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Glenn Beck's 'The Blaze' Smears Trayvon Martin -- TYT

gwiz665 says...

Even if he did have a gun, the guy should still go straight to the station and be arrested. If he just THOUGHT he had a gun, then he should go there as well.

Zimmerman is racist. And so are the cops that did not arrest him immediately.

>> ^bobknight33:

Quit your raciest rants. Just the guy is non black does not give anyone a free pass out of jail.
You don't know what happened so keep you shit to yourself.
Maybe the guy though he had a gun I don't know, you don't know and we don't know. Time will tell.
Being 1/2 the size don't mean jack. An 8 year old with a gun is just as deadly as a 17 or 35 year old.
>> ^Drax:
>> ^bobknight33:
Both left and right smear facts when its convenient and both side are smearing this story for all its worth.
I don't think all the facts are in. I don't know who is right or wrong. All I know is that sadly there is a grieving family who lost their son.
Hopefully ideology won't get in the way of facts.

Yeah, it's certainly a fact that an unarmed teenage boy of his size needed to be shot in the chest with a gun in order to be dealt with.
So many in fact that there's no reason to detain the non-black person at all. Yeah.

Glenn Beck's 'The Blaze' Smears Trayvon Martin -- TYT

longde says...

So Bobknight, any civilian with a gun can stalk and kill anyone else, as long as they claim they saw a gun? This was ridiculous enough when uniformed cops did it. But now I can carry and get away with murder as long as I'm the only witness?

And what about Trevan's right to defend himself? Some strange, big, armed guy was stalking and chasing him; what would you tell your teenage son to do. Seems like the teenager had more to fear than this neighborhood watch clod.>> ^bobknight33:

Quit your raciest rants. Just the guy is non black does not give anyone a free pass out of jail.
You don't know what happened so keep you shit to yourself.
Maybe the guy though he had a gun I don't know, you don't know and we don't know. Time will tell.
Being 1/2 the size don't mean jack. An 8 year old with a gun is just as deadly as a 17 or 35 year old.
>> ^Drax:
>> ^bobknight33:
Both left and right smear facts when its convenient and both side are smearing this story for all its worth.
I don't think all the facts are in. I don't know who is right or wrong. All I know is that sadly there is a grieving family who lost their son.
Hopefully ideology won't get in the way of facts.

Yeah, it's certainly a fact that an unarmed teenage boy of his size needed to be shot in the chest with a gun in order to be dealt with.
So many in fact that there's no reason to detain the non-black person at all. Yeah.

Glenn Beck's 'The Blaze' Smears Trayvon Martin -- TYT

bobknight33 says...

Quit your raciest rants. Just the guy is non black does not give anyone a free pass out of jail.

You don't know what happened so keep you shit to yourself.

Maybe the guy though he had a gun I don't know, you don't know and we don't know. Time will tell.

Being 1/2 the size don't mean jack. An 8 year old with a gun is just as deadly as a 17 or 35 year old.

>> ^Drax:

>> ^bobknight33:
Both left and right smear facts when its convenient and both side are smearing this story for all its worth.
I don't think all the facts are in. I don't know who is right or wrong. All I know is that sadly there is a grieving family who lost their son.
Hopefully ideology won't get in the way of facts.

Yeah, it's certainly a fact that an unarmed teenage boy of his size needed to be shot in the chest with a gun in order to be dealt with.
So many in fact that there's no reason to detain the non-black person at all. Yeah.

Kate Upton (SI Swimsuit Model) makes love to sandwich

"I Am Fishead" Are Corporate Leaders Egotistical Psychopaths

kceaton1 says...

I'm no fan of Fluoride or Prozac, but what Prozac has is a molecule containing three Fluoride atoms that act as a way to keep the body from taking in all of the drug at the same time. I'm not sure how Prozac breaks down, but I doubt it breaks down into the "oh no, it's Fluoride" setup. It most likely stays in that three bonded form and passes out the body. I'll have to look around and see if I can prove myself wrong (remember a molecule setup of Fluoride atoms behaves far differently than that of just the plain atom version--much like Oxygen, the O3 version of Oxygen is Ozone and is much different than its standalone cousin).

More experiments with Sulfur Hexafluoride

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^carneval:

>> ^Oxen_Morale:
OK so why is it very dangerous?

If it's heavier than air and you inhale a lot of it, you have to do a lot work to displace it; if you don't know that fact, you could suffocate. If you do know that and account for it it's not as unsafe.

Also, it displaces oxygen. If a canister of SF6 is leaking, and you don't know it, it could displace enough O2 in the room that you could pass out and die.

Skydiver Survives Mid-Air Collision And Impact With Ground

joedirt says...

>> ^chilaxe:

Why didn't his secondary work?
If they performed rescue breathing better, would he have not passed out?

his secondary is the blue thing caught up with the other guys chute. im guessing when the other guy cut loose it stayed wrapped up on him (lines around legs or body), so when he cut away, he was still caught. his secondary deployed into the mess.

he did loose consciousness at end of video.

Skydiver Survives Mid-Air Collision And Impact With Ground

The Rudest Panda in the World

budzos (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

When I watched this news meltdown video, I immediately thought of this comment stream where the phrase "dumb bitch" was bandied about over and over again.

I know you won't think they are related, but I do. I believe strongly in the power of language. I think it shapes the world.

Right after I watched the news vid, I saw your little list which brought up the dumb bitch thing again.

I probably shouldn't have sent the link to you. Waste of your time. Sorry.

In reply to this comment by budzos:
Your point?

In reply to this comment by bareboards2:

In reply to this comment by budzos:
Things I learned from this thread:

1. Women can't hurt you so don't bother defending yourself
2. Women get one free slap at your face while you're at work
3. If someone jumps the counter after slapping you and is advancing with their friend in an unmistakably hostile manner.. pfft don't worry it's just two women you're not being assaulted
4. Using a weapon to even the odds or ward off an attack is actually offense and not self-defense.
5. Always let the attacker keep their upper hand, otherwise you are now the one committing assault
6. All violent altercations are immediately settled when any party's gluteus maximus touches a horizontal ground plane.. so stop hitting and start passing out hugs
7. Any use of the word bitch makes you a horrible misogynist
8. Screaming your head off and contributing even more stress and clamor to a tense and violent situation is commendable
9. If you react violently to being attacked, well you're just a big ol' egomaniac!

Again, if I had it my way this type of video wouldn't be on the 'Sift.

budzos (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

In reply to this comment by budzos:
Things I learned from this thread:

1. Women can't hurt you so don't bother defending yourself
2. Women get one free slap at your face while you're at work
3. If someone jumps the counter after slapping you and is advancing with their friend in an unmistakably hostile manner.. pfft don't worry it's just two women you're not being assaulted
4. Using a weapon to even the odds or ward off an attack is actually offense and not self-defense.
5. Always let the attacker keep their upper hand, otherwise you are now the one committing assault
6. All violent altercations are immediately settled when any party's gluteus maximus touches a horizontal ground plane.. so stop hitting and start passing out hugs
7. Any use of the word bitch makes you a horrible misogynist
8. Screaming your head off and contributing even more stress and clamor to a tense and violent situation is commendable
9. If you react violently to being attacked, well you're just a big ol' egomaniac!

Again, if I had it my way this type of video wouldn't be on the 'Sift.

You just fucked with the WRONG McDonald's clerk.

budzos says...

Things I learned from this thread:

1. Women can't hurt you so don't bother defending yourself
2. Women get one free slap at your face while you're at work
3. If someone jumps the counter after slapping you and is advancing with their friend in an unmistakably hostile manner.. pfft don't worry it's just two women you're not being assaulted
4. Using a weapon to even the odds or ward off an attack is actually offense and not self-defense.
5. Always let the attacker keep their upper hand, otherwise you are now the one committing assault
6. All violent altercations are immediately settled when any party's gluteus maximus touches a horizontal ground plane.. so stop hitting and start passing out hugs
7. Any use of the word bitch makes you a horrible misogynist
8. Screaming your head off and contributing even more stress and clamor to a tense and violent situation is commendable
9. If you react violently to being attacked, well you're just a big ol' egomaniac!

Again, if I had it my way this type of video wouldn't be on the 'Sift.

Twelve seconds of a dog humping a passed out guy.

Longswd says...

Passed out and humped by a dog...let's see, how could this get any worse?

Furry drops by for a threesome?
Tibetan monk REALLY wants that spot for a self-immolation protest?
High school bus stop?

Tomorrowland 2011 | Official After Movie

Peroxide says...

>> ^Trancecoach:

In other words, where are all the people who passed out in puddles of vomit on the floor of the port-o-potty?

I went to a DoMakeSayThink concert and this dude projectile vomited all over the floor, and a lil' bit on to the girl's dress who happened to be in front of him.

It happened earlier on in the concert, and people kept walking into it because it was the only open space on the floor, and then, then they would slowly smell and realize...

the horror of what they stood within.

needless to say I was entertained by both the music and the ongoing horror show.

Tomorrowland 2011 | Official After Movie

Trancecoach says...

If this "movie" is going to show only the good and positive side of the music festival scene, then it's going to lose some of its audience. Regardless of how good the music is, it's going to make it seem like an amusement park, and not the drug-fueled, psychosexual initiation that it could be.

In other words, where are all the people who passed out in puddles of vomit on the floor of the port-o-potty?

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