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Malcolm Gladwell--Why Koreans Don't Make the Best Pilots

Krupo says...

My friend's comments on the content itself:

I have never heard anyone be so full of shit before. Look at the NTSB site for their review of crashes. None of them are actually caused by 'co-pilot to afraid to speak up'. Most (almost 100%) are caused by parts failure or training error:

- using the aileron on an A320 like you would in a B767 .

- Birds flying in to the engine (Miracle on the Hudson)

- Entertainment system burning up (the new entertainment system they installed caught fire, smoldered, light the 'inflamable' fire protection on fire which burned so hot it melted the flight controls)

- Maintenance crew not putting an engine on right:

- Shot down by russians:®=HL7442&airline=Korean+Air+Lines

Also, Korean Airlines hasn't had a crash since 1999. Also, throughout the whole of the 90s (where malcom says they were the most dangerous airline) had 6 crashes. Whereas Aeroflot had 13 crashes, I mean, American Airlines (the airline not all american airlines) had 6 crashes from 1990 to 2001.

So basically this guy is using the recent plane crashes to sell his damn book. What a douchebag.

Boogie Down Productions - Love's Gonna Get'cha (Material)

MrFisk says...

im in junior high with a b plus grade,
at the end of the day i don't hit the arcade,
I walk from school to my moms apartment,
I got to tell the sucaks everyday "don't start it",
cause where I'm at if your soft your lost,
to say on course means to roll with force,
a boy named Rob is chillin in a Benz,
in front of my building with the rest of his friends,
I give him a pound, oh i mean i shake his hand,
he's the neighborhood drug dealer, my man,
i go upstair and hug my mother,
kiss my sister, and punch my brother,
i sit down on my bed to watch some tv,
(machine gun fire) do my ears decieve me,
Nope, thats the fourth time this week,
another fast brother shot dead in the street,
the very next day while im off to class,
my moms goes to work cold busting her ass,
my sisters cute but she got no gear,
i got three pairs of pants and with my brother i share,
see there in school see i'm made a fool,
with one and a half pair of pant you aint cool,
but there's no dollars for nothing else,
i got beans, rice, and bread on my shelf,
every day i see my mother struggling,
now its time i've got to do something,
i look for work i get dissed like a jerk,
i do odd jobs and come home like a slob,
so here comes Rob hes cold and shivery,
he gives me two hundred for a quick delivery,
i do it once, i do it twice,
now theres steak with the beans and rice,
my mother's nervous but she knows the deal,
my sister's gear now has sex appeal,
my brothers my partner and we're getting paper,
three months later we run our own caper,
my family's happy everything is new,
now tell me what the fuck am i supposed to do,

money's flowing, everything is fine,
got myself an uzi and my brother a nine,
buisness is boomin' everything is cool,
i pull about a g a week fuck school,
a year goes by and i begin to grow,
not in height but juice and cash flow,
i pick up my feet and begin to watch tv,
cause now i got other people working for me,
i got a 55 inch television you know,
and every once in awhile i hear just say no,
or the other commercial i love,
is when they say, this is your brain on drugs,
i pick up my remote control and just turn,
cause with that bullshit im not concerned,
see me and my brother jump in the BM,
driving around our territory again,
i stop at the light like a superstar,
and automatic weapons cold sprayed my car,
i hit the accelerater scared as fuck,
and drove one block to find my brother was hit,
he wasn't dead but the blood was pouring,
and all i could think about was war and,
later i found that it was Rob and his crew,
now tell me what the fuck am i supposed to do,

my brothers out of it, but i'm still in it,
on top of that im in it to win it,
i can't believe that Rob would diss me,
that faggot, that punk, he's soft a sissy,
i'm driving around now with three of my guys,
the war is on and i'm on the rise,
we rolled right up to his favorite hang out,
said hello and then the bullets rang out,
some fired back so we took cover,
and all i could think about was my brother,
Rob jumped up and began to run,
busting shots hoping to hit someone,
so I just stopped, and let off three shots,
two hit him and one hit a cop,
I threw the gun down and began to shout,
come on I got him it's time to break out,
but as we ran there were the boys in blue,
pointing their guns at my four man crew,
they shot down one, they shot down two,
now tell me what the fuck am i supposed to do,

(loves gonna get you)(loves gonna get you)(loves gonna get you)
(love loves gonna get you)
(loves gonna get you)(loves gonna get you)(loves gonna get you)
(love loves gonna get you)
(loves gonna get you)(loves gonna get you)(loves gonna getyou),
(loves gonna get you)
(loves gonna get you)(loves gonna get you)(loves gonna get you)
(love loves gonna get you)
ya know a lot of people believe that that word Love is real soft,but when
you use it in your vocabulary like your addicted to it it sneaksright up
and takes you right out. out. out. out. out.
So, for future reference remember it's alright to like or want amaterial
item, but when you fall in love with it and you start schemingand carrying
on for it, just remember, it's gonna get'cha

Michael Savage - Lord Christopher Monckton on Global Warming

Honor Among Thieves (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

blankfist says...

Very impressive, Sarzy. I especially liked the long handheld (steadicam) fluid master shot down the hall. I do like it when movies take their time to tell a story like that. Hopefully it won't be the last film you make. In this industry, even calling cards aren't enough. I have friends who are doing some big shit right now, but that's not helping me out at all. It's a tough industry, but to enjoy it is to need to pursue it doggedly.

I think the biggest gripe I'd have with it is the length. It may behoove you to consider using an editor outside of yourself. I cut a rough assembly of my movie, then handed it off to an editor. My rough assembly was just at two hours and ten minutes. The final cut is now just under 90 mintues.

I think all heist movies should have actors with Canadian accents. I think you did an excellent job, hombre. Keep at it!

By the way, what did you shoot this with?

Dragging Some Fun Back To The Sift, Kickin' and Bitchin'! (History Talk Post)

videosiftbannedme says...

You mean I finally get to do my first *quality? Woohoo! Drinks are on me.

Ok, so this was years ago, and I was at a friend's birthday party. I had lost a significant amount of weight because I would bicycle everywhere, and I hadn't been out drinking. So I decide, damnit man, ahm Scah-ish, and I'm goun ta drink meh ancestor's drink! So I get a fifth of Cutty Sark and start doing shots. Now, not having ever tried Scotch but once prior to that night, I have to tell ya. It's liquid peat moss. Or maybe just Cutty Sark is. I don't know. But as with any liquor, once you get the first few shots down, you don't even taste or care anymore. So I proceed to drink about more than 1/2 the bottle, as well as a few beers...

So let me lay the scene for you here. We've got a small 1 bedroom apartment crowded with about 30 people. The stereo is up high, and after about 3 hours, I've made it to a chair at the dining room table. I start to get dizzy, so I put my elbows on the table, interlock my fingers and rest my chin in my hands, as I'm looking out into the room. And EVERYTHING is going up and down, in and out, and swirly. You know, like a merry-go-round? I can also hear every word at each of the conversations which were taking place around the room, as well as in whatever song was playing at the time. I don't even remember who eventually was around me but people were saying stuff like "Oh man, look how white he is!" "Dude, you need to go to the bathroom..." And I'm going "No, it's ok. I'm not gonna puke...I'm not gonna"

The last thing I saw was vomit shooting through my interlaced fingers.

So what do you do? Just put yourself there for a minute. Your that fucked up and you just start throwing up. Yup, I cupped my hands together to lean forward and make a bowl with my hands.

Now, physics was the LAST thing on my mind at this point. I forgot a critical variable: volume. Needless to say, I got. it. everywhere. All over the cake, in the ashtrays, people's cigarettes, in people's drinks, on people. Someone told me later I looked like a fire hydrant with an obstruction in the way. Luckily almost everyone there was a friend, so I survived a potential beating. (But at the cost of the ribbing I still take to this day )

So they throw me in the bathroom. Now, I'm conscious enough to know that I don't want someone pissing next to my face as I bow before the Porcelain God, so I lock the door. And promptly pass out. Eventually I finally wake up enough to open the door, and am promptly hauled out passed the line that formed, and am unceremoniously dumped on the bed. The only recollection I have of the rest of the night, is waking up several times lying face down, my hands and arms in the "goalpost" formation, and my head to pointing to the left. Have you ever gotten tired of lying in one position? I lifted my head, just to turn it to the right and got the whole Ferris Wheel action from before. So I kept passing out unable to turn my head.

Next morning, incredibly, I had no hangover. However, that is the only night in my life where I have no recollection of events. You could say I blew the dog and I'd have to take your word on it.

Ah's good for a laugh.

Farming Under Fire

14209 says...

>> ^Pprt:
These ultraliberals would like nothing more than to die by Israeli bullets.
This is what I think their mental process sounds like: "Man, if I am shot down while standing should-to-shoulder with Palestinians in Gaza all my friends and family will be so proud of me. Every time they'll mention I was killed while "defending Gaza", the listener will have also have respect for me and my dedication to the cause of the downtrodden Gazans. I will have newspapers articles written about my story and be admired in my little university clique. I will probably even get my own Wikipedia entry."

And whats wrong with that??

Better than dying for your country in a totally useless war..

These chicks have more balls than most soldiers.

Sorry i always click profile reply out of mistake..

Pprt (Member Profile)

14209 says...

In reply to this comment by Pprt:
These ultraliberals would like nothing more than to die by Israeli bullets.

This is what I think their mental process sounds like: "Man, if I am shot down while standing should-to-shoulder with Palestinians in Gaza all my friends and family will be so proud of me. Every time they'll mention I was killed while "defending Gaza", the listener will have also have respect for me and my dedication to the cause of the downtrodden Gazans. I will have newspapers articles written about my story and be admired in my little university clique. I will probably even get my own Wikipedia entry."

And whats wrong with that??

Better than dying for your country in a totally useless war..

These chicks have more balls than most soldiers.

Farming Under Fire

Pprt says...

These ultraliberals would like nothing more than to die by Israeli bullets.

This is what I think their mental process sounds like: "Man, if I am shot down while standing should-to-shoulder with Palestinians in Gaza all my friends and family will be so proud of me. Every time they'll mention I was killed while "defending Gaza", the listener will have also have respect for me and my dedication to the cause of the downtrodden Gazans. I will have newspapers articles written about my story and be admired in my little university clique. I will probably even get my own Wikipedia entry."

Alan Keyes is Insane - Obama a Communist and NOT a Citizen

drattus says...

I'll close with this one, it's late and as I said earlier I don't plan to offer you another day, I was surprised that you got this one but I was bored and it has been fun in a weird sort of way. Guess I was in the mood. You have fun with it if you can find a partner for it though.

To the point though. Remember the point I started this thread with? I'll remind you so you don't have to look back again. "Why in the world are you all letting imstellar28 set the terms of the debate? You're jumping through hoops trying to disprove accusations about Obama because he claims you need to meet a burden of proof that he's not guilty of those things but he's yet to offer any proof that Alan Keyes isn't batshit insane."

If you didn't understand that I had no intention of letting you set the terms of the debate I'm sorry, but that was clear from the start. You say what you think matters, I say what I think matters, and if it goes like politics generally does in this nation we'll both probably ignore the other and declare victory. Yeah for process, right?

Personally I see your "shot down" as a cry that you want the services, but not the tax, you want the privilege but not the burden of supporting it, you want it here, now and today and by the way none of it's your fault because you were just born here and somehow you think that was a point which answered something [edit to clarify:other than that you don't want to pay for it. Where's it come from then?]. To paraphrase you here, doing something like that then trying to claim victory for it while an effective way to protect your ego, is a rather uninteresting way to debate.

Lots of others weren't happy the last few years, now you're not happy along with a whole new group of others. These things happen, you'll get used to it and it doesn't last forever. Politics always seems to go in cycles.

If you'd like to claim victory now would be a good time, have fun

Alan Keyes is Insane - Obama a Communist and NOT a Citizen

imstellar28 says...

^so....I shot down your assertions with legitimate responses, and your 0/3 on answering questions posed back at you? Changing the subject, while an effective way to protect your ego, is a rather uninteresting way to debate.

Alan Keyes is Insane - Obama a Communist and NOT a Citizen

drattus says...

>> ^imstellar28:
As far as I can tell in this thread, 5/8 of Keyes claims have been confirmed by other posters, and 3/8 have not been addressed by any posters. Funny how the world flips ass over kettle when evidence is required.
Most people hear loud, extreme words like COMMUNIST......INFANTICIDE.....NOT A CITIZEN...and assume insanity. The human mind has the capacity to filter emotion, and it is extremely useful in situations such as this...

Nonsense. Sorry to be slow answering, had to take care of something else, but it's still nonsense. A couple such as Thinker gave you some points but even at that it's a big so what on some of them and he outright shot down others which you just mentioned such as infanticide. "because it was already law" isn't exactly because I like to kill babies. It's a bit closer to there is already a law on the books for that. Most didn't even agree with you on that much. Your math isn't any better than your claims that others need "evidence" while with you already rejected by the courts assertions should do.

On the so what parts, let's take the socialism thing for example. Did you go to a public school? Socialist. Does your driveway connect to a toll road you pay for each time you want to go somewhere and does all the other roads between home and destination, or do you share that burden with your fellow citizens and share the cost? Socialist. How about security, planning on hiring private guards to replace those socialist cops you aren't wanting anymore? Your own private army instead of this socialized and shared one we've got now?

As I pointed out already it's nonsense for the most part. Some more than others though. I liked this one in particular. "Evidence a bankrupt government can fix a bankrupt economy".

Let me ask you something here. Company, nation, whatever else. If they AREN'T bankrupt how are they supposed to solve a problem that they DON'T have? Of course a bankrupt country can solve a bankrupt economy, they are the only ones who can. If they aren't bankrupt they don't tend to have that problem to fix and yes, I'm pretty sure it's happened and nations have come back from it.

It's been fun and I do wish I'd been here a day or two earlier, but this one is done I'd think. Overplaying a joke just ruins it.

A musical mind fuck (Music Talk Post)

rasch187 says...

I fought piranhas

white wedding

Not to touch the earth

To fulle men ("Two drunk men")


You shook me

Givin the dog a bone

I'm only sleeping

Golden child

WHAT IS 2+2?
Since I've been loving you


I'm so bored with the USA

D'yer mak'er

We're going to be friends

Shot down in flames

Bob Dylan's 115th dream

Perfect day

Let me die in my footsteps

Rusty cage

Take the power back

2 more dead

Romance in Durango

Celebration day

The right profile

Mannish boy

Jag drar ("I'm leaving")


Political world

The way my mind works

Tombstone blues

Countries denouncing Israel's actions at the UN

Farhad2000 says...

UN Watch is hilarious, it says the coverage in UN is loop sided when it comes to the Israel-Palestine issue, but then goes on to present loop sided arguments itself.

Even though it's charter seeks to address the misbalance in the application of UN powers and try to cover issues outside of Israel-Palestine, it almost exclusively comes out to argue for Israels viewpoints.

Never mind the fact that UN declarations from 60 years past have been shot down by one singular ally and security council member that would have implemented a peaceful resolution.

The UN is a idealized dream that has little baring on real world events any more, condemnations of war crimes and such against Israel didn't stop Israel from continually committing them over the last 60 years! But oooh noo 10 years of Hamas missiles! That is the real threat and problem! Not state sanctioned policy targeting civilians through uniformed armed forces, no no its all them damn guerrillas fighting a resistance movement.

UK Jewish MP: Israel acting like Nazis in Gaza

Farhad2000 says...

Ha. Trying to spin it like that are we?

Yeah lets make it all sound like this whole conflict started just in 2000. You know let's ignore every UN resolution shot down by the US for its buddy Israel, the incursions of Israelis on Palestinians lives. The creation of apartheid in the West Bank and Gaza.

Such an apologist for Israeli actions. Israel created Hamas and Hezboallah through its own policy actions, a blow back effect that can be seen in the way the West and Israel dealt with the Arab world in the past.

For your information the Arab world has provided jobs and living for the Palestinians all over the Middle East.

Stop trying to disassemble historical facts. If Israel wanted peace it would actively pursue it, not force concessions on the Palestinians, assassinate its leaders and target its civilians.

The Atheist Delusion

Krupo says...

>> ^joedirt:
>> ^messenger:
Anyone actively preaching about their faith online is the same as yelling about it on a bus or street corner. So either stick to appropriate forums or not get all offended when rational, reasonable people point out that you should keep your 1st century ideas off the 21st century invention. Most religions would ban the internet unless it had net nanny to prevent bad ideas from reaching your eyes. Look at
scientology as an example.

You're calling Scientology a religion? Seriously.

May I invite you to visit ?

Yeah, argument shot down in flames, sorry.

People having a faith and practicing a religion isn't threatening, organized religion and millions in the coffers of evangelical leaders is a problem. Political action groups receiving millions in donations to push lobbying and legislation is a problem.

I do see the disconnect in this discussion. Americans vs. Canadians/Others.

In Canada, the dominant religious group is that of the Roman Catholic church. And we're pretty low key on the whole. To use an American example, you don't see Joe Biden going around installing nativity scenes or whatever it is that bothers you.

So, yeah, religions deserve to be ridiculed and have the sunshine of logic and truth shone on them on the internet. I can't name too many videos finding fault with the teachings of Jesus... Just the nutkooks like Kirk Cameron and idiots trying to show the existance of God because of the shape of a banana. That is what super pro-religion statements look like on the internet. You are judged against the Kirk Camerons and the 6000 yr earthers.

Yup, see my last paragraph.

It's not that Catholics and other 'chill Christians' are perfect - we admit that we're not, and that's the reason we HAVE the religion in the first place! - but the billion or so people who don't cause trouble or in fact, mitigate the trouble others experience, would appreciate not being lumped in with the crazy-ass evangelicals that're causing you so much of a headache.

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