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Bob Beamon's Record-shattering Long Jump - 1968 Olympics

messenger says...

Too bad it was banned. Like the article says, that would have made the event much more interesting to watch.>> ^mxxcon:

Cool video.
But here's a technique that could've beaten that jump. There's a link to the background story too

messenger (Member Profile)

Bob Beamon's Record-shattering Long Jump - 1968 Olympics

Guy Stops on Highway to Rescue Injured Dog

pumkinandstorm says...

>> ^Hive13:
I was driving home from breakfast with my wife and three kids in the car on Sunday morning last year. In front of us was a big, white Ford pick-up. Suddenly a beagle darted out into the road and that big truck clipped the dog's hindquarters with his back tire. I know he saw the dog because I say him apply his brakes, yet, in true asshole form, he just kept on driving. The dog darted off into the side of the road, but I could tell it was badly hurt. This wasn't a highway, but was a four lane major thoroughfare into a very large neighborhood with lots of traffic.
I slammed on the brakes, did a u-turn over the grass median and went back around to find that poor dog. I jumped out of the car and ran over to her. Her back legs were shattered and he pelvis was broken. She was in incredible pain. I approached her slowly as I was concerned she may be aggressive in fight or flight mode, but she began crawling over to me with her front legs whimpering and wagging her broken tail. I carefully picked her up and she began licking my face, as if she was thanking me for stopping. I gently gave her to my wife and we brought her home. My kids got her a snack and some water and I wrapped her in a blanket and she was trembling from shock and fear.
She had a collar, so I called her owner and got a voicemail. I called our vet, who happens to live about a mile from us, and explained what happened. He called a local vet emergency room and arranged for a staff to be available. About 45 minutes after we picked her up, her owners finally called us back. She was about 5 miles from home and were overjoyed that we had her. I explained that she was badly injured and that we were about to take he to the vet emergency room, but they insisted on seeing her first, so we waited for them. The owners got out of the car, I could see their kids and another beagle in the car. Those kids were visibly upset.
When the owners arrived, this poor dog tried to jump up and see them, but immediately fell to the ground due to her injuries. As this was happening, our vet had come over to the house, diagnosed that both legs and pelvis were broken and that emergency surgery was needed. He got in his car and actually led them to the emergency room. Remember, this is all on Sunday morning at about 9am.
The owner tried to give us a $200 cash reward. I scoffed and said that money needed to go to getting their poor dog taken care of and that she deserved a big treat after all she had been through. He kept insisting, but there is no way I was taking money from them. He finally realized that we didn't do this for money or notoriety, we did it because it was the right thing to do.
Three months later, the owner called us and asked if she could come by and thank us. She brought her dog over and she looked amazing. She has some scars and a little bit of a skewed walk, but otherwise had recovered well. When the dog got out of the car, I sat down in the grass. She walked right over to me, climbed in my lap, looked up and gave me one, big lick right on my chin. It brought tears to my eyes. After all she had been through, she remembered me and those 45 minutes we spent helping her.
I got an email from her owners a few months ago. She is pregnant. Her owners offered us the pick of the litter. The kids don't know it yet, but we are getting a new puppy from a sweet girl that they helped save.
That is a pretty solid moment in our family.

What a wonderful person you are to go to such lengths to help that poor injured dog! I'm so glad you shared this story with us. This had the best ending too! You will be adopting one of her puppies!!!

Guy Stops on Highway to Rescue Injured Dog

Hive13 says...

I was driving home from breakfast with my wife and three kids in the car on a Sunday morning last year. In front of us was a big, white Ford pick-up. Suddenly a beagle darted out into the road and that big truck clipped the dog's hindquarters with his back tire. I know he saw the dog because I saw him apply his brakes, yet, in true asshole form, he just kept on driving. The dog darted off into the side of the road, but I could tell it was badly hurt. This wasn't a highway, but was a four lane major thoroughfare into a very large neighborhood with lots of traffic.

I slammed on the brakes, did a u-turn over the grass median and went back around to find that poor dog. I jumped out of the car and ran over to her. Her back legs were shattered and he pelvis was broken. She was in incredible pain. I approached her slowly as I was concerned she may be aggressive in fight or flight mode, but she began crawling over to me with her front legs whimpering and wagging her broken tail. I carefully picked her up and she began licking my face, as if she was thanking me for stopping. I gently gave her to my wife and we brought her home. My kids got her a snack and some water and I wrapped her in a blanket and she was trembling from shock and fear.

She had a collar, so I called her owner and got a voicemail. I called our vet, who happens to live about a mile from us, and explained what happened. He called a local vet emergency room and arranged for a staff to be available. About 45 minutes after we picked her up, her owners finally called us back. She was about 5 miles from home and were overjoyed that we had her. I explained that she was badly injured and that we were about to take her to the vet emergency room, but they insisted on seeing her first, so we waited for them. The owners got out of the car, I could see their kids and another beagle in the car. Those kids were visibly upset.

When the owners arrived, this poor dog tried to jump up and see them, but immediately fell to the ground due to her injuries. As this was happening, our vet had come over to the house, diagnosed that both legs and pelvis were broken and that emergency surgery was needed. He got in his car and actually led them to the emergency room. Remember, this is all on Sunday morning at about 9am.

The owner tried to give us a $200 cash reward. I scoffed and said that money needed to go to getting their poor dog taken care of and that she deserved a big treat after all she had been through. He kept insisting, but there is no way I was taking money from them. He finally realized that we didn't do this for money or notoriety, we did it because it was the right thing to do.

Three months later, the owner called us and asked if she could come by and thank us. She brought her dog over and she looked amazing. She has some scars and a little bit of a skewed walk, but otherwise had recovered well. When the dog got out of the car, I sat down in the grass. She walked right over to me, climbed in my lap, looked up and gave me one, big lick right on my chin. It brought tears to my eyes. After all she had been through, she remembered me and those 45 minutes we spent helping her.

I got an email from her owners a few months ago. She is pregnant. Her owners offered us the pick of the litter. The kids don't know it yet, but we are getting a new puppy from a sweet girl that they helped save.

That is a pretty solid moment in our family.

What is the point of the down vote system? (Blog Entry by ZappaDanMan)

enoch says...

while i totally agree that one cannot discern the intent of the person who cast the downvote,i feel @shinyblurry makes a valid point concerning his own experiences.
while circumstantial,18 scrubbed videos is not a normal,nor average,number.

i think i could make a case that those scrubbed videos (due to downvotes) directly correlate to a time on the sift when many were viewing shiny's comments and posts as trollish and confrontational.
and lets be honest...sometimes they were.

but there were a few posts of shiny's that were genuinely of good quality and thought-provoking and they too..were scrubbed.i even promoted a few even though i totally disagreed with the content.

which ties in to the point in which @ZappaDanMan is trying to make.some people vote more on how they feel about the person rather than the content of the video.he also alludes to a cult of personality and its a valid observation.

so while i agree with you that we cannot discern intent and i also agree with shiny that downvotes are more an irrational,emotional response,rather than a logical and thought-out vote but at the end of the day it does not matter.
because they are votes and we all tend to vote with our hearts rather than our heads.

here is a small observation i have made over the years here on the sift.
totally non-scientific.just an observation:
ever notice when somebody posts a horrid,or venomous comment?
and it will have ZERO votes.neither UP nor DOWN.
until it receives ONE downvote and then what seems like minutes the downvotes start a torrent.

the same will happen with videos.
there is a reason for that.

speaking only for myself i rarely downvote a video and choose to abstain rather than downvote but i will downvote a comment if i find it offensive or un-necessarily attacking another sifter.(which i have been guilty of from time to time).

my videos have garnered more than their fair share of downvotes.
sometimes i understood why and othertimes i did not and i have never been shy in PMing that person to inquire why they downvoted and,to those peoples credit,they always responded.
that was very gracious of them to explain the thinking behind their downvote and i always appreciated the time they took to share their reasoning with me.

so in conclusion to my point (do i even have a point?).
even when we consider that some (or many) use downvoting as a passive-aggressive way to punish those they may deem unworthy or simply because they disagree.
the downvoting system is just as vital as the up-voting because it can promote discussion and interaction and that is always a good thing.
the positives far outweigh the negatives.

@shinyblurry is a perfect example of how interactions and attitudes can change on both sides of the spectrum.

if we do not interact with those we disagree with then we will be doomed to hold pre-conceptions and presumptions as inviolate and stagnate on our own hubris.

there are so many here on the sift that have surprised and delighted me by shattering my assumptions about them.
oftentimes it was the downvoting that sparked that interaction.

i think we all felt that sting that @Boise_Lib speaks of concerning our first downvote but if we can get past that initial slap in the face we can explore a whole new range of interaction and discussion in which we all can benefit and garner a much more dynamic understanding of people whom we may disagree with.

now that this rant has come to its conclusion i shall remind my gentle and kind readers that i shall be here all week and to not forget to tip their bartenders and waitresses.

thank you wisconsin!!
and good night!

Republicans are Pro-Choice!

gorillaman says...

I didn't want to join this tired discussion but decency requires someone oppose the appalling 'birth is magic - never kill a newborn' consensus. This is superstitious nonsense; wads of animal meat aren't supernaturally imbued with humanity by being shoved through a cunthole.

There's confusion and arbitrariness everywhere on this simple topic because nobody bothers to ground their moral sense in any kind of rational foundation. They look at a cute baby and their instincts and emotions destroy any hope of intelligent thought. Forget abortion, stop thinking about babies and heartbeats, it's moronic; go back and work on your basic understanding of ethics.

Why don't we kill people? Is it because we haven't been given a mandate; that there's no explicit cosmic distinction to separate one lump of matter from another, giving one the right to disrupt the other? Then we're all just bits of physics bumping into each other, and there's still no reason to prefer a foetus to its host; no more than a cancer sufferer to their tumour or indeed the whole of humanity to a grain of sand.
Is it because they're alive? Then we'd better learn to photosynthesise, because our existence requires the daily destruction of life. Life has no inherent value. It's just one peculiar way that our universe is shaped by its bizarre physical laws, with no mystery or significance - unapprehending molecules forced into the illusion of purpose.
Is it because they're human? Why do we value that species, is it only that it happens to be our own, or is there some particular quality of humanity beside their kind that requires moral treatment? There must be, or else to be consistent we would say that when a rock shatters another it commits a terrible crime among rocks, because one may not harm ones own kind.
Isn't it that we don't kill people because we recognise that the aggregation of their perception and understanding of reality, their cognitive excellence and continuity of personal identity gives rise to the new phenomenon of Mind - I give Mind a capital letter in that silly and somewhat religious way because it is the absolute centre and cause of moral necessity; without it there is simply no reason to be moral. Only by the application of Mind can there be a reality to be moral in. Mind is the universal source of all meaning.

So the question you ask yourself when considering the rights of a creature is 'what is the condition of its intellect; to what extent is it conscious; is it Mind?'

Everybody already agrees with me if they had the sense to see it. If I could produce a tomato with a mind equivalent to a human, which I was able to demonstrate could think and talk and feel and reason like any one of us, would we be happy to chop it into a salad? What about a human with the mind of a tomato? Well they already exist; they're called babies.

Game of Thrones' Author Slams Republicans for BS Laws - TYT

Mashiki says...

>> ^Ryjkyj:

>> ^Mashiki:
In other news, liberals everywhere who threatened to run to Canada, discover that Canada has a VoterID law already in place. Their world is shattered instantly.

I hate to sound so blatantly over-patriotic, but Americans who would run to another country just because a law got passed should (maybe) not be Americans.

Really? I seem to remember dozens of forum posts from liberals whining over the renewal of the patriot act. And I remember even more whining about if Bush won again. Of course nothing actually came of it. But to point out the obvious here, the liberal left does whine like small kids over things like this, especially when it benefits society as a whole, and voter ID laws do benefit everyone.

Game of Thrones' Author Slams Republicans for BS Laws - TYT

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^Mashiki:

In other news, liberals everywhere who threatened to run to Canada, discover that Canada has a VoterID law already in place. Their world is shattered instantly.

I hate to sound so blatantly over-patriotic, but Americans who would run to another country just because a law got passed should (maybe) not be Americans.

Game of Thrones' Author Slams Republicans for BS Laws - TYT

Multiple Homosexuals Witness a Fire

Yogi says...

>> ^bareboards2:

I feel the same distaste towards stereotypical frat boys. Beer pong and vomit, hazing and sexual harassment.
I'll take these guys any day.
>> ^probie:
One of my best friends is gay and would hate these guys. Because of the stereotypical "gay" inflections in their speech. As he puts it, not everything is an "end of the world, Earth-shattering moment with a hint of disdain..." I gotta agree with him.

Like Stephen Fry says, it's not fair to exclude people who sound like this in media because they're are gays very much like this with the look at me attitude and the way of speaking. There are also butch gays who you'd never guess. The funnier people are those who act like the guys in the video, sound like them, yet are very straight. People come in all ways, can't exclude them from the camps, they've all gotta burn together.

Multiple Homosexuals Witness a Fire

bareboards2 says...

I feel the same distaste towards stereotypical frat boys. Beer pong and vomit, hazing and sexual harassment.

I'll take these guys any day.

>> ^probie:

One of my best friends is gay and would hate these guys. Because of the stereotypical "gay" inflections in their speech. As he puts it, not everything is an "end of the world, Earth-shattering moment with a hint of disdain..." I gotta agree with him.

Multiple Homosexuals Witness a Fire

probie says...

One of my best friends is gay and would hate these guys. Because of the stereotypical "gay" inflections in their speech. As he puts it, not everything is an "end of the world, Earth-shattering moment with a hint of disdain..." I gotta agree with him.

Guy gets shot by cops during a riot at LA Art-Walk 7/12/2012

holymackerel013 says...

Beanbag rounds are a "less than lethal" option for law enforcement. Most policemen don't like shooting and killing people. There are cases like when a person gets extremely drunk or high and begins running around with a knife. At some point they might lunge at a person or the police, forcing the lawman to shoot. Cases like that are why beanbag rounds were invented. They are NOT meant for crowd control! I am a psych tech and worked with a patient who had been shot by one. He was involved in a standoff with police. He was holding a knife and threatening to kill himself. after negotiations failed, they shot him with the beanbag and he instantly dropped the knife and complied. The round shattered his kneecap & the tissue around his knee was black and purple. Those rounds are no joke!

Supersonic Jets Shatter Building Windows!

Shepppard says...

>> ^SFOGuy:

Very interesting---Does anyone remember the Mythbuster's episode where they tried to do this in the desert with a cooperating jet fighter? I think Adam was in the fighter and Jamie in a little shack with windows that they built on the ground...
To my recollection, the last, lowest, fastest pass busted a window in a shack too! (they should do the myth again with en entire sheet glass wall...)

I believe that the Mythbusters episode still maintained a "safe" altitude. I don't think the blue angels ever got within 100 feet of the ground for that, and those planes were about that.

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