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Pilot has close call with a train

TheFreak says...

Pilot injuries sustained during the police beating following the rescue.

newtboy said:

They literally had 4 seconds to spare. When, exactly, should they have tried to find a chain, attach it, attach a tow vehicle, and hope it works? And also just hope it doesn’t kill the pilot itself?
I’m rarely one to pat police on the back, but they seem to have done everything right to save the pilot at great personal risk to themselves….in other words, they actually did their job this time.

officer Izzo-a message and a plea to the public

enoch says...

i think you are being a tad over-zealous in your commentary.
now you know i agree with you on pretty much all aspects of police:brutality,malfeasance,hubris,fascism etc etc..

but we both realize that for the majority of police officers it is a job,and one they take seriously.statistically this is just a plain fact.

so i am struggling to understand your rage induced commentary directed toward a cop who is simply saying "please,comply".

that is pretty sound advice when dealing with an agent of the state who is not only authorized to use physical force,but carries a gun.

i found his advice pretty non-controversial.

your obvious points non-withstanding,because your points are accurate and have caused incredible misery,but his advice is also just as sound,and if it could deter even just one police beating.wouldn't that be worth it?

i am telling ya man,izzo is a pretty straight up guy for a cop,and he addresses pretty much every point you brought up on his channel.i know some of those points he makes you will disagree with,because i disagreed,but this man will surprise you on a bunch of points.i know he surprised me.

here is a video of him talking about his impending termination.he knew it was coming because he exposed corruption in his precinct:
*edit:i should post this video next round,give it a watch newt.

he has one video where he talks about quotas,and the reason why they are supposedly "non-existent".they do not call them quotas,but they are penalized if they give out too many warnings,or write a lower cost infraction.

trust me man,put aside your cop hate and check this dude can still disagree,but he does give a solid representation of a cops perspective.

Stop Resisting

In Soviet US, observing protestors is illegal!

criticalthud says...

while i think the "evil" lurks in the concept of political parties (divide and conquer), you are much more likely to see a republican cheering on a police beating, a lynching, MMA, Nascar, or an invasion by the US Military.

Frausty said:

Posted by blankfist "...along with a contingent of Republican staffers getting off watching the real life police porn."

Seriously? Are republicans some sort of evil demon now? Pretty sure most people on both ends of the political spectrum find police brutality abhorrent - and that this police stoically doing their job resembles in no way brutality.

Car disintegrates.

Porksandwich says...

As I think it's relevant to the discussion and it was left as a little quasi threat on my profile.

In reply to this comment by BoneRemake:
Disagree with what ? your intent or interpretation of the events in the video are completely void because of this statement " Our definition of "snuff" does include but is not exclusive to any short clip in which a human fatality occurs whether or not any victims are actually visible on camera. ?

Is clearly is in violation of the posted rules. I'd make a big stink about it if it was 2 pm and not 2 am. I'll do it in the morning

Please do make a big stink, this site has a lot of rules that don't get enforced until someone gets a bug up their ass about it. And without enforcement whose to know what videos are allowed or not when my video CLOSELY resembles some of the videos I've linked below. And I'll say right now that you putting extra tags on my video was in poor taste and mocks the events of the video. I don't think you are the right person to be making judgements on my videos when you can mock the video with those tags.

These are the videos I found in the first 20 pages of the "death" channel. - Has a short intro screen and a exit screen. No news coverage, no documentary claims. It would fall under your rule, yet it's been voted very high up there and no one complained. - This video was taken down by youtube because it showed a guy dieing in it. The comments on THIS SITE even reflect it. No one ever questioned it. - I can't confirm those men on the ground are dieing or dead. It shows corpses, wounds and all being defiled for ENTERTAINMENT of the troops. I'd classify this as snuff. - Shows a building where 100+ people died. - Shows the tv footage of a car crash where the driver died. No informative news network or documentary. Snuff. - Shows a plane crash, no news or documentary. Snuff. - Shows footage of WTC where we know people were dieing inside. We can't see them dieing, but that rule still applies. Snuff. - Police office shoots a man to death. Snuff. Stage collapses people die. Snuff. - Police kill a guy on film. Snuff. - I didn't watch this one all the way through. Video Submitter claims death occurs in it. Could be animal, could be people. You watch it and decide if it's snuff...I saw some animals attacking people but never saw the outcome to tell if they were dead or not.

Occupy Oakland: Iraq war veteran beaten by police

Occupy Oakland - Flashbangs USED on protesters OPD LIES

MonkeySpank says...

As soon as I saw the words "Tea Party" I stopped reading; I am not sure what your argument is about, but I am sure it's dumb on general principle.

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

Now - let's turn back the clock a year and say that this was a Tea Party rally that started throwing rocks at cops, tearing up a public place, and otherwise behaving like a bunch of vandals. The cops tear gas up the joint and disperse them. Would anyone on the Sift have cared. Highly unlikely. In fact, I suspect that prog-libs all over the nation would have cheered as cops took the nightsticks to Tea Party members, and we'd have had all kinds of commentary from leftists about how the Tea party was dangerous, needed to be slapped down, or otherwise removed from the public discourse.
Ah - what a difference it makes when it is prog-libs on the other end of the truncheon.
I've seen the vids. These OWS losers were rioting. They deserved everything they got. No sympathy here. The Tea party has never engaged in these kinds of shenanigans, and if they had then they'd have deserved a few police beatings as well. If you are 'protesting' something and can't make your point peacefully, then you don't have much of a point. If you decide that your point can't be made peacefully, then openly declare your intention to instigate violence and mayhem so people can judge you properly. If you can't (or won't) honestly portray yourself, then you're just a coward who wants to cause trouble hiding in a crowd.

Occupy Oakland - Flashbangs USED on protesters OPD LIES

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

Now - let's turn back the clock a year and say that this was a Tea Party rally that started throwing rocks at cops, tearing up a public place, and otherwise behaving like a bunch of vandals. The cops tear gas up the joint and disperse them. Would anyone on the Sift have cared. Highly unlikely. In fact, I suspect that prog-libs all over the nation would have cheered as cops took the nightsticks to Tea Party members, and we'd have had all kinds of commentary from leftists about how the Tea party was dangerous, needed to be slapped down, or otherwise removed from the public discourse.

Ah - what a difference it makes when it is prog-libs on the other end of the truncheon.

I've seen the vids. These OWS losers were rioting. They deserved everything they got. No sympathy here. The Tea party has never engaged in these kinds of shenanigans, and if they had then they'd have deserved a few police beatings as well. If you are 'protesting' something and can't make your point peacefully, then you don't have much of a point. If you decide that your point can't be made peacefully, then openly declare your intention to instigate violence and mayhem so people can judge you properly. If you can't (or won't) honestly portray yourself, then you're just a coward who wants to cause trouble hiding in a crowd.

Police Brutality in Spain

Police Brutality in Spain

dannym3141 says...

>> ^lantern53:

Police beating rioters.
Seems like a fair trade, I mean, you go out and set fires and destroy buildings, overturn cars, commit mayhem and murder, and you expect the police to say, c'along then, you're under arrest?
You outnumber the cops. Let's make it interesting and call it a fair trade.

Fiver to the first one to spot a rioter in this video.

Police Brutality in Spain

Engels says...

>> ^lantern53:

Police beating rioters.
Seems like a fair trade, I mean, you go out and set fires and destroy buildings, overturn cars, commit mayhem and murder, and you expect the police to say, c'along then, you're under arrest?
You outnumber the cops. Let's make it interesting and call it a fair trade.

What rioters? There were protests, but I'm not reading any reports of fires or destroyed property. I know they're all Yerp-peans, but I think you're a bit behind on events.

Police Brutality in Spain

lantern53 says...

Police beating rioters.

Seems like a fair trade, I mean, you go out and set fires and destroy buildings, overturn cars, commit mayhem and murder, and you expect the police to say, c'along then, you're under arrest?

You outnumber the cops. Let's make it interesting and call it a fair trade.

Police beat a man dead... again...

Lawdeedaw says...

Thank you for the apology Boise_Lib--it's more than I could ask from most. It shows a high level of maturity; one of the highest in fact.

Many think I am an apologist because I take a centered perspective. I too have had a bad experience with a dick, I mean, a cop... He doesn't deserve to be a cop.

I was surrounded by a mob of angry people and he knew I would be--so he left before they arrived... He was pissed at where I worked, apparently. Point is, I could have been killed.

My wife called the main station and told them nicely that she would "sue their ever-lovin fucking asses off." Suffice to say, like hornets, four cruisers pulled up in two minutes and without violence broke everything up.

I was also drawn upon with a gun for a misunderstanding. By the end--I talked him down, made him laugh, and got out of a ticket for nearly slamming into his cruiser It's all in the words we use with the individuals we use them on. If I had talked to him like he was my enemy, I would have wound up in jail.

But despite the bad experience with the fuck-tard cop, I cannot hate--even if I wish too. It's not in me. I leave that for the Christians, Muslims, gay-bashers, and racists (Naming a few.) I don't imply that you have hatred that rivals their's Boise, that is not true at all. I do note that hatred spreads through society like a cancer. It causes the Us versus Them mentality. That is why the Left and Right hate each other. Why one Nation hates another Nation. Why a Skin Color hates a different Skin color. One may be more responsible than the other, but both sides are not helping the matter.

Again, I am glad for the apology.

>> ^Boise_Lib:
I believe I owe you an apology Lawdeedaw.
From previous comments I took you for a knee-jerk law enforcement apologist.
I see now that I was wrong. Sometimes people rush to judgement of police officers; I know I have because of previous, personal encounters with bad cops. I've been beaten and have personally witnessed--twice--cops take the oath and lie on the stand in court.
Just goes to show the maxim, "Innocent until proven guilty" should be adhered to in all cases.
But, the apparent inability of our justice system to hold cops accountable to the law just sets us up for total mistrust of police officers--some of whom are good hard working people (NOT these guys). If the cover-ups would stop, and cops were held to a higher standard, that would just go away.

Las Vegas Police Beating Caught On Tape

newtboy says...

It's like Jimbo shouting "they're coming right for us" before he and Ned take out the bunny with their bazooka. Perfectly reasonable.
>> ^csnel3:
"Stop Resisting! Stop Resisting! Stop Resisting!". This part of their act is getting creepier every time I hear it. They seem to yell it louder if the person is not resisting at all. Are they taught they can do anything the want as long as they yell "Stop Resisting"?
Is it a legal disclaimer they are taught to use if a video camera is present? I really want the truth about the training the police receive, and not just the manuals, but the verbal advice also.

Las Vegas Police Beating Caught On Tape

Ryjkyj says...

astr0, MrFisk and MarineGunrock are absolutely right. Anyone who is being beaten by an authority figure for acting within their legal rights, and then cries out are such pussies. Forget about the fact that you can totally hear the pepper spray.

Cops totally have the right to put their hands on you any time they want, and if you are afraid when they do it, then it's like "two for flinching", and they are totally exonerated. Especially if it doesn't make a loud noise. When I beat my six month old son, sometimes my wife can't hear it in the other room. So if he cries out in pain, I usually give him an extra shot in the testicles, because he's such a whiny little bitch.

But don't worry. You can't actually "hear it" when I do it. So it's fine.

I'm really glad that there are people like astr0 and MrFisk and MarineGunrock in the world. Otherwise, we would be ruled by a bunch of people who cry when you invade their personal space while wearing a gun, pepper spray, a large composite bludgeon designed for cracking bone, and handcuffs to make sure you can't fight back while being violated and stripped of your personal rights. What a bunch of little bitches they all are.

Here's a question that MarineGunrock and MrFisk and astr0 might be able to answer. Sometimes, I'll pick a girl up in a bar. Then, after I drug her, take her back to my garage, tie her up, and show her my collection of boning knives, she screams like a little bitch. Now here's my question: what could possibly set her off like that? I mean, it's not like you can hear anything happening to her. WTF? Right?

Remember, here in America, it's not assault if you just force someone to the ground and break their camera. You actually have to make a noise while doing it. And that holds doubly true if they are screaming.>> ^MarineGunrock:

I'm honestly surprised they didn't delete the footage. Also, why he was screaming like a little bitch? I didn't hear st striking or the click of a taser. Pain compliance, maybe?

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