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Why Do ALL Europeans Hate America?

dannym3141 says...

>> ^NetRunner:
It also serves a double purpose of implying that anyone in America who espouses those critiques of America are clearly un-American, and should be reviled and shunned.

George Bush:
"If you're not with us, you're against us."

Reason enough to invade every country in the world, then!

ShakaUVM - So you immediately assume that it's just 4 french people being rude and ignorant? I mean, french are rude and ignorant as a rule anyway! But it never once, for a single second, occured to you that they were snubbing you because of war-crazy, religious fanaticism topped with gun-(lack of)control, self righteousness and ego?

You think i say that to insult anyone? That's what people think dude........ Blame it on others if you like, but if i give people the impression that i'm an ignorant woman hating racist sexual predator pervert, then maybe that might just be a problem with how i present myself.

To semi-quote bill bailey, when i see a round of applause greeting a comment like "I don't know anything about iraq, but speaking as a mother, i know it's FULL OF TERRORISTS!", i despair for the american nationality. Obviously, that isn't a direct quote. But the amount of times i've seen americans applauding someone for saying something PRO-AMERICAN that is actually bullshit! It's just gotta sound right and the stupid majority will carry the unsure minority along in a wave of applause, leaving the few intelligent people remaining wondering why the fuck people are clapping. Happens here with comment voting as well. Say something intelligent and you might get a few votes. Say something pro-(anything american here), and you'll get 50. Say ANYTHING that even LOOKS anti-american and you get 5 downvotes. It'll happen with this comment too. People will read 2 lines and ignore the rest.

I appeal to the people on the sift that frequently floor me with the quality of their comments, please come and make a few choice observations over here. Even to prove me wrong! I just love hearing from you. And a lot of you are american

(PS. The true gold mine for me on this sift isn't in the comments that get upvoted, it's the ones that have buckets of quality and are ignored)

smibbo (Member Profile)

persephone says...

Not special sympathy. Just a little empathy, which you and the likes of 'ol Deedub seem incapable of. I don't want to keep this up with you, because I feel for you, in your current state, so let's just agree to disagree, hey?

In reply to this comment by smibbo:
it sounds very much like you are saying being attractive garners special sympathy because the attractive could be attacked and subjected to harm. But if someone is ugly, don't worry about it, they aren't subject to unwarrented attention? Ironic because saying that right there makes you seem completely beliving of the myth that sexual predation is based on looks. Which sounds rather narcissistic. Being subjected to sexual predation of any kind is horrible, I know, it's happened to me even though I'm ugly! surprise surprise. I have plenty of empathy and sympathy for the victims of sexual predation. But don't act like I should hold special sympathy for the beautiful because they might be subject to it.
In reply to this comment by persephone:
You could start to think a little deeply about this statment and ask yourself why life is hard for different people. Then you could try to put yourself in the shoes of women who have been attacked and appreciate that being attractive doesn't always bring good things, or nice attention. Then you will have come a long way in understanding what it means to be someone else. Or not.

In reply to this comment by deedub81:
Life's hard. Being good looking isn't.

OMG Idaho Sen. Larry Craig too funny (Election Talk Post)

7986 says...

It is so obvious that Sen. Craig “IS NOT” gay…

A Sexual Predator and/or Sex Offender is not a sexual orientation or a preference but a psychological disorder.

The acts that define his mental illness are criminal by character/activity and in violation of our laws set forth to protect the common welfare of the general populace.

Craig’s deviancy is no more a sexual orientation than a person who wears nothing more than footwear and a long overcoat exposing his/her self randomly to strangers in a subway.

His actions are those of mental illness and criminal by standards of law and social normalcy.

Bill Maher on Feminism

swinginpagan says...

Bah. I love Bill Mahr, but I can't get behind this clip.

I'm a hardcore feminist, and to me that means that I believe that chicks are awesome and should be treated like people. For the record, I also believe that guys are awesome and should be treated like people.

I disagree with Mahr's assertion that American values have become feminized. I do think American popular culture has increasingly come to value polarized, extremist expressions of gender, with our faux manly war mongering Connecticut-born cowboy in chief on the one hand and increasingly stylized and abstract representations of femininity on the other (Mariah Carey, Anna Nicole, etc.).

I think that what Mahr calls "feminine values" are more accurately attributable to a trend away from personal responsibility. Let's not talk about how to fix things or how to be a good citizen or how to get things done. Let's whine about our feelings and talk about how our children are in terrible danger from sexual predators or tinfoil or whatever the threat of the day may be. It's not that we've all turned into chicks, it's that so many of us have turned into soft bellied unthinking buttmonkeys.

Bill O'Reilly on the Colbert Report

Bill O'Reilly on the Colbert Report

Hard Candy trailer

Farhad2000 says...

One of the best movies to come out last year, Ellen Page was just incredible. Great film.

Hard Candy is a 2005 film about Hayley Stark, a 14-year-old girl who meets Jeff, a 32-year-old photographer who might be a sexual predator. The two first get to know each other on the Internet before meeting in person at a local coffee shop, which results in a trip to Jeff's home; however, Jeff soon learns that Hayley is not as innocent as she appears. The title "Hard Candy" comes from the internet slang for an under-aged girl.

It is British director David Slade's first feature film, having previously worked mostly with music videos.

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