera Singer Scares Me

This Opera Singer Scares Me

brycewi19 says...

>> ^csnel3:

She has a lot in common with Diva Plavalaguna.
Im sure she is very talented and this may appeal to the Pinkies Out crowd, but youll never find this on my IPoD. I'll compare this to shitting out a Presto_log, its a very rare and difficult act, but I wouldnt want to watch it or listen to it.

You've shitted out a Presto Log before?

Color me impressed.

mintbbb (Member Profile)

This Opera Singer Scares Me

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Different culture, different times, different aesthetic values. There is plenty of virtuostic writing and playing in contemporary styles. Is it musical? Does it add to the whole of the piece? I'd say yes to both in this case.

The ocean, too, appears to swallow
the vessel that you see
shattered by the storm.

Then it reappears, and it seems
to be raised by the stars.

>> ^Januari:

Ok... she is pretty amazing... but what an absurd song... You can pretty much tell that some composer decided... "'I'm going to write this to sound ridiculous hard to sing... as well as pretty much just sounding ridiculous...".
I don't know... maybe someone with an ear for opera can tell me i'm crazy but find listening to that painful.

This Opera Singer Scares Me

This Opera Singer Scares Me

Januari says...

Ok... she is pretty amazing... but what an absurd song... You can pretty much tell that some composer decided... "'I'm going to write this to sound ridiculous hard to sing... as well as pretty much just sounding ridiculous...".

I don't know... maybe someone with an ear for opera can tell me i'm crazy but find listening to that painful.

This Opera Singer Scares Me

Deano (Member Profile)

Parenting level: ∞

chingalera says...

>> ^smooman:

>> ^pumkinandstorm:
I wish this would happen in my car, but everytime I try to start something, everyone tells me to shut up.

i would too if only because this song has become the anthem for frat douche dicks the world over when the only part they know is the opera.
I love love love love love queen (i wouldve gone gay for freddie mercury) but ive come to hate hate hate hate hate this song.

What you hate is not this song, but white people (who don't come close to having pipes like Mercury) trying real hard to be gay by slaughtering it with a homophobic rendition sing-a-long styley in a car...there's a difference, and I feel your hate hate hate

Ted Koppel: Fox News 'Bad for America'

enoch says...

a little over 30 years ago news used to be not-for profit but rather a badge of honor and integrity.journalists and newsrooms prided themselves on actually reporting and while there were still problems,america had a fourth estate that (for the most part) still reported actual news.

where we find ourselves today is corporate opinion news that (since the late 70's) is FOR-profit).gone are the days of actual news and what is placed in its stead is entertainment dressed up like a dolled-up whore which the zombified american public has been hypnotized to believe is "news" when in actuality it is just entertainment.opinion generated conflict in order to create a dramatic soap opera where americans can enjoy their mac-n-cheese on tv trays and nod their heads in drooling supplication to their corporate (insert name here) god.

how do you control a population of supposed "free society"?
you cant have the midnight knock.
nor can you black bag every dissenting voice.
no no...
you control how they think.
you control their opinion.

let us consider a few points:
1.the media is the NUMBER ONE lobbyist.
not big oil.
not big pharma.
but the media.
2.with almost 3000 media outlets in the USA yet only FIVE owners.(thank you cuntface michael powell!)
that is one mighty powerful megaphone to influence the opinions of a population.
and its works....brilliantly.just look at some of the comments here.

@chingalera has pointed this out in his usual colorful manner and is spot on.

independent news media is the only way to go if you are looking for actual journalism.

@shinyblurry do not get caught in the trap my not rely on corporate "news" to enlighten you concerning the situation in the middle east nor the origins of the anymosity towards america.truth does not suit their purposes in controlling your opinion.
might i recommend this most excellent documentary:

and @quantumushroom i will let chomsky address your false equivalency argument:

I do love you all but... (Fail Talk Post)

Deano says...

>> ^dag:

Shows up fine for me too. Hmmm, maybe a CSS/browser issue?

I also note that @UsesProzac appears white on white for me. But it's fine on her profile page. I tested that on chrome and Opera. I wonder if some of this is the HDMI connection that's going through a switchbox. But then I'm sure this was a problem before I upgraded my VGA monitor in the summer...

Phantom of the Opera- Lindsey Stirling

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'linsey stirling, epic violin girl, phantom of the opera' to 'lindsey stirling, epic violin girl, phantom of the opera' - edited by calvados

Ennio Morricone - The Ecstasy of Gold (live)

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