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Henry Rollins interviews Marilyn Manson

S I F T U L A T I O N S to D J Sunkid!!!

Michelle Shocked-Anchorage

qualm says...

I took the time to write to my old friend
I walked across that burning bridge
I mailed my letter off to Dallas but
Her reply came from Anchorage, Alaska

She said Hey girl its about time you wrote
Its been over two years now my old friend
Take me back to the days of the foreign telegrams
And the all night rock'n rollin' hey Chel
We was wild then

Hey Chel you know its kinda funny
Texas always seems so big
But you know youre in the largest State in the Union
When youre anchored down in Anchorage

Hey girl I think the last time I saw you
Was on me and Leroys wedding day
What was the name of that
Love song you played

I forgot how it goes
I dont recall how it goes

Leroy got a better job so we moved
Kevin lost a tooth, hes starting school
I got a brand new eight month old baby girl
I sound like a housewife
I think I'm a housewife

Hey girl whats it like to be in New York
New York City imagine that
Whats it like to be a skateboard punk rocker
Leroy says send a picture
Leroy says hello
Leroy says keep on rocking girl
Yeh keep on rocking

Penn & Teller Bullshit! Profanity

k8_fan says...

This is Penn's essay:

I've stopped swearing. I'm 42 years old and from the time I was 16, I talked like carnies and rockers and truckers and sailors. I tried to talk like all the cool people, using obscenity for every part of speech. It seemed like a ticket into a special group of outsiders. I never used hard obscenity on stage, but I was always trying to slip expletives onto the radio (you do know that the FCC is unconstitutional on every front, right?). But in daily existence, I talked trash.

Several months ago, I went to see Slash's Snakepit at a venue in Vegas. He played his guit-box like a ringin' a bell. I was enjoying the show. After the third selection, when it was time for Slash to welcome us, he said, "Welcome. We're really glad to be back in the USA. We were in South America and those people didn't understand us. It feels good to be home.

But, he didn't use those words. I don't have a tape, and I wasn't taking notes, but the words he said were along the lines of, "Oh # man. How you #ers doing? It is so #ing great to #ing be #ing back in this #ing coun-#ing-try. #, man, #. I mean, #. #, man, #. I mean #. Down there, well, #, they #ing don't #ing speak #ing English, man. #. #, it's so #ing great to #ing be here.

In the previous quote, "#" stands for the favorite root word of all wise-cracking, sophisticated, modern folk (it also drove my spell checker nuts). That magic word can be used for every part of speech (yes, its function can even be Conjunction Junction).

I sat in the balcony wondering if I sounded like that. I started becoming more aware of swearing. I had an epiphany -- I realized no one thought I was talking like a carney. They thought I was talking like a mall kid. Nowadays, who knows how carnies talk? It's like tattoos. They used to mean you were on the bally, in the joint, or on the sea. Now, tattoos and swearing just mean you've been to Tower Records. Even mall T-shirts proclaim the magic word.

I still use all those words, even the "C" one that still has some small amount of integrity and magic. However, I only use them for their literal meaning. If I'm talking about real sex, I don't talk baby talk. You won't catch me "making love," "doing it," or even "screwing." But I don't use obscenity as empty modifiers or even as a sexy synecdoche.

My decision to stop swearing is not a moral position. It's not to be polite. It's not to fit in. Quite the opposite. It makes me say what I mean and that's often not polite. Not swearing takes my rants off auto-pilot. Not swearing makes me think. It gives those words their original magic in their literal meanings. It makes them sexier when I'm talking about sex.

I started stopping swearing with some friends. It's difficult, but it's pretty fun. We say more of what we mean. We've started making it clear whether we're displeased with someone for their morals, their style, their hygiene, or their looks (all valid reasons). We no longer label them all with one compound body part metonym. We've become more precise. There's more information.

When someone is talking nonsense, it's bolder, more aggressive, and less acceptable to say, "No, that's not true," than to shout a friendly, ho-hum, reference to bovine fecal matter. Not swearing is not the right thing to do. It's not the classy thing to do. It makes the truth plainer and that's rarely soci ety's view of polite.

There is a downside. Last night I banged the little toe of my right foot hard on the door jam in the middle of the night. I had nothing to say.

Feedback on Religious Dialogue in Comments (Sift Talk Post)

grspec says...

Ok, I just read those comments and that is what we call a debate, while westy may not be as eloquent as some he is just trying to get his point across. Now this person who emailed and said the comments are "absolutely shocking in their rabid, nearly psychotic intolerance." is way out in left field. So far out in left field that it makes me wonder if they are just trying to squash the opinions that are not in line with their own.

Is westy intolerant of religion? no more so than if the shoe was on the other foot. I am sure westy is more intolerant than some, and not as much as others, it comes with the territory.

I am an atheist and didn't start calling myslef one until about 2 years ago, but I have known it all my life. I went to church every Sunday and went to Sunday school and was even baptised. For as long as I can remember I have always perceived religion as a cult. Now over the past few years with the proliferation of people who feel like I do taking it to the net with videos and forums, you are getting a lot of people who call themselves atheists becoming more and more vocal. This scares a lot of people and thus you get counter videos and stuff like godtube, etc. I can see how some atheists try to shout loudly from the rooftops to get their point across, because to us the idea if religion is rather silly and the fact that we watch it as it permeates our life, government, schools, etc is rather frightening. So you get very vocal and somewhat intolerant opinions. To me I can see how it appears to be a battle and I can understand why there is intolerance from the atheist perspective, I can also see how the religious side feels the same way towards us. But the bottom line is it should be ok for me or westy or whoever to say that we feel someone is off their fucking rocker to believe a certain way and why we think that. That being said I am tolerant of religion as long as it doesn't try to effect my way of life, make rules for me, get tought to my kids without my knowledge, and shove it's opinions on me when I don't care to hear it. And I try to do the same to those who have faith, I do not go around spouting my non-beliefs to people around me because to do so would be hypocritical.
I would like to think the two sides can live together and respect each others turf, not sure it will happen anytime soon though.

The Church: Under the Milky Way

Eagles of Death Metal - I Only Want You

KISS on The Paul Lynde Halloween Special, 1976

choggie says...

I'm The King Of The Night-Time World!!! Why would anyone down-vote Kiss???? They are the inspiration for heavy metal lavish, and glam rockers everywhere.....the ultimate cheese-bags of rock!!??

silvercord (Member Profile)

ant says...

I saw it after I woke up this morning. LOL. I wasn't awake.

In reply to your comment:
It's all right. I thought, maybe, that rolling clouds frightened ants or something. Either that or you had completely gone off your rocker.


In reply to your comment:
Crap, I downvoted. I meant to do up.

Gravity Wave

ant (Member Profile)

lisacat Leaps to Gold! (Sift Talk Post)

lisacat says...

Aww, thanks everyone! I really needed a diversion the last couple months and what a mind expanding place this has been! From cricket to Dawkins, Physics 101 vs. incredibly stupid human it. Farhad & djsunkid, I would never have thought this aging punk rocker could enjoy the techno so much...guess I needed the visuals to go with the sounds.

Aerosmith - Sweet Emotion

No. 1 Song In Heaven - Sparks

ZZ Top - La Grange

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