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Firework Lighting Protester Hit Hard By Karma

How did they broadcast live TV from the Moon?

BSR says...

Follow me please.......

OK, thank you. You can have seat right over there next Bobbysox. Can I get you a glass of water while you wait?

ant said:


2020 Jeep Wrangler Rolls Over In Small Overlap Crash Tests

newtboy says...

Why bring it up? Because the flop was far less violent than the other crashes. The energy it took to flip the jeep used up kinetic energy the other trucks put into stopping hard and fast. Having experience with rolling, I know they aren't as scary or violent as people expect.
My speed at the start of a couple of my rolls was up to 80mph, not controlled and slow. They were faster than this test. Like this test, the act of rolling slowed the vehicle considerably. My seat was not much deeper than many seats I see in cars, but slightly. My interior, however, was bare metal everywhere, not padded pleather. Because there are zero crumple zones, the impact was absorbed by the frame, so transferred throughout the seat to me.
As for whiplash, I think the heavy helmet I was wearing would multiply that, not protect from it. I had no hans device, no helmet straps.

Edit: rollovers like this are less likely to cause whiplash or spinal injury than coming to a dead stop like the trucks did.

Is it exactly the same? No. Is it significantly similar? Yes. Do I have a decent idea of what a violent rollover is like. Yes. Better than around 99.999% of people.

wtfcaniuse said:

So a relatively controlled and slow "flop" in a harness with a racing seat designed for lateral support rather than a high speed collision causing whiplash followed by a "flop" in a typical vehicle. Why bother bringing it up?

2020 Jeep Wrangler Rolls Over In Small Overlap Crash Tests

wtfcaniuse says...

So a relatively controlled and slow "flop" in a harness with a racing seat designed for lateral support rather than a high speed collision causing whiplash followed by a "flop" in a typical vehicle. Why bother bringing it up?

newtboy said:

When racing, 2/3. No neck brace in those days. Once while training, no helmet either, but yes, 5 point harness in a full tube racing buggy.
Honestly, the only one that made a real difference was the cage. A 4 or 3 point seatbelt would have been sufficient thanks to a deep racing seat, and most rolls were due to super soft silt grabbing the outside tires in a turn....that scrubed a lot of speed right away and made the final hit extra soft, a few were on hardpacked dirt, but they were short course so maybe 30-40 mph entry speed instead of 60+, around 20 by the time my side hit ground.

2020 Jeep Wrangler Rolls Over In Small Overlap Crash Tests

newtboy says...

When racing, 2/3. No neck brace in those days. Once while training, no helmet either, but yes, 5 point harness in a full tube racing buggy.
Honestly, the only one that made a real difference was the cage. A 4 or 3 point seatbelt would have been sufficient thanks to a deep racing seat, and most rolls were due to super soft silt grabbing the outside tires in a turn....that scrubed a lot of speed right away and made the final hit extra soft, a few were on hardpacked dirt, but they were short course so maybe 30-40 mph entry speed instead of 60+, around 20 by the time my side hit ground.

wtfcaniuse said:

When you did that was it in a 5 point harness with a helmet, neck brace and rollcage?

2020 Jeep Wrangler Rolls Over In Small Overlap Crash Tests

Mordhaus says...

The title of the video on Youtube is the title I used.

The comment about airbags was a portion of the description of the video. There are no side airbags for the rear seat passengers.

Also per the description - 2019-2020 Jeep Wrangler 4-door rolls over during IIHS crash test

I did watch the video.

cisystems said:

It should be pointed out that this is clearly "Says so on the hood and doors" a test of the 2019 Jeep, not 2020. Also you say there are no side airbags, but side airbags are clearly seen in the entire video.

Either you accidentally posted the wrong video, or you didn't watch it before posting it.

Racist Ad promoting Volkswagen's new Golf 8

ant (Member Profile)

DBumbry53 says...

I am a member of tcap community And wondered if it would be possible to get a copy of the have a seat compilation.. it was so funny one of my fav vids get back to me

Banana Republic - trump threatens to adjourn U.S. Congress

newtboy says...

Such utter bullshit and *lies
There are currently 89 nominees awaiting confirmation or refusals, not 129, and another 15 announced but not formally nominated by Trump so not eligible. He's had 510 confirmed (with many quickly leaving or being removed for cause). He bragged about not filling positions before, leaving most departments leaderless or at best with temporary heads with minimal powers to run their departments. There are over 1200 positions he should have filled in January 2017 but couldn't or wouldn't. So much for having the best people, he has the least complete administration ever in our history....couldn't find enough yes men I suppose.

Contrary to Trump's lies, he does not have the power to adjourn congress either unless the house or the Senate adjourn first and the other refuses to adjourn, or if they can't agree on a date. Adjourning the Senate now is something Moscow Mitch said he's not considering, they've got work to do. There is an agreed upon adjournment date, Jan 3 2021, which means Trump has zero power to force adjournment.

This impeached lame duck president should be barred from any new nominations, he's squandered those he started with and with Moscow Mitch's help already stole one Supreme Court seat that wasn't his and filled an extraordinarily high number of federal judge positions. If designated acting heads were fine until now, they're fine until January.

Ghost Crash

eric3579 says...

First time through i jumped at the third accident and made an audible gasp. The anticipation of each accident had me on the edge of my seat. Some of those accidents were brutal.

Forbidden Parenting

smr says...

Just a anecdotal based response: Left my 3 year old, who was asleep buckled in his seat (which he cannot undo), in the car on an overcast day, 68 degrees out, doors locked. I left a second cell phone on monitor, so I could hear him if he woke up. Went in to a strip mall store 50 yards away from the car.
I hear him wake up, so I come out to check on him, and there's some man, apparently having banged on the window to wake him up, looking at me like I was trying to kill him. Apparently took my license plat and called child services, who eventually called me, my wife, my parents, and did a full investigation. I had almost the same experience, but I'm white and privileged so did not get arrested or have my children removed. I'm confident it could have been a lot worse if I was near the poverty line. I also received a similar lecture:
"We recognize that temperature and weather were ok, but do you recognize how unsafe it was to leave him unsupervised?"
"No, I don't. What could have happened? He was secure and unable to come out of the chair, the doors were locked, and he was monitored"
"Well some one could have smashed the window and taken him"
"Really? A stranger abduction, from a locked car, in broad daylight?"
"Well, what about if the police were called, and you were arrested in front of him. Wouldn't that be traumatic?"

And there they are right. And there you have it - the real danger is not any ACTUAL danger, it's our own fear. FDR had it right.

geo321 said:

@newtboy I wonder If this is a rampant problem, or is this story being pushed for a larger ideological objective? Mostly I just don't like his 1970s porn mustache

Anderson Cooper Dismantles Rod Blagojevich

newtboy says...

Let's not forget.....
“I’ve got this thing and it’s f—ing golden, and, uh, uh, I’m just not giving it up for f—-in’ nothing. I’m not gonna do it. And, and I can always use it. I can parachute me there.”— Nov. 5, 2008, in a conversation secretly recorded on FBI wiretap about Obama’s Senate seat.
Not exactly the type of political fundraising that was considered ordinary (or legal) in the days before Trump...selling vacant Senate seats to the highest bidder....and certainly not what Mandela was in prison for. I hope he got a few more things that were f-ing golden in prison.

How Mumbai Police Stop Drivers Honking at Red Lights

lucky760 says...

This is a great idea... but how about results?

Did people eventually stop honking???

Such a disappointing end to the video!

I was on the edge of my seat... and they LEFT me there. Boo!

Trump Impeached

newtboy says...

He doesn't have to control much, just be in a position to throw a monkey wrench in the works when it suits him best. I believe that's where he sits. Not so much a puppet master, but a mastermind at getting Americans to hate each other by proxy, just by helping install a monster in the seat of power, and more so by helping deify him to his followers.

If you don't believe Russia interfered in 2016 on Trump's side in hopes of gaining maybe 1/2 the advantages it's earned them, I think you are swallowing propaganda yourself.

geo321 said:

Russia is a horrible regime. Putin is an oligarch looking over lesser oligarchs. But @newtboy if you believe that cunt is controlling everything then you have eaten a massive meal of propaganda.

Trump Declares Himself Above the Constitution: A Closer Look

newtboy says...

Saw a nice clip of Grahm, talking about Clinton, saying that Nixon's impeachable offence was ignoring congressional subpoenas.
That is impeachable, and he should be removed with any Republicans who support his stonewalling.

Just a few Senate seats is all it will take to route out these traitors. Nice the Democrats regain control, they need to strengthen congressional rules making it a felony to ignore subpoenas, and instant impeachment to request political favors from foreign powers....even if you say you were joking when you get caught.

Today two major Trump donors and Giuliani cohorts from Florida were arrested for taking over a million dollars in cash from Ukrainian and Russian officials in secret and funneling it to Trump and other Republicans in a scheme going back to at least 2016 when they gave Trump nearly $400000 for his campaign. The Ukrainian donors wanted the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine removed, something Trump actually did for them....quid quo pro.
It won't be a surprise at all to find out the Russians wanted us out of Syria for their recent donations....something Trump just gave them by abandoning our allies and bringing Daesh (ISIS) back from the dead.

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