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rockfall in Peru

rockfall in Peru

Reefie says...

Not sure what the auto-generated subtitles were meant to provide other than audio descriptions of the thuds of large boulders colliding with vehicles... Not even a Wilhelm scream in there!

The Duality Of MAGA

bobknight33 says...

It is truly delightful reading stupid people comments .. Ignorant fools --- IE you ---

Trump did not bring us closer to WW3 or war with Russia. But Stupid Joe sure is doing a great job of bring us closer to war.

But on another front. some other facts you don't know. The GA case will in all manner be tossed our and redone. All because Big Fani lies under oath and banging the hired help. Did you know this -- I doubt it -- You too busy chanting Orange man bad.

surfingyt said:

you kidding? boob the moron and his dumbass family are in the video above. the only thing missing was pro-russia, anti-america rhetoric. republicans are gonna force our allies to face russia themselves and will pull us into WW3 (or is it 2, trump?) because "LeTS gO BrANDon!"

republicans are short bus trash.

The Duality Of MAGA

bobknight33 says...

Wow you they picked the 4 or so dumbest MEGA
You got shit for brains on your side also.

I'm sure they don't even know that Hunter got kicked out of the military for continued use of drugs. Even with all the pull of JOE that Joe had -- Hunter still fucked up badly.

newtboy said:

Where’s @bobknight33?

Putin replies to Biden's "rude" comment about him

newtboy says...

Yeah, sure Vlad.
Trump normalized relations, ignored your assassinations, and recognized your annexation of Ukrainian Crimea, strengthening Russia immensely, Biden armed your victims, destroyed your military, killed a generation of your sons, and crushed your economy flat with sanctions.
Clearly Biden was better for Russia. Sure.

How to make a Paperclip Cube

BSR says...

I thought the same thing but I'm to lazy to research how others have different words for same things. If I correct the "error" it wouldn't jive as a search word for the original video.

Basically I was cornered.

I'm sure Judge newt boy can settle this.

I have to stop watching the Trump trial.

bremnet said:

Um. Not an engineer or anything, but those aren't paperclips. Retitle?

...To Survive a Nuclear War

Supreme Court Ethics: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

newtboy says...

I wonder if the recent scrutiny of the tens of millions taken by these judges from plaintiffs and defendants in their own courts and the resulting outrage will make him consider this offer, knowing real ethics LAWS are coming as soon as Democrats retake the house and his fire-hose of unreported “gifts” is likely to dry up under new laws with teeth, this may be his only shot at continuing the lavish lifestyle he and the other “conservative” “justices” all enjoy thanks to their billionaire donors who buy decisions.

Note- there has yet to be a single credible accusation of taking “unreported gifts” (aka bribes) against any of the 3 “liberal” justices. No false equivalency to make here @bobknight33, none. The best the muck rakers can come up with is Geinsberg once accepted a trip she reported on her disclosures from someone who had PREVIOUSLY YEARS EARLIER had a case heard. I’m sure you will say that’s the exact same crime as taking millions from people with cases pending before your court and not reporting a dime of it or recusing yourself.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Shocker! The infant STILL DOESN’T HAVE THE BALLS TO ADMIT BEING WRONG. Especially sad since you insist on being wrong almost exclusively.
Keep trying to change the subject, I’ll keep bringing it back to your insecurity and infantilism, such a scared baby that admitting a mistake seems like it would end you, wouldn’t it. Don’t worry, you’ll learn to grow up once you get to preschool.

BTW- Trump promises “very powerful crime” in DC if elected. 😂
Also, Karen Greene wasted the courts time by appealing her fines for refusing to wear a mask in congress all the way to the Supreme Court, (shocked they heard it) and today lost her final appeal. She’ll have to pay the $100000 (and probably 3 times that in legal fees) and has wasted the time of 3 courts that had better cases to try. Typical MAGA Karen, all about her non existent rights overriding everyone else’s rights AND safety, and absolutely zero thought to the cost to others.

Still crickets about the ONLY witness (who never produced ANY evidence) in the Biden impeachment sham admitting he is a Russian intelligence agent and the story came directly from Russian counter intelligence.
Worse, this is the SECOND main MAGA witness from the impeachment scam that turned out to be an intelligence agent of our enemies, remember the first one who was a Chinese agent and illicit oil and arms dealer for our enemies that was also indicted for lying about this case….but you said you still had credible witness Smirnoff and all his indisputable proof. 🤦‍♂️

Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) who was in the room has admitted the Republicans/MAGA were told their witnesses were not credible in any way BEFORE THEY HEARD FROM THEM OR SAW ANY INTERVIEWS. They knew this was all propaganda directly from our enemies from the very start and ran with it anyway. This makes all MAGA a foreign agent that knowingly lied to America in order to weaken us.

This has made all MAGA nothing more than a subsidiary of Pravda, the Kremlin’s propaganda paper. Absolutely everything the MAGA house has done this session is based on hostile foreign agents lying to them and them buying the lies. Working with our enemies to spread lies that are designed to weaken America…sure SOUNDS like treason to me. Treasonous traitors belong in Gitmo until their turn with the firing squad.

Please Warm My Wiener

noims says...

Those blues dudes sure are particular about making sure their meat is properly handled. Catfish Keith is an old favourite of mine.

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Almost certainly more fake MAGA whistleblowers paid by Trump. There have been so many, every whistleblower t MAGA trotted out in 2023 turned out to be a paid actor or to not have any actual knowledge of the events they’re testifying about…but sure, these will be different. Hold your breath until they prove you right. 🤦‍♂️

No real evidence, just accusations from MAGgots a their lawyers…which are never factual, not ever.
No possibility of removing her or the special prosecutor, keep whining it’s not helping.

So, this fly by night righty cable “news” thinks the state legislature is going to defund the prosecutors office to try to protect Trump, not caring that they would be protecting every other criminal in the state to do so, including rapists, murderers, child rapists, child murderers, even woke teachers that teach about transgender issues! All go free! MAGA!
Hold your breath, that’s definitely about to happen.

bobknight33 said:

Yet another corrupt Democrat .

Man With Neurofibromatosis-Marc

newtboy says...

Is he sure it wasn’t poor shielding against Mars’s high radiation levels?
(Yes, I’m a terrible person.)

Scary to think a surgery caused this growth. I wonder if he’s secretly pissed at his parents that they tried to remove the small lump triggering this.

President Biden Delivers Remarks

newtboy says...

Yes, that kind of clearance, Mr Know Nothing. He had clearance to have every document in his personal possession when he received them, unlike Trump who illegally and secretly stole them from secured facilities. His mistake was trusting his staff to properly forward them to the archives when they packed his senate, and later VP offices.

No, ex senators and ex presidents both don’t have clearance to KEEP classified documents, correct. Trump did not ever have clearance to remove nuclear secrets and other highly classified material from a SCIF, not as president and not after, and it endangers the nation that he did so. It requires written declassification by the DOE, the president cannot declassify nuclear secrets under any circumstances.

The DOJ report indicated Biden did not know his staff had stored a few (6) unlabeled low level classified documents at his secure locked think tank office and personal handwritten notes at his guarded and locked home library (namely a few daily briefs on Afghanistan and some handwritten notes he had made, nothing at all designated top secret), indicated he himself (or attorneys at his instruction) looked for them and immediately reported finding them to the FBI, and allowed them to search that and other properties without requiring a warrant.
The DOJ report also indicated Trump DID know he was illegally taking and retaining highest sensitivity most stringently classified top secret documents by the truckload, not just a small part of one box, refused to return them when asked by the archives, lied about having any, required a warrant for a search, actively hid them when searched, lied again about having MORE, lied about showing them to multiple other parties including foreign agents but was caught red handed on tape, claimed personal ownership (of nuclear secrets), kept them unsecured in public areas, tried to destroy video evidence, claimed they were planted, obstructed Justice multiple times…
…must I go on for you to see the difference, or comprehend why one faces no charge and the other treason?
I’m certain the answer is yes, you haven’t heard enough to admit the situations are completely different despite the fact that one is staff improperly packing up his office when he left it, the other one individual intentionally stealing hundreds of state secrets for personal gain at the nation’s expense…you can never hear enough evidence to admit that.

Is Maddow still on? Sorry Charlie, like I’ve told you a hundred times but you can never recall, I’ve never watched CNN beyond short YouTube clips, not before they went right wing certainly not since. In fact, I think it’s likely that you watch more CNN than I do, you sure like to post and quote them now. If she’s still on and is saying the same things I’m not surprised, she was a smart wonky cookie last I saw.
It’s hilarious when you don’t know my sources, because when you can’t try to impugn the source over nonsense you have no argument at all, just rambling nonsensical insanity spewed from your mouth like explosive diarrhea.

Me thinks you have too little brain in the brain.

😂 Talk about projection! What a confession. 😂

Everything Trump said in that idiotic speech was a lie about Biden and an admission of what he himself did.
I won’t insult your minimal intelligence by pretending you actually believe the delusional ramblings you just posted, they would make a good case for insanity if he believed it, but we all know he doesn’t.
Every word of that insanity was a total fabrication of a delusional mind.

The presidential records act absolutely doesn’t give him the right to take top secret classified documents home when he leaves office, or retain them, or lie under oath about having them, or defy warrants for them, or show them to otherS, NONE OF THAT IS LEGAL UNDER THE PRESIDENTIAL RECORDS ACT.
Trump obstructed Justice at every possible turn, destroying evidence hiding documents, he still has an unsearched secret room in his bedroom not disclosed when the FBI searched, so likely has MORE stolen documents still. Biden cooperated more than fully with the investigation, which even the political hack Trump appointed special prosecutor admitted.
…and Biden had a grand total of 20 documents or notes designated “classified”, none top secret…Trump had over 325 well marked classified FILES containing multiple classified documents each including I think a dozen or more of the highest most secret files the government has, files never supposed to leave a SCIF and not declassifiable by the president under any circumstances.
Not one word he said was true, and you know it, fool.
That speech if not intentional lies is proof Trumpist Alzheimer’s has progressed to the point of total delusion.

PS- Still waiting.

bobknight33 said:

Not that kind of clearance.
Senators don't have clearance to take and keep classified documents, as the DOJ report indicated.

Me thinks you have too much Rachel Maddow on the brain.

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh, @bobknight33, they found the culprit that made the fake Biden robocalls in New Hampshire.

PS- I love how Trump reminded everyone how disastrous 2020 was, and how mentally feeble he is by bringing up “supply change” on OAN, claiming “no one had ever heard of the supply change before Biden” (he meant supply chain)…clearly forgetting that “supply chain problems” entered the current lexicon in 2020 when store shelves actually were bare because factories and ports shut down leading to SUPPLY CHAIN ISSUES. No TP, no sanitizer, no medicines, no eggs, no milk, no pork (NO BACON!), ports closed, cargo ships waiting offshore by the thousands, trains full of cargo left in bad neighborhoods for thieves to empty because there was no one to unload them at warehouses and no place to store them, neighborhoods near ports absolutely filled with abandoned truck trailers for the same reason…all under Trump, suckers!
THANKS TRUMP for reminding your low IQ voters with no memory that “supply chain problems” were first created by Trump who botched Covid worse than any other leader on the planet. 😂

Oof…the failed impeachment just keeps getting better. We now know what Greene was talking about when she claimed the Democrats “hid” one of their members who ruined their little vote… Rep. Al Green of Texas was having surgery and the vote was scheduled to try to make sure he couldn’t vote, but he left the hospital and voted, ruining the tie vote they expected which would have let the speaker cast the deciding vote. Yet another sneaky underhanded MAGA attempt to subvert democracy foiled. D’oh!

😂 No immunity for Trump really has MAGA shitting their pants. Good job Trump, now you either get denied by the Supreme court and likely start in June and end your treason trial in September or you get them to hear you (and again rule against your obviously wrong interpretation of checks and balances as defined in the constitution) and his trial should end in late October, far too late to replace him on the ballot but with him disqualified…leading to massive landslides across the board for Democrats as MAGA doesn’t show up to vote if they can’t vote for Trump. 😂

Bonus- Residents of Eagle Pass Texas now say they are far more worried and afraid of the out of control angry nutjob MAGgots that showed up there than the migrants.

Oops Project Veritas again admitted lying about voter fraud, this time a fake accusation about Pennsylvania post masters mishandling ballots.

OH SWEET ZOMBIE GEEBUS! Look up MAGA loser Solomon Peña who lost his election in 22…he of course baselessly claimed fraud and tried to intimidate election officials to not certify the election, intimidate them by shooting their houses up, in one case missing a Senator’s 10 year old by inches as she slept.
Now both his first and his second hired attempted assassins have plead guilty to shooting up election officials houses at Peña’s direction (he paid them to do it, and personally shot up some of the houses with them). They could both get life.
Another day, another MAGA bunch of terrorists.

Trump Supporter CHANGES MIND on Biden in 60sec

newtboy says...

Better, the Senate just passed its border/foreign aid bill that includes another $60 billion for Ukraine.
That’s $114 billion for their war efforts this year. Do you think bankrupt international pariah Russia has anywhere near that much to spend, or the high tech weaponry to purchase that Ukraine has access to? (Hint- the entire Russian gdp in ‘22 was barely $2.2 trillion) Only North Korea is selling Russia weapons and ammo…what a sad position to be in. 😂

But sure, @bobknight33 , I’m sure you’re right, Russia is just about to turn the tides of war and start winning. Maybe their friend, MAGA, will block that funding for Trump and Putin, then they’ll only have $54 billion.

newtboy said:

The EU is supportive enough of Ukraine that they just unanimously agreed to $54 billion in military aid, and the EU is our closest trading partner so again, our business. The MAGA ploy to block any aid to Ukraine to aid Russia (hoping it would look bad for Biden) has failed, the EU miraculously stood up as a unified front and agreed to fund Ukraine.

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