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Westworld: What Makes Anthony Hopkins Great

RedSky says...

Yep, and as a result each of the stories is progressing at a snail's pace. Also while the premise is interesting I feel the dialogue tries too hard to be deep and meaningful.

Also the nudity is absurdly gratuitous. I get they want to convey the dehumanised aspect of the hosts and that the park is basically a harem to satisfy the carnal pleasures of the wealthy, but they've made that point an umpteen times too many already.

Acting's solid though and production values are obviously insanely high.

Mekanikal said:

Being a fan of the movie I like the series, but it's like they've started too many narratives at once. I feel like there are going to be a lot of unanswered questions like in LOST.

How to turn a sphere inside out

Buttle says...

An engineer wakes in the night and finds his waste basket on fire. He grabs the biggest bucket he can, fills it with water, and dumps it on the fire. He makes a mess. The fire is out.

A physicist wakes in the night and finds his waste basket on fire. He does a quick calculation of how much water is required, measures it approximately, and dumps it on the fire. He's pretty neat. The fire might be out.

A mathematician wakes in the night and finds his waste basket on fire. He grabs a pencil and paper, satisfies himself that a solution exists, throws the paper in the basket, and goes peacefully back to sleep.

bareboards2 said:

Punchline for an old joke about opening a can of beans on a desert isle:

Economist: First, assume a can opener....

Will the U.S. Presidential Election Be Rigged?

HadouKen24 says...

I can't really disagree with that, but it has to be said that the issues that are not brought up are distinctly non-partisan--that is, the issues that are not brought up are the ones that are disadvantageous to both parties.

For instance, no one talks about gerrymandering anymore. It clearly benefits both parties, but it is destroying our political system by creating disincentives to working across the aisle with the other party.

In my view, there are three major structural reforms in the US government that need to be addressed: 1) Gerrymandering 2) Campaign finance and 3) regulatory capture. Of these three, only the second one is addressed by either candidate, but not in a satisfying way.

We need major reforms in healthcare and economic wealth distribution, and we need to prepare ourselves for certain worldwide economic changes due to technological innovation and globalization, but until we deal with those three major issues, we won't be able to make any headway.

radx said:

The kinds of fraud he goes through are representative of third world levels of manipulation.

We're in the developed world here, son. We don't need those primitive methods when we have the power of propaganda in our hands.

And no, I'm not talking about a conspiracy here, I'm talking about groupthink and class interests, with climate change being only the most obvious example, followed closely by the obsession with "balanced budgets".

Judging by the topics that the gatekeepers of information deem not to be up for discussion, I'd say the election is pretty rigged in its own way.

Robert DeNiro wants to punch Trump in the face

M923 5 Ton Stump Pull

Hillary Clinton appears to faint stumble during 911 Memorial

dannym3141 says...

I have a few questions if anyone would care to satisfy my curiosity, I've seen/read a lot of stuff and I don't know what the reliable sources are for this. I'll list them so they're easy to answer, and I'm not trying to imply stuff or score any points, I just want to know. Sorry if any of this is tin-foil hat rubbish but I've been unable to sleep recently and ended up watching a lot of old crap, in a weakened mental state.

1 - Were those people with her yesterday, and does she often travel with, a nurse and a doctor?
2 - What's with the coughing and sicking up green globules into the glass of water? Never seen anything like that green stuff before.
3 - Did she need help getting up some stairs a while ago, or were they misleading photos?
4 - Why did no one react to her going completely limp? I can understand the well trained entourage explanation, but they didn't even look around to check for danger, considering their VIP went lifeless.
5 - Why did they take a collapsed elderly woman with pneumonia to an apartment rather than a hospital?
6 - Why say it was heat stroke?
7 - Has she really been pulling out of a lot of campaign events?

To be honest, I don't find her collapsing a worry at all. I've collapsed due to illness and I'm healthy and fit. What i do find strange is the reaction and lying about it. Somehow that makes me question the other things, but there you have it - my questions.

I think Clinton and Trump are equally bad. Clinton represents everything that disgusts me about politics - the 1%, 'the establishment', privilege and modern society, she will continue to sign off murdering innocent people and destroying the ecosystem for profit worldwide. Trump is.. well, offensive, sexist, racist, but i think only because it makes him popular, like a school bully, but he doesn't understand the new platform he has or what effect his words have on how people behave, and all in all that makes him a cowardly, selfish, egotistical weasel who we're about to give the keys to everything. Either way, we are fucked.

1 Scientifically Proven Thing Actually Makes People Happier

coolhund says...

Nope. When I still commuted, I found it the best thing of the day, because I loved driving my car (I still do) and I liked the solitude in it.

Now I work at home and I miss it a lot actually. I even drove like 700 miles each weekend for 2 years and I loved it and miss that too.
I try to compensate for it by just driving around for fun, but that really doesnt satisfy that much.

What really literally makes me sick is commuting in public transportation or in traffic on a bike. I like riding my bike on farm roads, etc, but on the road it just sucks.

So no, this "scientific fact" is bullshit for me.

Samoyed longs for her pack. Creates her own.

Parrot Tries To Cat

shagen454 says...

Birds aren't allowed to mess with cats. Every time I find a dead blue jay I'm happy because all a blue jay does all day is fly around squawking at the cats. I know they had to be a satisfying lunch. Go build your nest somewhere else bird-brains.

Khufu said:

why? you've never meowed at a cat to mess with it? do you wish the cat grows up and eats you too?

ChaosEngine (Member Profile)

Mordhaus says...

I think the most I ever spent on a boss was around 40 bucks. It's also satisfying to realize that they are still in business a year later, when all the 'experts' were saying he would probably go bankrupt by paying his employees so much.

Thanks for the promote!

ChaosEngine said:

So the lowest spec new Model S costs about $66000 in the US, and a quick google reveals that Gravity has "100-200" employees.

Even assuming the most employees and the cheapest Tesla, that's still $330 per employee (and probably more).

When was the last time you spent $330 on a gift for your boss? Never, that's when.

*promote reaping the rewards of being a decent human being.

Watchmen - Adapting The Unadaptable

Mordhaus says...

I disagree that it cannot be adapted to film. It could be done with a director that can function in a storytelling environment, which Snyder simply cannot do. The problem with Snyder was covered very well here recently, *related=
He was exactly the wrong director to have film this. I would have went with Del Toro or Whedon, but even they have their flaws.

Now, if the question is, can an adaptation be done that Alan Moore will feel 'suits' his vision? Probably not. He is an artist, in very good ways, but also in some very bad ones. He has a specific idea of how his creation must flow, which means he will never be satisfied with a medium outside of the graphic novel or comic.

Personally, I think one of the few un-adaptable works would be Gaiman's Sandman, but that's just my opinion.

Bill Burr - Buzz Aldrin Punches Guy

Taiwan Street Food Sirloin Steak

If Coffee Commercials Were Honest

brycewi19 says...

Same can be said of many things - caffeinated tea, for instance.

Then also, think of all the dopamine that is released from a satisfying meal. All food and drink has the capability of releasing chemicals and hormones that give us humans all sorts of desired effects - from fullness, to satisfaction, to alertness.

And they all can be commodified. This particular "Roger" sketch doesn't quite hit home like the rest of them.

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