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Trump's Star Witness Is A Drunk Karen

greatgooglymoogly says...

Here's a video showing the "suitcases under a table" and mostly debunking it. They do come to the conclusion that "press and party monitors were not given notice counting would continue into the early morning hours, and they should have been." There was a secretary of state monitor present, but obviously both parties should be given the option of having monitors present for any and all counting.

noseeem said:

all these witnesses and no video, audio - nothing to prove their allegations.

at least w/bigfoot there are fuzzy photos, plaster foot castings, or audio of something pounding on a tree.

although the MI loon fest is far creepier than dale's tale of a skunk-ape rocking his trailer.

...maybe it's the singing frog phenomena of old

Trump's Star Witness Is A Drunk Karen

SFOGuy says...

The voice questioning her (Rep. Johnson) is actually Republican. He clearly was pressed to the point of incredulity. And when she's talking, she has that weird, slow, over-clear speech pattern of a drunk white woman.

It's so weird.

Election hearing in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

newtboy says...

Aaaaahahaha...."HEARING"?!? They mean press event. You don't have hearings out of session outside the capitol building with only one party attending, having zero power to do a thing. This is the utter nonsense the Trump party has reduced American politics to. What a farce @bobknight33. A nonsensical, fact free, lie fest and political farce designed only to prove to Don the con that they back him so he doesn't ruin their reelection chances. Pennsylvania certified already. There's not a thing this could accomplish.

No, I'm not going to watch it. I expect Bob didn't either.

simonm (Member Profile)

Notre Dame Faculty Pens Open Letter To Delay Hearings

Mordhaus says...

As an aside, the last time this was brought up it was in the late 30's.

"Aside from President Franklin Roosevelt’s ill-fated threat in 1937 to add new Justices who sympathized with his policies to the Supreme Court, the number of Justices on the Court has remained stable.

Roosevelt was particularly upset by the Court’s 1935 decision in Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States. The unanimous decision invalidated a key part of the National Industrial Recovery Act, one of the projects passed during FDR's 100-day program in 1933. President Roosevelt did not mince words a week later when he talked to the press. “You see the implications of the decision. That is why I say it is one of the most important decisions ever rendered in this country,” Roosevelt told reporters on May 31, 1935. “We have been relegated to the horse-and-buggy definition of interstate commerce.”

As Roosevelt started his second term, he used one of his fireside chats in March 1937 to make his case to the American people for adding more Justices to the Supreme Court who agreed with him. “This plan of mine is not attacking of the court; it seeks to restore the court to its rightful and historic place in our system of constitutional government and to have it resume its high task of building anew on the Constitution ‘a system of living law.’ The court itself can best undo what the court has done,” Roosevelt said.

The legislation struggled to gain traction and it was opposed not only by Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes but also by Justice Louis Brandeis and members of Roosevelt’s Democratic Party."

Joe Biden On Masks: ‘Not About Being A Tough Guy,’

newtboy says...

Of the near 210000 deaths, >181000 would have been saved, never infected, if everyone had worn masks and the "lockdown" was actually implemented two weeks earlier and was followed.

Trump's "nothing burger" claims and "wear a mask if you want, or not" and slow reactions, lack of concern, complaints about states that did lockdown, and contradictory messages directly caused >90% of all cases and deaths according to the CDC before he removed the real scientists and replaced them with Trump spokesmen who only repeat Trump, not science or facts. Politicizing the CDC is criminal.

Now, if Trump hadn't defunded and disbanded the international pandemic team Obama put in place, the virus likely wouldn't have made it out of China, making all deaths on American soil direct results of Trump's insecurity and inability to lead. Had he used the pandemic plan Obama left that they ignored and claimed didn't exist through June, America might have had a few cases, but not an epidemic. Trump's idiocy, his 80 IQ that seems genius to your ilk, caused it. It's poetic justice it's likely to take him down.

Btw, dumb shit, non n95 masks don't protect the users, they just help control the spread. Not a bit surprised you don't understand....but 3rd graders can.

Side might notice, Trump is on a huge cocktail of drugs, vitamins, and anti viral medications, but not hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine. Why not, @bobknight33? He's pushed it for months as a perfect cure, but won't take it himself. Don't tell me he lied about it's efficacy and safety!
Also, his doctors admitted he's been on them for 72 hours as of Sat morning, so they've known he's infected since Wednesday morning but he still handed out maga caps with bare hands at rallies and pressed the flesh indoors with his major donors during the most infectious period of his infection. He didn't care if he infected all of

bobknight33 said:

Of the 6 Million nicked by Covid and 200K dead how many wore masks?

Hypocrisy, Thy Name Is Republican

luxintenebris jokingly says...

the grand old party is as good as their word.

why should we worry? deny the president was guilty and removing him, only strengthen america's chances against a killer virus...right? pence would have been worse on the covid response...right? like pontius pilate the call was in their hands.

these are the same folks that say corporations are people, we can wait on infrastructure, healthcare and education necessities, they can channel the forefathers, and the almighty put their presidential candidates on the ballot.

as the god chosen they've divine this is the time to start another holy war. during a time when...
- a virus cold war is going on. rubes with attitudes spitting lines about constitutionality and freedom (spitting being the keyword). then accusations that the spit-upon are politizing the disease
- blm movements meeting up w/the far-right press and punks
- half the country is on fire and the other under water
- homelessness, evictions, unemployment, and the real possibility of a bone-crushing depression settling in longer than covid itself...

...and now the might right wants to add to the fire. like they are running a gender identification party.

any wonder my moscow mitch had a 13% approval rating? if the republicans hate their representatives, what chance does anything else have?

sure. justice cruz will be a salve to soothe the burn. like ethanol in hell.

Time to review user ratings? (Internet Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

When you say "the end of the process" you mean when you press submit at the bottom of the first step, is that right?

I just reproduced that issue, so that helps. I'll try to look into that soon. Thanks!

newtboy said:

Ok, it just happened when I tried to submit this video
I validated the embed, it said it was good, I filled out the submit form and submitted and boom, already submitted. I double checked by trying again, sure enough it doesn't show the red message until the end of the process.


luxintenebris says...

the present president has, as of April 14 '20, said over 18,000 lies or 15/day. every day. and only those said in public, journaled by the press, and fact-checked for veracity.

@ that rate, he would have told ~22,000 for 4 full years.

of course, the rate will soar even higher as the next election nears. he's sorta the santa of insincerity. delivering nothing to the stockings but a false promise. to believe in either takes a great deal of naivety.

Do You Regret All Your Lying?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

You are wrong

yet another example of voters not getting their voting mail

Least you forget that mail in ballot, the democrats want so badly is not the same as absentee ballot. There is a proper proecess for absentee and none for mass mailing vote by mail.

where the check and balance of the mass mailing?

Also Trump not giving $ for this Democrat push is not election rigging or anything else.

newtboy said:

1) you never said I was wrong, as usual, when your nonsense was challenged, you just went silent, later trying to move on to different topics but never addressing your claim about known cases of Democrats cheating, committing vote fraud...and still not producing a single one.

2) it's never up to me to corroborate your lies and misconceptions, I take zero responsibility for that. If I choose to contradict them, with as much evidence as I see fit, that's my choice. Remember when Republicans were about personal choices? I member.

3) again, so now I know it's intentional, when asked for evidence of Democrats committing vote fraud you come up with another article about Trump intentionally defunding the USPSand his cronies dismantling the systems they've used for years so vote by mail can't work because, as he said, if everyone voted, there would never be another Republican elected, in the process destroying the mail system so checks, medicines, important documents, etc can no longer use the USPS for anything that can't be delayed 6 weeks. That is not proof of Democratic voter fraud, since you seem confused, it's proof of Republican fraud.

Try again, you're failing miserably, actually making my case stronger in your efforts.

BTW, Trump has until today to prove the non existent vote by mail frauds or his case to stop Pennsylvania from going vote by mail is tossed, which is why they hit Pennsylvania hard with USPS degradation, removing 650+ sorting machines nationwide that sorted >21 million pieces of mail per hour, 10% of their capacity when they need to be expanding, now being done by hand at much greater cost and far cut costs how?

Vote Out Racism

newtboy says...

Nice try Bobski. Good luck convincing anyone that Trump isn't a racist despite all evidence but Biden is racist because he made a joke with a black person he was being interviewed by. It's like the insanity of pretending Trump is more healthy and fit even though he can't walk down a wheelchair ramp and Biden goes bicycling regularly.

Besides, that's not even what he actually said. He joked "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black."
Now, let's see Trump's words and actions....his real, not joking, racist history....

Not to mention the racist fake birther movement, which Trump championed, his racist attempt to delegitimize Obama's presidency by claiming he wasn't American, culminating with his fake press conference finally exposing the astonishing information his investigators found about Obama's birth certificate (nothing) that turned out to be bait and switch topics for a cheesy commercial for his shit hole hotels.

Shit hole countries, shit hole people.

Nazis and white supremacists rioting and murdering innocent people are good people.

Blacks demanding equality under the law are thugs and criminals.

And according to almost every ex employee.....
"Fucking Ni**ers."
~Donald J Trump (blatant long term actual fucking racist)


TangledThorns said:

If you don't vote for me then you ain't black!

~Joe Biden (f'ing racist!)

The Walk.

newtboy says...

Legislative aide - Coordinate and attend meetings. Assist with the drafting of speeches, press releases and legislation. Conduct and summarize legal research, research studies and constituent surveys.
Her position - mail clerk and supervising interns.
Nowhere near the same thing. Like the receptionist putting "VP of communications and publications" as their title.

91-94 is up to 4 years, she worked for him for 9 months. That's a 3.25 year exaggeration, not one, which would itself be more than doubling the truth. think?! Yes, it's bad when your college says you didn't graduate, and a lie when you say you did. I don't think her cases would all be under review over a database problem.

Her current accusations ARE brand new, never coming to light in 30 years of Biden running for offices, including VP. They absolutely did totally pop up out of nowhere at a suspiciously convenient time in politics....and are bat shit crazy, forcefully fingered in a public alcove in the public halls of congress. Get real.

Edit: the long and short is she's not credible, at best she's shown a willingness to hyper exaggerate if it benefits her, more likely she's a bold faced liar who may have been paid to make accusations.

scheherazade said:

Some of the link's criticisms are nitpicking.

Calling herself a 'legislative aide' to describe 'working for senator Biden' - that's like when a 'receptionist' puts down 'customer communications liaison' on their resume.

She gets her years of employment wrong by 1 year, decades later. I can't tell you the year I started my current job. I would have to look it up. Same for every job I've had.

Having one of her supposed degrees denied by a university is certainly suspect. Which at this point could still turn out to be a database problem, or some other cock up. *Possibly*. *Possibly not*. It could also be her exaggerating her own qualifications, coming back to bite her in the ass.

In any case, at least her accusations are old and she didn't pop up out of nowhere at a suspiciously convenient time in politics.



newtboy says...

Nice editing there. Tons of audio missing and multiple skips....what did they edit out? Discussions of how to frame them? Bribes?

We've seen multiple instances of stops exactly like this that ended in police gunfire....just as cordial and friendly until the citizen tells police they have a gun, or a camera, then the police lose their shit and start shooting.
The Press at protest marches were all 100% friendly, cordial, had open dialog asking politely where police wanted them to move to, totally legal, and complied with every request FROM officers, and still got shot point blank in the eyes with rubber bullets, tear gas canisters fired so close they can kill, pepper sprayed, were beaten, and arrested. Multiple times, on camera, over and over and over and over and over and over.
You claim 'look, it worked once, that means it will work every time, just put your life and freedom on the line and check, and don't consider the hundreds of times it ended in prison or death.'

He didn't actually comply legally, legally if you have a concealed firearm in your glove compartment, you MUST inform officers IMMEDIATELY....They didn't, and tried to hide it by bringing up his registration on his phone instead of retrieving the paper copy from his glove compartment. Many MANY cases just like this end in tragedy. This one just ended in a full vehicle search without a warrant.

Comply with officers requests, eh? So let them violate your rights and you'll be fine....except when you aren't. So American, comrade. Perhaps, since you likely live where you have no rights, you don't understand them. If you don't exercise your rights, you don't have any.

This isn't the narrative because it's not the norm, and even if it was, that's besides the point. The daily violations and murders of unarmed, mostly black men, is the point you wish to ignore. Pablo Escobar was a nice guy if you did what he said, were polite and compliant, and never hinted at crossing him. He's not a good guy or good apple, he was a violent criminal thug...just like police.

When Trump called for the death penalty for the innocent Central Park 5, were all those times they didn't rape women (including the time they were falsely accused) the point, or was the singular, false accusation about the one time they did rape someone his only point? Hint-it's the second one.

Edit : Now, are you ever going to produce these "known instances" of massive democratic voter fraud, or can you admit that was just one more thing you made up? It's not going away, I plan on asking until you have the testicular fortitude to answer.

bobknight33 said:


Sorry NEWT no brother was harmed. Nothing to see here. I realize ALL you post is bad cop vids because of your derange mind is to intolerant to accept that not all cops are bad.

Take solace newt, you will find something to bitch about this.

This is the example of the social compact between society and its law enforcement.

Funny when one is cordial, open dialog, legal, and complies with request form officers things go pretty well.

However this is NOT the narrative that FAKE news pushes day in day out, sowing the seeds of discontent just for the up coming election. If Dems win then race issue pushed to the back burner again.

Journalist Finds 300+ Incidents Of Press Abuse In 2 Weeks

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