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Inside the World's Most Dangerous Amusement Park

Esoog says...

Chattanooga is listed on that page as previously having an Alpine Slide. We went up there twice at night after they closed when I was in high school. They always left the shed with the sleds unlocked. We lost most of the skin on our shoulders and elbows after a couple runs. It was a blast to do during the was terrifying at night without lights.

Hunter said:

Mt. Hood in Oregon has the Alpine Slide. Been going for 20 years. Upon further investigation, there are a LOT of these.

Quantum Computing Explained

enoch says...

for those of you who may think @Drax has lost his mind,let me shed some light for you non-gamers out there:
"give us the girl and wipe away the debt" is a bioshock infinite reference which is heavy (and i mean HEAVY) laden storyline which deals with quantum phyisics,multiple universes etc etc.

Drax said:

Give us the girl and wipe away the debt!

"New Beer" - Marijuana Policy Project NASCAR Ad

Payback says...

Can't brew better beer in your shed that you can buy in store.

Laws will stay until corporate America can properly monetize and copyright it. Then it'll be everywhere.

Louis C.K. on Nixon's Resignation

ulysses1904 says...

I don't remember Nixon shedding tears or getting choked up during his resignation speech. I was 15 at the time and was watching it with everyone else. I'll have to look for it on YouTube but I remember him being as stone-faced as ever.

Just watched the full 22 minute version on YouTube. Sorry Louis, he didn't weep like an insane person, didn't even pause to clear his throat.

YouTube Challenge - I Made My Dad Breakfast in Bed

TYT: Establishment Lapdog Bob Schieffer vs Edward Snowden

ghark says...

brilliant piece from Cenk, thought he was going to shed a few tears there, you could certainly see how much he values integrity in reporting, and how upset he is that it no longer exists in the mainstream media.

Chopper Read (Australian Hitman) Anti Domestic Violence Ad

ChaosEngine says...

Depends on what you mean.
If you mean are the prisons some kind of sci-fi dystopia where the prisoners are left to fight it out, then no, it's not legal and the authorities took a pretty dim view of this commercial.

If you mean the ad itself, I can't find the details, but I seem to recall it was banned by the advertising standards people, which meant it was immediately shown on the news and thus seen by far more people anyway.

Personally, as much as beating the shit out of women beaters and rapists appeals to me on a gut level, I don't agree with the message.

Even if I doubt I'd shed many tears over them, prisoners (even scumbags) shouldn't live under the threat of violence.

That said, the ad succeeded brilliantly. It was just the right amount of controversy to put the topic of domestic abuse back in the spotlight, and frankly, that can only be a good thing.

cosmovitelli said:

Holy shit is this legit in Australia?

The last concert of the Greek National Symphony Orchestra

Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL

chingalera says...

"I just don't see YOU enough. It is all attitude and attempting to pick a fight. Why would I bother with that?"

Uhhhh, I'm always here-This persona on the sift is nothing but who I am, always. I am just as ineloquent and acerbic in person and online-You should know this- How many times have you blocked my profile on now??

But seriously now, how many times have you sought me out in another forum or discourse?-You know absolutely everything there is to know about me should you care to, and the door has always been open for anyone who wants to shed their sift-ego and have a go-Ask anyone with whom I chat regularly, there are several varieties of fruit grafted to this tree-Perspective is much more broadened when you gather information from a vantage greater than a single point.

"Ignore" is the same thing to me as someone saying, "Have a Nice Day"

Have a nice day sounds like a "fuck you" to me-

and I will be the first to accuse myself of abusing "The Word."

"In the beginning, was the word, and the word was with god, and the word was god."-I am guilty of abusing the medium of information exchange available to us monkeys and robots....The worst violator of all, since I know what I'm doing and when.....Ego is a motherfucker, innit??

Trump Gets Trumped by David Letterman

HiLibtards says...

It's funny how jealous and vendictive liberals are. Liberals are the weak link in the United States. Trump would love to have his ties made here. He tries to shed light on the issues companies in the US are facing like Unions, high taxes, Obamacare etc.. Nothing will get better til O'bummer is out of office/impeached. I look forward to your ridiculous responses which won't consist of any originality or reality.

BANNED TED Talks Graham Hancock on Consciousness Emergence

shagen454 says...

To me there is no controversy. Whatever this stuff is it changes lives.It is difficult. I have never felt so alone yet so alive, transformed. I lived in an existential world, for some reason I believed in nothing. Never in my wildest dreams of taking mushrooms or acid did I ever think it had an actual link to who a person really is on an infinite and universal scale. Yet, here it is, the minimalist strain of tryptamine. Like TMK said, it is twenty years of pharmacology, art history, religion and philosophy all in a toke that lasts for ten minutes more or less. I was a speculator, a doubter as well...just like you probably are right now. If you doubt then you should shed the ten minutes of your life to find out. What are you afraid of? The immensity of truth? To know this is not the end? To know that real existence exists outside of this bark, these bones, these plants, this world, this universe? Become aware; this is our destiny, our compass, real evolution. FUCK capitalism with a sick dick.

Group Work Kills Creativity & Brainstorming Doesn't Work

ChaosEngine says...

It's an interesting video, and honestly, I'm not sure whether I agree with it or not.

I suppose I'd segregate it into art and engineering

On the one hand, having a single creative vision can result in some great art.

On the other hand, almost all modern engineering of any kind is a collaborative effort. Systems are simply too big and complex for one person to exercise an auteur-like control over.

The problem to me is not collaboration. The problem is getting the right kind of collaboration. The "design by committee" argument is a result of bike shedding.

Henry Ford famously said “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses."

Pretty good argument for single creative vision, right? Clearly the "people" didn't understand the paradigm shift.

But no great invention occurs in a vacuum, and no great invention was ever perfect on the first iteration. It's an incredibly hard problem. Feedback from users is undeniably important, but a good engineer must be able to differentiate between useful feedback and people who don't understand the problem domain.

Personally, I work collaboratively 90% of the time. The 10% is the interesting bit though

10 Bizarre American Laws

xxovercastxx says...

These are pretty mild, really.


In NY it's legal for women to go topless but illegal to wear form-fitting clothing.

In NY it's illegal to walk around with an ice cream cone in your pocket on Sunday.

In AL it's illegal to have an ice cream cone in your back pocket.

In GA it's illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket on Sunday.

(WTF was this ice cream cone fetish people had back in the day?)

In AZ, it's illegal to have more than 2 dildos in a house. (Presumably you can keep the rest in the shed.)

In AK it's illegal to mispronounce Arkansas.

In FL it's illegal to have sex in any position but missionary and never with a porcupine.

In MA, goatees are illegal unless you've paid the fee for a license.

And there are so many more...

Bride's Special Dance

Senate Subcommittee Propaganda Campaign 101

dystopianfuturetoday says...

It's so rude to call this poor woman retarded. Also, I don't believe that someone who believes in stupid things like the New World Order gets the right to call others retarded. You aren't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, chogs.

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