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Discrimination is a right?

A10anis says...

I have mixed feelings on this contentious issue. Of course we in the west respect individual liberty (allegedly), but when people see how our liberties, ideals and freedoms are openly despised by so many muslims ( those who proclaim that the islamization of the west is coming soon, along with sharia), is it surprising when attitudes like this surface? Interestingly, in an islamic country like saudi arabia, if she walked into a shop unescorted by a male guardian, she would not be served either.

America's Science Decline - Neil deGrasse Tyson

dannym3141 says...

>> ^aaronfr:

Perhaps more informative would have been to show published science articles per capita or per GDP. Or at least have the first map as a representation of population or GDP so that we could see where we really expect there to be pockets of science research. Per capita would make Japan, Germany, and France that much more impressive. Per GDP would explain Africa and South America (except Brazil). Either way, the point would be enhanced not detracted from.

I think it'd harm japan if done per capita. It'd help britain and france a lot. It'd murder china.

Per GDP is tough. I think it favours small and stable landmasses again. Britain is slipping in GDP but scientifically fairly strong. Places like saudi arabia aren't necessarily known for their science but they're definitely known for wealth. A good few places might have skewed GDP because of corrupt bonus culture balancing people living in poverty.

Woman Driver in Saudi Arabia Condemned to Ten Lashes

bamdrew says...

King - 'Hey guys, no Arab-Spring riot stuff okay... what do you want, women to vote? done...'
Court - ' they get to vote? well... lashes for them if they drive!'
King - 'LOL,... ooh wait, no... don't do that,... no riots please! no international attention... nothing going on here in Saudi Arabia'

Woman Driver in Saudi Arabia Condemned to Ten Lashes

Phreezdryd says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Phreezdryd:
Anywhere else in the world a man would be arrested for treating a woman like a prisoner, but we're supposed to respect their culture and beliefs. Brainwashing women into believing they're better off as ignorant property isn't going to work forever.

Because they're an ally. Same thing with Iraq when Saddam was gassing his own people...while we funded him.

Don't forget the part about them having most of the oil.

Woman Driver in Saudi Arabia Condemned to Ten Lashes

Yogi says...

>> ^Phreezdryd:

Anywhere else in the world a man would be arrested for treating a woman like a prisoner, but we're supposed to respect their culture and beliefs. Brainwashing women into believing they're better off as ignorant property isn't going to work forever.

Because they're an ally. Same thing with Iraq when Saddam was gassing his own people...while we funded him.

Woman Driver in Saudi Arabia Condemned to Ten Lashes

hpqp says...

The top comments under the YT video:

"no women on the road OMG looks like im moving to Saudi Arabia!" (97 thumbs up)

"holy crap, i bet there are only 5 car accidents a year" (61 thumbs up)

Yeah, sexism is such a thing of the past! <---sarcasm

a 9/11 conspiracy theory that makes sense (Waronterror Talk Post)

enoch says...

iraq was going to happen.9/11 was just a convenient tool to get there.

as for the political extortion coming from saudi arabia,and understand this is pure speculation.i would surmise it had something to do with very unsavory information that the body politic of washington would do much to keep under wraps.
when you consider the political landscape of the mid east it is an animal wholly and unequivocal in its absolute opposite of western politics,and that the US foreign policy over the past 50 years has been grossly under-reported and was rife with murder,assasinations,(economic as well as literal),coup de tats and the ruining of whole countries to rape and pillage their resources.
the open hand of the free market can never succeed without the closed fist of military might-arundhati roy
i have no doubt that certain american political factions got caught with their hands in the cookie jar.
just look at how the bush years handled the iraq war and how convinced they were things were going to go in certain direction.
it probably would have in a western country but the mid east is organic as much as it is chaotic.
western politics has always and i mean ALWAYS gotten the politics of the middle east wrong.

RT - Tripolis may or may not be about to fall to the Rebels

marbles says...

>> ^bcglorf:

>> ^marbles:
>> ^bcglorf:

And meanwhile you lament the loss of monsters like Saddam, Gaddafi and Assad. Well done.

Do you have a citation for that claim?
Meanwhile 1.5 million dead civilians in Iraq, untold thousands of dead civilians from drone attacks in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, hundreds of innocents locked up and tortured at secret prisons all over the world, terror bombings in North Africa, yeah... you've got the moral high-ground here.

And your problem is you hold Saddam guiltless for the Iraqi dead. You hold the Taliban and Al Qaeda guiltless for the Afghan and Pakistani dead. You hold Al Shabab guiltless for the Somali dead. You hold Gaddafi guiltless for the Libyan dead.
What kind of twisted world view do you have were you reject the evidence for the above, but fully and enthusiastically embrace the guilt of those fighting against Saddam, Gaddafi, the Taliban, Al Qaeada and Al Shabab?

Fuck you. That's 3 times now in this thread you've made the same baseless accusations against me. Fuck you. You want to ignore the world wide terrorism and murder that you support, so be it.

Using your standard, we should be invading/bombing China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and half of the world. And to go further, China, Russia, and whoever else should be invading/bombing the US trying to install the type of government they think we should have.

What kind of "twisted world view" is that?

Horrible Histories - British Things

Horrible Histories - British Things

Germany tank-slaps democracy.

NetRunner jokingly says...

>> ^DerHasisttot:

>> ^hpqp:
Germany, no! You were doing so well...

"Let's export one of the most modern and best tanks of the world to Saudi Arabia. NOTHING CAN GO WRONG."
All conservative parties are idiots. True story.

But this isn't really conservative. If they were true conservatives, they'd want to make sure government didn't have any say in who buys tanks on the free market!

Germany tank-slaps democracy.

Michele Bachmann says the Darndest Things.

Sam Harris on the error of evenhandedness

hpqp says...

(a copy of the messy comment above)

A collection of verses from the Qur'an about unbelievers

A person's beliefs about life (and afterlife) have a huge effect on how they live and perceive the value of other people's lives; it is nothing like blaming school shootings on violent video games, unless you assume that the shooters actually believed they lived inside a videogame.

The Qur'an, Islam's founding text, makes it quite clear that
a) The unbeliever will burn in hellfire forever (e.g. 4:56)
(nothing new here, M's recycling the holy texts already in existence)
and b) the unbeliever must be killed if he does not accept Islam (4:89), either by God or "or at our hands" (9:52); only Islam can exist on earth (2:193).
See this article on the history of Jihad and martyrdom in Islam.

Of course, the majority of muslims, like any other group of human beings, aspire to live their peaceful lives, etc. The difference between Islam and Christianity or Judaism, apart from its youth, is that it is founded upon a character and his book that are highly impervious to the effects of secularization. While the Bible is an edited compilation of transcripts written by several authors over centuries, the Qur'an was written by one warrior general in the space of his lifetime; questioning any part of the book's infallibility puts the whole faith in question, a risky thing when you read what the book in question has to say about non-believers. (I could go on, but really, Harris says it so much better than me in "The End of Faith" ...for free!).

But you want evidence, so here are a few things to ponder, in relation to what the Qur'an, and thus Islam, has to say about the topics in question. (Keeping in mind that Mohamed did not invent the barbarities that the book contains; they were contemporaneous, he simply enshrined them as the "infallible" word of God. Also: Mohamed's life, as transcribed in the Hadith, is considered a role model).

Honour killing: women considered property of men (see s.4:34)
Honour killing: adulterers should be killed anyway, no?

Because of sharia law's stance on adultery, it remains a crime in several Islamic countries
(sharia law is for the most part copied from the Torah/OT; in Islam, adultery is one of the worst sins/crimes: ):

Also, denouncing rape can get you jailed... for adultery:

homosexuality: illegal in 75/195 countries; 32/48 Muslim countries. In 8 countries it is punishable by death... under sharia law, of course (Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, UAE, Sudan, Nigeria, la Mauritania and Somalia).

Condoning slavery:

forced marriage of minors: what Islamic doctrine/scholars say:
women protest age limit laws:
more statistics on child brides (once again, the problem did not stem from Islam, but is upheld by it... Mo+Aisha):

Apostasy and human rights:

Of the 126 designated terrorist organisations, 73 (60%) are religious, 65 (51%) are Islamic extremists. To compare, the second highest ranking terrorist-fueling ideology, communism, has only 21 (17%) groups. Jihad anyone?

Government report on link between Koranic schools and terrorism:

Of the 17 "Significant Ongoing Armed Conflicts of 2010", only 5 are not marked by religious ideologies (only 2 if communism is counted as a religious ideology). Eleven of these conflicts involve Islamists, who are either trying to instate an Islamic theocracy (in accordance with the teachings of the Qur'an), or they are fighting Muslim governments that are considered not "Muslim" enough.

Dare we criticize Islam… (Religion Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

Whereas nation states where religion is part of the law of the land. Well look at those nations. These are isolated states that have remained in a development vacuum but got rich off selling oil. There is no freedom of speech or democracy in those states. The very fact that the first world deals with say OPEC allows the theocracy to be sustained in those nations.

Religion was a form of government for most of Europe. Then we had the enlightenment, democracy, revolution, kings, wars, history and so on. Religious denominations in Europe are now rapidly fading. This process never occured in the Middle East. Suddenly they have BILLIONS to spend on spreading their 'faith' as a form of government intervention. Saudi Arabia building schools in Pakistan that eventually created the Taliban was not an act of religious domination but a ham fisted attempt at geopolitics via religious doctrine. Because for some fucking reason the Saudis believed the Taliban would actually listen to them or something LOL. (Is this of course ignoring specific political issues of the time, USSR, evil empire, Regean, cold war, US allies with Saudi Arabia, fighting proxy wars, stinger missiles, Charlie Wilson and so on).

Saudi Arabia is cool because its such a fucking relic of government policy they have little room for any type of social policy because that is dictat by Religion. Thus their policies stem from it. They are like evil but religiously ahaha so they just fund fundamentalists everywhere thinking it will give them political clout and power when in reality it backfires. Kinda like this US thing where it's like FREEDOM FOR ALL... THROUGH FUCKING DAISY CUTTERS. To Save Iraq We have to destroy it. To save Afghanistan. We have to keep sending troops for a dubious objective. Oh wait let's pull out now. etc.

Fundamentally we have to appreciate the fact that religion is but a theory of the that explained things prior to science. With the rise of science, it tried to fight it. Finally slowly it's either merging or being eliminated or reconstituted in new ideological belief sets.

What I mean to say is that it's only through the evolution of man, knowledge and ideas that humanity has reached a point where it starts to doubt a very flawed perception of reality. First gods were manifest everywhere. Then they were nature. Then they are ghosts. Now we are supposed to believe or have faith.

Those of a stronger mental make up could possibly accept that we live and die and that is the end. Others cling to religion because it is safe. Others believe in living eternally through genes, about the only thing we consistently carry on through time.

Time will see the end of man man religions, into new constructs of stupidity, because science still, while providing much of the answers lacks many fundamental resolutions for most issues at the core of religious belief. Time will tell us all. But so far so good.

>> ^hpqp:

How did Christianity get to Europe? Conquest. To the Americas? Conquest and colonisation. To Africa? Colonisation, slave trade. To Australasia? Colonisation. Does that mean that these means have been taking place all the way 'till now? Of course not. After a few generations of growing up with the imposed religion, you forget it was imposed in the first place. Unless you were "cleansed", then there are no next generations.
Same story with Islam. Only eventual difference: violent conquest/conversion is directly condoned, one could even say "ordained", by the holy text (e.g. 2:191-3/2:216); oh, and the prophet was also a tribal leader and war general, unlike the possibly fictional Jeebs of the Christians.
I'm not saying people don't convert, just that the majority of religion's spread is through breeding and childhood indoctrination, and that the origins of the desert monotheisms' spread (especially Christianity and Islam) was conquest and colonisation so your original comment does not seem to be making any relevant point.
edit: add to that the continual use of majority pressure and intimidation, especially when religion is part of a country's legal and political system.
>> ^Farhad2000:
Naa. Islam reached 1 billion in the 21st century.
The assumption you are making is that it's been spreading at the knife edge from what the Moor times?
>> ^hpqp:
Uh, you do know that more often than not it was spread, like Christianity, at the edge of the sword, right? Conquest, colonisation, slave trade, same old same old.
>> ^Farhad2000:
Furthermore people forget that Islam represents 22% of world population. Much of it not in the Middle East. If the religion was so shit it wouldn't have taken every other religion out there.

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