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Yes We Can. Obama stories are shared. What a guy.

ChaosEngine says...

@enoch, you seem to be under the impression that you or I or anyone else has some kind of right to say whatever the fuck we feel like saying on the sift.

We don't. This isn't some public forum, it's a privately run website and @dag or @lucky760 have the right to decide if they don't want @gorillaman calling Obama a "nigger prince".

The sad thing is, I mostly agree with his post, but that one stupid epithet undermined his whole point and made him look like an ignorant fool.

And yeah, I'll fucking say it, calling Obama a "nigger" offends me, and not in some sensitive snowflake way. It should fucking offend you too, and frankly, I have no problem whatsoever with either dag (in his Siftler guise) or us as a community deciding that that's not cool and we don't want it here.

Free speech is not absolute, and anyone who thinks it is is deluding themselves. There are well-documented limits to free speech (yelling "fire" in a public theatre, joking about bombs at airports). Once you accept that something is not absolute, you then simply have to argue the degree to which limits apply (same as gun control, if you accept that civilians can't have nukes, then you're already in favour of gun control, you're just arguing over the extent).

#CreateCourage - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

artician says...

I don't know, because clearly there are positive emotions here. If the world was full of media like this, we'd probably all think twice about sensitivity toward others with disabilities.

At the same time, we have a history of unrelated entities packaging positive morals in their own labels and passing it off as somehow being associated, or using that association to boost their own standing; religion, politics, commercialism, etc.

Truly sorry my negative assessment was one of the two initial posts. I've no idea what the "unamerican" comment was about.

CrushBug said:

So ads can never anything in them that are anything more than superficial messaging?

terence mckenna-culture is not your friend

shagen454 says...

I remember when I used to create artwork for punk, indie & rock acts and the guy that sat across from me used to play electronica with Mckenna talking over it. I heard it a lot and for years I thought he was annoying & insane [both Mckenna and the kid that sat across from me lol), yapping about drugs and aliens... it seemed absolutely absurd.

... Almost a decade later I took a couple of puffs of the real magical adventure and I've listened to Mckenna probably a few times a week for years

Those puffs of the real magic dragon, the real genie in the bottle, the real portal to other dimensions will make a person sensitive to petty monkey human judgements and though I have forgiven myself for being judgemental of Mckenna, I will always remember that I had been. Be gone monkey judgements!

Aftermath November 2016

bcglorf says...

This whole diatribe is exactly what pushed middle spectrum voters to actually vote against Clinton. More aggressive division and partisan line drawing is the problem, not the solution.

Anybody not 100% committed to a pro-choice stance was sick and tired of the far left calling them evil for it.

Anybody that had any thoughts that your choices regarding how to have sex and who to have it with were in fact choices were tired of being called slurs like homophibic.

Anybody who didn't believe carbon taxes or cap and trade markets were the answer to climate change was sick of being charged with hating the children and 'denying' fundamental science.

Anybody watching angry calls for safe spaces re-implementing segregation as though it was a good thing was tired of it.

Like it or not, a large part of America disagreed on the extremity of the establishment's direction on these and other areas. Trump was the one candidate nobody wanted, not the media, not the Democratic party, not even the Republican party.

I believe the divisive winner takes all approach to complex and sensitive social issues drove a lot of voters to pick Trump as the none of the above option.

For the record, I didn't vote Trump. I'm Canadian and couldn't vote at all, but if I could I'd have voted Clinton. I would have voted Clinton in spite of disliking her as a clone of her husband that actively fought to prevent action on the Rwandan genocide. Which is to say, in any other election I'd have lobbied for a vote anyone but Clinton campaign. Awful that the Republicans managed to find someone worse in Trump...

Who do you blame for the election results? (User Poll by newtboy)

enoch says...


i don't know if i would use such a charged word to describe a very and nuanced question.i think there is plenty of blame to go around,and it is never quite as simple as the media soundbytes we are all subjected to on a daily basis.

who do i blame most?
democrats..hands down.

but there are other factors that all served to produce this circus of an election cycle.

1.the failure of the left to actually understand just how frustrated and angry the working class had become.those people may be politically unsophisticated,but they are not dumb.

this really had very little to do with republican vs democrat.this was a large portion of the american population that had simply become fed up with a system that they finally understood had thrown them overboard decades ago.many of the people who voted for trump also voted for obama..TWICE..because they wanted to see "change" and what they got nothing,zip,zilch,zero,nada.

they simply refused to play charlie brown to the democrats lucy.

2.the DNC and debbie wasserman shultz,may she burn in hell for eternity.
this woman singlehandedly secured the nomination for clinton,while blocking a sanders nomination.

remember laurence lessig?
well,don't feel bad if you don't,because wasserman and the DNC kept changing the rules of application so lessig couldn't even get on the primary ballot.

the DNC basically said to the sanders supporters "sanders? fuck you! you get hillary and will like it".

3.the ultra left liberals,for being so sensitive and touchy (don't get mad,you guys are way too soft skinned) that they restrict their interactions in these weird,singular echo chambers.where everybody is agreeing with each other and nobody is challenging anything,no critical examination.

so when trump won.
they damn near lost their minds in shock!
because anybody who may have shed some actual light on the situation was already blocked or on ignore.

4.the republican party,who hated trump but allowed him to fan the flames of dissent with his bombastic speeches,emotionally charged rhetoric and divisive language.

they let this go on for almost a year,and while publicly denounced trump,privately sought a way to capture his thunder.

want carson?.....nope

because just like the left,they too,had misjudged just how pissed off people were in regards to our political system,and their plan backfired.

5.the democratic party for allowing such a shit candidate,and just like the republicans,not fully understanding just how pissed the electorate was.

6.the corporate media,who sought solely to profit from the election by giving us all this mish mash of reality tv,wrestling and days of our lives.they didnt report the issues,they fed the drama.

and every political pundit,every pollster,every opinion news mrs mcprettyface,got it FUCKING WRONG.

7.bernie bros who stayed home in protest,but this entire election was a protest vote.

yeah..a lot of mitigating factors went into trumps win.

i didn't think he was going to win but i knew it was going to close,but i sure as fuck was not surprised.i was actually laughing at loud.

would you look at that...
my fellow countrymen just hit the nuclear option.
i didn't want a trump sir..but i have to admire the audacity of my fellow citizens to hit that shiny red button.

fuck you washington!

we live in interesting times my friends.
interesting and terrifying times.

and really...what would clinton have given us?
more of the same?
more wars and regime change?
more tax breaks for the super rich while children starve and more people become homeless?

i may find my fellow americans choice horrifying,but i have to respect it.
either way kids...something is gonna change.

John Oliver - Opioids

ghark says...

Can't watch the vid because it's blocked for me, so I apologise if anything I mention is covered by the vid.

There are very few cases where opiates are a good idea for chronic pain (as yours is). The research (which the new CDC guidelines on pain management incorporate) shows there is very little evidence opiates are beneficial for managing chronic pain. The only situations where it should be considered for chronic use are basically end of life (including cancer and palliative). The downsides are just huge, and outweigh the benefits for just about every other situation.

The reasons? Apart from the obvious stuff like tolerance, addiction, death and the rest of the massive list of side effects, there is also a lesser known problem called hyperalgesia. Opioid induced hyperalgesia is where the use of opioids actually prime the body to become more sensitive to pain, even after the opioid has left the body. So in essence, people unaware of this problem think they are reliant on opioids, but in reality taking the opioids may make them more likely to need more analgesia. It's pretty messed up actually, and there should be more education about it, particularly to the doctors doing the prescribing.

newtboy said:

The really shifty part is, now that there have been so many problems, people like me that need opioids to function now have to jump through numerous hoops to get the medications we need. In my case, my doctor retired and the office sent home a letter saying they'll keep me as a patient, but will no longer prescribe pain medications of any kind. I would just switch doctors, but we have a severe shortage here and waiting lists for doctors are 2-5 years long. As it stands, I'm not at all sure what to's as if they want me to buy pills on the black market.
I've been on opioid pain meds for 15 years (+-) and I've never abused them. Lucky for me, I hate how they make me feel if I take too much.

Tiny Jet Plane - How Cool Is This?

dannym3141 says...

I love how in such a small plane, you can really see what's going on. You can see him correct some kind of sideways force (wind i assume?) by pushing to the left, and see the response of the plane when he directs it.

For some reason - probably video games - i assumed those sticks would be incredibly sensitive. In retrospect it makes no sense for it to be very sensitive.

Are You Ready To Be Outpaced By Machines? Quantum Computing

moonsammy says...

I was hoping for more meat to his presentation, and was disappointed. I feel that he said absolutely nothing to help anyone in the audience understand what quantum computers actually DO or what sort of problems they'll help to solve. They'll absolutely not increase your FPS, as that's not what they're well-suited to do. What they are quite excellent at is taking a problem with many possible solutions and finding the correct (or best) one at an extremely high speed.

One example would be the Traveling Salesman problem. In brief, find the optimum route for traversing a number of points on a map. This is useful for things like scheduling package delivery routes, airline flights, etc. With a classic / current computer we write software that cleverly chugs through the possible solutions, throws out any that prove to be poor, and eventually gets to what appears to be the best or is at least a "good enough" solution. As the number of necessary points to be visited increases this problem scales in complexity quickly, so eventually a current computer would just choke on the problem and at best return an ok-ish solution in a reasonable period of time.

A quantum computer is a totally different beast. If it's "big" enough (IE, is comprised of a sufficient number of qubits), it takes the entire set of all possible solutions to the problem, and rather than iterate through them to find the best one, it checks them all simultaneously and immediately returns the optimum solution. It does this by using properties of quantum mechanics, and I think this is where the speaker was drawing his talk of parallel universes. If there are 3 qubits, they would exist as 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, and 111 simultaneously. The software would then define what the best answer would look like, and the computer returns the answer.

You can hopefully see how this totally breaks encryption. With a current computer and a long enough encryption key, an encoded message would take the fastest machines a huge number of years to decipher. With a quantum computer you hand it a gibberish encrypted message, it loads all possible transformations of that message simultaneously, and it then returns the transformation which looks most like a coherent message.

I'm excited to see what these machines can do for us, but they're going to necessitate some significant structural changes in how we handle sensitive data.

No Man's Sky Expectations Vs. Reality

dannym3141 says...

People love sandbox survival and they love space exploration and they fell in love with the idea of what this game could be. The magazines talked about it like evangelical christians talk about the rapture - this is the end of gaming as we know it and it's going to change everything! And the internet fandom descended with prepubescent fury on anyone that dared suggest the emperor was, in fact, nekkid.

This long video about NMS covers it extremely well, but i'll cut a long story short. There was something veeery slightly disingenuous about the moratoriums placed on reviews, lack of pre-release review versions, and significant backtracking and retconning of promises made by lead designer(? - but definite spokesperson) Sean Murray. The clean cut, well spoken, awkwardly charming Sean Murray. Who I think understood as the release date got closer that a lot of people were not going to be happy with him, because in his interviews he started to look more and more like De Niro playing Russian roulette in The Deer Hunter.

Extra things that immediately pissed me off before i refunded it:
- Menu stuff can appear offscreen if you open it by the edges in 2016
- Can't alt tab in full screen
- Run in borderless window to solve it, performance hit
- i7 6700k, Maximus viii Hero mobo and a GTX 1080 but yes, performance hit and general poor performance anyway
- Can't bind actions to thumb buttons in 2016
- Mouse sensitivity goes from 0 to 100. Changing my sensitivity from 100 to 0 didn't even half the turning speed in game, I had to alt tab to manually change the DPI in razer synapse, which is where i discovered i couldn't alt-tab.

All this for £40? Overwatch cost £30.

They made a lot of money off this, but I'm afraid for me they did it through unfair means. If you check out the quotes from Murray and what the game actually is, there's a huge disparity and the backtracking as release date approached was the final evidence.

Poop Missile

dannym3141 says...

I don't like seeing that either, but if you watch to the end they are actually in part of a larger area.

I'm hyper sensitive to that kind of stuff ever since i went to Beijing zoo. There was a really large enclosure, but it was really old, crumbling and in disrepair, cracks and holes in the floor here and there, all concrete, with one black bear inside pacing up and down by the only perspex window that was about 8 feet in length.

All the Chinese animals were in a special bit of the zoo - pandas and rhinos and all that, state of the art stuff. The 'rest of the world' animals were in the other bit that was old and poorly maintained. An American black bear was worthless to them I suppose.

Now even when i see animals in big areas, all i can see is that poor fucking thing almost dancing left and right for hours by the window to the outside. Really depressed myself writing this.

I left immediately and complained, but no one gave a shit or even understood.

Rogue One Trailer

cloudballoon says...

I too was pleasantly surprised and excited to see Donny in the trailer until he spoke... I think Donny's unusually bad accent/line delivery here sticks out like a sore thumb... but I'm Chinese so I might be overly sensitive? Still, seeing him wielding that staff is awesome. Trailer is otherwise great. Not bringing my hopes up much though. SW7:TFA was so middle of the road for me (i.e. Better than the prequels but not as good as the OT) I wish Rogue One is much much better.


newtboy says...

What?!? Napolitano believes a completely crazy conspiracy theory with absolutely no evidence to back it up based on pure hyper biased conjecture, and is willing to 'report' it as a fact with faux news's backing?!?
This must be a day of the week that ends in "y".

Now, as to the theory.... that a patriotic NSA agent, angry at Clinton's possible lack of safeguards on her emails which might contain sensitive information, hacked in and stole those emails and made them all public, doing exponentially more damage than her actions did, and exactly the maximum damage he was angry she made at all's just totally bat shit insane and defies all of course Napolitano and faux viewers believe it.

Next leak will lead to arrest of Hillary Clinton – Assange

Farhad2000 says...

RT is literally called Russia Today a wholly sponsored media channel of the Kremlin, it's like the Fox News of Putin.

Julian Assange is waging a personal war against the Obama/Clinton administration, some Australian hiding in the Ecuadorian embassy because he won't face rape allegations in Sweden shouldn't be the one to dictate how the American people should vote.

He is implying that Clinton blaming the email leak on Russians means that she will be terrible at foreign policy not mentioning that 3 separate cyber security firms found traces indicating the hack was carried out by Russians. It's so sensitive now. They release proof Russia is dabbling with US elections how will the American people react?

Selectively releasing damaging information against one candidate against another is not just some idealistic truth to power its manipulation of elections. I wouldn't mind if BOTH the DNC and RNC emails get released but this is a very one-sided attack. But think what that scenario even implies. Should all federal government briefings be open to the public because WikiLeaks says so?

Where are the WikiLeaks on Russia's war in Ukraine? Or the assassination of Boris Nemtsov?

Colored Noise, and How It Can Help You Focus

kir_mokum says...

this was oddly uninformative and misinformative. the names for white and pink noise are related to light but brown noise is named after robert brown.

white noise is equal power (amplitude/"volume") across frequencies (1/1), pink noise equal power per octave (1/frequency), and brown/red noise is -6dB/octave (1/frequency^2). there is also grey noise, blue noise, black noise, violet noise, and others. and no mention of the fletcher-munson curve (how sensitive our ears are across the frequency spectrum).

Unarmed Man Laying On Ground With Hands in Air Shot

newtboy says...

Average black men do not undergo racial sensitivity training to dissuade them from those subconscious and conscious biases....police do....and are PAID in part to not hold biases.

So lets get this admit there is a CLEAR, HUGE racism problem that permeates the police department, and all (or near enough to all to say "all") officers suffer from it, but you go on to say it's not acceptable to treat them like they're racists?!? I'll just say I disagree. They have consistently shown racist tendencies, and a willingness to stand behind those that act on them. Until that changes, I think it's acceptable to assume that, baring evidence to the contrary, they will not treat a black 'suspect' fairly...up to and including killing them for nothing.

Turnabout is fair play. I agree, it's not the best, most civil, or even productive way to see it, but when your option is 1)give each officer the benefit of a doubt that he/she might be that 2% completely non racist officer with the penalty of being wrong being possible death, or 2)assume the officer is racist and protect yourself as best as you're able, it's 100% understandable if people decide to protect themselves. I do not ADVOCATE people reacting that way, I do accept that some will, and don't judge them for that, in the same way you wish to not pre judge police for their past actions.

It's 100% on the police to rid themselves of this appearance that 98%+- of them ARE racist, as well as the organization as a whole. It's not it's worst members, it's nearly all it's members AND the system that monitors them. If it was 2% that was dealt with harshly when they surfaced, I would agree with you.

ChaosEngine said:

Let's get this straight. There's clearly a huge problem with racism in the police in the US. It's probably not even a conscious thing on the part of the officers. Study after study has shown that even other black people are more likely to fire on a black suspect than a white one.

The problem is larger than the police, it's cultural. I read a great quote the other day:

When a black man is killed, the media publishes his criminal record. When a white girl is raped, the media publishes her rapist's swim times.

The culture in the US needs to change. Unfortunately, it's heading in the wrong direction right now, as anyone who saw Trump's acceptance speech can attest to.

BUT ...

Treating all cops as killers and racists is no better than treating all black people as criminals. The cops that do this should face the full weight of the law, as should anyone within any ethnic group committing crime (particularly violent crime).

But tarring an entire group because of the actions of it's worst members is the exact same logic that racists use.

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