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Canada's New Prime Minister on his Gender Balanced Cabinet

Fairbs says...

I'm not sure if you're Canadian or not, but I'm jealous of the power shift. It would be nice if the US snaps around this way. I'm not hopeful though.

Lendl said:

I watched/listened to the entire ceremony & press conference & Google Hangout. This was by far the best answer.

Amazing day.

Awesome cabinet.

Unique Playcalling

RFlagg says...

Were they trying to pull off some sort of high school level fool the other team play? There did seem confusion on the part of the Patriots but with no line to defend the guy taking the snap...

How To Play Frisbee All By Yourself (and other trick shots)

rancor says...

Throwing a disc all day (more like days) actually sounds like an awesome time.

No sarcasm tag.

Also, I can attest that by the way those discs fly he's got magnificent technique. Tons of effortless wrist snap.

Alligator Snapping Turtle vs Common Snapping Turtle

Stormsinger says...

In spite of the dozens of snappers that I've caught while fishing, or encountered while wandering creekbeds, I don't think I'd ever realized that they were alligator snapping turtles. I didn't think they got this far north...but seeing both, side by side, makes it clear that I've never actually gotten a close look at any other kind.

Fascinating video, in my opinion.

Exercise is NOT the Key to Weight Loss

newtboy says...

Get a few hanging pots and grow some blue lake stringless pole beans and sugar snap or snow peas. Also a small rosemary plant. Pan fry those beans and/or peas in butter and rosemary until slightly browned. Yum, and easy.

Payback said:

I'd eat better if "good" food didn't taste like a rabbit shit on it, at best, and utterly tasteless for the most part.

Swat Team Completely Destroys Home Chasing Shoplifter

dannym3141 says...

I agree, but i have something else that it smells like too. Like when i was a kid and i'd be out with friends, unsupervised, not yet responsible, and let's say someone swings off a tree and the branch snaps off. He goes oh that shows how strong i am, so before long another kid starts trying to rip a branch off, people are mocking each other, challenging each other's strength. Before you know it, you're in a group with a load of kids like wild animals trying to destroy a tree on someone's lawn, branches and leaves everywhere, dirt and mud and the tree uprooting. I made that example up, but many people have been in that kind of situation as a kid. Mine was absentmindedly throwing mud at a wall because it made an interesting splat. I zoned in half an hour later from my daydream and realised i'd ruined someone's wall and covered their driveway in mud. I did clear it up.

What this smells of to me, is that they were after someone, getting excited and feeling the thrill, suddenly one turns to his mate and goes "dude! do you think we can use those new explosives...?", another one chips in "even better, we've got that APC!", and they all hoot and howl with excitement, grab all of their exciting new toys and go in like the charge of the light brigade. Take out those fences so we can surround them! We need that wall down! Maybe that one! By this time they've forgotten that they're trying to protect people's property and safety, but they're having the time of their lives.

That's what it smells of to me - out of control immaturity and gang/yob mentality. And they're armed with army equipment now. When things like this start to happen, you really have to start questioning how things are being run. How else could it have happened that they gut out a house like that?

Barbar said:

This smells like a case of use it or lose it. A while back there was a video posted concerning the militarization of police forces. In short there was a clause where bye if toys weren't used without a certain time frame they were either reclaimed or further gifts couldn't be received. That's my guess, but it's just a guess.

Experience total freedom on eight wheels

Fisherman gets a pike + a bonus turtle

FlowersInHisHair (Member Profile)

Loose wheels at WRC Rally Portugal 2015 - SS1

Hugh Jackman teaches Jimmy Fallon how to eat Vegemite

poolcleaner says...

Keeping the Oh Snap alive! Just waiting for the Snap Son to make it's come back. I like both of these so much.

Personally, I'm rather fond of a singular Snap or SNAP. Maybe some Shnap or Shizz-nap -- put that one together with some dee oh double gee!

I just really like the word "snap", especially in this particular emotional context. It's so positive and upbeat; I feel awake. And it's not at all contradictory or assuming like Bad, Cool or Radical; and, not nearly as aggrandizing as Awesome.

It's also not emotionally inappropriate like Sick, Rude or Bomb. Nor strange and alienating like Gnarly, Gnar, Gnar Gnar, and Sicky Gnar Gnar. Or as fluffy and clueless as Bodacious and Tubular; you can't Shwing everything; and, calling your mom's apple pie Tight or Fit is just... not right. (And what's Book?)

Snap. It's the musical sound of your fingers. Addam's Family says what? Snap Snap.

Still... NOT excited enough to go out and pick up some onyx yeast and put it on my toast. But, if I see it laying around on... someone's floor(?...?) I'll give it a go.

((?...?) = the questioning look of mild disgust on my face, best represented colloquially as a deadpan "wut.")

Christopher Lloyd is Doc Brown in New LEGO Game Trailer

Strength Is A Skill You Acquire, It's Not Only About Size

coolhund says...

Muscle size is pretty much limited by bone strength. Thats why there is a limit and you can only go over it by using steroids. With bigger bones you also of course get stronger tendons.
And if you have a bad muscle to bone ratio, your bone snaps in an arm wrestling match.

ghark said:

Building up the bones and tendons through practice is pretty important as well, but yea, strength is definitely less important than most probably think. The main exception though i'd say is if you want to tricep press your opponent. You can hold someone much stronger than you with proper technique and enough endurance, but if you want to finish them with a tricep press you gotta have beastly triceps.

Oh snap ... I'm amazing!

Turtle Terrorizes

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