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Gorgar and Firepower - pinball awesomeness

ponceleon says...

Awww man... takes me back to college. We had this machine called Earthshaker in our dorm. Hella fun and when you would get multi-ball, the wholemachine would vibrate. Anyway, long story short, our friend Frank had a habit of smashing his head against the glass whenever he lost a ball. One night, his head went through the glass... they didn't let us have a replacement pinball machine for like a semester.

POW Footage of John McCain

G-bar says...

>> ^shuac:
^ It's an excellent question, G-bar. Let me tell you why.
Short of dying or losing a limb, being a POW is probably the biggest sacrifice a soldier can make for his country. The debate about Vietnam is pretty much over by now (except if you're George W. Bush, who recently theorized that we lost that war because we didn't stay long enough <rolls eyes>) but soldiers on the ground doing the actual fighting are generally not privy to these highfalutin debates. Maybe they're more aware today but media messages of the 60s were not as ubiquitous.
But even being aware of these debates isn't very important. America going to war, for good reasons or bad, requires people willing to do some fighting. This generally is the precept behind the phrase "I'm against the war but I'm for the troops." The reason this distinction exists is because we are acknowledging that soldiers do not make policy. We are also acknowledging the good intentions of the soldier.
So they're heroes not because they were "unlucky." They're heroes because they sacrificed for their country and it doesn't matter that Vietnam turned out to be the enormous mess that it did. Or Iraq.
So I don't have a problem at all referring to John McCain as a hero. Despite this, my vote goes to Obama.

I have mixed feelings on what you just said. As an Israeli, and as a soldier myself, I´ve had the ¨pleasure¨ of fighting for my country. Luckily for me, I did not get caught as a POW, unlike some other guys... one especially is still being held in the Gaza strip.
Would you call him a hero? i would call him a poor soul - He did not sign up for this... When he got recruted, he never imagined himself imprisoned, and if so, he KNEW that his country would back him up, and do whatever it can to rescue him, as is promised to every each of us Israelis.
Unfortunately, that is not that case. He is still rotting in wherever they hold him for 2 years now, all because of beaurocracy far too complicated for a silly man like me.
You can call soldiers heroes, you can call them freedom fighters or you can call them terrorists... It doesn´t matter... but when your´e an imprisoned soldier, well - your´e just very very unlucky.

BTW - If I could vote, I would have voted Obami mami as well

The Man With No Face

Throbbin says...

I know it's wrong, but that really freaks me out.

I know it's not his fault. I know he is a man like me or you. I know he may be a perfectly pleasant guy (Jehova's Witnessity notwithstanding).

It still freaks me out though.

Blonde can't see her chips because of.... (Nando's Ad)

thinker247 says...

The man in me was excited, but the food service worker in me was screaming, "Shut the fuck up and look around your gigantic boobs, you cunt! The fucking fries are right in fucking front of you! JESUS CHRIST! I'm telling you, one more idiot like this bitch and I'm walking out of here! Do you here me Brian? I mean it this time! I can't handle these fucking nitwits anymore! This cumbag probably won't even tip, because she's too stupid to understand the concept! FUCK!"

World's most inappropriate kids' slide

you win (Gay Talk Post)

berticus says...

^ ah, but that usage DOES relate. it's equating femininity or emasculation with homosexuality. it's a common pejorative usage. a man not conforming to gender roles? let's socially ostracise by calling him gay (and thus 'not a real man'). believe me, sometimes i'd like to be able to detatch emotionally from the issue, but i can't, sorry.

KP, my personal hypothesis is that it's highly rated because it featured a nude teen boy.. you are way more optimistic than i am in any case your justification makes perfect sense, even if i still don't think it fits in the channel. i don't know why i didn't pick up on the obvious sarcasm, i'm usually pretty good at that

Cheeeeeeeeesefest!!! (Dark Talk Post)

alien_concept says...

OK! The results are in. Last night had to be written off i'm afraid, i'm sure you've all been waiting on tenterhooks, yeah... So here goes!

In third place just pipping mintbbb to the post (with what I think should have won hands down for sheer offensiveness) was firefly with this:
Frankly he took this fest to a whole new level, it scared me a little bit. Well done

In second place with the single most cringeworthy thing I have yet witnessed on the net is Eklek with this shitmountain:
The only cheesefest clip me and my twisted friend Kimbo couldn't finish! Congratulations, i'll never be the same again

And the winner iiiiiiiiiiis.... dystopianfuturetoday!!! Woooo, 2 promotes for you to do with whatever you please. Make kronosposeidon proud, won't you, pfft. And the vid he won with here:
For me the real reason you're a winner, is changing minty's tags and renaming Bolton a talentless ass clown, but anyway thank god for your sake you didn't win with Debbie Deb! Poor issy

Quick nod to thinker for wrecking my head for about three minutes with his link change, cheers mate. And Zonbie for showing his true colours and really encompassing the whole thing by posting not one but two Hoff vids. Thanks everyone!!! I'm going away to cleanse, i'll be back this time next year. Adios

Code Pink protester Hit with Baton: BOOM HEADSHOT!

Baghdad 5 Years Later. Seriously WTF Have We Done to Iraq?

thinker247 says...

Zut alors! Je suis le baguette!

>> ^MINK:


that is sooooo fucking funny. thanks man, send me the tshirt

Baghdad 5 Years Later. Seriously WTF Have We Done to Iraq?

MINK says...




that is sooooo fucking funny. thanks man, send me the tshirt

CNN visits Japan's oldest porn star

Michael Savage says Children with Autism are Faking It

kronosposeidon says...

Michael Savage? Wait, let me think about that name for a second. Michael Savage....Michael Savage...Michael Sav...Oh wait! You mean the Michael Savage who:

- Said of gay marriage and homosexual parents that "It makes me want to puke,"and "I think it's child abuse,", though he hung out with VERY out homosexual Allen Ginsberg in his youth, writing him mash notes, in one of which he expressed his desire to shove a camera up the beat poet's anus to photograph his rectum. (No self-hating homosexuality there, I assure you.)

- Refers to non-white countries as turd world nations.

- Got fired from his call-in show on MSNBC after he told a gay caller to "Get AIDS and die, you pig."

- Calls feminists and liberals, respectively, "Femi-fascists" and "Commu-Nazis."

- And asked for the extermination of 100 million Muslims.

That Michael Savage? So what's the problem? He sounds like an intelligent and reasonable man to me.

Starglider intro on Atari ST

spoco2 says...

Upvote for retro games even though I never played this... what with having a pc at the time.

That would have more than likely been a MOD, a form of music where you lay down your samples in tracks, at different pitches to create music. REALLY popular then and into the 90s. I made a few tracks back then using screamtracker from FutureCrew.

Ahh, the memories. Go here and look at the top rated/downloaded tracks to really hear the style of music from back then... listening to a track now (Deadlock), which man, takes me right back to those days of the PC Demoscene...

Groovy Dancing World

choggie says...

See, now yer a fag, and it has nothing to do with this video...or the, whip out the universal label machine to place convenient identifiers for justification of one's own inability to process information-I dunno winkler1, you seem to make a great leap from the written word, the variable interpretations of the same given the filter, and the fact that you don't know anyone from adam, until you really know them, to, *(redneck accent)"Hrrrump! Goddamn, Ho-Mo-Phobe!!

Sure fedquip is proud to have found such a nominal example of how to ascertain
and codify an individual's MO from a comment on some blog....the amount of crap that floats to the surface from the bilge on the internet, needs more than a sift-some people need ot get away from their computers more often...

There, down voted and of course, nay means aversion to sexuality in some finite tunnel as well....hey tinky winky, you're turning me on, man.... join me and dannythx1138 in the sauna....whaddaya say???

Watch the lovely being dance on her very own planet why don't we, and sell that shit somewhere else....or not.

(Thank for marking territory and having no sense of humor about yourself....main!) -the noive a some people!!

To Catch A Predator Sued for $105 Million

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