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Jeff Goldblum Lives More In Ten Minutes Than...

Jumping The Tour Dr France Peloton 2019

blacklotus90 (Member Profile)

newtboy (Member Profile)

siftbot says...

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newtboy (Member Profile)

The Documented Truth About Trump Collusion and Obstruction

newtboy says...

Oops....among all your other misstatements of fact, you forgot Papadopolis, who's illegal collusion with Russia, seeking a hostile foreign power's help in digging up dirt on Democrats, actually started the FBI investigation before anyone knew the Republicans hired Fusion/Steele, who later turned their work over to Clinton, who then informed the FBI who was already investigating Trump's campaign. Papadopoulos plead guilty. His actions spurred the legitimate investigation, not Fusion or Steele.

On October 5, 2017, Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to making false statements to FBI agents about the timing and the possible significance of his contacts in 2016 relating to U.S.-Russia relations and the Donald Trump presidential campaign.

It's clear you haven't read the Mueller report...although if you had it's also clear you would continue to lie about what's in it, as you just did. There are mountains of evidence being considered in multiple courts as we speak, and mountains more waiting for him to leave office. 34 convictions on that evidence you say isn't enough for court. The lions share of those blacked out parts of the report you didn't read are due to ongoing cases....liar.

Most of what was in the Steele dossier turned out to be 100% correct, as was the decision to turn it over. It was independently verified before being mentioned in courts. This has been litigated, and Trump lost, sore loser. Trump, conversely, still publicly states he would accept foreign help in his campaign and wouldn't inform the FBI, two crimes against the US. Rusher, if you're listening, please hack government servers and release dirt on my opponent...remember? And within hours they did exactly that, remember?

In October 2015, Fusion GPS was contracted by conservative political website The Washington Free Beacon (who, like most Republicans were Trump haters) to provide general opposition research on Trump and other Republican presidential candidates. In April 2016, attorneys for Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC separately hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump, while The Free Beacon stopped its backing in May of 2016. In June 2016, Fusion GPS subcontracted Steele's firm to compile the dossier. Clinton campaign officials were reportedly unaware that Fusion GPS had subcontracted Steele, and he was not told that the Clinton campaign was the recipient of his research. Following Trump's election as president, funding from Clinton and the DNC ceased, but Steele continued his research and was reportedly paid directly by Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn R. Simpson. While compiling the dossier, Steele passed information to both British and American intelligence services.

Trump has said clearly he would not have turned it over, nor would he care if the accusations were true.

Trump is a life long criminal fraud, admitted and convicted, and horrific business man, backstabbing "friend" who constantly tried to sleep with his friend's wives, incestuous pedophile, cheating husband and philanderer, and well known documented golf cheat. You and he admit he's a constant liar, in fact you applaud him for lying, stating clearly that you think that he is smart to lie under oath, because the truth would convict him. His cabinet has proven to be the worst, most criminal administration ever in the history of the US. None has more convictions for crimes against the state, or more pending criminal cases, or more lobbyists filling positions, or more turnover, or more failed appointments.

Funny, don't you still chant "lock her up" over pizzagate and Benghazzi, demanding more politically motivated investigations alongside Trump? Sore loser...still fighting the losses. As usual, you have it all hypocritically backwards.

[Redacted to conform with sift rules, not because I didn't mean every word]

bobknight33 said:

Funny Sore looses still fighting the loss.


Hillery Clinton paid Glen Simpson of Fusion GPS / who went to ( Trump hater) Christopher Steele, an X British intelligence officer with MI6 who contacted high level Russians for information. .. Trump is theorizing but Hillary actually did get dirt from Russia. She ended up with a fake report, gave it to top FBI, (also hated trump) who knew it was all false information and used it to open FISA warrants to spy on Trump and Co. Warrants were renewed 3 times, all on un verified information.

But Trump is the bad guy ... Suck eggs

It's Not Okay

shinyblurry (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

When I die, I expect I'm going back to where I was before I was born....nowhere.

Obviously this "evidence" is not undeniable...I, and hundreds of millions....actually many billions deny it.

Religopolitical propaganda has no bearing on real life unless you make it. Christian scripture is political, compiled and edited by men with an agenda to make people more easily controlled. That is simply an undeniable historical fact.

You do realize that there are other "undeniable" scriptures from other religions that contradict your chosen dogma, right? You deny all of them, I just deny one more than you do.

I must be really special, because God has made no such thing evident, in fact he gave me the ability to reason which makes evident the fallacy of supernatural entities and powers and makes any creator totally unnecessary, superfluous, and infinitely unlikely.

It's reason that lets me see what "God" is....a tool for civil control and a soothing but baseless answer to the questions of the unknown.

I've told you many times, God is free to reveal himself at any time. He has not done so in any way shape or form, but his fans have offered mountains of proclaimed evidence that was all self referencing circular logic, stone age tribal nonsense, and fantasy fables, and nothing more. If he exists, it's his will to have me not believe. Plain and simple.
My heart is as opened to Jesus as anyone else....but he has to show up and work his way inside. So far he's a total no show, and I'm not holding a table reserved for anybody and pretending they're present. Mot has made more of a substantial showing than Yahweh...should I be serving him?

shinyblurry said:

Romans 10:9-10

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved

When you do that, believing that Jesus died for your sins, God will save you and make you a new person. You're good if you don't care where you are going after you die, if you leave it as you believe up to chance. Yet the evidence that God exists is undeniable, and the coming of His Son Jesus Christ was predicted by prophecies going back thousands of years. So you're not really leaving it up to chance because the scripture tells you that you have no excuse for ignorance.

Romans 1:18-20

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse

You would say, I am sure, that you haven't seen any evidence for God but the scripture says you have and you have suppressed the truth about it. I believe scripture and in our conversations I am sorry to say you are always poisoning the well of reasoned debate with mockery and ridicule. What is behind that is a heavy bias and angst which keeps you from seeing who God is. Being obstinate against the truth of Gods word is foolish. Why not give God the benefit of the doubt and at least ask Him to show you if what I have been telling you all of these years is true?

How This Cyclist Hit 184MPH and Set the World Record

newtboy says...

Perhaps you misunderstand me. I don't accuse her of taking anything from professionals, as I don't think they're competing. I only think, when making a claim of record bicycle speeds, if those speeds are not achieved without assistance it should be clearly noted. They didn't hide it, but the title slightly mislead me and left me disappointed it wasn't a human powered speed, because that speed would have more than doubled the previous record and that would be amazing.

This is a feat of skill and bravery. It simply is not a feat of purely human powered speed. Nothing wrong with that, as long as it's clear, imo.

Nice trip. 2500 miles is a good chunk of the distance coast to coast (depending on the route). Where did you ride to/from?
I've never done a long distance ride like that, I just rode to school and back daily...over 35 miles round trip...and around town. Up here in Humboldt, the roads are terrible so I don't ride much anymore, skinny racing tires don't do well in potholes. I'm getting too old and broken for serious mountain bike trail riding, which is sad considering the trails I have available.

I'm intrigued by the sand swap idea, but also concerned about the introduction of invasive species that may be living in that sand. Just a thought if you make the trip.

BSR said:

Again, SHE'S NOT A PRO! She doesn't take anything away from the pros but also gives them a chance to break her record. (If they got the guts)

Unrelated, this is me back in 2011 making a 2,500 mile bike trip which I did in 3 months. It was something I did to see if I actually wanted to bike across country. From Cape Canaveral beach to Vandenberg Air Force Base. I would carry a sample of sand from the east and then dump it on the beach in the west.

Due to circumstances beyond my control I still haven't been able to make that trip. But I loved every minute of the trip I did.

Honest Government Ad | Climate Change Policy

newtboy says...

You misread. I'm blaming radicals for drinking mountain dew, which hypes them up to the point of being ready for race war. It doesn't make radicals, it energizes them.

Sadly, no. The right has abused and ignored their constitutional duties as a party, handing supreme power to one man over and over while ignoring and actively hiding his multiple crimes and appearances of crimes and actively obstructing the investigations at every turn.....advancing their cause so no investigation should be undertaken, no charges levied, and certainly no punishments for what are real, treasonous felonies....dozens of convictions about subversion....collusion....but you still believe they are the patriots?! You still claim they care about the constitution, as they wipe their asses with it?! Explain.

Come on, Bob, it's ok to admit they aren't perfect and that you don't support at least some of their crimes. I wish you would consider how you would feel if Obama stayed a third term (which Trump hints might be his plan often) and/or bypassed congress to add trillions to the deficit while cutting the military by over half (note, Obama increased military funding consistently, contrary to the lies Fox and Trump tell you).

Democrats want to save the union, granted some of their ideas are poorly thought out, republicans from the top down are itching for a civil war because your side believes the other side isn't armed and will be easy to eradicate.....they're wrong, and totally unpatriotic.

Bob, it's not "one proud American", it's tens of thousands who aren't proud, anyone who MAGAs is saying America isn't great now, and right wingers want to completely reimagine the country as not a melting pot, not a place of refuge, not a place of fairness and opportunities, but a place where rich get richer and the poor pay for it, and where white privilege is codified law, nothing else really seems to matter any more than as a rallying cry, or Republicans would have funded the wall when they had total control.

Um....when republicans step out, it's quite often with a gun or swastika, when democrats do it, it's with an egg or a paper peace sign. Hardly the same thing.

Also, tell that to Senator Stewart Smallie (among others)....he was good enough, he was smart enough, and dog gone it, people liked him, but because of one non G rated joke as a comedian, he resigned....never in million years would republican resign for any such thing, one became president by bragging about actions similar but 100 times worse. Democrats actually hold themselves to their own standards, not Republicans, not anymore, not one tiny bit...

Good people on both sides. Yeah....except good people don't stand with Nazis and white supremacists....EVER.

Edit: again, since you persist in your insistence that the left is worse than the right, I ask you to list the left wing terrorists of late....because we can list quite a few right wing terrorists since Trump was elected, including multiple mass murderers and multiple mail bombers.

bobknight33 said:

Blaming Mountain Dew drinkers as radicals.
Brilliant logic buddy.

Nope. We have folks that believe in the Constitution and see it being ignored by 1/2 people and the Democratic party is right there trying to tear it down. Flaws and all, this is still the greatest country in the world and your side wants to destroy it.

So when 1 proud American snaps, Its understandable, not tolerable and they should be punished.

When your side steps out, all is OK. They are advancing the cause. No punishment should be taken.

Honest Government Ad | Climate Change Policy

bobknight33 says...

Blaming Mountain Dew drinkers as radicals.
Brilliant logic buddy.

Nope. We have folks that believe in the Constitution and see it being ignored by 1/2 people and the Democratic party is right there trying to tear it down. Flaws and all, this is still the greatest country in the world and your side wants to destroy it.

So when 1 proud American snaps, Its understandable, not tolerable and they should be punished.

When your side steps out, all is OK. They are advancing the cause. No punishment should be taken.

newtboy said:

Lol. Math....not your friend. That's around .00013 people.

I would conservatively estimate in the U.S. around 1% (around 1,300,000) of self described "conservatives" fully support the multiple right wing terroristic murderers at least privately, and depending on how much mountain dew they've had, between .01 - .0001% (approximately 13000-130) are anxiously awaiting their opportunity to get away with being one.

Name the terroristic murdering lefties from the last year, please.

Honest Government Ad | Climate Change Policy

newtboy says...

Lol. Math....not your friend. That's around .00013 people.

I would conservatively estimate in the U.S. around 1% (around 1,300,000) of self described "conservatives" fully support the multiple right wing terroristic murderers at least privately, and depending on how much mountain dew they've had, between .01 - .0001% (approximately 13000-130) are anxiously awaiting their opportunity to get away with being one.

Name the terroristic murdering lefties from the last year, please.

bobknight33 said:

neo-nazi right wing terrorism issue.... Non existent .0000000001 % of Conservatives are nuts jobs like you describe. You side is way worse.

Pali Highway in Hawaii covered by landslide

newtboy says...

WTF, panzies. Covered by landslide?! That's barely soiled by a bit of mud. Come to Humboldt, we'll show you landslides, the kind where 1/4 mile of road is gone, along with the entire mountain it was built on. This wouldn't even warrant a road crew, somebody would shovel that dust pile off the road within an hour up here.

Economy is Great for Billionaires, Bad for Working People

newtboy says...

No Bob...that's your willful ignorance talking.
It takes a real dreamer to attempt to claim there's zero evidence of Russia Trump collusion when there are dozens of convictions of and admissions by subordinates for various crimes related to said collusion with our enemies that he claimed didn't happen, internal emails, letters, and scariest for Trump, actual recordings of Trump conspiring with his lawyer to, among dozens of other felonies including witness tampering, fraud, and charitable fraud, lie to hide his collusion (not a legal term) and plenty of proof of his family colluding too, like the Trump tower meeting with Russian agents in an attempt to subvert our democracy with a hostile foreign power and his daughter's money laundering business.
There's also mountains of evidence of witness tampering and providing false evidence to congress (by sending his lawyer to repeatedly lie and not correcting the record) in his flailing efforts to hide the ongoing collusion.
Those are just off the top of my head and don't include the dozens of state charges being filed he can't escape by hiding behind the office or the grab bag of charges the Muller investigation may reveal.
That you have been so consistently zealously vocal about his innocence without even knowing what's being investigated makes you extremely Trumpian. I bet that makes you feel proud.

bobknight33 said:

2 years and ZERO evidence of Russian Trump collusion.. Guess your a Dreamer also.

newtboy (Member Profile)

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