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AdrianBlack (Member Profile)

Boise_Lib (Member Profile)

Cave Spider Hiding Itself - Surprisingly Cute

Payback says...

>> ^Yogi:

This is what I would imagine a face hugger would do if it was on your face but you refused to open your mouth. Come on people didn't anyone else find that weird? Our jaws are REALLY strong...just close your EFFING Mouths!

Since you didn't click sarcasm, I'd like to point out it would then choke and smother you, causing you to pass out.

Battle Field 3 Caspian Trailer: Reaction

Passed Out Party Cat or Sleepiest Cat Ever?

Grimm (Member Profile)

Passed Out Party Cat or Sleepiest Cat Ever?

Passed Out Party Cat or Sleepiest Cat Ever?

Lann says...

It's alive, you can see it's eyes move at the end. But I did have a cat so dead asleep that it made me scared it was really dead.

scumbag kitty>> ^alien_concept:

Well why did they not keep filming til it woke up??? Suspicious I am. Not that that it stops me upvoting, dead cats are hilarious!

Don't Fall Asleep at a Comedy Club!

What to do when your friend passes out drunk

westy jokingly says...

>> ^TheGenk:

>> ^braindonut:
Can't believe someone down voted your comment. They must be against safety.
Remember kids: markers save lives.
>> ^TheGenk:
Wrong wrong wrong!
First, draw a penis on the cheek, THEN turn them on their side.

Not everyone likes this kind of krass humour in relation to such a serious issue, i totally understand.

the penis allows people to know they are passed out from drink , its just a considerate thing to do.

What to do when your friend passes out drunk

TheGenk says...

>> ^braindonut:

Can't believe someone down voted your comment. They must be against safety.
Remember kids: markers save lives.
>> ^TheGenk:
Wrong wrong wrong!
First, draw a penis on the cheek, THEN turn them on their side.

Not everyone likes this kind of krass humour in relation to such a serious issue, i totally understand.

What to do when your friend passes out drunk

16 pound baby born in Texas ... ouch ouch ouch ouch

Super 8 is Good Retro Fun (Blog Entry by dag)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

That's a good point about the deputy dad. I have a feeling that his expanded role might be on the edit-room floor. The pacing was very tight, and I bet they chopped a fair bit out to keep the momentum.

>> ^blankfist:

I'm adding some spoilers to the mix. You've been forewarned.
I agree, excellent homage to the kid ensemble films of the 80s. Each scene with the five or so boys never felt as if they were waiting for their line reading. Each of them were given things to dwell on that differed from the overarching through line of each scene. During important scenes the kids took time to be kids, called each other names, have their own conversation objectives, etc. Those scenes were rich. And I really wish nearly every blockbuster movie was made like that.
The story itself didn't live up to what the film delivered in tone and pacing. If you disagree, then let me ask you a question. What exactly did the deputy father do the latter half of the movie? During the first half, he sets himself up as a major player when he starts sleuthing around the train wreckage, goes against the sheriff's wishes to investigate further and ultimately gets arrested by the Air Force.
And then what did he do to advance the story forward? Virtually nothing. He contributes nearly zilch outside of freeing the little girl's father, and at that point they have a little "them" time to heal their rift. He was set up as a major role that advanced the plot in the beginning, then he was given busywork to finish out the movie while the children picked up where he left off.
I'm not sure yet if I like or dislike the scene where the alien picks up the protagonist kid, does some psychic exchange, then when the boy tells him "bad things happen, but you can live," the alien thinks, "yeah, that's sound advice," then gets the hell out of dodge. I don't know, am I just too cynical now? Maybe I am, because...
The movie was rated PG-13 even though it had cigarette smoking, pot smoking and hard liquor drinking in it. I don't think those things are deserving of an R rating, but the MPAA sure as shit does, but only when it's an industry darling's movie. If you're an indie filmmaker and put a cigarette in your movie you're pretty much guaranteed to get an R. Spielberg and Abrams do it, add some hard drinking, a couple shits, a fuck, guts splattering and a hell of a lot of focus on getting high, and the MPAA bends at the knees.
Also did you notice when the stoned guy passes out cold and the kids leave him, it appeared that they had to ADR in a new line for one of the kids: "Drugs are bad!"
But other than that, the film was great.

Super 8 is Good Retro Fun (Blog Entry by dag)

blankfist says...

I'm adding some spoilers to the mix. You've been forewarned.

I agree, excellent homage to the kid ensemble films of the 80s. Each scene with the five or so boys never felt as if they were waiting for their line reading. Each of them were given things to dwell on that differed from the overarching through line of each scene. During important scenes the kids took time to be kids, called each other names, have their own conversation objectives, etc. Those scenes were rich. And I really wish nearly every blockbuster movie was made like that.

The story itself didn't live up to what the film delivered in tone and pacing. If you disagree, then let me ask you a question. What exactly did the deputy father do the latter half of the movie? During the first half, he sets himself up as a major player when he starts sleuthing around the train wreckage, goes against the sheriff's wishes to investigate further and ultimately gets arrested by the Air Force.

And then what did he do to advance the story forward? Virtually nothing. He contributes nearly zilch outside of freeing the little girl's father, and at that point they have a little "them" time to heal their rift. He was set up as a major role that advanced the plot in the beginning, then he was given busywork to finish out the movie while the children picked up where he left off.

I'm not sure yet if I like or dislike the scene where the alien picks up the protagonist kid, does some psychic exchange, then when the boy tells him "bad things happen, but you can live," the alien thinks, "yeah, that's sound advice," then gets the hell out of dodge. I don't know, am I just too cynical now? Maybe I am, because...

The movie was rated PG-13 even though it had cigarette smoking, pot smoking and hard liquor drinking in it. I don't think those things are deserving of an R rating, but the MPAA sure as shit does, but only when it's [edit] NOT an industry darling's movie. If you're an indie filmmaker and put a cigarette in your movie you're pretty much guaranteed to get an R. Spielberg and Abrams do it, add some hard drinking, a couple shits, a fuck, guts splattering and a hell of a lot of focus on getting high, and the MPAA bends at the knees.

Also did you notice when the stoned guy passes out cold and the kids leave him, it appeared that they had to ADR in a new line for one of the kids: "Drugs are bad!"

But other than that, the film was great.

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