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EndAll (Member Profile)

Unreal rappin' and pen tappin' in South Philly classroom

EndAll (Member Profile)

blankfist (Member Profile)

Racism in 2009: Black Kids Kicked Out Of Philly Pool

Hawkinson says...

>> ^ElessarJD:
While it was certainly a shitty thing to do, don't kid yourself into thinking that a group of white kids going to a predominantly black pool would be welcomed with open arms either. The stereotyping and paranoia goes both ways.

it may go both ways, but not with the same consequences. That's like saying a kid getting beat by his parents is less a victim because he/she is being disrespectful (and the beating is a form of mutual disrespect).

and I'm tired of the "white person in a black neighborhood" crap for the same reason. a young white person may expect to be accosted in a black neighborhood (which may be a bullshit assumption, especially since the whitest girl at work just went on a Roscoe's run), but a young black person expects to be accosted by police at ANY moment they are out in public (which is somewhat more justified, because young black people are in public more often that young white people are in black neighborhoods, so their is plenty of evidence, including personal experience, that you will get patted down for being brown).

please substitute the ethnic/cultural/religious sectarianism of your choice in the above paragraph.

Racism in 2009: Black Kids Kicked Out Of Philly Pool

Yogi says...

>> ^ElessarJD:
While it was certainly a shitty thing to do, don't kid yourself into thinking that a group of white kids going to a predominantly black pool would be welcomed with open arms either. The stereotyping and paranoia goes both ways.

Yeah, no. Look I know you're trying to be "Fair" but you just sound like an idiot. Stereotyping and paranoia may indeed go both ways, but that's not an assumption to operate on. You don't make excuses for racism, you don't try to water it down, you don't make baseless assumptions. You see racism and you act accordingly, you try to tear it down, or you stand by and make excuses for it.

Racism in 2009: Black Kids Kicked Out Of Philly Pool

Raaagh says...

>> ^Hawkinson:
hold on, its a private club, right? My private property isn't open to the public either, I have a strict "no leprechauns" policy.
It's important to recognize the difference between private and public spaces, we certainly get enough "police violating peoples rights" videos to know that your lawn is your lawn, and you can do whatever the hell you want on it. Being an asshole is not against the law.

Its not illegal...neither is bailing out banks billions in debt, whilst their CEOs take multi-million pay packets.

Its not illegal, but its wrong; what exactly is so hard to understand?

Racism in 2009: Black Kids Kicked Out Of Philly Pool

Hawkinson says...

>> ^Skeeve:
>> ^Hawkinson:
hold on, its a private club, right? My private property isn't open to the public either, I have a strict "no leprechauns" policy.
It's important to recognize the difference between private and public spaces, we certainly get enough "police violating peoples rights" videos to know that your lawn is your lawn, and you can do whatever the hell you want on it. Being an asshole is not against the law.

It's not against the law to be an asshole, no. But when a group pays $1900 to swim in your pool and you kick them out you are being a major douche bag, whatever reason you choose to give.

That was my point. I didn't give a reason for their behavior, how about this: they are racists. Being racist is not against the law. I'm not clear on the point of this video, or why it is news worthy? Did they say the money wasn't returned and there is a lawsuit pending? Do they use public money? Are they associated with anything wholesome/political? I need something like that to sink my teeth into, otherwise it's just clucking my tongue at my intolerant neighbors.

Racism in 2009: Black Kids Kicked Out Of Philly Pool

Skeeve says...

>> ^Hawkinson:
hold on, its a private club, right? My private property isn't open to the public either, I have a strict "no leprechauns" policy.
It's important to recognize the difference between private and public spaces, we certainly get enough "police violating peoples rights" videos to know that your lawn is your lawn, and you can do whatever the hell you want on it. Being an asshole is not against the law.

It's not against the law to be an asshole, no. But when a group pays $1900 to swim in your pool and you kick them out you are being a major douche bag, whatever reason you choose to give.

Racism in 2009: Black Kids Kicked Out Of Philly Pool

enoch says...

this was in Philly?
thats not exactly the whitest city,nor did that pool complex seem all that exclusive.
somebody better get the message to Philly residents quickly,
drinking the water may cause extreme and uncontrollable douchebagginess!!

Louis Theroux - Law And Disorder in Philadelphia

Danny Devito Drunk at 8am, again

No Biggie. :) (Blog Entry by laura)

How To Build A "Perpetual Energy" Light Bulb (Not really!)

I need the power of friends of the internets! (Hiphop Talk Post)

RhesusMonk says...

This beat is a Dr. Dre beat (which is really surprising cuz it sounds authentically like a mid 90s NYC or Philly beat) produced in '06 for the above mentioned Jay-Z track "Lost One." No luck on finding the lyricist, though.

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