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Skilled pilot lands 757 in small Honduras airport

SFOGuy says...

Lot of reasons to hate that approach plate---unstabilized and requires a lot of pilot skill...and then, if the pilot isn't skilled, stuff goes wrong.

Hong Kong's old Kai Tak---same thing.

The temptation is always to NOT stuff it into the ground on approach which overshoots touchdown---and then you're running down off the end of the runway...egads.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Insane Landing in Tegucigalpa Honduras

Mark 38 Machine Gun Hits Small Boat Targets

newtboy says...

True, but the argument itself suggests the rogue government would have a military we need to protect ourselves from with said rifles.

The public might have access to nearly equivalent rifles, but not the funds to buy those in great numbers. How many people do you know with a .50 caliber and the skills to use it?
Then there's all the weaponry you can't have. Grenades. Mortars. Armored armed vehicles. Drones. Navy guns. Missiles. I R scanning and other optical tech. Training. There's a lot more to the military than rifles.

With high tech warfare, guerrilla tactics should be far less effective than Vietnam, and Americans don't seem up to suicide bombing as a main tactic. It could sting them, but I don't think it could last like Red Dawn.

Once again, I'm pro gun, I have guns, I just think it's ludicrous to think they could fight the military. I'd be lucky to get a second shot off.

Mordhaus said:

To be fair, that assumes that elements of the military or guard do not also join the rebellion. Additionally, guerrilla forces can at least make it too costly for a military to continue, e.g. Vietnam and Afghanistan.

As long as the public has access to rifles that are at least close to the level the basic infantryman has, there is a chance (albeit a small one) that the people could resist a government that turned it's back on the Constitution.

Unfriendly Wild Pheasant

newtboy jokingly says...

Reminds me of the Ameglian Major Cow (from Restaurant at the end of the Universe) only without the vocal skills to say clearly that it wants to be killed and eaten so it's resorted to body language.

Sky Brown the 12 year old girl and her mega ramp

SFOGuy says...

It's---frankly terrifying? Even if you were supremely confident in your physical body's skills, to be any age and launch down that ramp---my imagination (and several previously broken body parts) would not let me do it. I hope she is somehow never really hurt badly...

WmGn said:

I didn't expect to watch more than 15 seconds of this, but was spell-bound. Where did she, at age 12, reach to take her step at 04:19? I'm in tears: thank you Sky.

Is Success Luck or Hard Work? | Veritasium

LukinStone says...

Another point – to facilitate a discussion, I think we all assume that hard work is intrinsically beneficial. It is sort of a control we have to accept to engage with the valid idea of this video.

However, all hard work is not necessarily good for society or how we define success for us individually. For me, a good example is how I went about dating and eventually finding a lasting relationship that I’m happy with. I really did work hard on myself and my communication skills, but if you took a snapshot of wherever I was over the course of probably 15 years, I think much of my hard work might have been counter-productive. But then, look at it from the “success” point, and the hard work had a clear line, giving me the experience/education I needed to get to where I am.

And then, who is to say that in another ten years my ideas of success won’t evolve revealing that this current moment is another step towards a different goal?

Forgive me if this seems like a non-sequitur, but hand-waving “God has a plan” undercuts thinking about any of this clearly. At best, it cannot matter. If you cannot know the plan god has for you, and puny mortal minds cannot possibly figure it out, then what does it matter? Taken to worse extremes, it leads to the misunderstanding the video seeks to counter. “Since god planned it, it must be okay” is a half-step away from “I earned all of this with my hard work alone”. And, inserting god in there is even more insidious because you are replacing the idea of hard work with divine intention, or at least tacking it on so that it undercuts any argument against the status quo.

One Punch Man Live Action: Saitama vs Genos

Fast and the Furious: Dump Truck Drift

Fast and the Furious: Dump Truck Drift

Best War Cry By A Drummer

Best War Cry By A Drummer

Al Franken Draws USA Freehand

Al Franken Draws USA Freehand

Subway acrobatic/dance skills at there finest

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