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17 Year Old Kid is Tazed at Phillies Game.

17 Year Old Kid is Tazed at Phillies Game.

17 Year Old Kid is Tazed at Phillies Game.

rottenseed says...

>> ^arekin:

I love how we as the videosift community will regularly laugh at people getting hurt while doing stupid things that they know can get them hurt but the instant an officer is involved and acting within the limits we assign to them its no longer funny and we have to take offence that the cop did anything at all. The kid broke the law, it was obvious that he was in better shape than his pursuers, rather than let him continue to interrupt the game the officer did what I feel is the right course of action and used non-deadly force to restrain a suspect fleeing police custody.
Kid had it coming and his fall was damn funny.

If he shot HIMSELF with the taser, that'd be funny. If he elected to be shot by a taser, that'd be funny. What he did do was elected to run around and possibly be tackled by security, like EVERYBODY. That's the price you pay. That's the adrenaline rush he wanted to capture. He had no idea, that anybody would use a taser, because it's extreme, and it's just not the right way to handle the situation.

17 Year Old Kid is Tazed at Phillies Game.

ponceleon says...

>> ^arekin:

I love how we as the videosift community will regularly laugh at people getting hurt while doing stupid things that they know can get them hurt but the instant an officer is involved and acting within the limits we assign to them its no longer funny and we have to take offence that the cop did anything at all. The kid broke the law, it was obvious that he was in better shape than his pursuers, rather than let him continue to interrupt the game the officer did what I feel is the right course of action and used non-deadly force to restrain a suspect fleeing police custody.
Kid had it coming and his fall was damn funny.

I gotta say, since when has the tazer become the lightning-rod (no pun intended) it is these days. Are the statistics of people actually dieing from them any more than people dying while hand-cuffed (I'm asking, I don't know). Frankly, I feel like the media has blown tazers kind of out of proportion.

Don't get me wrong, when someone who DOESN'T deserve it gets tazered, I'm right there with you complaining about the assholes that abuse their power... this idiot? Taze him bro.

17 Year Old Kid is Tazed at Phillies Game.

Sigh says...

While I agree with the cheese steak comment, I have to choose your first option. Between hanging a dalass cowboys fan over the upper deck, throwing snowballs at Santa, D-sized batteries at JD Drew (again at a Phillies game) distractions in a game are fine by most of us. You may have great fans up there in Toronto, but they are not Philly fans. So yes, people do enjoy the baseball, but they also enjoy the shenanigans that seem to encompass going to a sporting event in Philadelphia.

If some kid wants to run around on a field to eventually get tazed down by some pathetic fat fuck of a cop, I'll cheer for the kid, just like the fans in the video. He wasted a few minutes of the game to give people extra enjoyment, at great cost to himself. The fines you get for these acts are not cheap. Most times the kid tires out or runs off the field himself, the game continues. Apparently the fat fuck of a rent-a-cop didn't get that memo. This wouldn't even make the news most night except of the idiot cop.

I don't know about a magical telepathic connection, but I do know there's an etiquette surrounding these events. I bet that rent-a-cop doesn't work another sporting event here for his own safety. I'd explain fan loyalty to you, but obviously it wouldn't stick to a Blue Jays fan.

>> ^Shepppard:

>> ^Sigh:
"In my opinion, this was somewhat deserved anyway. If I were at a Jays game and some dumb kid started to run on the field and disrupt the game, I'd be upset. Maybe this'll serve as a type of warning to other idiots thinking about doing the same thing."
You know nothing of us Philadelphia fans, and if you are one you should be ashamed for your idiotic remarks.

Fine, fixed it for you with my own team. What's the fucking difference? I paid to see a baseball game, not some young kid showboating. I have been to a phillys game when I was down in Philadelphia, the people around me seemed to enjoy the actual baseball too.
Is there some kind of magical telepathic connection that everybody gets once they're a phillys fan that makes it so they all prefer to see some idiot on the field then watch the game? Or are they just the same kinds of fans that the rest of the baseball teams have except with really fucking good cheesesteaks in their stadium.
my vote is on the latter.

17 Year Old Kid is Tazed at Phillies Game.

Shepppard says...

>> ^Sigh:

"In my opinion, this was somewhat deserved anyway. If I were at a Jays game and some dumb kid started to run on the field and disrupt the game, I'd be upset. Maybe this'll serve as a type of warning to other idiots thinking about doing the same thing."
You know nothing of us Philadelphia fans, and if you are one you should be ashamed for your idiotic remarks.

Fine, fixed it for you with my own team. What's the fucking difference? I paid to see a baseball game, not some young kid showboating. I have been to a phillys game when I was down in Philadelphia, the people around me seemed to enjoy the actual baseball too.

Is there some kind of magical telepathic connection that everybody gets once they're a phillys fan that makes it so they all prefer to see some idiot on the field then watch the game? Or are they just the same kinds of fans that the rest of the baseball teams have except with really fucking good cheesesteaks in their stadium.

my vote is on the latter.

17 Year Old Kid is Tazed at Phillies Game.

MarineGunrock says...

>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

^A tazer is a weapon. It can leave scaring and in rare cases cause death. It is the means to stop a criminal that is not as certain to cause death, and as such should be used sparingly. Many people I know that have undergone the tazer certification say they would rather be shot.
Moreover, this was just some stupid 17 year old running around on the field. Yes, he was being a disruption and should of been dealt with. But using a weapon on someone who is unarmed and not a physical threat is senseless violence.

You've GOT to be kidding me.
Rather be shot than tazed?

let's weigh the options:
Tazed: Intense, searing pain that lasts for 5 seconds and is immediately over, with a negligible chance of complications, OR
Gunshot: Intense, searing pain that lasts for many days, weeks, and possibly months, massive blood loss, obliterated tissue, reduced mobility and function, months of rehabilitation and possible loss organs or limb or death.

Either they're complete idiots, or they were joking.

17 Year Old Kid is Tazed at Phillies Game.

17 Year Old Kid is Tazed at Phillies Game.

cybrbeast says...

It's the fucking quote system, which still bugs very often, at least for me.
>> ^Dignant_Pink:

<em>>> <a rel="nofollow" href=''>^NordlichReiter</a>:<br />
The fat fuck resorted to a weapon that has a reputation of killing victims, by way of causing cardiac arrest; when the perp. showed no physical threat. <br> <br> Cops who cannot chase a suspect down do not need to be in that line of work. Lazy asses.<br> <br> The shit in this video should not be protected policy; it engenders lazy ass cops and opens the door for abuse of power.<br> <br> Oh shit, cops already abuse their power. <br> <br> <blockquote><br> Because power corrupts, society's demands for moral authority and character increase as the importance of the position increases. <br> John Adams<br> <blockquote></blockquote></blockquote><br><br><br><div><div style="margin: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 80%; float: left; position: relative;" class="convoPiece"><a rel="nofollow" href="" rel="nofollow"> fjules said</a>:<a rel="nofollow" href=""><img style="margin: 4px 10px 10px; float: left; width: 40px;" src="" onerror="ph(this)"></a><div style="position: absolute; margin-left: 52px; padding-top: 1px; font-size: 10px;" class="commentarrow">◄</div><div style="padding: 8px; margin-left: 60px; margin-top: 2px; min-height: 30px;" class="nestedComment box">"Coward cop". The cop was just doing his job. Why did the retard decide it's a good idea to disrupt the game? He got what was coming.<br></div></div></div></em>
since when do tasers kill people? i understand that they have, but it's not like someone pulls out a taser and the first thought is "oh no, someone's gonna die." people get hit with tasers all the time. if people died of cardiac arrest, it's because they had a pre-existing condition.
[edit] wtfff?

17 Year Old Kid is Tazed at Phillies Game.

Sigh says...

"In my opinion, this was somewhat deserved anyway. If I were at that phillys game and some dumb kid started to run on the field and disrupt the game, I'd be upset. Maybe this'll serve as a type of warning to other idiots thinking about doing the same thing."

You know nothing of us Philadelphia fans, and if you are one you should be ashamed for your idiotic remarks.

17 Year Old Kid is Tazed at Phillies Game.

Dignant_Pink says...

>> ^NordlichReiter:

The fat fuck resorted to a weapon that has a reputation of killing victims, by way of causing cardiac arrest; when the perp. showed no physical threat.
Cops who cannot chase a suspect down do not need to be in that line of work. Lazy asses.
The shit in this video should not be protected policy; it engenders lazy ass cops and opens the door for abuse of power.
Oh shit, cops already abuse their power.

Because power corrupts, society's demands for moral authority and character increase as the importance of the position increases.
John Adams

<div><div style="margin: 10px; overflow: auto; width: 80%; float: left; position: relative;" class="convoPiece"> fjules said:<img style="margin: 4px 10px 10px; float: left; width: 40px;" src="" onerror="ph(this)"><div style="position: absolute; margin-left: 52px; padding-top: 1px; font-size: 10px;" class="commentarrow">◄</div><div style="padding: 8px; margin-left: 60px; margin-top: 2px; min-height: 30px;" class="nestedComment box">"Coward cop". The cop was just doing his job. Why did the retard decide it's a good idea to disrupt the game? He got what was coming.

since when do tasers kill people? i understand that they have, but it's not like someone pulls out a taser and the first thought is "oh no, someone's gonna die." people get hit with tasers all the time. if people died of cardiac arrest, it's because they had a pre-existing condition.

[edit] wtfff?

therealblankman (Member Profile)

17 Year Old Kid is Tazed at Phillies Game.

NordlichReiter says...

>> ^fjules:

"Coward cop". The cop was just doing his job. Why did the retard decide it's a good idea to disrupt the game? He got what was coming.

The fat fuck resorted to a weapon that has a reputation of killing victims, by way of causing cardiac arrest; when the perp. showed no physical threat.

Cops who cannot chase a suspect down do not need to be in that line of work. Lazy asses.

The shit in this video should not be protected policy; it engenders lazy ass cops and opens the door for abuse of power.

Oh shit, cops already abuse their power.

Because power corrupts, society's demands for moral authority and character increase as the importance of the position increases.
John Adams

17 Year Old Kid is Tazed at Phillies Game.

deputydog says...

Seriously? You think I made it that far before hammering the downvote button?>> ^Shepppard:

Go ahead, I'm sure that last paragraph has made you want to downvote this comment, but I still stand by what I said. If there's no form of punishment for doing idiotic things, then what's to stop others from doing it consistantly.

17 Year Old Kid is Tazed at Phillies Game.

Shepppard says...

/sigh, another idiot teenager trying to.. what? what the hell is the point of running on the damn field in the first place.

It's not like it was spur of the moment, either, it was something the kid was planning on doing

"The mother of a teenager who ran onto the field at a Phillies game, where he was Tasered, is apologizing for her son's actions.

Amy Ziegler tells WTXF-TV that her 17-year-old son, Steve Consalvi, regrets running onto the field Monday night. She calls it a stupid thing to do.

The teen's father, Wayne Consalvi, tells The Philadelphia Inquirer that his son called him from the ballpark to tell him about the stunt. Wayne Consalvi says he told him not to do it.

The landing didn't look that hard to me, not much worse then if he had tripped, his arms went out to brace the impact and his leg was out until he was close the the ground, so he didn't exactly just tip over face first.

As for the issue at hand with the taser, in the context of the law, yeah. Should he have used it? who knows. I can't find anywhere showing how long he was on the field first, only that he was dodging field security guards until the cop started in, and once the cop started in 30 seconds until he was tased.

In my opinion, this was somewhat deserved anyway. If I were at that phillys game and some dumb kid started to run on the field and disrupt the game, I'd be upset. Maybe this'll serve as a type of warning to other idiots thinking about doing the same thing.

Go ahead, I'm sure that last paragraph has made you want to downvote this comment, but I still stand by what I said. If there's no form of punishment for doing idiotic things, then what's to stop others from doing it consistantly.

[edit] one last little thing, for the record, he wasn't unconscious for 30 seconds while he was down as that article seems to imply, after he was down they kept him down to remove the prongs and cuff him.

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