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Judge William Adams beats daughter with cerebral palsy

rottenseed says...

Yea I was swatted at, spanked with a wooden spoon, fed soap, etc. I'm not against negative reinforcement but in the case here, the girl is clearly afraid of her parents and they clearly go over the top in continuing to torment her. The kid was screaming for them to stop and there was plenty of time for the parents to reflect on the situation and ask themselves "do I think she's learned her lesson?" The parents were also "emoting" their own anger upon the child. That's not right. You should never inflict damage upon somebody based on your anger. I can't do that in the streets, why should I be able to do it with my child?

You can't just call the "objective definition" card to win an argument when circumstance has to determine the severity of the actions. If she got drunk, stole her mother's vehicle and ran over a group of preschoolers, then raped their remains, I'd say "yea, that is an adequate reaction". But this is over a computer. He was clearly just angry that she disobeyed him, which is purely egotistical. And this man is locking your peers up. I wonder how often he gets emotional and angry when sentencing somebody...I wonder how objective he is in that situation.

I'd like to know...where do you draw the line...also, what's your real name so I can make sure my kids will never be around you.>> ^longde:

Until you guys can give me an objective definition or objective standard of abuse, you're just emoting over your own personal line in the sand on the matter.
It's great to feel a sense of self-righteousness, until you're a parent, and you happen to cross another person's arbitrary line in the sand.
I was punished with a belt as a child, and it NEVER left bruises. It did leave welts that lasted a day. And you're damn right I was afraid of disobeying my parents and afraid of punishment. Thank heavens you guys weren't around to toss me into a foster home.

Judge William Adams beats daughter with cerebral palsy

longde says...

The problem here is, what is an objective definition of abuse? To you, he crossed the line. To others, you may cross the line. To some any spanking at all would constitute abuse. @carneval and @bareboards2, when you "spank" or give "3 whacks" to your child, do you want some "crusader" peeking through your window and calling Child Protective Services?

All I have to see is the video, but from the words said in the video, it sounds like the girl blatently disobeyed a firm rule and it wasn't the first time. Break a rule, get a whuppin'. Simple. The line for abuse to me would be bruises and broken bones, punches and kicks. Fear of the pain and some belt welps don't cut it.

The fact that he cussed and punished in anger: meh. How many parents ground their child in anger, or use some cuss words in front of them in anger? You guys would have half the nation under 16 in foster care.

Judge William Adams beats daughter with cerebral palsy

carneval says...

>> ^longde:

Getting hit by a belt, painful as it may be, is not abuse. And as such, none of your business.

I will respectfully disagree. I sure as hell was spanked when I was a kid, and I plan on doing the same to my kids if they are out of line.

This, however, is obscenely far beyond reasonable punishment in my eyes.

Judge William Adams beats daughter with cerebral palsy

longde says...

@BoneRemake That's your opinion, which is fine in your own home. Just don't stand in judgement of this father, or try to control what happens in his home.

I don't think it's over the line at all. In contrast, I'm sure some people think any form of spanking should get you life in prison.

As far as the girl posting this to reddit, seems like a cheap trick to me. A site that tolerates bigots and child porn doesn't strike me as the right forum for critiquing true abuse.

Judge William Adams beats daughter with cerebral palsy

BoneRemake says...

>> ^longde:

She disobeyed her parents, and got an asswhuppin'.
End of story.
I know some of you don't ascribe to corporal punishment, but it's none of your business how parents choose to discipline their kids. None.

No, there is spanking and there is terrifying and beating your child, big difference. One requires intervention and one does not.

Hah, and the mom thanking her, that was rich.

Christians Beat Daughter to Death Claim It Was Suicide

kceaton1 says...

>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:

Top Amazon review:
To Train Up A Child
527 of 565 people found the following review helpful:
1.0 out of 5 stars Thoughts of someone whose mother used this book, November 15, 2010
M. Gray - See all my reviews
This review is from: To Train Up A Child (Paperback)
My mother was given this book while I was a child. Wanting to raise a well-behaved child, she would spank me with a belt. She is proud of me. I am a senior at Princeton University and practicing Catholic. However, today my mother would tell you that I am these things in spite of the teachings of "To Train Up a Child," in spite of the self-loathing and insecurity caused by whippings which would not end until I could pretend to be content. Pretend to embrace the necessity for my own torture.
I was abused. Please do not look to this book for guidance.

This was disturbing. It was like I was watching the same clip of the other couple months back. You can tell their is a strange mindset at play here.

Usually, the definition of psychology for someone will be doled out with complexes, traits, disorders, bi-polar, psychopathy, sociopath, etc... This is reserved for a single person of one mind, of course. But this shows that there is an undeniable new entry for a couples and groups; a couple that has many children and are highly religious. With just the right catalysts, like that evil book you linked and which was talked about, it becomes something else. Their co-habitual drug of fun was given a test drive: the book or simply, their "rod". But, they wanted to fly; to take it farther. So they took that book and made each answer stronger, more correct. ...And how could they be wrong when God made them feel so good...

Scary stuff. I'm sorry for what happened to you @dystopianfuturetoday . Parents have a tough job, but punishing your child with full on physical force is not an answer. There are atleast 100 better books on parenting than these idiotic "Christian's Force Rod!" type books.

Christians Beat Daughter to Death Claim It Was Suicide

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Top Amazon review:
To Train Up A Child

527 of 565 people found the following review helpful:
1.0 out of 5 stars Thoughts of someone whose mother used this book, November 15, 2010
M. Gray - See all my reviews
This review is from: To Train Up A Child (Paperback)
My mother was given this book while I was a child. Wanting to raise a well-behaved child, she would spank me with a belt. She is proud of me. I am a senior at Princeton University and practicing Catholic. However, today my mother would tell you that I am these things in spite of the teachings of "To Train Up a Child," in spite of the self-loathing and insecurity caused by whippings which would not end until I could pretend to be content. Pretend to embrace the necessity for my own torture.

I was abused. Please do not look to this book for guidance.

EDIT [I was not abused. My parents were kind, loving and supportive. Sorry if my cut and pasting was not clear]

Woman Pets The Tortoise

poolcleaner says...

>> ^nanrod:

OK let's check the list.
Polish the pope
Spank the monkey
Choke the chicken
Bash the bird
Beat the meat
Jerkin the Gherkin
Tickle the pickle
Burp the worm
Charm the snake
Nope that's a new one.....adds Pets the Tortoise to list

Double-click your own mouse

Oh wait, that's for females. One finger for Mac users and 2+ for Windows.

Woman Pets The Tortoise

nanrod says...

OK let's check the list.

Polish the pope
Spank the monkey
Choke the chicken
Bash the bird
Beat the meat
Jerkin the Gherkin
Tickle the pickle
Burp the worm
Charm the snake

Nope that's a new one.....adds Pets the Tortoise to list

blankfist (Member Profile)

rottenseed says...

Scientists need to do that thing where they hook your brain and show video from your minds eye...then you need to think of this story and record it.

In reply to this comment by blankfist:
In '99 my graduating class came out to LA for a week to hold bullshit industry meetings and screenings. Not important. One night we decided to hire the kind of strippers that come to your hotel room. Imagine a class of about 30 or so people sitting in a suite while two chicks, one black and one white, danced for us. Mostly they wanted our money so they held these dumb games - one of them being you pay twenty to eat a Twizzler from their vagina. True story.

So I have this really good friend. We'll call him Giant. Giant was a great guy. The best. To this day I keep in touch with him. Sweet guy, but maybe not the most "experienced", if you get me. But a super awesome dude, just not the kind of dude that's comfortable around strippers. This is key to consider.

So then I had a Twizzler. So did a number of people. It was a rite of passage in a way. But then we all paid for Giant to have his turn. He was apprehensive, but it didn't take much convincing and he laid on his back and awaited his prize. The black chick was hot, and way hotter than the white girl. So lucky him when she straddled his face with the Twizzler embedded so deep only an inch was exposed. She dipped it around his lips, pulling back before getting too close to his open mouth.

All of us clapped and cheered. This seemed to excite and almost inspire her, so instead of letting Giant snatch it in his teeth, she seemed to bait him like how you'd excite your dog with a piece of bacon hanging over his nose. Anyhow, the white chick heard the crowd'd excitement and wanted to get into what the black chick was doing, and so she started unbuckling Giant's belt, and while she pulled it from the loops, he started panicking. Not the serious hyperventilating kind. No. But the "Shit this is embarrassing" kind.

He starts really going for it. Snapping at that small piece of Twizzler just sticking out, but for some reason he just can't quite reach it. True story. So then the girl gets his belt off, and then gives him a gaspedal. That's when someone steps on your junk. Or so that's what someone told me it was called. Anyhow, she steps on his danglies and he freaks the fuck out, snaps the Twizzler like a goddamned ninja from the other girl's vagina, and takes off running back to his seat. All in a blink of the eye. But without his belt, his khakis come down. Exposing his tightie-whities. Yes, it was 1999 and those where tightie-whities.

But the girl behind him, the one who stole his belt, started whipping his ass as he ran away. So. Imagine this, a Twizzler in his lips, he's running away with his pants around his ankles in front of almost the entire class and the girl behind him is chasing him and spanking him in the ass with his own belt. Everyone erupts in this kind of half-laugh/half-scream. And that's when I think about the Twizzler I ate just a couple moments ago, and it was then I asked myself, "What did that taste like?"

"It tasted like what I imagined AIDS tasting like."

rottenseed (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

In '99 my graduating class came out to LA for a week to hold bullshit industry meetings and screenings. Not important. One night we decided to hire the kind of strippers that come to your hotel room. Imagine a class of about 30 or so people sitting in a suite while two chicks, one black and one white, danced for us. Mostly they wanted our money so they held these dumb games - one of them being you pay twenty to eat a Twizzler from their vagina. True story.

So I have this really good friend. We'll call him Giant. Giant was a great guy. The best. To this day I keep in touch with him. Sweet guy, but maybe not the most "experienced", if you get me. But a super awesome dude, just not the kind of dude that's comfortable around strippers. This is key to consider.

So then I had a Twizzler. So did a number of people. It was a rite of passage in a way. But then we all paid for Giant to have his turn. He was apprehensive, but it didn't take much convincing and he laid on his back and awaited his prize. The black chick was hot, and way hotter than the white girl. So lucky him when she straddled his face with the Twizzler embedded so deep only an inch was exposed. She dipped it around his lips, pulling back before getting too close to his open mouth.

All of us clapped and cheered. This seemed to excite and almost inspire her, so instead of letting Giant snatch it in his teeth, she seemed to bait him like how you'd excite your dog with a piece of bacon hanging over his nose. Anyhow, the white chick heard the crowd'd excitement and wanted to get into what the black chick was doing, and so she started unbuckling Giant's belt, and while she pulled it from the loops, he started panicking. Not the serious hyperventilating kind. No. But the "Shit this is embarrassing" kind.

He starts really going for it. Snapping at that small piece of Twizzler just sticking out, but for some reason he just can't quite reach it. True story. So then the girl gets his belt off, and then gives him a gaspedal. That's when someone steps on your junk. Or so that's what someone told me it was called. Anyhow, she steps on his danglies and he freaks the fuck out, snaps the Twizzler like a goddamned ninja from the other girl's vagina, and takes off running back to his seat. All in a blink of the eye. But without his belt, his khakis come down. Exposing his tightie-whities. Yes, it was 1999 and those where tightie-whities.

But the girl behind him, the one who stole his belt, started whipping his ass as he ran away. So. Imagine this, a Twizzler in his lips, he's running away with his pants around his ankles in front of almost the entire class and the girl behind him is chasing him and spanking him in the ass with his own belt. Everyone erupts in this kind of half-laugh/half-scream. And that's when I think about the Twizzler I ate just a couple moments ago, and it was then I asked myself, "What did that taste like?"

"It tasted like what I imagined AIDS tasting like."

Ann Coulter Calls Kindergarten Teachers ‘Useless’

Yogi says...

>> ^blankfist:

My kindergarten teacher sucked and she enjoyed doling out the spankings too much. We spent the year playing with plastic bears and drawing with crayons and getting spankings and fucking around on the playground. It was fine as something to do to stay busy as a kid, but the bastion of educational advancement it was not. Just sayin'.
I bet if I went to a better school, my opinion would've been different. I didn't have that option.

Charter Schools are obviously the answer then, because your experience is the same as everyones ever. Perhaps you didn't realize you were learning...because it was FUCKING Kindergarten and you don't remember shit about it.

Ann Coulter Calls Kindergarten Teachers ‘Useless’

blankfist says...

My kindergarten teacher sucked and she enjoyed doling out the spankings too much. We spent the year playing with plastic bears and drawing with crayons and getting spankings and fucking around on the playground. It was fine as something to do to stay busy as a kid, but the bastion of educational advancement it was not. Just sayin'.

I bet if I went to a better school, my opinion would've been different. I didn't have that option.

Troy Cries in Community

Armed men threaten and Fire @ Man Who threatened Child

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