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Economy is Great for Billionaires, Bad for Working People

newtboy says...

No Bob...that's your willful ignorance talking.
It takes a real dreamer to attempt to claim there's zero evidence of Russia Trump collusion when there are dozens of convictions of and admissions by subordinates for various crimes related to said collusion with our enemies that he claimed didn't happen, internal emails, letters, and scariest for Trump, actual recordings of Trump conspiring with his lawyer to, among dozens of other felonies including witness tampering, fraud, and charitable fraud, lie to hide his collusion (not a legal term) and plenty of proof of his family colluding too, like the Trump tower meeting with Russian agents in an attempt to subvert our democracy with a hostile foreign power and his daughter's money laundering business.
There's also mountains of evidence of witness tampering and providing false evidence to congress (by sending his lawyer to repeatedly lie and not correcting the record) in his flailing efforts to hide the ongoing collusion.
Those are just off the top of my head and don't include the dozens of state charges being filed he can't escape by hiding behind the office or the grab bag of charges the Muller investigation may reveal.
That you have been so consistently zealously vocal about his innocence without even knowing what's being investigated makes you extremely Trumpian. I bet that makes you feel proud.

bobknight33 said:

2 years and ZERO evidence of Russian Trump collusion.. Guess your a Dreamer also.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

How The First Ever Telecoms Scam Worked



BSR says...

I think he carved that groove through those mountains after years of flying down and using nothing more than a parachute and golf shoes.

Ant Stealing Diamond

BSR says...

Saw that title and I just knew it was going to turn a mountain into an anthill.

So ant, how'd the lady like your gift?

The Check In: Betsy DeVos' Rollback of Civil Rights

newtboy says...

Try reading again. You have it totally backwards.

When was I insulting or dismissive? Because it was unforseen that educated people would elect a bombastic insulting sexist popularist con man who was obviously lying to them simply because he wore a red hat and tie? Those are facts, not opinion. Many of them are saying how much they regret it now.

I offered solutions you appeared to agree with, like funding lower education so everyone has a decent, if not equal, opportunity to get an education.
Using race as ONE criteria amongst many for admission is not ideal, as I said, but until a better system for identifying and addressing financial and societal issues that stymie opportunities for people often based on their pigmentation is created, it's the best we've got.

What we don't have is what you imply is the white men with 1570 SAT scores (old school SAT, I don't know how it's scored now) and 3.9 gpas are not being turned away from Yale to make room for indigent African American women with 990 SATs and 2.7 gpas...but the Latina woman with 1550 and 3.6 gpa earned while raising 2 siblings and holding a full time job, yeah, she gets the slot, and that's proper. One skewed test that benefits one privileged group is hardly a decent measure of their work ethic or intelligence....often it's only an indication they hired the right student to take the SAT for them. There were at least 3 hired test takers out of 30 students taking the PSAT when I took it, we talked afterwards.

It is the right (and people making the arguments you are) who are far more insulting and dismissive of non white people's frustrations at being racially discriminated a level and consistency exponentially higher than the trifling discriminations whites suffer. That doesn't mean some whites don't suffer some deleterious effects, it means they come out way ahead in the discrimination game.

You wish to ignore all racial discrimination and racial obstacles except that single instance you can point to where it doesn't come out in your favor, then suddenly racism IS a problem that needs eradicating....but only the kind that harms white guys, forget the myriad of insurmountable racist mountains non whites climb daily, both institutional and societal, this speed bump for whites is unconscionable and must be removed immediately!

Come back and whine about institutional anti white bias when anti white racism permeates every facet of your life but not when your race doesn't give you a free leg up that one time. Maybe talk to your right wing friends about why funding education for others is good for you as step one towards eliminating programs like this that address inequities in opportunities, and giving the less fortunate extra opportunity to overcome their situation is good for all. After reasonable basic educational opportunities are available for all, schools will still take the student's home life, finances, and extra curricular activities into account....with luck that will be on an individual basis eventually, but that's not likely until education reforms occur that give everyone an opportunity to display their skills on a more level field..

bcglorf said:

Being insulting and dismissive of people's frustrations at being racially discriminated against as your post appears to do just makes for more division still.

Rare Earth - The Country The World Says Doesn't Exist

admiralronton says...

I visited here on my last trip to Armenia. It's as stunning as the video shows. They didn't show the long cables hanging between mountains to catch low-flying helicopters. It's a different life, for sure.

The restaurants were awesome. Lots of BBQ. =]

Being happy has nothing to do with money (or drugs)

ChaosEngine says...

Agreed. There have been numerous studies that show that happiness DOES increase with wealth.... up to a point.

Basically, struggling to buy food, pay rent, etc can make life miserable, but once you've got that covered more money won't necessarily make you happier.

In conclusion, money can't buy happiness but it can buy beer/mountain bikes/snowboards/holidays.

bcglorf said:

Not to be pedantic, but I know enough people who've claimed money has "nothing to do with happiness" literally that I have to counter it.

If you lack the money to keep you, or even more your children nourished or protected from the elements, you will discover there are many reasons for unhappiness that money can aid with. Money in no way grants or guarantees happiness, but there are a lot of things that make you miserable and sad that money can overcome, hungry and homeless children being the most obvious.

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

Code Monkey

Zawash says...

Code Monkey get up get coffee
Code Monkey go to job
Code Monkey have boring meeting
With boring manager Rob
Rob say Code Monkey very diligent
But his output stink
His code not "functional" or "elegant"
What do Code Monkey think?
Code Monkey think maybe manager want to write god damned login page himself
Code Monkey not say it out loud
Code Monkey not crazy, just proud

Code Monkey like Fritos
Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew
Code Monkey very simple man
With big warm fuzzy secret heart:
Code Monkey like you
Code Monkey like you

Code Monkey hang around at front desk
Tell you sweater look nice
Code Monkey offer buy you soda
Bring you cup, bring you ice
You say no thank you for the soda cause
Soda make you fat
Anyway you busy with the telephone
No time for chat
Code Monkey have long walk back to cubicle he sit down pretend to work
Code Monkey not thinking so straight
Code Monkey not feeling so great

Code Monkey like Fritos
Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew
Code Monkey very simple man
With big warm fuzzy secret heart:
Code Monkey like you
Code Monkey like you a lot

Code Monkey have every reason
To get out this place
Code Monkey just keep on working
See your soft pretty face
Much rather wake up, eat a coffee cake
Take bath, take nap
This job "fulfilling in creative way"
Such a load of crap
Code Monkey think someday he have everything even pretty girl like you
Code Monkey just waiting for now
Code Monkey say someday, somehow

Code Monkey like Fritos
Code Monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew
Code Monkey very simple man
With big warm fuzzy secret heart:
Code Monkey like you
Code Monkey like you

Latvian Firefighters Catch Attempted Suicide

eric3579 says...

From the Latvian National Fire and Rescue Service,Translated by Google...

"During the weekend, the VUGD received a call to a multi-apartment building where there was a suspicion that a person was going to jump through the fourth floor window. When arriving at the scene, firefighters rescuers realized that if they were trying to get into the apartment, one would most likely jump over the window. Thanks to the support of the neighbors, firefighters were able to enter the steep lowk in the apartment and prepare to grab this person in the fall. While one firefighter rescuer was waiting for a fall at the window, the other ensured that the interceptors could rescue the falling person firmly. Meanwhile, firefighters with mountaineering equipment tried to access people on the sill from the roof of the building, but the rescuers noticed that human hands had fallen and dropped. The firefighters below were able to catch the fallen people behind their feet and safely pass through the window. "

I read on reddit, that the news reported, that the firefighters were on the third floor.

Brake Cleaner Fluid Vs Monster Energy Drink

moonsammy says...

Mountain Dew would be the best choice of the three - it's the citric acid in Monster that is doing the job here, and neither Coke or Dr Pepper would have that (while Dew has orange as an ingredient). I would think something like 7-Up or Sprite would also be fine, though I'm not sure how much citrus those actually contain. Lemonade?

AeroMechanical said:

So, like, does Doctor Pepper or Coke work too? I don't care for Monster, but I can drink the rest of the Doctor Pepper. Mountain Dew if I have to.

Brake Cleaner Fluid Vs Monster Energy Drink

AeroMechanical says...

I usually just sort of use whatever is to hand. Butane, rubbing alcohol, gasoline, carb cleaner, but these are all pretty flammable and/or toxic (WD-40 is good for some things, but then *that* is hard to clean off). If Monster works, that sounds good. So, like, does Doctor Pepper or Coke work too? I don't care for Monster, but I can drink the rest of the Doctor Pepper. Mountain Dew if I have to.

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