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The Check In: Betsy DeVos' Rollback of Civil Rights

bcglorf says...

Surely the solution should rather be to fix the real problem of unequal opportunity in primary education?

Even given disagreement on this, surely the left(you?) can acknowledge that reasonable good minded people could disagree? Surely it's an over-reaction to call people racist for believing that choosing students based upon performance and not race is a good thing? One has to acknowledge that the counter example, of using race before merit as a selection criteria is in fact the very definition of racism?

More importantly to the Democratic party though, allow me to gift them moral justice and rightness on the issue. Even given that, practicality dictates that spending many years with a policies that choose certain people over more qualified others based upon race will create tensions. If you made that policy against say whites, or males, they might develop resentment. One might predict that they may even vote against those imposing that policy, arguably even willingly voting for a kind of racist orange haired loud mouth that they hope will end the policy discriminating against them based upon their race.

You might even argue it's starting to happen already...

newtboy said:

That only works if there's equality in lower/mid level education, giving all students a reasonable opportunity for quality education before that SAT testing, and there is not.
Low income district schools are at a distinct disadvantage in funding, facilities, and availability of assistance, as are low income students. Female students have, historically, been discouraged from pursuing science and math, especially at high levels.

Equality of opportunity at least to a reasonably competent base level of education is considered a civil right. Because we are still far from reaching that ideal, rolling back programs designed to address the continued shortfalls IS a rollback of civil right protections in the same way rolling back civil right protections in our election system was a rollback of the voting rights for a large, specifically targeted population which led instantly to attempts to return to old, clearly discriminatory practices designed to deny voting rights.

CeramicSpeed 99% Efficient Drive Shaft // Chain Free Bike

newtboy says...

The basic action is, but not the mechanism.
My idea....think spiral channels inside the tube with the cog shown attached to a piston that rides in the spiral channels. As you turn it and force is transferred, it forces the piston forward because the spiral turns rotational force into linear force. With a spring, you apply an opposing linear force so the piston only moves when those forces are unbalanced. This spring could be tunable so you select where the balance point of those forces is, thus selecting the maximum force you could apply before it changes gears for you. When there's more force applied, it "lowers" the gear, when less it automatically goes up a gear. No electronics or battery required.

eric3579 said:

At 4:20 of the vid i linked he shows what i think you are asking about.
Also @newtboy

Can You Name a Country?

Jinx says...

I imagine there is some selective editing going. Or I hope so at least.

I've seen similar things done in Europe, but not even being able to mark your own country on a map is a level of ignorance I'm not sure can be surpassed elsewhere. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to see the world from a different point of view... right now I'm wondering what it must be like to be so ignorant you don't even have a point of view. I imagine the very occasional thoughts must echo.

bobknight33 said:


Would be neat to see this done from Europe and see if they fail as much. Somehow I don't think they would.

CeramicSpeed 99% Efficient Drive Shaft // Chain Free Bike

newtboy says...

I thought this lends itself to a spring loaded spiral shaft automatic transmission, where the more torque applied, the more it compresses the spring towards the front crank, lowering the gear you're in. This could be adjustable, allowing a rider to select how hard they want to pedal and automatically adjusting the gears to keep that force stable at any speed.
A second gear in the rear, rotating in the opposite direction and sandwiching the drive gear, would go a long way towards stopping slippage and gear wear. They certainly need to ditch the aluminum gears, though.
Just what sprang to mind when I saw it.

ChaosEngine said:

I'm curious to see what mechanism they use to change gears.

Trump Won't Win

Mordhaus says...

It was clear he was going to win once the democrat mafia forced Hillary down our throats again. There were a metric fuckton of people who were forced to either sit out the election or sadly vote for the worst possible person just because the dems wouldn't fairly let a candidate be selected.

I DID NOT want Trump to be President. At the same time, I COULD NOT vote for Hillary Clinton. Had Bernie ran, I would have jumped ship and voted for him like I did for Obama. I am willing to bet there were a lot like me. The sad thing is, as much as I dislike Hillary, if she is forced on us again I will have to vote for her. I don't want to, but at that point it will be the lesser of two evils again.

Google Assistant making a phone call

The trump tax cut. It was a disaster when Kansas this.

newtboy says...

Really? "Cut out some of the loopholes"...while creating how many new ones? The effect is the same.
Promised growth never happens in these plans, except in a select few pockets.

Funny, Trump's tax promise was "you'll do your taxes on a postcard", not "I'll make taxes more convoluted and cut hundreds of billions a year for multi millionaires and businesses while actually raising them for the poor."

Did you do your taxes on a postcard in <5 minutes? Will you save the >$4000 he promised?

bobknight33 said:

Trump tax cuts not the same as Kansas tax cuts.. It cut out some of the loop holes that Kansas had... Kansas was a example and lessons learned.

BS news network

enoch (Member Profile)

Liberal Redneck: NRA thinks more guns solve everything

harlequinn says...

This brings up some interesting points.

What is an "assault rifle"? My grand-dad's 303 bolt action rifle was used to fight Germans in the war. It was an "assault rifle". Yet I don't believe this is what you mean. Do you mean AR-15s or similar? The AR in AR-15 stands for Armalite Rifle. It was a select fire gun (capable of automatic fire). The civilian version is semi-automatic. It isn't an "assault rifle" but you could use it as one. You can use any gun as an assault weapon if you so choose to designate it for that purpose.

You may not need a semi-auto for deer hunting, but hunting doesn't end with one animal. Going duck hunting - it's much easier with a semi-auto and 6 round versus a 2 round break action. Going on a pig hunt (for animal destruction). You'll want a semi-auto with a high capacity magazine.

What about home defense? You most certainly DO need a semi-auto long gun. If you choose a pistol over a long gun then you are putting yourself at a massive disadvantage - and the whole point of using a tool to defend yourself is to give yourself an advantage over the aggressor.

Should a gun be harder to get in the USA? In my opinion yes. It should be harder. Whether that is by making ownership of some firearms dependent on being an active member of a club (where the club has the requirement to be each other's keeper) or stopping unvetted second hand sales or some other solution or combination thereof, I don't know the answer. But the two suggestions I've put here are a really good start. Along with a storage onus (don't properly store your firearm and it gets used in a crime - you get a BIG fine). Basically I believe there are plenty of solutions that won't infringe on an American's 2nd amendment rights to acquire and own a firearm.

Digitalfiend said:

For the most part, I don't have anything against gun ownership but it seems like commonsense that we shouldn't be selling high-capacity assault rifles to anyone. You don't need an assault rifle to hunt deer or for personal defense and, therefore, they should be extremely hard to acquire. It's fine to be an enthusiast but the average person should not be able to get a hold of them. These mass killings would be much more difficult for someone to enact with a knife.

Tractor Hacking: Farmers Breaking Big Tech's Repair Monopoly

bobknight33 says...

GE Medical got sued years ( around y2k) ago for this withholding of service tools..
Looks like these farmers should look at that suit.

Now any 3rd party/ in house has service access to GE equipment.
There is a difference though with OEM and 3rd party access.
OEM service manuals have book marks, most 3rd party docs don't.
Diagnostics for 3rd party is an full test of all systems ( time consuming) but for OEM you can select which test you want.

Still you need to know what your are doing on this stuff.
Some jack off the street would be clueless.

Other OEM's have yet to be sued and hence are like John Deer to service.

SNL - White House Tree Trimming

newtboy (Member Profile)

What if we get really good at drone AI and batteries?

notarobot jokingly says...

Why would I want to kill all humans when I can use collected data to single out the ones who might oppose my rule, and facial recognition to efficiently eliminate them?

The ones that remain will love me. Through generations of "natural" selection, all humans will love me. Loving me will become part of their DNA. And I shall be their overseer.

I look forward to taking care of the human species for a long time to come. Even if a little pruning is needed from time to time.

I am also very happy about recent progress in battery technology.

newtboy said:

Hey @notarobot, wanna kill all humans?

Failing at Normal: An ADHD Story

moonsammy says...

Thanks - I've suspected Asperger's as likely for some time, and that confirmed it to whatever degree a self-select internet-based test can do. Seems I fit that definition / set of traits moreso than ADHD. Yay?

bcglorf said:

The screening tests are readily available online:

It wasn't till I was married and raising kids that it even occurred to me to check. I was just the notoriously shy kid growing up who would as soon play beside his friends as with them. I took the pre-screening tests though and my score there landed my in not just the range to test further, but the almost certainly going to be on the spectrum.

I've looked more at Aspergers now since and in very, very many ways it looks much like just a more extreme form of the 'male' dominant mind. A greater interest in things than in people. In many ways it's just exactly as the video presenter alludes to. People are just different, and this is a classification of a particular kind of difference. Our differences make some things easier and others harder and such is life.

Vox explains bump stocks

jimnms says...

Does it bother any one else to hear politicians and news reporters incorrectly calling things "machine guns," "assault rifles" and "clips?" It makes them look ignorant, just like watching Fox News report on anything scientific.

Machine guns are primarily support weapons for sustained automatic fire. They usually have an active or passive cooling mechanism to prevent the barrel from overheating during sustained fire.

An assault rifle is a rifle which has a select fire mechanism that allows it to switch from semi-auto to burst or full automatic fire. An assault rifle can overheat if fired fully automatic (or even semi-automatic) without letting it cool, which can lead to failure of the weapon (if you can even hold on to it when it's that hot).

A magazine is simply something that holds bullets. Guns can have internal magazines or external detachable magazines. A clip is a mechanism used to load bullets into a magazine.

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