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Father and Daughter, Both With Tourettes Play Cards

eric3579 says...

"The game we are playing we know as 'black jack', it bears no resemblance to the American game 'blackjack'.

The aim of the game is to get rid of your cards.
You remove one black jack from the deck, it plays no part in the game.
You start with 7 cards
Take 4 cards from the deck and lay them face up, these are your start cards, you then lay either the same suit or the same number on one of the start cards. If you have two or three of the same card, you can lay them all down in a single turn, if you cannot lay a card, you pick up from the face down deck.

If a player lays a king, the other player has to pick up 3 cards, a queen 2, a jack 1, an ace 4 and the 'black jack' 5. If the 2nd player lays a king on top of the 1st players card, then the 1st player has to pick up double the amount, in the case of a king, 6 cards, if the 1st player then lays yet another king, then the 2nd player would have to pick up 9 cards and so on."


aaronfr said:

what game are they playing?

It is Known as the "Pool of Death"

Mordhaus says...

It is now known as Queen's Bath, but it isn't the original. The original one was destroyed by lava in the 80's, so they just renamed the pool of death.

They are definitely locals and skilled swimmers. Others have died during the winter when the surf is routinely high, like in this video.

MonkeySpank said:

Those are Kauai locals swimming in Queen's bath.

They know what they're doing. Here is another video .

It is Known as the "Pool of Death"

Vault of Bad Ideas, 1980's edition: The Charmings!

SDGundamX says...

Yeah, the wife liked it. It was okay the first couple of seasons but when Mulan, Anna, and Elsa started showing up they kinda jumped the shark. I will say that Lana Parilla does an amazing job playing the Evil Queen/Mayor, as does Robert Carlyle as Rumpelstiltskin/Mr. Gold.

ant said:

Once Upon a Time was OK.

WeedandWeirdness (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Let's fill up the court, indeed!

As Queen, I do hereby officially offer Princesshood to the great and glorious (and actually living pretty near me) @PlayhousePals. Wanna be crowned, Play?

We need a Merlin. A Wise One. One with benevolence and love and an all-seeing eye to look out for us all.

He knows who he is for me. He already looks out for us, for which I am grateful.

No need for any Knights in Armor, shining or otherwise. Mine is a peaceful queendom. (Well, striving for peace. Your Queen has some stuff to work on still.)

And my King? Paul Newman, please. Since this is fantasy, I can resurrect the dead and turn back time.

WeedandWeirdness said:

I would be delighted to be your Princess, my Queen!! Wouldn't turn down being a Princess!

I am not sure if we need a town drunk, but I think we can get that covered as well. We may have to snatch them up quickly, jail time, or dungeon time, is in their very near future. It is what happens to repeat offenders.

So, every Princess needs a partner in crime, so we should ask @PlayhousePals to be a Princess as well. There would be so much weed and weirdness up in our castle!!

Have any ideas of who else we can include in our bizarre court?

WeedandWeirdness (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

Of course I accept! One just doesn't turn down Majesty. No, one doesn't.

I guess it doesn't matter what I am Queen of. Power is Power, right?

Will you be my Princess?

WeedandWeirdness said:

YOU ROCK DOLL!! I am nominating you for Queen, and I will be butt hurt if you don't accept. I know it will make all the difference for you. Do it.

Ken Burns slams Trump in Stanford Commencement

WeedandWeirdness says...

YOU ROCK DOLL!! I am nominating you for Queen, and I will be butt hurt if you don't accept. I know it will make all the difference for you. Do it.

bareboards2 said:

I knew it. Couldn't let it lie.

He'll come back and say something else now.

In 5...4...3...2...1...

STAR TREK BEYOND Official Trailer #2 (2016)

FlowersInHisHair says...

First Contact has three unforgivable flaws.

1. The time travel plot makes zero sense. Why do the Borg need to go back to that particular time to assimilate humanity? Why don't they go back to pre-WW3, where there were a) more humans to assimilate and b) lower tech weapons? Why do they need to interrupt the moment of humanity's first contact with the Vulcans? Why do they give themselves such a tiny margin of error by only giving themselves a few days to assimilate Earth before the deadline? Why don't they send Borg down to begin assimilating humanity straight away? And the Enterprise conceals itself from the Vulcans by hiding behind the fucking moon.

2. The writers fundamentally ruin the idea of the Borg by giving it a figurehead it doesn't need. They are not a collective if they have a Queen; they are subjects.

3. Worst of all, Picard's characterisation is a complete volte face. Seven seasons of the TV show proved that Picard just isn't a man who stoops to revenge. Only a year or so after recovering from his own assimilation, Picard has the chance to cripple or destroy the Borg forever and he doesn't take it, because he's a man of balance and pragmatism, not of blind rage. His sudden change into Captain Ahab is lazy and it's unearned. Picard, like everything else in the film, is dumbed-down for the sake of the action, and the character as written undermines the work done over the course of the TV series, amputates him from Roddenberry, and is frankly unworthy of being performed by Patrick Stewart.

Star Trek: First Contact is fucking dumb.

Of course I have to concede to subjectivity and some of the action is very exciting (if still stupid; the "no firing at the deflector dish oh except when you do" incident is a prime example). But it's only possible to enjoy it as an action movie if you like your action movies to appeal to the very lowest common denominator.

ChaosEngine said:

I don't think it's fair to say that First Contact was as dumb as you say it was.

Swedish Army Band doing...well, you already know.

American Alcohol Has To Be Radioactive

MilkmanDan says...

...Ummm... Yes?

In the same way that "every scone produced in England *HAS* to be radioactive" (because scones are made from flour, eggs, and other ingredients that contain C14). Or, I could say "Queen Elizabeth discovered to be radioactive", because she is organic (in the Chemistry sense, meaning "containing carbon"). Or, you know ... EVERYTHING organic is "radioactive"; humans, animals, food, trees, etc. etc.

It seems very click-baity to draw attention to a US law that all alcohol must come from plants / organic (again, Chemistry rather than Hipster definition) sources by claiming that all US-made alcohol "must be radioactive".

Taylor Isn't Swift

ahimsa (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So how about rail against factory farms and stop assuming all meat is the same, is mistreated the same, is executed the same, and is full of the same unnatural additives, and stop railing against people who eat meat.
As I've told your cohort, you would do FAR better to try to convince people to eat humanely raised and executed meats than you ever will convincing them to not eat meats, especially when your main methodology is to try to shame them into your position. That rarely works, even if you're a Jewish mother, the queens of guilt. does NOT meet the requirements I put forth. It's a private pro-vegan propaganda site, not scientific. Here's what's said about it by scientists...."Greger's promotion of veganism has been criticized for including exaggerated claims of health benefits and for cherry-picking research even though the vegan diet can be a healthy one"

ahimsa said:

balcom is a vegan but also a reseacher in animal behavior. the site uses only peer reviewed articles on deit, health and nutrition.

btw, wanting to be eaten after you expire is quite different than murdering you in order to consume your corpse, which is what is done in the case of the 10 billion farmed animals who are killed every year in the USA alone.

Primitive Bow and Arrow

Not Your Average 60 Year Old High School Dance Teacher

Hardcore Henry - Official Trailer

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