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Guy wont give girlfriend ice cream narrated by Chris Webber

50 Common Misconceptions

poolcleaner says...

I've always put metal in the microwave. Downside is that it gets really hot and makes food around the metal taste bad. I'm sure if you filled one to the brim with metal spoons and some chunks of an engine block, it would fuck some shit up. But anything in large doses will screw with any system. Dependent factors are edge cases.

chingalera said:

Dude, no way! Metal in microwave shall most surely fuck up the interior and perhaps start a fire or cause a chort....dependent factors include duration of course, metal introduced, the unit's manufacturing material, and amperage.
The more amperage the better yer chance o' damage.
Just dig the flashy-flamey dance when he turns it gets better!

A Guide to Growing Magic Mushrooms

Choggie's Eggdilla

cason says...

Love it. Fantastic execution of a one-pan-awesome, complete with banging, clanging, and then... some parsley tossed know, for fuckin' garnish and shit.

Would that be the "Gochugang Sauce" spooned on at the end?

Women's Gun Advocate's Hilariously Hypocritical Testimony

Xaielao says...

Harlequinn I would say you are correct. Only metal spoons aren't harmful to anyone (accept those like myself with a metal allergy..) and the guns that will eventually be unavailable can mow down a dozen people in about 30 seconds, blasting them into bits. So, it's a bit different.

I personally feel the solution to 'assault weapons' is to make them available at gun ranges. That way folks who want to be able to fire them, can still have access to them, but they are still restricted to have in ones home and thus cannot be used in violence. Just the way some shooting ranges offer military weapons a civilian cannot get access to any other way.

And for the record I'm relatively pro-gun. I don't own any but I grew up with them, received my first as a birthday present when I was 10 and my mother owns two and her boyfriend makes his own rifles for use in competition.

If congress manages to only do one thing about the gun violence in this nation, I'd personally rather see it be a national gun registry that would allow instant background checks at gun shows/etc. You know things are bad when someone on the terror watch list can buy an AR-15 with a 100 round magazine, armor piercing bullets and a flack jacket out of the back of a van and it's perfectly legal in some states. That's an extreme example I grant, but not unrealistic.

Women's Gun Advocate's Hilariously Hypocritical Testimony

harlequinn says...

So, correct me if any of this is not what the legislation proposes:

They don't want to seize any firearms you already own - with no exceptions

They want to take away America's ability to purchase some firearms - so those firearms would be taken away from dealers and you would no longer be able to buy those firearms or their components.

Over time you may not be able to repair some types of firearms you own and eventually they'll be out of circulation.

They propose to restrict the resale of some firearms and their components, restricting the trade in these firearms sorts.

So if I proposed to legislate that everyone has to use plastic spoons from now on, and nobody can buy/trade/fabricate metal spoons or any parts that make up a metal spoon from now on - everyone would agree that I'm not taking away your spoons. I'm just taking away your future metal spoons, your children's potential to buy metal spoons when they grow up, and your ability to maintain your metal spoons.

VoodooV said:


if I say it enough, it's true!!!

what an epic fail. I like how in the thumbnail she's sitting right next to LaPierre. yeah, you're real credible when you're sitting next the VP of the biggest gun lobby in America....nope...not biased at all.

this really isn't just a gun control/rights issue. You have to follow the money on this one and when the profits are at stake here, you're not going to get objective testimony.

The Amazing Randi busts "Magnet Man"

Music for the Va-jay-jay

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Cooter Music, Beaver, Spoon Banging, SizeSmall, Dancing Record' to 'Cooter Music, Beaver, Spoon Banging, SizeSmall, Dancing Record, This Is Just Great' - edited by calvados

mintbbb (Member Profile)

How to Peel a Kiwi

Stephen Colbert offers Trump $1 Million to...

CaptainObvious says...

Two tablespoons of cinnamon and two or three egg whites A half a stick of butter, melted, stick it all in a bowl Baby, stir it with a wooden spoon Mix in a cup of flour you'll be in heaven soon

Say everybody have you seen my balls? They're big and salty and brown If you ever need a quick pick me up Just stick my balls in your mouth

Oh, suck on my chocolate salty balls Put 'em in your mouth and suck 'em Suck on my chocolate salty balls They're packed vitamins And good for you, so suck on balls....


Maddow: Romney's Reversal a Disqualifying Character issue

dystopianfuturetoday says...

The Romney/Ryan team have a long list of disqualifying characteristics

1. Poor understanding of economics.
2. Poor understanding of foreign policy.
3. Near constant bald-faced lying.
4. They seem to be rooting for the country to fail.
5. Playing political games during a time when we face a lot of problems.
6. Silver spoons firmly wedged in anuses.
7. Both have a history of extreme hostility towards the working class.
8. Both are cultists (Mormon/Objectivist)
9. Plutocratic policy based more on dogma than pragmatism
10. Neither seem smart enough for the gig.

Make me laugh, get Torchlight 2 (Blog Entry by campionidelmondo)

Fusionaut says...

A man is lying on his deathbed in his home. Just before he croaks he smells the chocolate cookies his wife is baking in the kitchen. "That's the most wonderful smell in the world! I MUST go eat one before I die!" So he crawls down the stairs and through the house to the kitchen and reaches for a cookie when his wife suddenly hits his hand with a wooden spoon and says "THOSE are for the funeral!"

MSNBC Caught Doctoring Clip From Romney/Ryan Rally

quantumushroom says...

I can't believe that the objective journalists over at MS-DNC would stump for Obama!

But then, I couldn't believe a lad raised by silver-spoon marxists in Indonesia during his formative years wouldn't share American values.

President Barack Obama: Charismabot 2000 v2.0

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