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I'm not drunk!

nanrod says...

It felt staged to me too but you're right it's still funny. I once came home and I'm not sure how but I ended up on my hands and knees in the carport. Suddenly my father's feet were in front of me and he asked if I was drunk. I looked up, shook my head no and then puked on his slippers.

lucky760 said:


Feels staged, but still funny.

How Systemic Racism Works

shang says...

I'm prejudice but that's because its human nature. I find black women disgusting ugly. But that's just me, I can't see them any other way. Its ugly. I don't like dark tanned women either.

Moron political correctness sjw mongs need to quit labeling preference as racism. I personally find idea of 2 guys rutting gross, heck even Jim carrey puked in his movie after seeing it. Many find it gross, but that's just personal preference.

I won't tell others how to live, but I want to live my way and no sjw PC retard will get me to do otherwise.

Political correctness sjw, want to force everyone into collectivism. That is the sheep herd mentality, unable to think for yourself, everyone copies same morals and ethics and tolerates all.

That is not human

Individualism is human, individual choices, prejudices, morals, ethics and do not tolerate those that try to brainwash you into collectivism.

Even Morgan Freeman recently stated humans are bigoted and must be so its our nature and has allowed our survival and evolution and progress. If we eliminate bigots and force collectivism human progress stops. Evolution ends, no more survival of the fittest, but Mike Judge's idiocracy comes true in a collective political correct society.

Political correct and sjw should be banned and instantly removed for being antihuman, anti freedom and anti individualist. Sjw and PC are true hate groups more lethal and crazier than any fundamental religion.

They are the real terrorists

Drunk Stripper Vs. Drunk Customer at the Strip Club

eric3579 says...

Question #1: Did she puke on him?

Question #2: Why did they throw him out?

Question #3: What the hell does brown zero mean(butt hole reference)?

The Truth About Being Single

poolcleaner says...

I didn't date someone because when I leaned in to kiss her I could see all of these unsightly random hairs poking up from under her make up. I almost puked.

Sorry, ladies. But unfortunately those random hairs, if not attended to for like, I don't know, months and months at a time, they can start growing. Even as a guy if I see that shit on my face, it's gone. So I just couldn't deal and actually turned out of the kiss.

It was classic. Classic like the disgusting close up shots from Ren & Stimpy. I could even hear the tugboat fog horn blasting 2 tones of gtfo pork chops sandwiches. God, it did not smell good either.

Look at all the humans these cats keep in this house!

GaussZ says...

When he said "We can't solve the world's problems, but I can solve this tiny problem for these cats" I nearly puked. He spent 100k$+ on those cats, that is enough to do a shitload of good in developing countries or even in any developed country.
Nice to have such a catty home, but don't act as if you are doing something else with your money than spending it on your own vanity project and especially not because "you can't fix the world's problems".
What is next? I can't solve the world's problems, so instead I am solving this tiny problem for the Ferarri workers by buying my new 500k car, look how good a person I am?

SNL - Patriots Press Conference

Look at all the humans these cats keep in this house!

AeroMechanical says...

Two cats worth of fighting and hairballs, and puke, and poor spatial awareness in the litterbox seems to require about two man hours of effort a day (which is odd, because one cat required next to no work). Any more and I would go mad.

Also, I'm pretty sure the relationship is one guy and his harem of younger men and cats.

Ellen Dance Dare Gone Wrong- With Cops

lantern53 says...

There are plenty of people who believe all cops act this way. Read online comments and you will find them quite easily. And your statement that responsible people find ways of dealing with stress w/o losing it on occasion is simply naive. I'll bet you're the first to agree that PTSD is a real syndrome with soldiers. it's the same for cops. A lot of people deal with assholes you said. Well, cops deal with them, get puked on by them, see their blood and the chaos they create, slip in their piss and get their spit on their uniforms.

Newtboy posts all these videos but he'll tell you that he doesn't believe all cops act this way. He is rather like Mr. DeBlasio, who wants to say one thing out of one side of his mouth, then say something quite different out of the other side. He is no fan or admirer of the police, he creates this scenario that all cops are power hungry racists and you end up with dead cops because people with mental problems see this picture and extrapolate it to include all cops everywhere.

The Republicans' Inspiring Climate Change Message

Libertarian Atheist vs. Statist Atheist

enoch says...

*promote the master!
welcome back @blankfist
ya'all need to start taking notes.

this guy was super entertaining,i thought he was gonna have an embolism at the halfway mark.


look,no matter which direction you approach this situation the REAL dynamic is simply:power vs powerlessness.

we also should establish which form of libertarianism we are speaking.cultofdusty criticizes the bastardized american version and this dude come from a more classic libertarian (sans the unbridled capitalism).so there should be no surprise they are at odds in their opinion.this man is defending a libertarianism that cultofdusty may not even be aware of at all.

libertarianism has little or nothing in common with the republican party.

so when this dude posits that the corporation is the fault of government,while not entirely accurate,it is also not entirely wrong.corporations in the distant past were temporary alliances of companies,with the blessing of the people (government) to achieve a specific job or project and once that project was complete,the corporation was dissolved.

it was a cadre of clever lawyers,representing powerful interests who convinced the supreme court that corporations were people and hence began the long road leading us to where we are now.

so it was partly the government that fascillitated the birth of the corporation.

i do take issue with this mans assessment of public education.his commentary is the height of ignorance.while i would agree that what we have now can hardly be called 'education".his blanket and broad statements in regards to public education TOTALLY ignores the incredible benefits that come from an educated public.he ignores the history of public education,as if this system has been unchanging for 100 years.

that is just flat out...stupid..or more likely just lazy,regurgitating the maniacal rants of his heroes without ever once giving that 100 years some critical study.

so let me point to the the late 50's and 60's here in the USA where our public education was bar-none the best in the world.what were the consequences of this stellar public education?
well,...civil rights marches,anti-war movement,womens rights movement and a whole generation that not only questioned authority and the entrenched power structures but openly DEFIED those structures.

this absolutely petrified the powered elite.
during the height of the anti-war movement nixon was forced to baricade the white house with school buses and was quoted as saying to kissinger " henry,they are coming for me".

again,the fundamental premise is,and has always been -power vs powerlessness.

so over the nest few decades public education was manipulated and transformed into a subtle indoctrination to teach young minds to tacitly submit to authority.

which this man addresses and i agree,i just disagree with his overly generalized non-historically accurate puke-vomit.

my final point,and its always the point where libertarians lose their shit on me like an offended westboro baptist acolyte (its actually two points) is this:
1.if we can blame the government for much of the problems in regards to concentrated power and the abuse that goes with that power,then we MUST also address the abusive (and corrosive) power of the corporation.many libertarians i discuss with seem to be under the impression that if we take away the symbiotic relationship between corporations and government that somehow..miraculously..the corporation will all of a sudden become the benign and productive member of society.

this is utter fiction.
this is magical thinking.
many corporations have a larger GDP than many nation states.this is about POWER and there is ZERO evidence any corporation will be willing to relinquish that power just because there is no government to influence,manipulate or corrupt.

which brings me to point number 2:
my libertarian friends.
you live in a thing called a society.
a community where other people also live.
so please stop with this rabid individualism as somehow being the pinnacle of human all for personal responsibility but nobody lives in a vacuum and nobody rides this train alone.the world does not revolve around YOU.

but i do understand,and agree,that the heart of the libertarian argument is more power to the people.i also understand their arguments against governments,which directly and oftimes indirectly disempowers people.

i get that.its a good argument..
BUT...for fucks sake please admit that the corporation in its current state has GOT TO FUCKING GO!

because if you dont then ultimately you are trading one tyrant for another and in my humble opinion,ill stick with the one i can at least vote on or protest.

there aint nothing democratic about a multi-national corporation.they are,by design,dictatorships.

so i will agree to wittle the government down and restrict its powers to defense (NOT war),law and fraud police,if you agree to dismantle and restructure the seven headed leviathan that is todays corporation.


downing a bottle of JD in 15 seconds

Hand Eats Traffic

Riders on the Storm

Wingsuit BASE Jumper Takes his Dog for the Ride of His Life

Michael Sam Gets Drafted Into NFL - Reaction

Chaucer says...

Good for Sam. Now show us that you dont suck. Well... poorly worded as he probably does suck, literally. Show us that you can play football in the NFL.

PS. I'd have to say that I did puke in my mouth a bit when they kissed. Not judging, that was just my first reaction.

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