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Baby Mountain Gorilla with Sigourney Weaver

critical_d says...

Step forward.
Step forward.
**Gorilla finishes eating cabbage**
Step forward.
Makes scary stranger face.
**Gorilla runs up and rips Sigourney Weavers arm from its socket**
OK,that's what we want to see.

ant (Member Profile)

DerHasisttot (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

Gorillas Revisited with Sigourney Weaver

Gorillas Revisited with Sigourney Weaver

Jennifer Love Hewitt's bouncing boobs

The Most Ridiculous Edited-For-TV Film Lines

Psychologic says...

There's an obvious edit in Galaxy Quest when they get to the "chompers" and Sigourney Weaver's character says "well screw that", which is dubbed over the original "well fuck that".

Unfortunately it isn't a TV edit... it's in the officially released movie.

Sigourney Weaver on the Alien Prequel

poolcleaner says...

>> ^Fletch:

It can't be worse than the fourth movie. I can't believe she agreed to do that mess. I didn't see it in the theatre, as I heard it sucked. I pirated it years later on a goof, and I was pissed I wasted the bandwidth.

Alien Resurrection was a damn shame because Jean-Pierre Jeunet directed it and it still sucked. I think the franchise is doomed. Taking on an Alien movie should come with a "do not want" sign. But I guess if anyone can do it, Ridley Scott can.

Sigourney Weaver on the Alien Prequel

gwiz665 says...

>> ^blankfist:

It probably will suck (let the internet cynicism begin!). Hollywood tends to think of scifi in terms of horror these days. Predator vs. Aliens, to me, felt like Jason in Space, or whatever the fuck that dreadful piece of shit was called. Granted the original Alien was a haunted house movie in space, it wasn't exactly the type of horror they put out today. It had tone and pacing. It was, simply, brilliant.

Hey, you're being a negative nancy. Unless you want all of us to call you nancy from now on, you better get excited about the alien prequel.

Sigourney Weaver on the Alien Prequel

HugeJerk says...

There was a comic that continued the story, it had Hicks and an older Newt back on earth fighting Aliens. After they released that steaming pile of a third movie, they changed the names of the characters in re-releases of the comic.>> ^Fusionaut:

I always wished that Alien 3 was about Ripley, Hicks, and Newt leading a team to the Alien home-world and kicking major ass. Or at least that Alien 4 had Ripley waking up from the horrible dream that was Alien 3, then leading a team to the Alien home-world and kicking major ass. I guess I'll settle for this. lol

Laser backpack creates instant 3D models.

"Snow Cake" movie trailer


The Amazing Survival Abilities Of The Ibex

Samaelsmith says...

I've been catching this on tv off and on and was unpleasantly suprised to hear Oprah's version this week instead of the usual Attenborough. She is nowhere near as engaging to listen to, but at least she is still better by far than the god-awful narration that Sigourney Weaver did for Planet Earth.

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