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Searing meat to hold in flavor is wrong? wtf

braindonut says...

I've done it both ways. Both are delicious. But if I have a particularly expensive steak cut, I almost always cook slow and consistent, then sear at the end. Searing with a broiler, with some butter on top of the steak, is also quite nice

KrazyKat42 said:

I call bullshit on the steaks. Fast-seared steaks may retain less water, whatever. They taste better, and all good cooks would agree.

Searing meat to hold in flavor is wrong? wtf

worthwords says...

I think everyone agrees that searing/browning creates more flavour - but it is incorrect to use to phrase 'sealing in the juices'.
I like my steak blue which means high heat on the outside for just a few seconds for a crust and then only just warm i the middle.
I've never head sous vide steak but i'd be interested to compare the flavour

KrazyKat42 said:

I call bullshit on the steaks. Fast-seared steaks may retain less water, whatever. They taste better, and all good cooks would agree.

Searing meat to hold in flavor is wrong? wtf

Mordhaus says...

The other method is basically sous-vide, low temperature over a longer period and then searing at the end. It does retain more moisture, and the sear at the end still gives you the Maillard reaction for the flavor.

I prefer to take the easy way out and just sear at start and finish in the oven or indirect grill. We are talking about a small amount of juices, in total, either way.

KrazyKat42 said:

I call bullshit on the steaks. Fast-seared steaks may retain less water, whatever. They taste better, and all good cooks would agree.

Searing meat to hold in flavor is wrong? wtf

Searing meat to hold in flavor is wrong? wtf

Enzoblue (Member Profile)

10 Awesome Ways To Season Steak

Mordhaus says...

Sear both sides and into a 500 degree oven to finish.

If I am paying top dollar for good steak, I want STEAK flavor. If I am buying shoddy cuts, 'then' I will season the hell out of them to cover it up. Sorry, but this stuff is unnecessary unless you are trying to feed jaded people searching for ways to spend large amounts of money.

Frozen Steaks vs. Thawed Steaks

TheFreak says...

I do almost the opposite with fresh steaks.

Cold from the fridge, cook in a 275 degree oven until 125 in the center, then sear on each side quickly. Perfectly even steaks, no grey band around the edges.

Rape Joke Debate

bareboards2 says...

@Yogi -- GREAT POST about freedom of speech.

Lindy agrees with you, too. She said so repeatedly. This isn't about censorship. It is about an atmosphere of violence towards women in our society that is considered acceptable, and how these "jokes" can perpetuate it. The power of language -- she even says that -- we don't agree on the power of language, she tells Norton.

As for loving Louis CK -- what I said was I have never heard him say anything that wasn't searingly honest and respectful. When he does a bit on rape, it is worlds apart from Tosh calling on men in a comedy club to rape a woman present in the room. I can't remember the bit(s) Louis has told, but I know that I have heard them and been admiring of his brilliance in tackling a difficult subject. I also do have a sense memory of "whoa, dude! that is going to piss some people off!"

Louis CK is not for everyone. And not everyone fully understands the nuance of his work (I think -- that sounds self aggrandizing, but I do believe it is true.)

Rape Joke Debate

bareboards2 says...

Ah. Interesting that the commenter above doesn't even bother to hear the other side before weighing in on who "wins."


Quality again. And more quality.

And I love Louis CK. I have never heard him tell a joke that was anything other than searingly honest and respectful.

Sorry about your loss. Losing your mom so young, in such a terrible way. And your friends seem to be living proof of the formula -- Comedy is Tragedy plus time.

Which speaks to why rape jokes aren't funny. The tragedy is NOW. The threat of violence towards women is on-going -- look at the burgeoning sexual assault crisis in the military. So there is no emotional distance from the events.

Atheist in the Bible Belt outs herself because she is MORAL

bareboards2 says...

Oh -- and because I still miss my lovely @BoneRemake, another reason I adored him was his honesty. Searing honesty. Even when he was being his most pain-in-the-butt, there was something honest about it, in a convoluted way.

I miss him.

So ends my Wake for Bone.

A Pop Culture Nostalgia Trip to the Year 1986

nanrod says...

As with any year musically a lot of crap and some gold. Fortunately each of us gets to decide which is which for ourselves. Personally I have been and always shall be a fan of the Moody Blues. I have fond memories of Saturday nights in 1973 running a floor polisher across the cafeteria at Sears while singing "Question" at the top of my lungs. Yes ... I am that old.

Oregon Woman Finds Letter from Notorious Chinese Labor Camp

bmacs27 says...

Sears is performing their own investigation... to see if they can increase efficiencies at the labor camp or possibly relocate it to Burma where laws are more favorable to corporate considerations.

Sears takes inventors idea all the way to China

Sears takes inventors idea all the way to China

Ryjkyj says...

This guy's first mistake was to give Sears any slack at all by agreeing not to sell his product anywhere else. The issue has nothing to do with things being made in China at all. It has to do with being a shrewd businessman, which as we all know, means to assume the other guy is always trying to fuck you, and then fucking him harder and faster. I feel bad for him and everyone else involved but come on, he committed to one company on a one season deal?

If this guy had a decent strategy, then this Christmas his product would be selling at every store but Sears.

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