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blankfist (Member Profile)

Lack of belief in gods

RFlagg says...

Thanks for posting this. I thought about posting this when I saw this come up on my YouTube subscriptions, but my que was full and didn't have time to watch it to make sure I wanted to sift it in the first place. Then I forgot about it, so thanks for the reminder. While I am an atheist, I generally find people to be more accepting if I just call myself agnostic simply for the confusion of what the terms mean. I think this video may help explain it better than I could.

Seattles 20th year Hemp fest gets road blocks from City Hall

NO CORRAS TANTO Sand Animation

Ants In My Scanner!

jmd says...

papercut, this looks like he may have installed a obsolete motherboard within the colony as a base, since the real electronics would need to be pristine to function.

That said, there are some effects like the "moving bar backlighting" that not only need to be planned and carried out over several days in a time lapse, but to synch it to music ques? sounds more like a guy planned out months of time lapse to an already choreographed music video.

If You Weally Weally Weally Wanna Know the Weal Deal

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

enoch says...

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
No problem. Wish I had seen it sooner. I like a fair amount of BT's work as well. I've trying to find a decent video for "Shame" for ages, but all I've found are videos with still images or crappy amateur attempts. Oh well. Que sera sera.

In reply to this comment by enoch:
In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:

thank you my friend.
i am a huge BT fan,glad to see i am not alone.

you might enjoy this then.
i thought it was cleverly done:

enoch (Member Profile)

mintbbb (Member Profile)

enoch (Member Profile)

xxovercastxx (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

Yes, it gets sifted not because he is a meat head. Because its a person smashing a bottle clear into their forehead, and then dramatically talking to the audience. What I posted and what you post are two totally different types of video.

I can somewhat understand the phrase " gets sifted " I have said that before when I had gold in my Que and something I felt was stupid got sifted. I have come to understand the politics and all other aspects that the sift is thick with.

From my end, the scenario I laid out was vary apparent, I wont go on debating the issue but thank you for the clarification.

In reply to this comment by xxovercastxx:
My original comment was in jest. People claim that MMA is 'barbaric spectacle' and yet a video of a meathead breaking a glass bottle on his own face gets sifted.

There was no spite in the downvote, I just didn't feel the video offered anything of value.

In reply to this comment by BoneRemake:
who voted against this video

Thats just lame. Boo hoo hoo, you watched a wrestling video from over 20 years ago, and equate it to your MMA videos. Your one lame duck. quack your self pity on your own videos.

Throbbin (Member Profile)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

"Newest Lucky760 Personal Queue Videos"

why is the video I uploaded in your personal que ?

is that just a way for the coding to work or something. I got to the beggers canyon and on the right side it says that and lists many many videos underneath it.

whats the skinny on that one cheif?

Wende - Au Suivant

lullaby_lune says...

"Toute nue dans ma serviette qui me servait de pagne, j'avais le rouge au front et le savon à la main... J'avais juste vingt ans..."
"Moi, j'aurais bien aimé un peu plus de tendresse, ou alors un sourire, ou bien avoir le temps, mais au suivant! Au suivant!"
"Je jure sur la tête de ma première vérole que cette voix depuis je l'entends tout le temps, Au suivant! Au suivant! Cette voix qui sentait l`ail et le mauvais alcool, c'est la voix des nations et c'est la voix du sang. Au suivant! Au suivant!"

This is a very brave, very angry, very powerful song.

enoch (Member Profile)

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Beggar's Canyon