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The Long Game Part 1: Why Leonardo DaVinci was no genius

kulpims (Member Profile)

kulpims (Member Profile)

Slow page load times (Sift Talk Post)

lucky760 says...

It seems to happen intermittently, and we're fairly certain we've correctly narrowed it down to our db server, which has been flaky and the reason the sites gone down a handful of times in the past few weeks.

I've been doing my best to monitor the db server's activity to try picking up on something that might need fixing. Thus far I haven't come up with much, but i admittedly haven't had a ton of time to devote to it yet.

Thank you for your patience.

Sapphires Las Vegas

chicchorea says...

...ever repugnant, the putrid "little...choggie thing" slinking in the shadows to futilely attempt to assuage the pain of the emptiness of Its half existence seeking banality as an improvement.

Patience, "little...thing," the affirming attention you so desperately long for is nigh.

chingalera said:

↑Ever vigilant, the auto-programmed bansect on his daily rounds finds much satisfaction in cleaning the 'trash' from the sift...

Bilderberg Member "Double-Speaks" to Protestors

rbar says...

My respect for Samson has risen greatly since seeing this. The patience and calm of the man and willingness to answer even the most absurd of questions is amazing. This video says more about his questioners then it does about him or Bilderberg.

Daughter - Every Saturday For 3 Months

Audi Traffic Light Assistance

newtboy says...

Perhaps you're right and they thought of that...but also perhaps not.
I must admit, I had not taken it being only on Audi's into account.
For jmd: Where I live, in the boondocks of far N Cali., we still have timed lights, and at certain times of day they are timed to force you to stop at (at best) every other block unless you speed like a demon. In order to hit every light green, you would have to either drive double the limit, or less than 1/2. They do this as a speed control measure, even though the limit is 35mph on main street. All that said, I doubt these old style traffic lights would 'talk' to the cars computer, making the whole point moot.
When my car drives itself I'll be far more forgiving of poor drivers, because it will be the car dealing with their mistakes while I just read a book...I can't wait. Until then, I'm a victim of my own limited patience.
I recall in Houston the freeways have a MINIMUM speed limit of 45 (which is ridiculous to anyone who has ever driven in Houston traffic...but I digress). I think minimum limits are good ideas. I think moving violations for people driving slow in the fast/passing lane would do the most to increase the flow of traffic, but that's just me.

Quboid said:

I really don't think it would ever tell anyone to drive at 5MPH down main street. The people making this have probably given the system enough thought to take reasonable driving speeds into account.

I also doubt that a significant number of people would follow that sort of instruction. There are a lot of stupid and/or selfish drivers out there but not many who would inconvenience themselves in this manner. (By reputation, Audi drivers aren't often accused of driving too slowly.)

Aren't lights typically timed to help people make them at the speed limit, regardless of how busy the area is (as the speed limit is already accounting for this)? I'm certainly not going to condemn anyone for driving over the speed limit but if other drivers who do stick to the limit are a problem then you shouldn't be driving. Besides, we'll have to get used to keeping to the speed limits when our cars drive themselves.

Pete Holmes talks with Bill Burr

chingalera says...

Can't stand Holmes either, agree with your assessmen artician-Over-laughing, over-talking, his interruptions give me a headache. Sort of a douche-nozzle and can't help it. Props to Burr for his patience and style.

People who can't take social cues make the world quite uncomfortable...

Happy 8th Siftiversary (Sift Talk Post)

alien_concept says...

Holy shit, we're heading towards a decade of sifting! I can't believe I've been here 6 years! I've made some great friends here and even met some in person too. This site is like an old faithful.

dag and lucky, I applaud your dedication, patience and creative genius wholeheartedly! Well fucking done

14 year old girl schools ignorant tv host

newtboy says...

If that is all true (and I read through much of the linked study and made little sense of it since I'm not a nutritionist and only took one semester of advanced molecular biology, it was particularly technical and hard to follow), then golden rice seems to be the exception.
As I read it, 55-70% the RDA was the maximum vitamin A that could be expected, with the range being quite large. (oddly they cite a 200 gram rice dose given in the study has 1.3mg b-carotene/3.8 to get .34mg retinol, then a 100 gram dose is estimated to provide 55-70% EAR , then they say a 50 gram dose, a more reasonable amount for children to eat, would provide the same amount as the 100 gram dose did?) Even if it can supply 1/2 the daily allowance of vitamin A (which I'm not sure it can from the study you cite), that still does not make it 'safe' to release into the 'wild', or 'better' than natural, easy to grow alternatives as unknown long term side effects have not been studied. It may be better than doing nothing, or even better than natural alternatives, but without long term studies we simply can't know. That's my main point.
$10K a year is not much for a farm to make, most small farms make far more than that, but also need to spend all they make to keep going. That limit seems to say they DO intend to charge most farmers for this seed eventually. If that's $10K a year profit, I'm OK with that.
I would say we should hold up potentially life saving technology until we know the unintended side effects, we should not experiment on the needy (or the public in general) and claim it's in their best interest. We certainly should not do it in secret, as in non-labeled gmo's.
Monsanto is not the only bio-tech company that acts like this, just the most public. Most GMO creating bio-techs are pitbulls about protecting their 'intellectual property', even when it floats onto someone's property without their knowledge.
I stand corrected, she did say that. I missed it. I do not claim they don't have higher yields, I think that's their whole point and I think they do a decent job of producing more. I just don't see that higher yields are worth the possible long term damage and I think more, longer term, double blind studies need to be done by disinterested parties. Long term side effects can take a long time to show up, and with something this new to the food source, it deserves careful consideration, not profit driven usage.
Again, 'golden rice' is an exception if you are correct. My limited experience is with Monsanto corn and soy, which seem to be in a different category. Most GMOs are not made with variety, and ARE made to have a clear adaptive advantage, so I made an assumption that 'golden rice' would be the same. My bad. Even with that though, the genes WILL end up mixing with some other non-gmo rice, making it difficult or impossible to ensure your crop is not gmo of that's what you want. They may not dominate, but if they end up causing cancer in 10 years, and by then 99% of rice is 'contaminated', then what? I just think safety (edit: I meant to say forethought) is the better part of valor, and better that a few go without today than open the possibility of all going without tomorrow when patience and thoughtful examination can prove safety. Of course, I'm not going blind of vitamin A deficiency or starving from lack of perhaps my opinion doesn't matter.
To a few of your other points, if gmo's are safe, prove it (Monsanto and the like) and do it incontrovertibly and publicly, then we'll all want them. If the argument is that 'stupid hippies have convinced everyone they're bad, so we have to sell them in secret', that argument doesn't hold water in my mind. Monsanto could certainly afford a public service campaign if the science was in, but the LONG term studies aren't done yet.
Teaching someone to grow peppers or other vegi's seems easier than modifying a crop and spreading the seeds, it takes about 5 minutes and adds variety. I think that's better than treating them as un-teachable and experimenting on them.
...and I agree with the scientists in sciencemag, destroying the test fields isn't helpful and answers nothing.

Sotto_Voce said:

Look, I provided a link to a peer-reviewed journal publication showing that Golden Rice is an extremely good source of vitamin A, with one cup providing 50% of the recommended daily amount. I can also provide other citations supporting this claim if you'd like. So, if you have references to actual peer-reviewed scientific research (rather than unfounded claims by anti-GM activists) refuting the efficacy of Golden Rice, let's see them.

As for your claim that the initially free distribution will be rescinded, that seems unlikely. The licenses under which Golden Rice is being distributed explicitly allow farmers to freely save, replant and sell the seeds from their crop for as long as their annual income remains under $10,000. Also, most of the patents relevant to the production of Golden Rice are not internationally valid, so they cannot be used to sue people in third world countries. And all the patents that are internationally valid have been explicitly waived by the patent holders. Is there still some remote possibility that poor farmers will end up getting screwed? I guess. But it seems bizarre to me to just hold up potentially life-saving technology because its possible (though highly unlikely) that it will be used to exploit farmers. Also, I should note that Monstanto does not own Golden Rice. They merely own one of the patents for a process involved in the creation of Golden Rice.

On your third point, Rachel explicitly says "You know that GMO’s actually don’t have higher yields either." It's in the video, at 5:45. Watch it again. So she is claiming quite clearly that they do not produce higher yield, which is false. And it is simply not true that all the research showing higher yield comes from corporations. For instance, see this paper published in Science. The authors do not claim affiliation with any major GM corporation. That's just the tip of the iceberg. There has been volumes of independent research on GMOs.

On your last claim, about monocultures, you are again mistaken. Golden Rice is not a single variety. The International Rice Research Institute (a non-profit, not owned by any major corporation) has created "Golden" versions of hundreds of different rice varieties, so potentially Golden Rice can be as diverse as regular rice. Also, if rice plants are separated by a few feet, then cross-pollination becomes extremely unlikely. Rice is typically self-pollinating. So as long as a small separation is maintained, GM and non-GM crops can be grown in the same location without any significant gene flow between them.

Anyway, gene flow is only a danger if the GM plant has a clear adaptive advantage in its environment (if its pest resistant, e.g.), but that is not the case with Golden Rice, so even with gene flow Golden Rice won't end up dominating non-GM rice evolutionarily.

Real Actors Read Christian Forums : Monkey People

newtboy says...

Ok. let me answer those points...and apologize for the wall of text in advance.
As I said, this was the first time I have ever tried (or even wanted to try) the ignore button, and I found it quite wanting. It's already not working at all, after one day.
It is not at all about a dissenting voice I'm trying to silence or deafen myself to, it's about his personal grating style and the apparent complete lack of self knowledge or examination coupled with vitriol at every chance. It's about trying to avoid people that search for any possible thing to attack, even when they must make mistaken assumptions to find something to be irate about, and appear to do so consistently with glee and zealotry. I welcome dissenting voices, listening to other points of view is the only way one can really evolve socially and intelligently, but when those points of view are always presented with vitriol and insult the message is often quickly lost.
I must ask, how do you come to the translations you have applied to his statements? For instance...
QUOTE:"As to some ' deliberate affectation designed to make me appear intellectual' You might want to check your own understanding of intellectual versus one's perception of self, I tend not to place much credence in the concept, overrated and ultimately soulless when used to assert one's own importance or place the herd over some one else.
Intelligence in the grand schemata, does not necessarily connote wisdom."

your TRANSLATION: i dont know everything and neither do you.
Where I read this as :'I know you are, but what am I?...I don't care about intelligence, intelligence isn't wisdom.' (implying-'and I'm wiser than thou').

If he could have recalled who he was responding to and the numerous personal discussions we have had, where he always ended up backing down and apologizing for his (feigned?) outrage at a mistaken assumption he had made, I probably wouldn't have lost all patience. Having to remind him every time we converse, and having him ignore it in public forums but admit it in private, was infuriatingly frustrating and I gave up. Perhaps that's my failing, but it is one that has raised it's head only once, with him, and I'm not the only one it's happened with (HE mentioned that the 'ignore' button was created in large part because of him, so he knows full well how he is perceived, no matter what his motive).
His clearly stated intention is rabble rousing and jabbing the sleeping sheeple, and I'm tired of the insulting prodding, especially since I'm a newtboy not a sheeple. I have read where he posted that, and I have seen that from him, but for some reason it seems you are telling me that if I say so I'm somehow making his point... that I'm (like ALL others) 'a sleeping idiot that believes only lies and shit, all my ideas are shit, and now that I disagreed with him I'm also a piece of shit'? Sorry, I don't understand that. Perhaps you were referring to a new point he made that I have not read.
My responses in this thread were NOT to Chingy himself (is this who people mean when talking about Choggie?)...but to others commenting about him. I agree, it is becoming a spectacle rather than substance...I feel like that was also the case with most of the threads he took over with walls of ranting anger. I do feel some responsibility for furthering that by engaging him, which is why I tried to ignore him, and things just went downhill from there fast! Now I can't ignore him if I want to read others' comments nearly anywhere on the sift because it seems he's there, everywhere, picking fights and then complaining he's bullied and being posted about instead of the video topic...and here I am doing it too.
The sift was such a nice place for discussion 6 months ago, with all points of view being well respected if not agreed with and few if any trolls beyond QM, and he was fairly respectful. What the hell happened?

enoch said:

fair enough my man.
personally i find the ignore button an un-necessary serves no purpose other than to keep my own personal echo chamber free from dissenting voices.

no fun in that at all.

and as you still see his comments when someone quotes why bother? QUOTE:"As to some ' deliberate affectation designed to make me appear intellectual'
You might want to check your own understanding of intellectual versus one's perception of self, I tend not to place much credence in the concept, overrated and ultimately soulless when used to assert one's own importance or place the herd over some one else.
Intelligence in the grand schemata, does not necessarily connote wisdom."

TRANSLATION: i dont know everything and neither do you.
so i guess it all comes down to perception and intent.
he has been quite clear on his intentions.

let us examine the responses on this thread shall we?
a number here actually discussed openly chings intentions as if he was not part of this thread.

by discerning his intent and then engaging in a group discussion on that assumption has made chings guys are behaving exactly as ching accuses you all of being guilty of.

i do not have a problem with @chingalera
but nor do i have a problem with you or @VoodooV or @ChaosEngine.(or anybody else for that matter)

but this has become spectacle rather than substance.
now maybe ching bears some responsibility but that burden is not his alone.
you all bear some responsibility as well....
as do i now..


Real Actors Read Christian Forums : Monkey People

newtboy says...

I'm beginning to see that issue as well. He is the first and only person I've ever had to 'ignore', and I'm seeing now that the reason I had to do so (his ranting, antagonistic, vitriolic style) also makes it nearly impossible to truly 'ignore' him since he picks fights on every thread and fills them with walls of text, text that's still in my face because his target invariably quotes him, and the quotes are not 'ignored'.
I also didn't really have a personal problem with him...but I ran out of patience with the constant antagonism and apparent thesaurus driven ranting. When I saw every post seemed to begin with ridiculous personal attacks based on previously corrected false assumptions, I gave up...but I still can't seem to escape. :-(
You are not alone, and you are not the first to point out his lack of communication skills, he knows how he sounds and does it on purpose, I think simply to get a rise out of his imagined foes and to feel superior to them.

ChaosEngine said:

I had you on ignore for a while, but you do have the occasional gem in the midst of the nonsense. Besides, you derail threads to such an extent that ignoring you is pointless.

It's kinda like a black hole. Even if I personally couldn't see you, I'd still observe the effect.

Believe it or not, I don't actually have a personal problem with you. Very occasionally, you're funny or interesting. But you seem to revel in disruption just for the sake of it, and I still don't know if you genuinely don't get that you communicate in a way that makes you difficult to understand or if it's a deliberate affectation designed to make you appear intellectual. Pretty sure I'm not alone in this.

Wonder Showzen is made by THE DEVIL!!!

newtboy says...

I do have sympathy for Chingy, it's easy to see he's not happy in the world he lives in, but it's true enough that I am out of patience.
I can understand the frustration caused by bashing one's head against innumerable human walls, but that does not mean I'm willing to be mistaken for another wall and beaten against repeatedly. It gets old fast.
I have tried to explain myself clearly and repeatedly he claimed he understood and apologized for his mistaken assumptions about me and my positions (usually assuming I would act or think like a 'normal' person, something I try hard not to do), but then the next day it's like the conversation never happened and he's back to assuming I'm a 'normy' and being insulting and derisive. What do you do with that? I just give up...I don't have it in me anymore, and I don't want to be turned into an insulting clown fighting him all the time either. There's no gain to be had there.

Chairman_woo said:

"I don't like it it when mummy and daddy fight!"

As far as your criticism of Chingy in general your half right, but what I see after lurking on here for a few years reading posts is someone who has bashed his head against the same wall so long it's hurt.

Long story short: a lack of sympathy and patience on both sides.

Wonder Showzen is made by THE DEVIL!!!

Chairman_woo says...

"I don't like it it when mummy and daddy fight!"

Fair enough I can't disagree with a lot of that (your right to say it was directed at you upon a 2nd reading sorry).

As far as your criticism of Chingy in general your half right, but what I see after lurking on here for a few years reading posts is someone who has bashed his head against the same wall so long it's hurt.

Perhaps I'm projecting (don't we all?) but I see a pitfall I've fallen into myself many times throughout my life and it's the same pitfall we all fall into in our own ways. Love is the most virulent and dangerous of poisons!

Without wishing to delve into a very lengthy essay on the dynamics of dualistic consciousness/reality I strongly suspect that Chingy went through what is ultimately a very similar thought process to the one you just espoused i.e. "I'm sick of people not even trying to understand my heartfelt positions so fuck them".

Long story short: a lack of sympathy and patience on both sides.

Sad but entirely understandable and I have no desire to get on a high horse about it. I'm as bad if not frequently worse myself. This is the great curse of caring; we expose our flanks and allow our opponents blades to drive that bit deeper.

Is it really such a surprise that the more we care the thicker our armour of contempt becomes?

I guess when all is said and done though it's not my business to tell either one of you how to behave. Just from my pov your mutual bitterness here stems from a common source. Both of your arguments make perfect sense to me as does your contempt for each other and that on balance is probably what bummed me out enough to pitch in (futilely) with my own 2cents.

I'd like to ask you both to be a little more understanding with each other but I have no right to do that (nor would it work unless you each wanted it to anyway). So I shall end simply with "Do what thau wilts".

newtboy said:

I disagree, it absolutely was directed at me and he did quote me (he just didn't use the 'quote' button this time), please read it again...
chingalera said:
(a sate of permanent willful ignorance) it's 'state' and maybe, check a fucking mirror??
Totally directed at me in a snide attempt to disrespectfully deride me for a typing mistake he assumed I made and for being permanently willfully ignorant. That's his MO, derision and disrespect peppered with abusive overuse of a thesaurus. His argument style is mindless repetition of insults and complaint and derision of every topic and group and most individuals with no self awareness whatsoever. He repeatedly makes the same mistaken assumptions, even when corrected, because they support his insanity and give him a straw man to fight. He viciously attacks 'A or B' arguments that come from his own mind and not from the one's he attacks. I'm done with it. I can only remind him of the facts and my positions so many times before it's tiring in the extreme and my fault for doing it to myself.
I would say the pastor is an asshat because he made his own insane assumptions based on willful misunderstanding and is convincing others to think the same kind of has little to do with religion in the final analysis for me, it's about making up BS and getting others to believe it as fact, usually to get them to act as one wants them to. The religious don't have a monopoly on this behavior, it is also not reserved for religious goals, but religions and the religious are all too well practiced at it.

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