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Ukraine losing 500 troops daily in Bakhmut fight

newtboy says...

You are the epitome of a laughing stock…you win…here’s your “biggest boob” trophy. 🏆
Oh you dumbshit….The Washington Free Beacon (a right wing publication) and Paul Singer, (a far right mega donor) paid for the Steele dossier about Trump, then later sold it to Clinton. That’s a fact.
Republicans created the Steele dossier, and most, like 90% of it, is confirmed to be correct, none of it was ever proven false (EG- if the dossier said an anonymous source said Russians have pee tape blackmail material against Trump and it is never found, the dossier wasn’t proven to be wrong at all, it just reported the claim). People (like Manafort) went to prison for charges stemming from it.

But you [are] a foolish ignorant man has no idea of any reality because you watch slanted one sided internet propaganda from anywhere as long as it’s anti American. It’s never correct, it never includes legitimate sources, and it’s 100% anti American, anti constitution twaddle and inconsistent lies.

Since you believe anything you see online, watch this unverified report and enjoy…

You said near 3 weeks ago that Bakhmut HAD fallen and was under 100% Russian control, proven by the faked Russian propaganda film of someone raising a Russian flag somewhere and declaring victory, but Bakhmut is still not taken, Russians are losing 1000 troops a day, and Ukraine just got 40000 more troops and billions more worth of current military equipment, Russia is using 70+ year old equipment they’ve never trained with and is dropping bombs on itself.
I’m taking sides, I’m with democracy and stability by treaty.
You are too-siding with Russia, despotism, expansionism, and lies.
Russia is losing ground, losing soldiers, losing equipment, losing borders, losing its long term stalemate with NATO, losing billions from sanctions, and is losing this war. Facts are facts, and you’ve never met a real fact you could agree with.

Russia entered Ukraine because they tossed out the Russia installed “president” (his first “election” was thrown out as a total farce). Yanukovych delayed signing a hugely popular pending association agreement with the EU, choosing to accept a hugely unpopular and bad for Ukraine Russian trade deal, leading to his removal from office and, surprise, cushy retirement in Russia.

NATO had nothing whatsoever to do with Russia breaking the treaty from the 80’s in which they and the United States guaranteed Ukraine’s sovereignty and border security in perpetuity if they gave up their nukes. That included Crimea, which Russia invaded too over nonsense lies.
They declared Crimea under terrorist attack (it wasn’t) and invaded “to protect the citizens”. They did the same in Ukraine, recognizing the terrorist separatists as the legitimate (unelected) government and declaring the real government were terrorists attacking peaceful Russians in Eastern Ukraine. (The same peaceful Russians that shot down a commercial airline full of innocent people completely uninvolved in their conflict).

Putin said the purpose of the operation was to "protect the people" in the predominantly Russian-speaking region of Donbas who he falsely claimed that "for eight years now, [had] been facing humiliation and genocide perpetrated by the Kyiv regime". Putin said that Russia sought the "demilitarisation and denazification" of Ukraine, and insisted Russia wouldn’t occupy any of Ukraine….all pure lies. He now says he intends to remove Ukraine from the map and Ukrainians from the gene pool.

It had absolutely nothing to do with NATO….NATO wasn’t considering giving Ukraine, Sweden, or Finland membership before the land grab invasions. You lackwit. If anything it was fear that Ukraine might join the EU….but really it was the loss of their installed Russian president that was beholding to the Kremlin, not any of the lame excuses they’ve made since.

You just love to rewrite history and always expect everyone else to be as ignorant of reality as yourself. Sadly for you, some people have memories longer than a methed out gnat and know why things happened, not just what the perpetrators of crimes say today that contradicts everything they said yesterday and before.
There’s no agreement to not expand NATO. Who told you that, Putin?

But has the actual history, or the nuclear treaty, or the ousting of the Russian planted president by the populace and installation of their chosen president (exactly what you hoped for with Trump on Jan 6 except instead of 2000 people it was the entire country performing a coup) been given on your fake propaganda websites? If so, you missed it all.

bobknight33 said:

You win NOT.
The only Russian nonsense is Hill Clinton and the DNC which paid for the Steele Dossier and proven 100% BS .

But you, a foolish man has no idea of this reality because you watch slanted one sided "news"

Bakhmut has almost fallen -- and Russia is gaining ground. I'm not taking sides but facts are facts.

The question is WHY Russia entered Ukraine. Im sure that NATO breaking their agreement with Russia over last 40 years and entering into non NATO countries has a something to do with it.

But has that question been asked on your fake news outlet?

Watch Elon Musk's Rocket Explode After Launch

newtboy says...

IF they really learned enough to justify the enormous cost, good for them and it is a “success”. That remains to be seen, I think even they won’t know until their next shot. If it has 6 motor failures, that’s advancement, but enough?

It’s not a great sign that near 1/4 of the motors failed in 4 minutes…that’s a whole lot of failures to figure out. It’s unlikely one thing caused them to fail, and they need to solve every single issue before they can put people on board. I hope they got enough data. I do want this to work.

This is a different mindset/methodology to designing a vehicle for getting to space, one we aren’t used to. Edit: Rapid Advancement through intentional failure. It will be interesting to see how this gamble pays off. Great risk can bring great rewards…or great failures.

I would say to Hatfield, yes, many airplanes failed their first test flights…but none were 1/10 as expensive or complicated as this rocket. Failures here are many orders of magnitude more expensive, so really NEED to produce major advancements quickly to be a viable method for designing rockets. The Wright bros only lost some cloth and wood when they failed.

eric3579 said:

Shit fails all the time when testing. Particularly when things have never been tried before. Chris Hatfield seems to think it was an 'enormously successful' first flight.

Justin Jones To Be Reinstated

newtboy says...

He’s BACK! Sworn back in hours ago.

The indefensible expulsion was incredibly short lived.

Republicans really shot themselves in the foot this time. Even Republicans mostly want democracy, not totalitarianism. This action will definitely drive the vote for years to come in Tennessee, and will be a rallying call to remind everyone else how important it is to vote against totalitarianism and for democracy.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Every accusation an admission. Hate and hostility are 99.6% of your personality. It’s not 10% of mine. Good thing your head was otherwise empty or it might explode.

“No protesters go near me or my car.” “I might go to Dallas to shoot looters” “I might have to kill a few people on my way to work they are rioting outside my apartment complex.” All posted before he intentionally drove into a crowd of people and shot one preemptively 5 times with no return fire at all from the victim, proven in court with evidence, not on Twitter with lies and fantasy.

They showed he intentionally ran a red light to turn left into a crowd at speed on camera, then shot the first armed person he saw, who it’s been proven with photo and video of the incident that was presented to the jury never raised his barrel you absolute liar. The only one claiming that is the murderer. That’s not self defense, and the jury saw that clearly. Open carry is legal in Texas, seeing a gun is not grounds to open fire….in any state.

It would have been self defense to shoot him because he used his car as a deadly weapon to attack a crowd full of women and children, then again when he opened fire into the crowd he had just violently assaulted.

Come on over…I’ll gladly shoot you in self defense. No MAGA terrorists get near my home. I’ve got the knife to plant if you don’t bring your own, no problem. This public statement that I plan to do it is also no problem…Newsom will pardon me for killing a MAGA nut. Sounds nutty, don’t it? It’s your position, numb nuts, to you that’s self defense, a better case than his.

1,117,054 US Covid deaths.
-Trump’s own CDC said well over 50% were due to Trump’s (lack of) covid policies, so conservatively 558500 on Trump’s hands by his own estimate (I say he could have avoided 100% by not ending the pandemic response team program, or by simply closing travel from China, not just OF Chinese people)
405,399 American ww2 deaths including non-combat deaths
58,220 American deaths in Vietnam
-Total 463600 deaths from ww2 and Vietnam.

558500 dead from Trump > 463600 dead from war…above your math skills?

>1 million dead -32.9%GDP. 13% unemployment - Trump’s legacy
Covid addressed and under control soon, over +3.5-6% GDP GROWTH, 3.5% unemployment today - Biden’s legacy.

I beg you to disagree with any semblance of a point, not just

PS- Thank you Justice pubic hair Coke for guaranteeing the left wins the next election and likely expands the court after expelling Harlan Crow funded fake Democrats Mansion and Senema. Between this blatant corruption and erosion of established rights like a hose on cotton candy, the extremist far right activist court is illegitimate at this point and remains so until it’s cleansed of ANYONE taking unreported bribes and forced to accept ethics rules and independent enforcement, and can be ignored. Nothing requires Biden to enforce their decisions, and they have no power to.

bobknight33 said:

When will you head explode holding all that hate and hostility.
The Abbot pardon is a good thing. Self defense.
The White BLM crack had was pointing his AK47 at this guy.
Shooting this nut job is called self defense.

Shooting anyone is self defense is just fine with me.

AS for the rest of you delusional story ..
" More deaths than WW2 and Vietnam combined, more destruction of the economy .."

don't knwo what to say except you are way off the deep end . Get back on your meds please else you will be shooting someone .

Hottest compilation on Pornhub right now #dailyshow

noims says...

Personally I'm not going to lie back in contentment until the fucker pays. I wanna see the money shot and watch him collapse, weak and sweating, at which point we can all just turn off the screen and get back to our lives.

Maybe that's just me fantasising. I wouldn't be at all surprised if it was all cut short due to a paywall.

Le Wrath di Khan Opera Live! | Robot Chicken | Adult Swim

newtboy says...

A triumph of the classical arts….bravo!
A shame they left out Kahn’s final colpo d'addio (farewell shot), a plagiarized but still venomous curse.

ant (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Oh yeah….I heard about this around 2010, then it just never happened. Posted it, thanks.

Newts never get their shot at greatness. We just aren’t aggressive or flashy enough, but a pair of annoying parrots, everybody loves that, right? (Screw those feathered tape recorders, what a blatant case of in house plagiarism.)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Try again….ask your handler to double check your English. This word salad is completely unintelligible and indigestible.

Ashley Babbitt. Traitor?

Let me attempt to translate….
Is Hunter Biden’s laptop a real story? No. Is it a real laptop? Yes. It it proven the data on it is really Hunter Biden’s? No. It it proven the data on it was really tampered with by republicans trying to create a story about a private citizen who is a relative of a political enemy? Yes.

Was January 6 a real (failed) seditious insurrection? Yes, absolutely, there are convictions on that charge if your eyes and ears aren’t enough to convince you. Attempting to stop the transfer of power so the election loser can retain power is how many coups happen.
Was it just a bunch of people with a few misfits in the bunch, absolutely not, it was a planned, “called up” violent mob directed by the ex president with the intent being to stop the transfer of power by “getting wild” with violent trial by combat and fighting hard by any means necessary, and they came WELL ARMED.

Covid masks BS or a useful tool against pandemic spreads? When used properly, the latter…but not a perfect panecea just like seatbelts don’t stop all traffic deaths. Proper universal mask use and social distancing could have prevented as many as half of cases in the US.

Covid hospitalization rate <3% or way way higher? The last reports I recall I think said around 3% of the overall population, but much higher among just adults….over 10% in some age categories. Were hospitals over run with patients to the point deathly ill people were sent home to die. Absolutely, for months, causing tens of thousands of preventable deaths….what you call a “nothing burger”.

Now you want random political questions as red herrings? Fine.

Biden. Above average president, not great but astonishing on jobs. He beat Trump, so he’s successful no matter what.
Biden mentally fit. Absolutely. Just gave the best, quickest, most intelligent SOU in recent memory, not a rambling self congratulatory stream of consciousness we got before Biden.

Trans surgery for minors? Not a real thing, a fantasy the right invented to be outraged over, like CRT. IF it were a real thing, which again it is NOT, it should be a decision between the minor, it’s parents, mental health professionals, and their physician…not the government that the right wants making medical decisions for citizens now. Reality is surgery is not done on minors unless absolutely medically necessary, only reversible chemical treatments. Another right wing fantasy. I bet you’re ok with fake boobs for teen girls though.

“Trans ideology” (define that) in the classroom? Not a real thing, but inclusion acceptance and tolerance in the classroom, absolutely undeniably good at all grade levels.

Newsom good or bad? Yes, both….but far more god than bad….$52 billion SURPLUS last year…hundreds of millions allocated to mental health programs to service and house homeless.

Now, do you have the spine to answer just one? I guarantee you don’t,snowflake.
Ashley Babbitt, treasonous insurrectionist cunt who violently smashed her way into the chambers before being properly shot by the police she was actively threatening/innocent victim of Biden?

bobknight33 said:

Wow, you are un-hinged.
Biden laptop? real?
Jan 6 a true insurrection of just a bunch of people, with some misfits in the group?

Covid masks BS or truly need.?
Covid hospitalization rate <3% or or way higher? Joe B. Great POTUS / Average/ below Average?
Joe B Fit to be POTUS or mentally lacking and should not be POTUS

Trans surgery for minors? Good or bad?
Trans ideology in the classroom? Good or Bad?

Governor Newsom Good or Bad?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Wow Thats all you got out of the twitter files?

Please take you head out of you ass, wipe that shot off your face and look around.

Such a narrow minded pinhead.

newtboy said:

Lol. Twitter hearings show how president Trump abused his power and tried to force Twitter to censor people who disagreed with him or called him a name….like Chrissy Teigen who called him a “punk ass bitch”.
Yes, Trump made specific requests to censor people who said things he thought were mean. Odd that was missing from the “Twitter files”, right? Actual direct censorship by the president…no, that wouldn’t interest anyone, but a private citizen requesting revenge porn be removed….THAT’S UNMERICA!
So much for the “Twitter’s unfair” claims….every accusation is an admission. Want to make some more.

Suspected Chinese Spy Balloon Seen Over Montana

newtboy says...

Reports say this is the second time since Biden took office they have done this.
The same reports say they did it 3 times during Trump’s administration with no repercussions or even reaction.
Now China is saying because we shot it down (after it had finished it’s surveillance route) they will shoot down any balloons that cross China….as if that’s a change.

Buster Scruggs Story - The Coen Brothers!

Danny MacAskill’s Postcard from San Francisco

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Today terrorist Trumpists “took credit” for the terrorist acts over the weekend across the nation, cheering them and hoping they did maximum damage to America. Also their communications about their plans to attack power grids were discovered.

In N Carolina they have all but said they were the ones who shot up the power grid, “we know why the power is out” “god works in mysterious ways. (Wink)” putting thousands in the cold and dark for days during a winter storm….and their digital communications planning it support that. Apparently this was done to disrupt a local drag show scheduled for 7pm Saturday, right after the sub stations were shot up causing millions in damage and freezing over 36000 people in their homes without heat or power.
In Florida militant Trumpist terrorists attacked drag shows with violence.
In Ohio they attacked drag shows and gay clubs, shutting off power, blocking all access in or out, taunting them with another mass shooting while dancing to YMCA (because you’re too stupid to know it’s a gay anthem about loving public gay sex….or more likely because y’all love public gay sex while you scream how hate it….that’s much more Republican.)

More death, destruction, and debauchery by the now publicly anti constitution anti democracy anti America terroristic Republican Party.

It’s ok Bob, I know you likely blocked me after you lost the election despite your still posting questions to me. You aren’t adult enough to stand behind your statements or hold a conversation, especially while every prediction you made in the last year fails to materialize and you lose your shirt while the right loses its clout, because you are nothing but an anti American troll…and likely really 14. I don’t expect you to have the testicular fortitude to respond….but you deserve a daily reminder of the anti American terrorist your messiah Trump has turned you into.

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny | Official Trailer

Photographer takes photo of wave that resembles a face

noims says...

This is why the "monkey selfie" photo controversy of a couple of years ago (damnit, it's 10 years!) baffles me... it's not always the artist, it's often the editor that spots the art. I can take 60 shots per second of the waves on the coast of a lake, but that doesn't mean I should own the copyright on the one that happened to look great at 01:05:51.304 on 26/11/22.

Conversely the inverse may also be true.

Art is art. Don't tie me down, baby.

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