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Ron Paul on Fema and Hurricane Irene

quantumushroom says...

There is no need for incivility. It's fair to call a national figure a dumbass--being in the spotlight invites criticism--but not other sifters. kofi is not out of line. If your facts hold water you don't need the insults.

>> ^BansheeX:

>> ^longde:
Ron Paul is a filthy fucking statist. Below are some of his relevant 2009 budget requests (still looking for his 2010 and 2011 earmark requests):

Subcommittee on Homeland Security:
• $8.8 million for FEMA for drainage at Cove Harbor in Aransas County
• $2.2 million for FEMA to reconfigure and stabilize Capano Causeway Pier
• $500,000 for FEMA for Aransas County drainage master plan
• $35 million for FEMA for drainage in Friendswood
• $10 million for FEMA for drainage project for Friendswood/Clear Creek
• $10 million for FEMA for drainage project for Friendswood/Clear Creek
• $5 million for FEMA to recycle household hazardous waste in Friendswood

You're a dumbass. RP has always voted against the appropriation. Earmarks are 1% of the budget...

Ron Paul on Fema and Hurricane Irene

BansheeX says...

>> ^longde:

Ron Paul is a filthy fucking statist. Below are some of his relevant 2009 budget requests (still looking for his 2010 and 2011 earmark requests):

Subcommittee on Homeland Security:
• $8.8 million for FEMA for drainage at Cove Harbor in Aransas County
• $2.2 million for FEMA to reconfigure and stabilize Capano Causeway Pier
• $500,000 for FEMA for Aransas County drainage master plan
• $35 million for FEMA for drainage in Friendswood
• $10 million for FEMA for drainage project for Friendswood/Clear Creek
• $10 million for FEMA for drainage project for Friendswood/Clear Creek
• $5 million for FEMA to recycle household hazardous waste in Friendswood

You're a dumbass. RP has always voted against the appropriation. Earmarks are 1% of the budget, that any funds get back to his district after they're taken means it doesn't go to the general fund to be spent on some bullshit embassy or something. It's like taking a tax credit despite being against the income tax: it's not hypocritical, it's salvaging what you can should you fail to stop appropriation. Oh, and earmarks actually tell you what the spending is for, whereas the Fed issues trillions in new money and doesn't have to tell you where it went. Maybe you should hang around smarter message boards so you don't fall for every half-brained argument you see.

Ron Paul on Fema and Hurricane Irene

longde says...

Ron Paul is a filthy fucking statist. Below are some of his relevant 2009 budget requests (still looking for his 2010 and 2011 earmark requests):

Subcommittee on Homeland Security:

• $8.8 million for FEMA for drainage at Cove Harbor in Aransas County

• $2.2 million for FEMA to reconfigure and stabilize Capano Causeway Pier

• $500,000 for FEMA for Aransas County drainage master plan

• $35 million for FEMA for drainage in Friendswood

• $10 million for FEMA for drainage project for Friendswood/Clear Creek

• $10 million for FEMA for drainage project for Friendswood/Clear Creek

• $5 million for FEMA to recycle household hazardous waste in Friendswood

O'Donnell called out on her homophobia, bails interview

dannym3141 says...

Piers Morgan has always been a bit (well, a lot) of a cock. However, he fits situations like this COMPLETELY. If someone asked me to think of a better english man to go over and expose the utter idiocy in american politics, i couldn't think of one, he's just right. He played this brilliantly.

O'Donnell called out on her homophobia, bails interview

brycewi19 says...

Piers, why in the world would you then promote her book after she just ditched out on the interview?

I don't think you have the responsibility any longer to hold it up to the camera and give her any further publicity.

Up to that point I didn't know what the title of her book was. And I preferred it that way!

O'Donnell called out on her homophobia, bails interview

blahpook says...

The Fine Art of Walking Out
"A former Senate candidate in the second-smallest state in the country talking to a CNN host who's losing in the ratings to Sean Hannity and Rachel Maddow and sometimes Dr. Drew wasn't going to create a huge splash — absent that walk-out.... It's hard to imagine that anything could have happened to Piers Morgan more fabulous than being walked out on by Christine O'Donnell."

Ron Paul Interview With Piers Morgan

Video Embedding of Duplicates (Sift Talk Post)

Bill Maher on Casey Anthony, Bachmann and Atheism

Bill Maher on Casey Anthony, Bachmann and Atheism

Group of volunteers hang 50 illegal swings in Los Angeles

Russell Brand Stream of Consciousness

alien_concept says...

>> ^kymbos:

I came here today to reconfirm my comfortable disdain for Brand.
Instead, I quite enjoyed that. Don't tell AC.

I think it is time I posted his interview with Piers Cunt-Morgan and see if I can avoid a downvote then

Black Comedian/Cultural Critic Responds to Trump's Racism

Xaielao says...

Don't worry Baratunde, in the media and to the rest of America, Trump has gone from this odd eccentric rich guy who says crazy shit to get ratings to an absolute tool. He is laughed at by the press and his credibility and the respect of his piers has become nil.

In the racial overtones of the entire thing, I do agree and every single prominent republican who supported birtherism if even with such simple words 'I take him at his word' will not only suffer in their next elections but also in the respect of their fellow Americans. For today there isn't a single person in the country who doesn't know that at its heart, racism has reared its ugly head and far to many a man and women in public office all but put their stamp of approval upon it.

That said I believe the heart of this entire debacle isn't racism, but rather that Republicans are frightened. Their consistences are frightened. The future is bleak for the republican party as their base continues to shrink and the number of those who vote democratically continues to rise. This isn't the end of this issue and if Barack Obama is reelected, something similar will certainly appear again. Just remember that the republicans can be blamed only so far as their fear will drive them to irrationality.

levels of consciousness-spiral dynamics & bi-polar disorder

chipunderwood says...

Goldacre's book is a great read-All the Bi-polar folks I know that I can still stand, self-medicate. They get harder to stand the more they ascribe or succumb to the ramblings of their not-so-affected piers-friends and family usually.
Enochs' on to something, Know Thyself.

Horse serenade ends unexpectedly

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