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Rock Band 3 First Look - OMG KEYBOARD!

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Rock, band, preview, keyboard, I need clean pants now' to 'Rock, band, rockband, rock band, preview, keyboard, I need clean pants now' - edited by kronosposeidon

Amazing 13 yr Old Girl Drummer Kicks Your Ass

Dude plays all parts of Boston's Foreplay/Long Time

Built to Spill: Conventional Wisdom

kymbos (Member Profile)

MikesHL13 (Member Profile)

kymbos says...

Yeah, it's taken me forever to get that promoted. I'm going to make it my personal goal to get it sifted. The Easybeats are the first ever Aussie export rock band, achieving a British hit during the era of the Beatles, the Stones, the Kinks - some tough competition. After skyrocketing to celebrity status, they crashed spectacularly and burned.

In reply to this comment by MikesHL13:
I love your persistence on this

The Easybeats - Friday on my mind

Zero Punctuation: God of War III

mgittle says...

Yes. Let's have more regurgitated bullshit. These big corporations hardly every create anything new...they just buy some company that has a cool idea and run it into the ground with 8 sequels while charging every moron $15 for DLC "extras" that were really just things stripped from the original game.

Yes. Wave hello Call of Duty, Total Annihilation (Supreme Commander), Command & Conquer, Medal of Honor, Need for Speed, Rock Band, Guitar Hero, Wolfenstein, Tony Hawk, blah blah fucking blah.

Sequels are one thing. Giving people more of what they want is fine. It's the stripping of features, massive "reboots", etc, that I have a problem with. If you change the game enough that it isn't much like the original, fuck you, do not use the name again.

If they reboot the Mechwarrior series and do a good job, awesome. If a "reboot" game is a lot like the original but updated for new technology, great. But, if all your new shooter has in common with the original game is that it's a shooter created by a studio that still employs the janitor that was cleaning the toilets when the original was made, call it something else. All of you know God of War IV or Call of Duty 8...THOUSAND will be a giant pile of crap.

Don't give in. Open your eyes. Buy something else.

Dara O'Briain on videogames

jimnms says...

I don't play Rock Band, but I'd have to agree with him. If I played it, I'd want to play the songs I want to hear, not play crap I don't care for to unlock the stuff I do like. That's one of the reasons I don't play console games, having to do pointless tasks to unlock content in the game. But now that shit is spilling over into PC games (TF2).

But for other game types, GTA IV for example, there's a reason things are locked until later in the game. It's part of the story. If you play the story you'll get to the other islands, and like RadHazG said, you don't have to drive in traffic or pay the toll. That's the whole point of the game, to break the law and get away with it. The toll is easy to get through without the police chasing you, just drive through it really fast and stop as soon as you get outside the wanted circle. By the time the police get to you, the wanted timer expires and they quit looking.

choggie (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by choggie:
question is, should
I down vote this simply for fucking with my head like you have?

In reply to this comment by enoch:
should i put an obscure tag on this band?
i saw them three times and they fuckin ROCK!
pop it's cherry please kind sir.

are you flirting with me?
thanks bud.i love triumph but it seems they have gone the way of the dodo.

enoch (Member Profile)

enoch (Member Profile)

choggie says...

Call it syncronicity, who do you work for??-I pulled triumph outta my ass on a search today, listened to this song for the 1st time in 30 years, how the fuck could you have known? I guess the NSA gets better and better every year-It's not obscure, pop/rock from the eighties, band from Canada, o;ny thing makes them obscure is that it's good rock from Cananda thay made it on the charts in the US, and that farhads' prolly never heard of em.....
In reply to this comment by enoch:
should i put an obscure tag on this band?
i saw them three times and they fuckin ROCK!
pop it's cherry please kind sir.

choggie (Member Profile)

Zero Punctuation: Torchlight

Hawkinson says...

>> ^Sylvester_Ink:
I think I'm over Yahtzee's ZP reviews. I was already disappointed of his off-hand dismissal of the RTS genre, but this takes things a bit too far. Riffing on a bad game is funny. Riffing on a good game that sells well (like a certain Call of Duty game) is funny. Riffing on a good game that is relatively unknown, like Torchlight, leaves a sour taste. Neither Painkiller or Psychonauts is a perfect game in their own right. Both, in fact, have many of their own flaws. Yet they get glowing reviews. Torchlight distills the Diablo-esque RPG to its best elements, and all it gets is an "it's good because it's cheap."

Are you saying the comedic value of this review is dependant on whether you agree with his review? Reviews are opinion, there are no objectively good games. Also, he didn't say it was good because it was cheap, he said it wasn't worth the $3 he paid for it.

For the most part I do not agree with Yahtzee's opinions (I like JRPG's and singing in Rock Band), so I don't view them as reviews and they don't factor into by buying choices. Its just comedy.

DJ Q-Bert in Paris - Turntable Drummer

rottenseed says...

This is the equivalent to the guitar lead in some 80s arena-rock band shredding on his guitar for 10 minutes or any member of a 5 piece hard-bop jazz band when they take turns masturbating their ego with a technical skill that produces "music" not accessible to those that don't play an instrument

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