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When you potentially get to sue Coca-Cola for infringement

Digitalfiend says...

Odd, as a Canadian (from Ontario even), I've never heard of this guy or his video and "out for a rip" has generally been a well established phrase used by motorheads for who knows how long - but certainly well before 2015. Still, best of luck, definitely shouldn't let massive corporations get away with trademark infringement; they certainly don't look the other way when the little guys accidentally slip up.

German Train makes Music

Picture Pages J-5

Greg Gianforte, Trump and the First Amendment

bobknight33 says...

""Fox reporters would lie with him, but they didn't"". ??? On what grounds do you state this ??? Fox is more fair and balanced than CNC/MSNBC and others.

HE was not expected to wing by a land slide It was to be close, which it was.

" Republicans have totally sacrificed their morality " Are you kidding. Democrats are the party of Debauchery. Democrats are a joke. Republicans have slipped to a new low but democrats promote the worst of society.

Democrats are American but they represent the blinded sheep degenerated by its politicians.

newtboy said:

It shows us a pitfall of early voting. Most, the vast majority of votes, were cast before he assaulted the reporter.
He was always expected to win by a landslide both before and after he lost it on tape and blatantly lied about it assuming the Fox reporters would lie with him, but they didn't.
Because of early voting, last minute surprises like this barely matter....unless he gets the maximum sentence, which is appropriate. If ever there was someone the courts should use to set an example with, it's a violent elected official.

That's not to say he would have lost if early voting wasn't the norm there. Republicans have totally sacrificed their morality and rationality on the altar of partisanship. Like Trump said, they could murder people publicly in cold blood and not lose votes. This means they're fine electing people who display this kind of total lack of self control and poor decision making processes along with a proven willingness to bold faced lie to the public to represent us as long as the tie they wear is red.
It's far less about Democrats, the minority there, than it is about a total lack of civility, honesty, or basic self control in Republican leaders and their voters accepting that, even relishing it.

And btw, Democrats ARE Americans....since you're confused again.

ravioli (Member Profile)

John Oliver - Stupid Watergate

John Oliver - Stupid Watergate

ravioli (Member Profile)

Trump Threatens Comey, Gives Russia Class. Info: Closer Look

RFlagg says...

They can, because all this reporting, is fake news. All of it. He says it is. Fox says it is. Their church tells them it is. So all this bad stuff about Trump is just a libtard media feeding a bunch of brain dead idiots who believe this stuff.

Now of course all of who actually know how to vet information and the like, know that the opposite is true and that we are in a scary situation, unlike we've ever seen before. The barest hint of this sort of stuff was enough for them to shout "lock her up" about Hillary, but here they are just "fake news!" and continue to believe he's one of the greatest Presidents ever.

It's like they don't get any of it. It isn't firing Comey was bad, it was the timing. Had he waited until after the investigation was over, then it would have been fine, if not great.

Yes, he's allowed to reveal any classified information he wants, though he did complain, during his campaign, about how we can't have somebody in the Whitehouse who can't keep a secret... It's the fact that this goes to the Russians, an enemy of the state at the moment, and the day after he fires Comey, and the fact we were asked not to give up this information, and even our closest allies didn't have it... but it's okay, because he says it is okay and Fox says it is okay, and those are the only truth out there, CNN, and all the major networks are lying and manipulating us according to those on the right.

I'm willing to let the Comey memo go, until it is proven to be true or not, as right now it is more speculation than else, but if it is true, and the Republican Congress refuses to act against Trump for Obstruction of Justice charges... sadly, that bit of news didn't slip until after they recorded this episode.

Fairbs said:

I can't think of the sifters name (maybe bobnight), but anyway, I would like to know how anyone can continue to defend trump; I've heard you can't argue country over part because Republicans believe party is country which kind of makes sense in why trump still has support; I'd also like to know what you'd say if Obama did half of the crap that the amateur trump has pulled.

Will a drop of Water on the Anvil make it explode?

Asmo says...

Interesting tale, but smiths strike their anvils to insure that the hammerhead is pointing in the direction you strike. Hammer handles being round, over the course of hammering it's very easy for the head to slip out of alignment with the arm wielding it. So you tap the anvil with the hammer to straighten the face.

4 Revolutionary Riddles

visionep says...

I guess the hint for these is the rotational test that they show at the first.

1) A sticky object that would let go like a wall crawler that climbs down a wall would create this effect. (see below)
2) You can't. As you approach infinite speed it would get very close. (see below)
3) The bike will move forward. (see below)
4) The outside parts of the wheels that overlap the rail. Also if the train has a flywheel that is larger than the wheel size the bottom of the flywheel would also always move backwards faster than the train was moving.

1) He says "what object is inside?" so I'm not sure a liquid would count. Also a viscous liquid would flow a slow rate and would probably not stop and start. You might be able to get a viscous liquid to stop and start if you had fins, but that still might just move slowly or gain enough momentum to roll fast without any flow.

2) A little excel calculation shows that the average velocity approaches twice the initial but will never hit it.

attempted m/s - total time - average m/s
1 100 1
2 50 1.333333333
3 33.33333333 1.5
200 0.5 1.990049751
201 0.497512438 1.99009901

3) I'm not sure if the parameters of this experiment are explained sufficiently.

If it is allowed to slip then no matter the mechanical advantage a hard pull should always be able to get the bike to skid back and defeat friction.

If the bike is not allowed to slip on the ground then I don't understand how it could ever move backwards, the only options would be that it doesn't move at all or it moves forward.

If it can't slip then the ratio of the pedal to the wheel is what is in question. Bikes only have gear ratios higher than 1 and the crank is smaller than the tire so the tire will always rotate more than the crank thus the bike should move forward.

4 Revolutionary Riddles

Jinx says...

1) Some sort of viscous liquid, like honey.
2) Yeah... I thought v1=1 and v2=3, but then I realised that was actually more like t1=3, t2=1 which is not quite what the question asked.
3) Most of the bike will go forwards.
4) First thought was the wheels, but it would only ever be the very outside edge of the wheel in contact with the ground, only on driven wheels, and only if the wheel was slipping.

edit. I knew there was a reason it had to be a train and not a car. The rims of the train wheels extend past the contact point with the rails, so they will be moving backwards (well, part of them) even if the wheels don't slip.

Why do your shoelaces come untied?

Kim Jong-un, Donald Trump, & Vladimir Putin Dance Together!

Sagemind says...

It saddens me that these are the rulers of some of the most powerful nations on the planet.
Goes to prove how Politic is just a way for the corrupt to look official.

Reminds me of the politics in Battlefield Earth, after the Humans take back the earth. There will always be someone without scruples to slip in a claim power and twist things to their own will.

Respect the lee shore and high winds

bamdrew says...

This looks like one overconfident sailor who had planned to bring friends with modest sailing experience out for a day on the water and refused to let high, gusting winds hold him back.

They couldn't control the boat enough to keep the mainsail up in gusty winds, and if they had the boat would likely be leaning and flagging soo far over in choppy seas that the passengers would be right to be scared of the boom taking one of them out. It doesn't look like there is an outboard motor, so I guess they somehow got out of the slip and away from docks on just the jib, then hit the real wind gusts.

And now the video starts with mainsail down and getting in the way, jib not fully up but providing some pull, and that pull being lost to waves and poor steering. The sailor is messing with lines up front while the tiller is manned by someone who is waaay out of their element, and who begins to just jack-knife the thing from 0:20 onwards, halting all forward momentum. I don't want to come down on that person too hard, because none of them should have been out there that day, and the sailor should have been manning the till or at least yelling very specific orders at the top of his lungs well before the situation got this bad. No idea why they don't have an outboard motor, maybe they lost it. If its a rental, that rental agency should not have let them go out there.

(grammar edits)

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