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The Simpsons- Din ding ding ding (11 seconds)

dannym3141 says...

>> ^direpickle:

If this scene were made today:
The whole thing would've taken 3 seconds, Homer would've flown through on a spaceship, and there would've been at least twenty other characters in the background going 'ding ding ding ding'.

That's possibly the best summation of what the simpsons has become i've ever seen.

The Simpsons- Din ding ding ding (11 seconds)

direpickle says...

If this scene were made today:

The whole thing would've taken 3 seconds, Homer would've flown through on a spaceship, and there would've been at least twenty other characters in the background going 'ding ding ding ding'.

Most incredible character creation EVER - EVE Online

thumpa28 says...

QFT! Give me a call when the game isnt point and click and you can actually see anything below the neck.

>> ^braindonut:

So, this is neat and all, but when I'm done making my character, do I still spend the rest of my game in my spaceship and only see these characters through communication dialogs? If so, this is the most gigantic waste of character creation I've ever seen.

Most incredible character creation EVER - EVE Online

braindonut says...

So, this is neat and all, but when I'm done making my character, do I still spend the rest of my game in my spaceship and only see these characters through communication dialogs? If so, this is the most gigantic waste of character creation I've ever seen.

Most incredible character creation EVER - EVE Online

xXPuSHXx says...

Simply awesome; no doubt it makes whoever designed the Oblivion/Fallout character creators rather ashamed of themselves.

Amusingly, as I watched this I had forgotten the context, but suddenly I realized the cute girl I was watching OWNS A FUCKING SPACESHIP and promptly fell in love.

TimeScapes: Rapture (This looks breathtaking!)

Bendy foldy things surprise and amaze a little bit

Remember this Arcade game from 1983?

budzos says...

Yeah this is a pretty significant cultural object for kids of my generation. It was the first time a great game was based on a movie... up to that point there had been almost no movie adaptations besides things that were already comic books, etc... and ET.

I used to go up to this machine without any quarters and just play with the controls. Totally felt like real spaceship controls to me. I even remember the very first time I saw it, at The Organ Grinder in downtown T.O. when my hockey team was celebrating. Was amazing. That visit to the Organ Grinder, which was absolutely crammed with people and arcade machines, where they served pizza with cheese that would stretch for a couple feet, is one of my happiest childhood memories.

BBC Panorama - Secrets of Scientology

Gallowflak says...

>> ^Yogi:

Well fuck it I might as well admit. I am a practicing member of CoS and I'll have the last laugh when I leave on my spaceship muhahahahaha.
Oh that's my way of saying we're done here.

Bon voyage, brave traveller.

BBC Panorama - Secrets of Scientology

Yogi says...

Well fuck it I might as well admit. I am a practicing member of CoS and I'll have the last laugh when I leave on my spaceship muhahahahaha.

Oh that's my way of saying we're done here.

video of what a ringworld would really look like

BicycleRepairMan says...

>> ^westy:

>> ^BicycleRepairMan:
Fascinating, but not very plausible.. to make this, you'd have to collect several million earthlike planets from all over the galaxy, somehow tow them to this star, bring them all into the same, stable orbit, and then somehow splice them together, sort of like a stone arch falling into place. How you could keep gravity from pulling them together to form gas-giants or even small stars is yet another matter. overall, with superb planet-towing spaceships and all, I'd estimated the task to take several hundred million years and probably fail. I'd think I'd settle for populating the galaxy first.

I think its far more concevable that you would grow something like this , or use some sort of insane computing to do a controled exsplosion of a system in a way that it autimatecally collects into a gemoetrick formatoin.
having said all that , this is not very well constructed the start is fine , but as you zoom out the repeat texture of the clouds is visable and this could be fixed with a better procedural cloud texture , or having an aditoinal lower rez cloud texture that fades in as u move away.
allso lighting is a bit of a mess as it moves father out.
he could have used more refrence pionts and tricks to convay more scale , deeper music , different camara work , satalites , Dust , debry. IF it was me i would have set it up so it looked like a traditoinal earth zoom out for far longer and then suprize people with the whole disk thing.
I allso dont see anny motivatoin to construct a ring around a sun , would be far more plusable and conveneant to have a ring orbiting the sun, or a disk orbiting the sun.

Grow? but from what?
if you stacked earths side by side in earths orbit, thats 166666 earths, or 1.000002 × 10^30kg of mass, thats actually just half the suns mass (1.98892 × 10^30 )(i think),but the mass still has to come from somewhere.

video of what a ringworld would really look like

Longswd says...

>> ^BicycleRepairMan:

Fascinating, but not very plausible.. to make this, you'd have to collect several million earthlike planets from all over the galaxy, somehow tow them to this star, bring them all into the same, stable orbit, and then somehow splice them together, sort of like a stone arch falling into place. How you could keep gravity from pulling them together to form gas-giants or even small stars is yet another matter. overall, with superb planet-towing spaceships and all, I'd estimated the task to take several hundred million years and probably fail. I'd think I'd settle for populating the galaxy first.

I've read the whole series, many times and according to Niven the Ringworld was constructed as a filled shell. Planets, planetoids and asteroid belts from neighboring systems were broken down and through a never explained process, transmuted into a unique alloy called Scrith. That shell was then contoured like a bas-relief, bulges for oceans, depressions for mountains and filled with earth, water, oxygen, plants etc.. Still a massive undertaking to be sure, esp. at sub-light speeds but not as bad as assembling a giant jigsaw.

Sub-light speed technology is assumed as any civilization capable of FTL travel would find it far easier to terraform and inhabit existing worlds.

video of what a ringworld would really look like

westy says...

>> ^BicycleRepairMan:

Fascinating, but not very plausible.. to make this, you'd have to collect several million earthlike planets from all over the galaxy, somehow tow them to this star, bring them all into the same, stable orbit, and then somehow splice them together, sort of like a stone arch falling into place. How you could keep gravity from pulling them together to form gas-giants or even small stars is yet another matter. overall, with superb planet-towing spaceships and all, I'd estimated the task to take several hundred million years and probably fail. I'd think I'd settle for populating the galaxy first.

I think its far more concevable that you would grow something like this , or use some sort of insane computing to do a controled exsplosion of a system in a way that it autimatecally collects into a gemoetrick formatoin.

having said all that , this is not very well constructed the start is fine , but as you zoom out the repeat texture of the clouds is visable and this could be fixed with a better procedural cloud texture , or having an aditoinal lower rez cloud texture that fades in as u move away.

allso lighting is a bit of a mess as it moves father out.

he could have used more refrence pionts and tricks to convay more scale , deeper music , different camara work , satalites , Dust , debry. IF it was me i would have set it up so it looked like a traditoinal earth zoom out for far longer and then suprize people with the whole disk thing.

I allso dont see anny motivatoin to construct a ring around a sun , would be far more plusable and conveneant to have a ring orbiting the sun, or a disk orbiting the sun.

video of what a ringworld would really look like

BicycleRepairMan says...

Fascinating, but not very plausible.. to make this, you'd have to collect several million earthlike planets from all over the galaxy, somehow tow them to this star, bring them all into the same, stable orbit, and then somehow splice them together, sort of like a stone arch falling into place. How you could keep gravity from pulling them together to form gas-giants or even small stars is yet another matter. overall, with superb planet-towing spaceships and all, I'd estimated the task to take several hundred million years and probably fail. I'd think I'd settle for populating the galaxy first.

Jokes I like (Blog Entry by dag)

Sagemind says...

Also... My Kids hate when...

They say, "I'm Hungry.."
I say, "Hello Hungry, I'm Len"

They say, "I'm cold..."
I say, "Hello Cold, I'm Len"
Then I like to hold my hand out and shake their hands...

I'm to the point where they are starting to stop complaining and just do something about it first.
The point is, why are they telling me, If, you're cold, put more clothing on, if you are hungry, eat something...

Darn Kids - My best role model ever: the Dad from Calvin and Hobbes!

Typical reaction from my wife:

I totally have my kids convinced that clouds are merely smokescreens that are there solely for the purpose of Aliens in spaceships, hiding.
... OK, maybe at first, but I think they are starting to catch on...

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