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How To: Play the Engineer in TF2

Hans Rosling's GapCast: Energy and Emissions

How NOT to tow a car (7 secs)

An Important Message from Jon Stewart to Mitt Romney

Mosquitos in Nunavut

Avril Lavigne - Adia

oxdottir says...

Man, for me this is an example about why some people shouldn't cover other people. This just makes me think way less of Avril. It's like when I've various people try to cover Aretha. Not that Sara is Aretha.

But man, this feels shallow and pointless.

Tripple ick. I think this will permanently impair my ability to enjoy Avril.

Robert Craig "Evel" Knievel, Jr. (1938-2007)

Clutch - Electric Worry

The Latest Unified Theory of Everything using the E8 Lattice

George Carlin - Please Wake Up America

jmzero says...

Wow, another long parade of sad, tired cliches. Ooh, big rich man holding me down.

Very, very few people (businessmen, politicians, whatever) would want to see poor education so they can have a workforce of obedient idiots. To the extent that the education system is a failure, it's a failure because the people running it don't know how to do it better and because the expectations placed on it are unrealistic. Does someone legitimately believe businessmen are lobbying to - I don't know - lower education funding so that the sheeple are easier to control with their vast media machine?

I've dealt with high placed business people and seen high-level business strategy meetings and documents. It does not match the image of corporate America seen in movies, TV, or rants like this. It just doesn't. Unless the TV show you're talking about is "The Office".

The first, biggest misconception is that the super-rich are only interested in becoming more super-wealthy at whatever human cost. Certainly there's some out there who are only interested in more and more wealth - but in many cases the trend reverses the higher up you look. As a business owner reaches a certain point of wealth, quite often the focus shifts to ego: "How can I be remembered as a great guy?", "What can I do to impress my rich friends?", or "How can I help my son's business without actually cheating by giving him money?".

For example, the common idea that the Iraq war was engineered for money is ridiculous - it's not even looking in the right direction. GWB and the ruling cadre have plenty of ways to get money; what a guy like GWB desperately wants is to be remembered as the president who saved the free world. Glory. And he's pursuing that earnestly, making decisions that he honestly believes are correct. Sure there are profiteers, but they're peripheral to the actual motivation.

I think somehow people prefer the idea that the country is run by an elite cadre of power-hungry super-villains. The alternative, the reality - that it's run by well-meaning but over-confident, incompetent jocks - is scary in a way that people don't seem to want to accept.

If there was one dangerous meme that could actually threaten the slow march of progress, it's the idea that this video conveys: that people are powerless, and that political choices are meaningless. I see the next American election as a crucial choice in terms of foreign policy and basic human freedom. If young, energetic, change-seeking Americans stay home because they buy into conspiracy theories about how everything is fixed and rigged and unchangeable, then I think that's a real loss.

Farhad2000 (Member Profile)

dotdude says...

I did a brief synopsis of each of the fifteen in one post on CinemaTalk. Tomorrow I'll check for omissions in my thoughts.

In reply to this comment by Farhad2000:
Thanks man!

Tell me what you find most interesting! I would love to know what films I should look out for in the future!

Actually you can sift talk in!

In reply to this comment by dotdude:
Friday begins the New Orleans Film Festival. I thought you'd be interested in the line-up. There's a pdf file that has the titles and descriptions. The film schedule is heavy on documentaries.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles PSA

Videosift Dashboard: (Sift Talk Post)

MarineGunrock says...

You only think you know my name! But you're absolutely right. With everything fully customizable, no one would have anything to complain about. I just got sidetracked when you said "friends list" like this was going to be another "Hey man! add me to 2 ur friendz!" thing. But a lost of people wold be cool, because I know there are a few sifters who's posts I almost always enjoy. So now -

+1 for this idea. Any others?

A brilliant best man speech

HaricotVert says...



... 'scuse me.

For an occasion such as this, I'd like to thank you all for coming to celebrate the marriage of Shane and Tina's. A wise man told me that the best man speech should last as long as the groommate's love.

<brief pause>

... Thank you ladies and gentlemen.

I'm standing up here tonight representing the category for best man. A term that is unjustly appointed to me, and not deserved. Though it's a great honor, I'm not really the best man, just a good guy. The best man here tonight, is Shane Seaver. Now as I mentioned it's a great honor to be the best man, but with that comes a role: writing this speech. And to be honest with you, to make the process a bit easier, I decided to turn to the internet for some help.

The obvious place seemed to be the internet, so with a multitude of resources at my fingertips, I began searching the web. After a couple hours of searching, I found some really good stuff. But then I remembered I was supposed to be looking for speech ideas.

I did actually find several speech ideas, unfortunately none of them were about a couple named Shane and Tina who lived in Lincoln. Shane was born on June 19, 1974. I tried to link this to some major world event, but it seems that nothing else happened that day, although the Henderson hospital staff still refers to that day as "Ugly Wednesday."

Unfortunately Shane was a slow starter... at playschool Shane was different from all the other 5-year olds... he was 11.

Shane and Tina are each great individuals and together they truly make an unstoppable couple. They are both caring, strong-willed, and intelligent. Their love for one other is apparent to each one of us today. The great thing about Shane and Tina is that they have planned far more than their wedding, they have planned their marriage. As a matter of fact, Shane has already found out the married man is one who replaces the money in his wallet with a picture of his wife.

Shane is always excellent in everything he does, whether it was school, friends, his career, sports... even if he was the last one to be picked. And I know that if he models his parents Don and Sherry, then he will be a wonderful spouse for Tina. And since I'm married, I guess I should give you a little marriage advice - one thing that my wife Jodie and I ... we never go to bed angry, we usually just stay up and argue.

Ladies and gentlemen, these two people are very important to us. Without them the night would be a little less joyous. The great thing about this is as the evening progresses, most of us will have the opportunity to spend more time talking with them. So please join me in a very personal toast... to the bar staff. Thank you.

Tonight I'm here free of charge. And I hope you found me worth every penny. But I only have a minute left, which normally I would reserve for rupturous applause for myself. However, on this occasion I'll finish with a poem that sums up marriage quite nicely (it's good).

"The perfect groom is gentle, never harsh, cruel, or mean
he has a beautiful smile and keeps his face so clean
the perfect groom likes children, and will raise them by your side
he'll be a good father and husband to his bride
the perfect groom loves cooking, cleaning, and laundry too
he'll do anything in his power to show his love for you
the perfect groom is sweet, writing poetry from your name
he's the best friend to your mother, and kisses away your pain
he'll never make you cry or hurt you in any way
and if this poem stands to be true, then Shane... you really are gay."

UFO: Enemy Unknown ( X-COM ) - intro movie

moodonia says...

One of my all time favourite games! When I bought this on a tip to Dublin, Ireland, a middle aged Dutch man saw me reading the back of it anmd came over and said "Dont buy this game! You will say goodbye to your life!" He was laughing as he said it and boy was he right! One of the most involving and fun games I've ever played. Ah the memories!

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