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THE UNBELIEVERS - Richard Dawkins & Lawrence Krauss

shagen454 says...

I want to talk about something that to my regard is pure lunacy. But, to me, though I appreciate the doubters, the ones who question everything; would change their attitudes completely. None of the atheists should go on ranting until they take the ultimate bungie jump a human can have: DMT. One thing I would note is that I do not know if it was put there by aliens, evil spirits, sacred spirits, the Earth itself, God. No, I do not know and no one knows. I do not know if there is a price to be paid by having witnessed the underpinnings of technology, soul, afterlife, the universe, consciousness, the brain or whatever the hell it is. I have no idea, I just know that this experience is as real as fuck. Mind blowing. Scary. Terrible and healing all at the same time.

I was agnostic going into this, did not believe in soul, appreciate string theory, quantum mechanics but do not believe in it at some factual level, did not believe in any sort of God, or the afterlife. In mere seconds all my notions of what I thought or did not think or could never had merely thought up, all my permeating existential beliefs were thrown off like a nuclear bomb had gone off; revealing some partial truth of what we really are, witnessing an alien computer program, based on simple equations that manifests consciousness itself. Not a new conclusion and one I thought only drug addled scifi writer or schizos would ever believe.

It were as though I had found some way to put my head into the Large Hadron Collider itself whilst every proton turned into Higgs Boson; I then found out that this is not uncommon for such an experience. I know that can sound incredibly narcissistic, incredulous, unbearable, impossible. But what I got out of it was humble and that is another story.

There are experiences out there in which a person can feel as though they had been thrown into another dimension, experienced the Big Bang and met Gods of the Ultimate Power, they may or may not be and died on levels not many ever knew possible. In mere seconds the regular doors of perception are shut and a new life is born. That is where it gets tricky.

Until any of these guys can figure out why the human mind can explode on an infinite universe level of pure digital consciousness, think it can perceive these things and witness them on all levels and in new ways and come back to a normal human life in a normal brain without having in fact died? Well, I think they ought to stop talking and do more research. We have no facts and an experience like that will make it very apparent that the walls of reality can be so easily shattered to see new alien worlds, languages, dimensions, spirits, births and rebirths beyond all human comprehension. It sounds like the ultimate atheist experience, right? Not at all, it leaves room for something of the highest power that is manifested through pretty much any religion. We have to remember... you have to go to school, you have to get a job, we get wrapped up in our world. We have to act like we know what we are talking about and I am saying there is no evidence out there to support the fact that anyone can say that there is absolutely no God. There is absolutely no afterlife. Anyone that feels that they know anything about the nature of reality and who they are or what any of it means and apply lectures to it in the event that they become so arrogant and stubborn that they say what they think is absolutely correct when it is not accounted for by science, should do this. Do it after a lot of research. I say science but it is a paradox, I believe in Science first and foremost, it is our hope for tangible evolution, repeatable fact, but I am fairly sure this is something Science will never figure out. And after reading a similar experience: it seems in this experience there are some reoccurring themes. Science has so far written this off in the easiest way it can: to call it a psychedelic or a hallucinogen. So, find out. We know absolutely nothing in a very non existential way.


Darkhand says...

TBH I think she is fine.

The car hit the windshield (didn't shatter) and it didn't seem to crush the front of the car. Then the car rolled from the force of the blow. If she got crushed the car would have just been sitting on top of her car and she would not be rolling like that.

I think the offending vehicle just bounced right off of her or she bounced right off of it. Scary as hell and she was upside down, but I believe she way okay.

lucky760 said:

Shit. Could they possibly have made it through that okay? It seems the car landed mostly toward the front end, so it's possible and I hope so...

Stuff like that makes me sick. No matter how defensively you drive, there's nothing you can do about someone coming out of nowhere and killing you.

Any idea what country this is? They sound Japanese, but they're driving on the wrong side (the right side) to be in Japan.


Americans Against Context

dannym3141 says...

I know he thinks he's being really descriptive, deep and elusive and mysterious whilst simultaneously making an earth-shattering point. But actually, it's just impossible to follow. (referring to a few posts ago, but naming no names)

Someone doesn't want Big Brother watching over him anymore..

jmd says...

#1 what DOESN'T cost money? I'll tell you what cost LESS cameras. If I can't have a cop monitor an intersection 24/7, then I am fine with a red light camera.

#2 Well getting caught in your own traps is just your own problem. Has nothing to do with changing rules or slipper slopes. I think I understand what you mean by rules being added allowing the govt to add more rules un-opposed, but this MAINLY has to do with the publics becoming more lazy and not bothering themselves with politics, ie people not involving themselves with the rule making process anymore.

#3 CCTV Does it's job. It helps identify and catch spur of the moment crimes (Abuse, attacks, robbery) and at least causes planned crimes like drug trafficking to be moved elsewhere. You can't really STOP this with public CCTV coverage but at least you can prevent it from happening in front of your house or on the playground near the kids.

#4 While I think shatter went the extreme, I know what you mean. We have lots of old laws we break all the time now. This is not the CCTV's problem though. %99 of the time these laws are also ignore by the police, and we only find out about them when that %1 gets charged with one of those laws. This is just something else that needs to be fixed by the people and really has nothing to do with CCTV.

I understand people are afraid of loosing freedoms, but I also understand that we are not earning it either. Broken economy systems, failing healthcare, and lax education systems are causing chaos and hardship which leads to increased crime. If you want your freedoms back, you are going to have to become involved with politics more and make sure the right people are making your laws.

Asmo said:

--novel removed--

Solar Roadways

hatsix says...

The most consistent thing about the roads themselves is that there are cars on them. More so with parking lots. The Gas Station had way more than enough roof area to cover it's electricity usage, no need for putting panels underneath parked cars.

A light coat of dust on panels can decrease their efficiency by up to 50%... there would have to be a CONSTANT fleet of road washers, slowing down traffic. At least with roof/road mounted panels they can be tilted to shed most of the dust/pollen that accumulates, though they do have to be washed monthly.

And then there's the question of what happens with accidents. Sure, the tensile strength might be as strong as steel, but it's because of the enormous pressure it's under. it only takes one flaw in the surface to make the glass susceptible to shattering... just the thing to make car accidents more hazardous.

criticalthud said:

the road shoulders aren't as consistent as the roads themselves in structure/ quality, or space. This variability would lead to higher implementation and design costs.

dude you're sooo right. pass the bong.

New Extreme Sport: Trampoline Wall. Christophe Hamel Demo

Xaielao says...

Trampolines are great fun, especially the 'pro' ones like in this video. I used to get so much air jumping in a timed fashion with a friend. Lots of fun. At least until you fall from about 15' over the side of the trampoline and shatter your left tibia and fibula. True story. Thankfully I was young so the bones were largely able to heal. I just have a metal bar from knee to ankle.

Thomas Ricks describes Fox News to Fox News. Tis luverly!

Pedestrian Bounces Off Car Windshield, Sticks the Landing!

oritteropo says...

Also avoids breaking his knees, which I count as quite desirable.
>> ^Gutspiller:

He was smart to jump into the windshield. Taking physics into account, I assume the shatter-proof glass giving in a little is what saved him here. Metal car frames give far less and the impact on his body would have been far worse.
Lesson learned.

Never Before Seen Footage of Secret Mormon Temple Rituals

mentality says...

>> ^shinyblurry:
To know God is to Him personally. You could pray: "Jesus, if you're everything the bible says you are, I will follow you". If you can't go that far, simply ask if what I've said is true. God will show you, if you sincerely want to know. You managed to pass through the Christian religion missing the entire point of why it even exists. That is, to have a personal relationship with the creator of the universe, and the lover of your soul. God bless.

Tried that once. For a while, I seriously wanted Jesus and the good things people said of him to be true. Too bad reality doesn't work that way. I doubt you'll read the rest of this, much less respond, but here's what that experience taught me:

It's a beautiful comforting lie, and if you cling on to it hard enough, you will distort your reality to confirm what you want to believe. It's what happens when people thank god for saving them after an earthquake, instead of cursing him for causing the earthquake in the first place. It's why for every religion, no matter how disparate they seem, you will find people fervent enough in their beliefs to claim a personal relationship with their "god".
Christianity is not special and your "relationship" with god is not special. There are many like you, although they do not share your belief, share you delusion in belief.

The truth will reveal itself to you, if you sincerely want to know. But I think you'd rather shield yourself in your faith, in your armor of lies rather than seriously consider the possibly that your god simply does not exist. Such a thing would go against everything you've believed in since you were young, something that's an integral part of your very identity. To truly consider such a possibility would shatter the very foundations of your world, and you, like most Christian religious people, are simply not strong enough to handle it.

Pedestrian Bounces Off Car Windshield, Sticks the Landing!

Gutspiller says...

He was smart to jump into the windshield. Taking physics into account, I assume the shatter-proof glass giving in a little is what saved him here. Metal car frames give far less and the impact on his body would have been far worse.

Lesson learned.

Not Your Usual Russian Dash Cam Video

Love And Dying: Meet Ryan Woods

spoco2 says...

Fricken heartbreaking.

I'm like him in that if I found out I was dying it would be far less the fear of me dying and almost entirely being shattered to think about my kids losing their father. The part of him putting aside things for his kids to draw on over their lives really makes my heart break for the poor kids not having their dad around.

They both seem like incredibly nice people, and while it's absolutely not fair and horrible for something like this to befall them, it does show how well some people can handle things like this. With bravery and humility and pragmatism and love.

This Opera Singer Scares Me

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Different culture, different times, different aesthetic values. There is plenty of virtuostic writing and playing in contemporary styles. Is it musical? Does it add to the whole of the piece? I'd say yes to both in this case.

The ocean, too, appears to swallow
the vessel that you see
shattered by the storm.

Then it reappears, and it seems
to be raised by the stars.

>> ^Januari:

Ok... she is pretty amazing... but what an absurd song... You can pretty much tell that some composer decided... "'I'm going to write this to sound ridiculous hard to sing... as well as pretty much just sounding ridiculous...".
I don't know... maybe someone with an ear for opera can tell me i'm crazy but find listening to that painful.

Liquid nitrogen + 1500 ping pong balls

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