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Deano (Member Profile)

Burnout Fail

schmawy (Member Profile)

Johnny Cash - I Walk The Line - Ozark Jubilee, 1956

Pervert Cat

BBC - The Link - Uncovering Our Earliest Ancestor

Need more people in the unsifted page (Sift Talk Post)

Kitten's Mother Hates His Tiny Hat

This video will get a lot of play very soon

gwiz665 says...

Don't be a cunt.

>> ^schmawy:

Oh really? You were joking? I find that hard to believe. Choggie's banned any you're dancing on his grave. Well I've had it with the flaccid PC legions of Sift. From now on I'm taking on his task, so just because he's gone don't think no one's going to call you on your infantile crap. As a matter of fact I might come down a hell of a lot harder than he ever did. Same goes for the thin skinned over-reactionary milquetoasts around here. I'm fucking sick of the pogromes of anyone who doesn't prostrate themselves to Olberman, Maddow and TYT. Tolerant, are we?
I'm going to shove tolerance and understanding so far up your ass that it'll tickle your uvula. Is this a vernacular you understand? It's got rectal references for additional elucidation.
And mother raping? You're disgusting.

schmawy (Member Profile)

jan says...

Hi schmawy,
Question please, I've just posted an eight part talk from Youtube.
Now aside from making a playlist on youtube, is there a way bring all those parts to the sift without entering each one in as a separate video? Maybe making them play into eachother.
Thanks for insight, maybe a silly question.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
If there's anything I can do to help, or if you have any questions about anything, I'm happy to help! Drop me a line anytime, I like to support people who post good content!

In reply to this comment by jan:
Thanks for your comment. I shied out, I know very little about directing myself around videosift. I’m clicking to see what happens.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
Hi Jan!

I got a profile reply from my "science of islam" comment but it didn't say anything. Sorry if I was annoying about your post. At anyrate, I made a Youtube playlist of that show for you, and you can pick it up here if you want to switch it...

You can copy the embed code from the window on the right, then go to "Modify Details" under the tags of your post. While your there you can change the title.

Anyway, sorry for being a noodge. You don't have to do anything to it of course. But I'll save a *quality just in case you do.

Ugandan Minister Making A Huge Fool Of Himself

Man Faces Jail Time for Recording Plainclothes Cop

kronosposeidon says...

^Not a dupe, as far as I can tell. Schmawy posted this video a month ago:

In the comments section burdturgler posted this comment, which showed the longer version of schmawy's video. Still, the news clip with the follow-up charges of illegal recording have not been seen until Kevlar posted this video.

Not a dupe.

schmawy (Member Profile)

"Tossing Salad" in Jail (REALLY NSFW)

"Tossing Salad" in Jail (REALLY NSFW)

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