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17 Year Old Kid is Tazed at Phillies Game.

17 Year Old Kid is Tazed at Phillies Game.

Yogi says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:

I would have just let him run around until he was tired.

That might cut into commercial time, that'll upset the corporations. Plus what if you get a KENYAN one day...say goodnight for the next 4 and a half hours.

Huge Lake Trout Catch

choggie says...

Gloves? Naw man, if you have a tent pitched on lake Superior, boring holes in ice...yer into the cold like Philly's into cheese steaks-

Bonereamer?? Maybe you should start at a stock pond??

Guide to Asian Emoticons

25 Random things about me... (Blog Entry by youdiejoe)

enoch says...

oh fuck it.
i'll throw in also:
1.grew up with an irrational fear of men and authority due to my father being extremely strict.yet he remains one of the most amazing people i have ever life has been less since his passing. high school i was always the guy who protected the weaker from bullies and got in a lot of trouble doing but i dont regret any of that.
3.did so much blotter acid in high school that i am now strichnine(sp?) sensitive and now it just turns me into one big cramp.
4.did a tour in the navy and had the bright idea to get a free lift to spain upon discharge.couldnt find any work yet still stayed and spent all my money,had to panhandle in the airport to get the money to get back to the states.
5.while i am fantastic at starting projects i rarely finish them.dropped out of college three times and left seminary school after less then a month.though i did get my propulsion engineering degree it was from the navy,dont think that counts and i hate math.
6.while i am not the prettiest man i have always been able to date far above my league.dated 2 porn stars and quite a few you men here may have seen in your favorite nudey mag. my 20's i traveled around DJ'in for titty bars,and yes,i dated many of them also.
8.started writing poetry,bad poetry, when i was 7.i still think my poetry is bad.
9.was raised episcopalian but left the church at 14 when father ryan could not answer my questions in any sunbstansive way. my late 20's i married a beautiful abusive woman who would burn the bottoms of my feet so i would not fall asleep while she was screaming at me in a drunken blackout.i withstood this abuse for 3 years,which was constant,until i decided enough was enough and walked out leaving her everything.until this moment i had never realized just how passive aggressive and fearful i actually was.i actually give her credit for freeing me. my early 30's some friends introduced me to exstasy.while the drug was not something i indulged in for long i fell in love with the whole scene and traveled the raves for about 3 years and every now again i will participate but the things i saw and learned live with me still.
12,took a road trip with some friends from chicago(where i was living at the time)to san diego.after a drug induced crazy weekend they left me in a pool of my own vomit and went back to chicago.needless to say we are no longer friends,but san diego was nice,so i stayed awhile.
13.did a midnight move out when i lived in lauderdale,left everything.on the drive to tampa the rotor arm in my car snapped in alligator alley.i left it and signed the title over to a clerk at a chevron in naples because she said her car was dead.3 dollar part would have fixed my car.
14.hitch-hiked from providence to phillie with my best friend from childhood.think we were 16.the trip took us almost a week and we dropped between us 33 hits of acid.that was fun calling your dad to tell him you are in phillie and not to worry while tripping balls.
15.stole a car in my teens to save my friends girlfriend from her crazy ex boyfriend.we didnt even have our licenses yet. is everything to me.i am not a purist nor an elitist.if it speaks to me and my mood at the time i will love it.
17.i can be argumentative just for the sake of being contrary.i may even agree with your point but will interject a contrary view just to better understand the subject.
18.have no patience for egotistical lazy thinkers and respond accordingly.
19.over the years i have come to realize that the more i think i am understanding something the larger my ignorance seems to grow.this is frustrating as it is exciting.
20.while i do not subscribe to a fact i am vehemently anti-religious.i am a man of faith.closest definition would be gnostic-christian but i also subscribe to kabballah.
21.i consume far too much media and many times do not give a proper alottment of time to process all that information due to my adult a.d.d.
22.i have found teaching to be my hidden passion and hope for an opportunity soon to practice that passion once again.
23.i live by a code of :honesty,open-ness and respect.i am rarely offended because i never let anyone dictate how i should feel about myself.
24.i am most likely the most opinionated person you know but i always listen to what you have to say.
25.i dont regret anything that i have done,seen or experienced because i would not be who i am today.

i find the people on the sift fascinating.

One Warm Line: The Legacy of Stan Rogers

erlking says...

Stan's music runs like a thread through my life. I just missed him at the Philly Folk Festival. I have sung his songs around campfires and in bars from Galway to San Francisco. My daughter learned the lyrics to The Mary Ellen Carter along with her Mother Goose rhymes. Finding this artifact of Stan's life was a real treat. I'm glad it's here.

Dan Savage on progressing public thought on gay marriage

Unreal rappin' and pen tappin' in South Philly classroom

Unreal rappin' and pen tappin' in South Philly classroom

Unreal rappin' and pen tappin' in South Philly classroom

Unreal rappin' and pen tappin' in South Philly classroom

Unreal rappin' and pen tappin' in South Philly classroom

Unreal rappin' and pen tappin' in South Philly classroom

blankfist (Member Profile)

Unreal rappin' and pen tappin' in South Philly classroom

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